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Hard Pressed

Fred M. White

Fielden and May happy married couple. One fine day, Fielden gets an autocatastrophe and disappears. May pretends that nothing has happened and everything is in order. She continues to move on. However, is everything so good? Has Fielden disappeared forever?


Rung Ho!

Talbot Mundy

This is the very first novel of Talbot Mundi. This is a very well written adventure story that is very easy to read and keeps the readers attention from first to last page. This is a magnificent reproduction of India since 1857. Works like this can become addicted to the reader.


Halsey & Co

H.K. Shackleford

Mr. Barron, a wealthy banker on Broad Street, was sitting in his office when a young newspaperman rushed into his office. It was an ordinary boy who delivered a newspaper every day. The boy came to the banker with urgent news. He claims that two employees behind his back steal money from him. Would he believe a simple guy?


Creep, Shadow!

A. Merritt

Creep, Shadow! is the second novel in the Dr. Lowell series, preceded by Burn, Witch, Burn! . Its short and it moves along very quickly but theres plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Doctor Alan Carnac returns to the commonplace world of New York from the jungles of Africa, only to meet there a menace more mysterious and appalling than the savage magic of the witch doctors his best friend has inexplicably committed suicide and Carnac begins a frantic investigation which will lead him to come across charming but sinister women and into the horror of obscure sacrificial rites... A masterpiece of horror, mystery and paranormal, A. Merritts novel will make even the hottest blood run cold.


Xuthal of the Dusk

Robert E. Howard

The desert shimmered in the heat waves. Conan the Cimmerian stared out over the aching desolation and involuntarily drew the back of his powerful hand over his blackened lips. He stood like a bronze image in the sand, apparently impervious to the murderous sun, though his only garment was a silk loin-cloth, girdled by a wide gold-buckled belt from which hung a saber and a broad-bladed poniard. On his clean-cut limbs were evidences of scarcely healed wounds.


Robur le Conquérant

Jules Verne

Les événements commencent par des phénomenes étranges, lorsque de nombreux habitants, tant de lAncien que du Nouveau Monde, entendent des mélodies nocturnes, qui sont entendues directement du ciel. Il était une fois des drapeaux étranges dans de nombreux endroits sur la Terre, difficiles atteindre. Personne ne peut comprendre qui appartiennent ces drapeaux et comment ils y ont été livrés.


The Sonnets

William Shakespeare

Shakespeares sonnets cannot be overestimated; this is the best sort of poetry. How clean, voiced imagery. In general, in what language you do not read the pleasure is provided. Idealization of the beloved, ode to his beauty, magnification by his Perfection. But what is interesting the author sees the imperfections of a loved one, but literally forgives them. And nothing can darken the object of affection for him.


Lords of the World. A Tale of the Fall of Carthage and Corinth

Alfred J. Church

The hero of this book is a Greek enemy of Rome, who vainly tries to resist the all-conquering Romans. During the course of his trials he befriends Hasdrubal, the Carthaginian general, Polybius, the great historian of the Punic Wars, and Scipio the Younger, the general who conquers Carthage. During the course of his struggle, he begins to understand the weaknesses of the Greek and Punic civilizations, and why they are unable to resist the domination of Rome. Originally published in 1897, this early work on Lords of the World is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. Extensively illustrated throughout and with chapters including; The fate of the Melcart, The last of a veteran, At thermopyle and The prisoners plus many more, this is a fascinating read for any historian.


The Golden Hades

Edgar Wallace

This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1929. "The Golden Hades" is a tale of murder and a symbol on bank notes leading to a sinister organization. This mystery novel features Wilbur Smith of the Treasury Department for Counterfeit in his investigations. Each time a crime happens be it a robbery or a murder, there is a sinister sign of Pluto (Hades) gold there... a statue of the Greek god of the underworld and the sign of dangerous gang of forgers. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives.


Das Schloss

Franz Kafka

Das Schloß, der letzte große Roman von Franz Kafka, erzählt vom Kampf des Landvermessers K. gegen die allgegenwärtige, groteske Bürokratie einer geheimnisvollen Schloßverwaltung. Je mehr der Landvermesser K. versucht, ins Schloss zu gelangen, desto weiter entfernt er sich von seinem Ziel. Doch K.s Versuche, ins Schloß zu gelangen, scheitern ebenso wie sein Bemühen, im Dorf seinen Platz zu finden; und sein Kampf gegen die allgegenwärtige, anonyme und undurchdringliche Bürokratie der Schloßverwaltung endet für ihn in einem Dickicht aus Geheimnissen und Erniedrigungen. Eine unsichtbare Macht scheint ihn davon abzuhalten, in dessen Schloss zu gelangen.


Ogniem i mieczem

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Ogniem i mieczem to pierwsza z trzech powieści historycznych będących częścią Trylogii Henryka Sienkiewicza. Akcja utworu rozgrywa się w latach 16481651 w okresie powstania Chmielnickiego na Ukrainie. W powieści przeplata się wątek walk polsko-kozackich z historią miłosną Jana Skrzetuskiego i Heleny Kurcewiczówny. Jan Skrzetuski, żołnierz chorągwi Księcia Jeremiego Wiśniowieckiego, wraca z Krymu i przypadkiem uwalnia z rąk opryszków dowódcę Kozaków, Bohdana Chmielnickiego. Powracając do Łubniów, pomaga Helenie Kurcewiczównie i zakochuje się w niej na umór. Nie wie jednak, że kobieta została już obiecana innemu mężczyźnie, Bohunowi...


Flying U Ranch

B.M. Bower

Trailblazing female Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower wrote a series of pulse-pounding novels about the grizzled vaqueros and cowpokes who populated the Flying U Ranch. This book is about a ranch called Flying U Ranch. Thousands of sheep invaded the coulee. The Ranch brings back a happy family of cowboys introduced in Chip of the Flying U that also took place at the Flying U ranch. Fleshed out with meticulous details about the period and plenty of action, Flying U Ranch is a must-read for fans of the genre. Like all of Bowers tales, this one was a great mix of humor, authentic cowboy action, and enough drama to add a taste of spice.


Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą

Bruno Schulz

Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą to zbiór opowiadań Brunona Schulza, prozaika, grafika, malarza, rysownika i krytyka literackiego. Głównym bohaterem opowiadań, a jednocześnie narratorem wszystkich opowieści podobnie jak w Sklepach cynamonowych jest dojrzewający, nastoletni chłopiec o imieniu Józef. W postaci tej widać wyraźne podobieństwo do samego autora. Centrum świata Józefa stanowi małe prowincjonalne miasteczko, w którym można dostrzec współczesny Schulzowi, galicyjski Drohobycz. Rzeczywistość opowiadań swobodnie miesza się z fantastyką. Przedmioty i zwierzęta uzyskują cechy ludzkie. Banalne czynności podnoszone są do rangi mitu. Nastoletniego Józefa szczególnie fascynuje Ojciec, postać wieloznaczna, która funkcjonuje na pograniczu świata żywych i umarłych. Zbiory opowiadań Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą i Sklepy cynamonowe stanowią trudną do oddzielenia całość fabularną. W opowiadaniach utrwalony zostaje chylący się ku upadkowi świat, który dawał bohaterowi oparcie i bezpieczeństwo.


La Vie extravagante de Balthazar

Maurice Leblanc

Extravagante cest le moins quon peut dire! Cest lhistoire des contrastes! Un jeune homme, sans pere et sans argent, qui professe la philosophie dacceptation inconditionnelle du quotidien, tombe amoureaux avec une jeune bourgeoise, Yolande, mais il obtient un refus. Et puis il devient completement un autre personne avec une autre vie. La ligne est plein de nombreuses aventures rocambolesques, des voyages, des découvertes folles, abracadabrantes parfois, mais toujours drôles et attendrissantes.


Der Weg zum Glück

Karl May

Mehrere unabhängig voneinander eingeführte Handlungsstränge verbinden sich im Laufe des Romans, der zum allergrößten Teil in einem geografisch recht knapp gefassten Gebiet zwischen Bayern, Österreich und Böhmen spielt. Die voneinandern unabhängigen Episoden verweben sich immer wieder zu einem äußerst unterhaltsamen und interessanten Gesamtwerk. Der Weg zum Glück war der letzte große Fortsetzungsroman des großen deutschen Schriftstellers. Behandelt wird die Lebensgeschichte des berühmten Bayernkönigs Ludwig II. Die Helden dieses Romans sind ein schrulliges bayerisches Original, genannt Wurzelsepp, und der bayerische König Ludwig II. Beide greifen in das Schicksal von mehreren Personen ein und sorgen dafür, dass diese glücklich werden können. So wird die arme Sennerin Magdalena, das Patenkind des Wurzelsepp, die von dem Wilderer Krickelanton sitzengelassen wurde, eine gefeierte Opernsängerin und Gräfin von Senftenberg. Einen Großteil des Romans nimmt aber der Kampf gegen die Machenschaften der beiden Bösewichte Peitschenmüller und Silberbauer ein, die vor langer Zeit in der Walachei eine Fürstin ermordet und ihr Kind entführt haben. Karl May bemüht sich in diesem Roman mit einem selbstgebasteltem und äußerst fehlerhaften bayerischen Dialekt erfolgreich um Lokalkolorit.


Topper Takes a Trip

Thorne Smith

Cosmo Topper is an average American bank executive on holiday in the French Riveria. Feckless, fun-loving and totally uncontrollable ghosts, George and Marion Kerby and friends the tortuously crooked Colonel Scott and his companion, the disreputable Mrs. Hart return to bring chaos and merriment into the life of mild-mannered, stuffy, and somewhat plump, Topper. One of Thorne Smiths best-loved comedies, it proves once again that he is the undisputed master of urbane wit and sophisticated repartee. His witty takes on modern life, sex, and the supernatural makes his unique style. Written in 1932 as a sequel to the enormously popular Topper novel, Topper Takes a Trip takes the reader for another a walk on the wild side. Come join the fun. Youll be glad you did.