
Would you like to get into the world of cybercrime and modern technologies? If so, you are sure to like our online library. Here you will find the books due to which you‘ll get to know methods used by hackers. You will also learn how to efficiently protect data as well as to test programs and spot bugs in them.

Privilege Escalation Techniques. Learn the art of exploiting Windows and Linux systems

Alexis Ahmed

Profesjonalne tworzenie kopii zapasowych i odzyskiwanie danych

Steven Nelson

Przetwarzanie danych w dużej skali. Niezawodność, skalowalność i łatwość konserwacji systemów

Martin Kleppmann

Purple Team Strategies. Enhancing global security posture through uniting red and blue teams with adversary emulation

David Routin, Simon Thoores, Samuel Rossier

pytest Quick Start Guide. Write better Python code with simple and maintainable tests

Bruno Oliveira

Python Digital Forensics Cookbook. Effective Python recipes for digital investigations

Chapin Bryce, Preston Miller

Python Ethical Hacking from Scratch. Think like an ethical hacker, avoid detection, and successfully develop, deploy, detect, and avoid malware

Fahad Ali Sarwar

Python For Offensive PenTest. A practical guide to ethical hacking and penetration testing using Python

Hussam Khrais