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Władysław Stanisław Reymont

Bohaterką powieści Komediantka jest 22-letnia córka naczelnika stacji kolei warszawsko-wiedeńskiej w Bukowcu, panna Janina Orłowska. Dziewczyna stoi przed życiową decyzją: czy przyjąć oświadczyny adoratora (szanuje go, ale nie kocha), czy też poświęcić się sztuce (aktorstwu). Janka nie widzi się w roli żony. Scena teatralna wydaje się jej szansą rozwinięcia talentu, ucieczki od szarzyzny, bardziej wartościowym i lepszym życiem. Ojciec, z natury porywczy i nieakceptujący córki (zawsze pragnął mieć syna) zarzeka się, że wyrzuci ją z domu, jeśli odrzuci ona oświadczyny Andrzeja Grzesikiewicza. Bohaterka, żyjąca zawsze w zgodzie z własnym sumieniem i swymi wartościami, mimo wszystko nie ulega presji ojca. Musi opuścić dom. Postanawia, że pojedzie do Warszawy i spróbuje dostać się do teatru Cabińskiego, o którym czytała w gazetach poświęconych sztuce. Dalsze losy Janiny koncentrują się wokół teatru Cabińskiego, do którego zostaje zaangażowana. Pieniądze, które dziewczyna ze sobą przywiozła, wkrótce się kończą, a płaca, jaką dostaje, nie wystarcza na życie. Powieść powstała na bazie teatralnych doświadczeń Reymonta i jego obserwacji środowiska aktorskiego.


Peter Pan

J.M. Barrie

Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. The author behind one of the most beloved childhood fairytale characters of all time was known for his joyful embrace of youth and creativity, but there were dark elements surrounding his life that remain mysteries. A free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, interacting with fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans and the dastardly Captain Hook, and occasionally ordinary children from the world outside Neverland. He befriends Wendy, John and Michael and teaches them to fly with a little help from fairy dust. Humorous, satiric, filled with suspenseful cliff-hangers and bittersweet truths, Peter Pan works an indisputable magic on readers of all ages, making it a true classic of imaginative literature.


Trails Meet

B.M. Bower

The career of prolific writer of Westerns novels B. M. Bower was notable for several reasons. The author, who always used initials as part of her pen name, was born Bertha Muzzy and was the first female writer to make a significant mark in the genre. Secondly, many of Bowers books were adapted for the big screen, and her characters and landscape descriptions have been indelibly stamped on the conventions of classic Western films. Our hero, Jess Robison, a cowboy with talents as an artist, turns out to have talents as a detective as well. Whether youre a first-time reader or a long-time fan, "Trails Meet" will surely please fans of classic Westerns.


The Councillors of Falconhoe

Fred M. White

The Councillors of Falconhoe, the new serial story, written by Mr. Fred. M. White. The story begins in the London club Mars and Jupiter, where several diplomats enjoy a quiet place, and the interest of the reader from the very beginning is maintained in an atmosphere of excitement. Hilary Gelicors, a central figure in the story, after an exciting adventure in the war, is unable to adapt to the relatively peaceful routine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He prefers to work through other channels for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and in the book he is fascinating to resist the machinations of those who would throw Europe further into the abyss.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 1-17). Ród Rodrigandów. Tom 117. MultiBook

Karol May

Karol May stworzył wielotomową sagę o rodzie Rodrigandów, której wydarzenia rozgrywają się na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu lat. Ogromny majątek, rodowe tajemnice, niebezpieczeństwa, spiski, walka z bandytami i światowa polityka stanowią kanwę barwnej, obfitującej w przygody opowieści. Losy wyraziście naszkicowanych bohaterów splatają się na lądach kilku kontynentów oraz na morzach.


The Three Crosses

George Owen Baxter

No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brands talent more evident than in this classic short novel. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. In The three crosses, a practical joke gets out of hand and turns an earnest cowboy into a hard-riding yahoo. The Three Crosses, an ominous prediction leads a cowpuncher to a showdown with a notorious gunfighter. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!



Leo Tolstoy

This work is about how black stripes always alternate with white. Oh grief. Oh happiness. On the formation of the child as a person. About the first feelings, sensations and emotions. About first love, about childrens love and just about love. About how a child learns his mind, for the first time experiences one of the most terrible events of his life the death of his mother, about how he first feels one of the most beautiful and bright feelings his first love, about how he feels affection, grief.


Montezumas Daughter

H. Rider Haggard

Not everyone can cope with revenge. The story of a man who allows revenge to devour his life, so he misses all the blessings that God gives him on his way. It is surprising how well the plot is built and how the author managed to ensure that the story does not lose its relevance over time. Readers will plunge into the stunning world of adventure and fiction by Rider Haggard!


Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen

When Mr. Dashwood dies, he must leave the bulk of his estate to the son by his first marriage, which leaves his second wife and their three daughters (Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret) in straitened circumstances. They are taken in by a kindly cousin, but their lack of fortune affects the marriageability of both practical Elinor and romantic Marianne. When Elinor forms an attachment for the wealthy Edward Ferrars, his family disapproves and separates them. And though Mrs. Jennings tries to match the worthy (and rich) Colonel Brandon to her, Marianne finds the dashing and fiery John Willoughby more to her taste. Both relationships described in Sense and Sensibility are sorely tried.


Selected Short Works

Zane Grey

Ambers Mirage (1929, For thirty years old, Jim has spent the search for the mythical Ambers Mirage without finding him. Tsu is a sad story about how his young teammate left the house, loved a woman and went to look for a bright rock over a source that is full of gold. But perhaps this is a mirage...)Bernardos Revenge (An exciting story of love and the interaction of man with nature in the jungle, namely tigers.) (1912)California Red (1926, For years Ben Ide had chased and tried to capture the great stallion, California Red, probably the noblest of all the fifteen thousand horses who roamed the northern California plains. But he had always been unsuccessful. Now his chance had come--and he had to make the devils bargain with a band of cattle rustlers in order to realize his greatest ambition.)The Camp Robber (1928, An interesting cowboy story about the mysterious robber of the camp who kidnaps strange things.)Death Valley (1920, Of the five hundred and fifty-seven thousand square miles of desert land in the Southwest, Death Valley is the lowest below sea level, the most arid and desolate. It derives its felicitous name from the earliest days of the gold strike in California, when a caravan of Mormons, numbering about seventy, struck out from Salt Lake, to cross the Mojave Desert and make a short cut to the gold fields. All but two of these prospectors perished in the deep, iron-walled, ghastly sinkholes, which from that time became known as Death Valley.)Don: The Story of a Lion Dog (1925, This essay tells about the love of animals to Zane Gray and his understanding of how much a person can know the animal and how an animal can get closer to a person. Zane Gray met Don when she first went to the Grand Canyon. He met many people on this trip, which turned into the heroes of his novels.)The Great Slave (1920, Siena young leader of the disappearing tribe. White invaders take them into slavery, but give a gun, thanks to this miracle of the fiery stick Sienna becomes famous among the tribes and, according to the prophecy, must become a great leader.)Lightning (1910, Lee and Cuth Stewart were tall, lean Mormons, as bronzed as desert Navajos, cool, silent, gray-eyed, still-faced. Both wore crude homespun garments much the worse for wear; boots that long before had given the best in them; laced leather wristbands thin and shiny from contact with lassoes; and old gray slouch hats that would have disgraced cowboys.)Lure of the River (1923, Iquitos was a magnet for wanderers and a safe hiding place for men who must turn their faces from civilization. Rubber drew adventurers and criminals to this Peruvian frontier town as gold lured them to the Klondike. Monty Prices Nightingale (1924, Monty Price had its secret. Several times each year he scored a nicotyled salary and disappeared for several months. Then, when returning, nobody knew where he was all this time and what he was doing. But when the forest fire happened, he discovered courage in his soul and this event changed his life forever.)Nonnezoshe, the Rainbow Bridge (1915, The book describes the journey to Nonnezoshe, the most beautiful and wonderful natural phenomenon in the world. This is the only such special place Ive ever visited, but Im not sure if I could find it myself without a guide again.)The Ranger (1929, In this book, the narrative is from the first person of the American Marshal Marshal, who helps the legendary Texas Ranger Texas Hold Wall to release Fairfield from the criminals.)


The Lord of the Manor

Fred M. White

Todays old castle is a mass of ivy-covered picturesque ruins, towering on the seashore and commanding the inner space of one of the most exquisite perspectives in the North. In this elegant house there is something very romantic and charming, protected by a gloomy fortress. For eight hundred years there had been a Castlerayne more or less ruling over these parts. Castlerayne were warriors, deities, statesmen, robbers, in turn. He had great wealth, all the inhabitants of the city envied him, but will his sense of superiority win over others?


In den Cordilleren

Karl May

In den Cordilleren ist der Fortsetzung des Südamerika-Romans Am Rio de la Plata. Die Reisegesellschaft ist nun auf dem Weg in die Pampa de Salinas. Unterwegs treffen sie auf Pena, der für eine Gruppe von Siedlern um Hilfe bittet, die auf dem Gebiet der Aripones in Gefahr geraten sind, und endlich auf den Sendador, der an der Gefahr für die Siedler keinesfalls unschuldig ist. Er wird gefangen genommen und die Siedler gerettet. Nach seiner heimlichen Befreiung, hetzt der Sendador die Indianer auf die Reisegruppe. Senor Charley und Pena können fliehen und treffen unterwegs auf den geheimnisvollen alten Desierto. Spannungsgeladener und dramatischer Roman Karl Mays um eine ereignisreiche Reise.


Sea Fog

J.S. Fletcher

This is a mysterious story that is full of turns. Young Tom goes from work to the grocery store to find something interesting. Soon he meets an elderly gentleman who is looking for a mill somewhere in the countryside. Tom spends the night on the top floor of the mill and finds the dead man the next morning. This is just the beginning for Tom, who is in the middle of the action.


Anna Karenina. Roman

Lew N. Tolstoi

Lew Tolstois Roman Anna Karenina spielt abwechselnd in Moskau, auf einem Landgut und in St. Petersburg und bietet eine ausgezeichnete Schilderung der russischen Gesellschaft in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Glücklos mit einem hohen Beamten verheiratet, verfällt die bezaubernde, kluge und sanftmütige Anna dem jungen Offizier Graf Wronski in unwiderstehlicher Liebe. Anna Karenina ist bereit, dieser Liebe alles zu opfern. Doch ihre Liebe scheitert und endet in Eifersucht, Hass und Verzweiflung. Schließlich richtet Anna sich selbst, aber auch ihren Mann und den Geliebten zugrunde. In der anderen großen Figur des Romans, dem Gutsbesitzer Lewin, hatte sich Tolstoi selbst verewigt.


Graveyard Rats

Robert E. Howard

Despite an aversion to the detective formula, he wrote the tales in Graveyard Rats during the same years he chronicled the adventures of Conan. This collection features a new introduction by scholar Don Herron, editor of The Dark Barbarian, the definitive look at the life and work of Robert E. Howard.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Andrzej Sanicki to znany warszawski bon vivant. Jest przystojny i zamożny. Pełnymi garściami korzysta z uroków życia. Chcąc spełnić ostatnią wolę matki, musi jednak ograniczyć hulaszczy tryb życia ma się ożenić! Małżeństwo jest bowiem warunkiem otrzymania przez Sanickiego spadku po matce. Wkrótce poślubia Kazimierę Szpanowską. Małżeństwo z rozsądku przynosi korzyści obu stronom. On zyskuje konieczne fundusze do prowadzenia swego hulaszczego trybu życia. Ona z kolei z radością odchodzi z rodzinnego domu, w którym po śmierci matki rządzi złośliwa macocha. Sanicki od dawna kocha się w ponętnej baronowej Celinie. Kazia również przyznaje się do innej miłości. Oboje postanawiają utrzymywać pozory przed swymi rodzinami i światem. Jednak Sanicki z biegiem czasu coraz bardziej zaczyna cenić zalety swej małżonki. Ze zdumieniem odkrywa, że jego uczucie do Celiny wygasło, a zamiast tego zakochał się... we własnej żonie. Czy Kazia będzie chciała i potrafiła odwzajemnić tę miłość? Wrzos to niezwykle interesująca i pełna zwrotów akcji książka.