PHP 7. Algorytmy i struktury danych

Mizanur Rahman

PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms. Implement linked lists, stacks, and queues using PHP

Mizanur Rahman

PHP 8 i SQL. Programowanie dla początkujących w 43 lekcjach

Mariusz Duka

PHP 8 Programming Tips, Tricks and Best Practices. A practical guide to PHP 8 features, usage changes, and advanced programming techniques

Doug Bierer, Cal Evans

PHP Ajax Cookbook. Over 60 simple but incredibly effective recipes to Ajaxify PHP websites with this book and

R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah, Roshan Bhattarai, Milan Sedliak, R Rajesh Jeba

PHP and Algorithmic Thinking for the Complete Beginner. Learn to think like a programmer by mastering PHP and algorithmic thinking

Aristides Bouras

PHP i HTML. Tworzenie dynamicznych stron WWW

Jacek Ross

PHP i jQuery. Receptury

Vijay Joshi