
Would you like to get into the world of cybercrime and modern technologies? If so, you are sure to like our online library. Here you will find the books due to which you‘ll get to know methods used by hackers. You will also learn how to efficiently protect data as well as to test programs and spot bugs in them.

Azure Security Cookbook. Practical recipes for securing Azure resources and operations

Steve Miles

BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security. Secure your wireless networks against attacks, hacks, and intruders with this step-by-step guide

Kevin Cardwell

BackTrack 5. Testy penetracyjne sieci WiFi

Vivek Ramachandran

Backup i zarządzanie danymi w Windows 7. Praktyczny podręcznik

Adam Józefiok

Becoming the Hacker. The Playbook for Getting Inside the Mind of the Attacker

Adrian Pruteanu

Bezpieczeństwo aplikacji mobilnych. Podręcznik hakera

Dominic Chell, Tyrone Erasmus, Shaun Colley, Ollie Whitehouse

Bezpieczeństwo defensywne. Podstawy i najlepsze praktyki

Lee Brotherston, Amanda Berlin

Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne. Aspekty prawno-administracyjne

Redakcja naukowa: Waldemar Kitler, Joanna Taczkowska-Olszewska