
Möchten Sie tiefer in die Welt der Cybersicherheit und moderner Technologien eintauchen? Dann werden Sie sicherlich an unserer Online-Bibliothek interessiert sein. Hier finden Sie Bücher, die Ihnen helfen, die von Hackern verwendeten Methoden kennenzulernen. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie Ihre Daten effektiv schützen sowie Programme testen und debuggen können.

Mastering SAP ABAP. A complete guide to developing fast, durable, and maintainable ABAP programs in SAP

Pawe?Ç Grze?okowiak, Wojciech Ciesielski, Wojciech fÜwik

Mastering Spring 5.0. Master reactive programming, microservices, Cloud Native applications, and more

Ranga Rao Karanam

Mastering the Nmap Scripting Engine. Master the Nmap Scripting Engine and the art of developing NSE scripts

Paulino Calderon

Mastering Veeam Backup & Replication 10. Protect your virtual environment and implement cloud backup using Veeam technology

Chris Childerhose

Mastering Veeam Backup & Replication. Design and deploy a secure and resilient Veeam 12 platform using best practices - Third Edition

Chris Childerhose

Mastering Veeam Backup & Replication. Secure backup with Veeam 11 for defending your data and accelerating your data protection strategy - Second Edition

Chris Childerhose

Mastering Vim. Build a software development environment with Vim and Neovim

Ruslan Osipov

Mastering Windows Security and Hardening. Secure and protect your Windows environment from cyber threats using zero-trust security principles - Second Edition

Mark Dunkerley, Matt Tumbarello