

Associations and Correlations. Unearth the powerful insights buried in your data

Lee Baker

Associations and correlations are ways of describing how a pair of variables change together as a result of their connection. By knowing the various available techniques, you can easily and accurately discover and visualize the relationships in your data. This book begins by showing you how to classify your data into the four distinct types that you are likely to have in your dataset. Then, with easy-to-understand examples, you’ll learn when to use the various univariate and multivariate statistical tests. You’ll also discover what to do when your univariate and multivariate results do not match. As the book progresses, it describes why univariate and multivariate techniques should be used as a tag team, and also introduces you to the techniques of visualizing the story of your data. By the end of the book, you’ll know exactly how to select the most appropriate univariate and multivariate tests, and be able to use a single strategic framework to discover the true story of your data.


Asterisk 1.4 - The Professional's Guide. Implementing, Administering, and Consulting on Commercial IP Telephony Solutions

Colman Carpenter, David Duffett, Ian Plain, Nik Middleton, ...

Asterisk is the leading Open Source Telephony application and PBX software solution. It represents an effective, easy-to-administer, and accessible platform for running enterprise telephony requirements. The real world, however, offers numerous hurdles when running Asterisk in the commercial environment including call routing, resilience, or integrating Asterisk with other systems. This book will show you some of the ways to overcome these problems.As the follow-up to Packt's highly successful 2005 title Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk, this book presents the collected wisdom of Asterisk Professionals in the commercial environment.Aimed at Administrators and Asterisk Consultants who are comfortable with the basics of Asterisk operation and installation, this book covers numerous hands-on topics such as Call Routing, Network Considerations, Scalability, and Resilience ñ all the while providing practical solutions and suggestions. It also covers more business-related areas like Billing Solutions and a Winning Sales Technique. Even if your interest or experience with Asterisk is lower level, this book will provide a deeper understanding of how Asterisk operates in the real world.Asterisk is deployed across countless enterprises globally. Running on Linux, it has constantly demonstrated its resilience, stability, and scalability and is now the advanced communication solution of choice to many organizations and consultants.With a foreword from Mark Spencer, the man behind Asterisk, this book presents the accumulated wisdom of three leading Asterisk Consultants and shows the reader how to get the most out of Asterisk in the commercial environment. Over the course of eleven chapters, this book introduces the reader to topics as diverse as Advanced Dial Plans, Network Considerations, and Call Routing, through to Localization, DAHDI, Speech Technology, and Working with a GUI. The book also covers the more nebulous aspects of being an Asterisk professional such as evaluating customer requirements and pitching for contracts.This book represents the wisdom and thoughts of front line consultants. The knowledge they impart will prove informative, thought provoking and be of lasting interest to Asterisk professionals.


Asterisk 1.6. Build feature-rich telephony systems with Asterisk

David Merel, David Gomillion, Barrie Dempster

Asterisk is a powerful and flexible open source framework for building feature-rich telephony systems. As a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) which connects one or more telephones, and usually connects to one or more telephone lines, Asterisk offers very advanced features, including extension-to-extension calls, queues, ring groups, line trunking, call distribution, call detail rerecords, and call recording.This book will show you how to build a telephony system for your home or business using this open source application. 'Asterisk 1.6' takes you step-by-step through the process of installing and configuring Asterisk. It covers everything from establishing your deployment plan to creating a fully functional PBX solution. Through this book you will learn how to connect employees from all over the world as well as streamline your callers through Auto Attendants (IVR) and Ring Groups.This book is all you need to understand and use Asterisk to build the telephony system that meets your need. You will learn how to use the many features that Asterisk provides you with. It presents example configurations for using Asterisk in three different scenarios: for small and home offices, small businesses, and Hosted PBX. Over the course of ten chapters, this book introduces you to topics as diverse as Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN), Voice over IP Connections (SIP / IAX), DAHDI, libpri, through to advanced call distribution, automated attendants, FreePBX, and asterCRM.With an engaging style and excellent way of presenting information, this book makes a complicated subject very easy to understand.


Asynchroniczność i wielowątkowość w języku C#

Grzegorz Lang

Przejdź na wyższy poziom C# Programowanie wielowątkowe pozwala wykonywać różne czynności z wykorzystaniem więcej niż jednego wątku. W efekcie zwiększa się wydajność operacji, które były ograniczone parametrami procesora. W dodatku dzięki zastosowaniu programowania wielowątkowego zadania można wykonywać w tle, bez pogorszenia responsywności aplikacji. Asynchroniczność umożliwia także zachowanie responsywności aplikacji użytkowych oraz zwiększenie skalowalności aplikacji serwerowych. Brzmi obiecująco. Niestety, programowanie z wykorzystaniem wątków i asynchroniczności nie należy do najprostszych. Jest to dziedzina z natury skomplikowana i błędogenna, także w języku C#. Ten poradnik zbiera i zwięźle tłumaczy wszystkie zagadnienia związane z asynchronicznością i wielowątkowością w C#. Poszczególne tematy uzupełniono przykładami, pomagającymi lepiej zrozumieć problem, którego rozwiązanie można zastosować później w praktyce. Dla wygody w korzystaniu z książki każdy koncept opisano oddzielnie, jednak by go zrozumieć, trzeba przyswoić wiedzę z poprzednich rozdziałów. Dowiedz się, na czym polega wielowątkowość w C# Opanuj zasady programowania równoległego Naucz się programować asynchronicznie Poznaj podstawowe zasady synchronizacji


Asynchronous Android. As an Android developer you know you're in a competitive marketplace. This book can give you the edge by guiding you through the concurrency constructs and proper use of AsyncTask to create smooth user interfaces

Steve Liles

With more than a million apps available from Google Play, it is more important than ever to build apps that stand out from the crowd. To be successful, apps must react quickly to user input, deliver results in a flash, and sync data in the background. The key to this is understanding the right way to implement asynchronous operations that work with the platform, instead of against it. Asynchronous Android is a practical book that guides you through the concurrency constructs provided by the Android platform, illustrating the applications, benefits, and pitfalls of each.Learn to use AsyncTask correctly to perform operations in the background, keeping user-interfaces running smoothly while avoiding treacherous memory leaks. Discover Handler, HandlerThread and Looper, the related and fundamental building blocks of asynchronous programming in Android. Escape from the constraints of the Activity lifecycle to load and cache data efficiently across your entire application with the Loader framework. Keep your data fresh with scheduled tasks, and understand how Services let your application continue to run in the background, even when the user is busy with something else.Asynchronous Android will help you to build well-behaved apps with smooth, responsive user-interfaces that delight users with speedy results and data that's always fresh, and keep the system happy and the battery charged by playing by the rules.


Asynchronous Android Programming. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Helder Vasconcelos, Steve Liles

Asynchronous programming has acquired immense importance in Android programming, especially when we want to make use of the number of independent processing units (cores) available on the most recent Android devices. With this guide in your hands you’ll be able to bring the power of Asynchronous programming to your own projects, and make your Android apps more powerful than ever before!To start with, we will discuss the details of the Android Process model and the Java Low Level Concurrent Framework, delivered by Android SDK. We will also guide you through the high-level Android-specific constructs available on the SDK: Handler, AsyncTask, and Loader. Next, we will discuss the creation of IntentServices, Bound Services and External Services, which can run in the background even when the user is not interacting with it. You will also discover AlarmManager and JobScheduler APIs, which are used to schedule and defer work without sacrificing the battery life. In a more advanced phase, you will create background tasks that are able to execute CPU-intensive tasks in a native code-making use of the Android NDK. You will be then guided through the process of interacting with remote services asynchronously using the HTTP protocol or Google GCM Platform. Using the EventBus library, we will also show how to use the Publish-Subscribe software pattern to simplify communication between the different Android application components by decoupling the event producer from event consumer.Finally, we will introduce RxJava, a popular asynchronous Java framework used to compose work in a concise and reactive way. Asynchronous Android will help you to build well-behaved applications with smooth responsive user interfaces that delight the users with speedy results and data that’s always fresh.


Asynchronous Programming in Rust. Learn asynchronous programming by building working examples of futures, green threads, and runtimes

Carl Fredrik Samson

Step into the world of asynchronous programming with confidence by conquering the challenges of unclear concepts with this hands-on guide. Using functional examples, this book simplifies the trickiest concepts, exploring goroutines, fibers, futures, and callbacks to help you navigate the vast Rust async ecosystem with ease.You’ll start by building a solid foundation in asynchronous programming and explore diverse strategies for modeling program flow. The book then guides you through concepts like epoll, coroutines, green threads, and callbacks using practical examples. The final section focuses on Rust, examining futures, generators, and the reactor-executor pattern. You’ll apply your knowledge to create your own runtime, solidifying expertise in this dynamic domain. Throughout the book, you’ll not only gain proficiency in Rust's async features but also see how Rust models asynchronous program flow.By the end of the book, you'll possess the knowledge and practical skills needed to actively contribute to the Rust async ecosystem.


Atlassian Confluence 5 Essentials. Centralize all your organization's documentation in one place using Confluence. From installation to using add-ons, this is a complete, user-friendly tutorial that assumes virtually no prior knowledge

Stefan Kohler

Every idea, concept, and project needs documentation, which is traditionally kept in a variety of documents on different devices. Confluence 5 centralizes that documentation and provides it in one single location, available from almost any device and location.Atlassian Confluence 5 Essentials is a practical, hands-on guide explaining not only how to install and administrate Confluence, but also everything you need to create, share, and collaborate on your documentation. This book will give you everything you need to get started with Confluence.Before you can start creating content, Confluence needs to be available. That is exactly where we start with this book; installing Confluence. Through a number of clear, practical exercises you will go from installation and administration, to creating content and involving your teammates.This book will teach you how to quickly create compelling content. You will learn how to involve your teammates in the process, using the Confluence workbox and share features. You will learn how Confluence can be customized with regards to look and feel, extra functionality, and integration with other tools, so that there is nothing in your way when you want to introduce Confluence 5 within your organisation.If you need to develop better collaboration on mission critical projects, then this book is for you!