
Magento 2 Developer's Guide. Harness the power of Magento 2 to extend and customize your online store

Branko Ajzele, Bartosz Górski

Magento is one of the most exciting, flexible, and customizable e-commerce systems. It offers you an extensive suite of powerful tools for creating and managing an online store. After years of development, Magento 2 introduces itself with a strong emphasis on modularity, Web API's, automated testing and overall new technology stack platform.The long-awaited Magento 2 release introduces a whole new e-commerce platform to develop online stores. The all new Magento 2 architecture, Web APIs, and a host of other features are equally challenging to master as much as they are exciting to use.Tshis book will ease the learning curve by offering step-by-step guidance on how to extend the core functionality of your Magento 2 store.This book is your one-stop guide to build and customize a quality e-commerce website from the latest version of one of the largest, fastest growing, and most popular e-commerce platforms—Magento 2.We start off with an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Magento to give you a foundation to work from. We then move on to configure the development and basic production environment for Magento. After this, you’ll get to grips with the major concepts and conventions that are new to the Magento 2 platform. We then delve deeper to get to the core of automated deployments, persisting data, writing data fixture scripts and applying various backend and frontend modifications. As we near the end of the book, you will learn to make API calls and write automated tests. Finally, you will be guided through building a full-blown helpdesk module from scratch.By the end of this book, you will have learned a wide range of techniques to extend and customize your Magento 2 store to fit the requirements of your business.


Magento 2 Theme Design. Create stunning and responsive Magento 2 themes for your business - Second Edition

Fernando J Miguel, Richard Carter

Magento is the e-commerce software and platform trusted by the world’s leading brands. Using Magento’s powerful theming engine, you can control the look, content, and functionality, and easily launch a flexible e-commerce website. However, because of its powerful features, developing Magento themes is easier said than done.This book aims to leverage the enhancements to theme designing in Magento 2 to the fullest. It will show you how to gear up the performance of your e-commerce website.We begin by introducing Magento 2 and its features along with implementing a local development Magento environment. We then move on to discuss the concepts of the Magento theme structure such as templates, inheritance, customization, and override. Further on, we explore the Magento UI Library, which is a new feature available in Magento 2.0. We will create a new Magento 2.0 theme named MyCake Store using Magento Bootstrap from Maven E-commerce and also create print strategies for the Magento 2.0 theme. We will also create and customize a new theme proposal for the Magento admin panel. At the end, we will integrate Magento 2.0 to Twitter and integrate it with social bookmarking and finally deploy our new Magento 2.0 theme.


Magento. Przewodnik dla programistów PHP

Allan MacGregor

Poznaj i rozbuduj możliwości Magento! Magento to platforma pozwalająca na prowadzenie handlu w sieci. Jej pierwsza wersja ukazała się w 2008 roku i od tego czasu platforma jest ciągle rozwijana. Magento powstało w oparciu o Zend Framework, a fakt ten cieszy wielu programistów PHP. Jeżeli chcesz poznać możliwości tej platformy, jeżeli chcesz wdrożyć ją, dostosować do własnych potrzeb lub napisać nowy moduł, to masz w rękach doskonałą książkę. Ten przewodnik pozwoli Ci zgłębić tajniki Magento. W pierwszej kolejności poznasz architekturę platformy, niezbędne narzędzia oraz techniki — to pomoże Ci sprawnie poruszać się w środowisku Magento. Po tym wstępie przejdziesz do bardziej zaawansowanych zagadnień. Poznasz model EAV oraz nauczysz się rozszerzać interfejs użytkownika. Ponadto przekonasz się, że stworzenie nowego modułu w panelu administracyjnym wcale nie musi być takie trudne. W tej książce znajdziesz również dokładny opis API platformy oraz dowiesz się, jak testować stworzony kod. Na sam koniec zobaczysz, w jaki sposób przygotować Twój produkt do wdrażania i dystrybucji. Książka ta jest obowiązkową lekturą dla wszystkich programistów PHP pracujących w środowisku Magento. Dzięki tej książce: poznasz API Magento zaznajomisz się z modelem EAV przetestujesz stworzony kod przygotujesz do dystrybucji i wdrożenia Twój moduł Wykorzystaj potencjał platformy Magento!


Mastering Drupal 8. An advanced guide to building and maintaining Drupal websites

Chaz Chumley, William Hurley

Drupal is an open source content management system trusted by governments and organizations around the globe to run their websites. It brings with it extensive content authoring tools, reliable performance, and a proven track record of security. The community of more than 1,000,000 developers, designers, editors, and others have developed and maintained a wealth of modules, themes, and other add-ons to help you build a dynamic web experience.Drupal 8 is the latest release of the Drupal built on the Symfony2 framework. This is the largest change to the Drupal project in its history. The entire API of Drupal has been rebuilt using Symfony and everything from the administrative UI to themes to custom module development has been affected.This book will cover everything you need to plan and build a complete website using Drupal 8. It will provide a clear and concise walkthrough of the more than 200 new features and improvements introduced in Drupal core. In this book, you will learn advanced site building techniques, create and modify themes using Twig, create custom modules using the new Drupal API, explore the new REST and Multilingual functionality, import, and export Configuration, and learn how to migrate from earlier versions of Drupal.


Mastering Magento 2. Maximize the power of Magento 2 to create productive online stores - Second Edition

Bret Williams, Jonathan Bownds

The long-awaited release of the world's most popular online solution, Magento 2, is now out with an all new interface and several enhancements. This book offers you advanced guidance on managing, optimizing, and extending your store while taking advantage of the new features of Magento 2.This is a comprehensive guide to using the all new features and interface of Magento 2 to build, extend, and design online stores. From planning your Magento installation through to advanced techniques designed to make your store as successful as possible, this book is your roadmap to managing your Magento store. Focusing on Magento's Community version, the book covers everything from creating and managing multiple stores to fine-tuning Magento for speed and performance. You’ll learn how to manage categories, products, design themes, extensions, and more.


Mastering PHP 7. Design, configure, build, and test professional web applications

Branko Ajzele

PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. With this book, you will get a deep understanding of the advanced programming concepts in PHP and how to apply it practicallyThe book starts by unveiling the new features of PHP 7 and walks you through several important standards set by PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG). You’ll see, in detail, the working of all magic methods, and the importance of effective PHP OOP concepts, which will enable you to write effective PHP code. You will find out how to implement design patterns and resolve dependencies to make your code base more elegant and readable. You will also build web services alongside microservices architecture, interact with databases, and work around third-party packages to enrich applications. This book delves into the details of PHP performance optimization. You will learn about serverless architecture and the reactive programming paradigm that found its way in the PHP ecosystem. The book also explores the best ways of testing your code, debugging, tracing, profiling, and deploying your PHP application. By the end of the book, you will be able to create readable, reliable, and robust applications in PHP to meet modern day requirements in the software industry.


Mastering The Faster Web with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. Develop state-of-the-art web applications using the latest web technologies

Andrew Caya

This book will get you started with the latest benchmarking, profiling and monitoring tools for PHP, MySQL and JavaScript using Docker-based technologies. From optimizing PHP 7 code to learning asynchronous programming, from implementing Modern SQL solutions to discovering Functional JavaScript techniques, this book covers all the latest developments in Faster Web technologies. You will not only learn to determine the best optimization strategies, but also how to implement them.Along the way, you will learn how to profile your PHP scripts with, monitor your Web applications, measure database performance, optimize SQL queries, explore Functional JavaScript, boost Web server performance in general and optimize applications when there is nothing left to optimize by going beyond performance.After reading this book, you will know how to boost the performance of any Web application and make it part of what has come to be known as the Faster Web.


Mastering WooCommerce 4. Build complete e-commerce websites with WordPress and WooCommerce from scratch

Patrick Rauland

WooCommerce is one of the most flexible platforms for building online stores. With its flexibility, you can offer virtually any feature to a client using the WordPress system. WooCommerce is also self-hosted, so the ownership of data lies with you and your client.This book starts with the essentials of building a WooCommerce store. You’ll learn how to set up WooCommerce and implement payment, shipping, and tax options, as well as configure your product. The book also demonstrates ways to customize and manage your products by using SEO for enhanced visibility. As you advance, you’ll understand how to manage sales by using POS systems, outsource fulfillment, and external reporting services. Once you’ve set up and organized your online store, you’ll focus on improving the user experience of your e-commerce website. In addition to this, the book takes you through caching techniques to not only improve the speed and performance of your website but also its look and UI by adding themes. Finally, you’ll build the landing page for your website to promote your product, and design WooCommerce plugins to customize the functionalities of your e-commerce website.By the end of this WooCommerce book, you’ll have learned how to run a complete WooCommerce store, and be able to customize each section of the store on the frontend as well as backend.