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Les Enfants du capitaine Grant

Jules Verne

Le capitaine Grant sest embarqué dans un voyage dangereux pour établir une colonie écossaise sur les îles du Pacifique. Mais son navire est en ruine et seule une note moitié floue dans la bouteille contient des fragments dinformations concernant Grant. Lord Glenarvan ses risques et périls et poursuit une qute en emmenant avec lui les enfants du capitaine Mary et Robert. Le chemin des braves voyageurs séleve travers les montagnes et les pampas du continent américain, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, de lAustralie et des vastes étendues de locéan Pacifique, o de nombreuses aventures les attendent.


Sylvie and Bruno

Lewis Carroll

The main character is in front of 2 worlds. One is the real world. Another is a world that occurs during sleep. In real life, an ordinary man will introduce a quiet life. Communicates with friends, leads discussions. And in a dream, he dreams of meeting a ten-year-old princess Sylvie and her five-year-old brother Bruno. Sylvie and Bruno find out that their father is actually a fairytale king, and therefore they are a fairytale prince and princess. In the end, the two stories unite as Sylvie and Bruno begin to appear in the real world.


Die Macht der Drei

Hans Dominik

Im Jahr 1955 droht das britische Empire zu zerfallen, denn Kanada und Australien wollen einen Zollverbund mit den USA bilden. Letztendlich erklären nach kriegerischen Provokationen die Briten den USA den Krieg. In diesem Moment greift die Macht der Drei ein: Drei Männer (der Deutsche Sylvester Bursfeld, der Schwede Erik Truwor und der Inder Soma Atma) mit einer neuartigen, gefährlichen Waffe, dem telenergetischen Strahler. Sämtliches Kriegsgerät der Erde wäre wirkungslos gegen die Macht dieses Strahlers. Mit den telenergetischen Strahlen ist es möglich, jeden Punkt der Erde zu sehen und zu erreichen, Brände zu entfachen, Explosionen auszulösen und dadurch in Kämpfe einzugreifen. Die Drei möchten ihre Macht einsetzen, um der Erde einen neuen Krieg zu ersparen. Doch sie haben einen gefährlichen Gegner: Ein Amerikaner mit hypnotischen Fähigkeiten versucht mit allen Mitteln, die Macht an sich zu greifen.


The Young Forester

Zane Grey

This essay is often considered a childrens book, The Young Forester is following the young Kenneth, in his quest to become a forester. After he received his fathers permission to go west to work with a friend of childhood, Ken sees a devastating operation that cuts down the trees and leaves nothing behind. Throughout the text, Ken struggled with woodcutters to preserve the Penetrari Forest and the future of the industry. The book is written at a time when the United States government began to understand conservatism in communicating with the natural world; history is spinning around the same problems that many people have experienced. Between the main story, the strong characters and the perfectly detailed environment, this book made me be a forester.


The Ambassadors

Henry James

The novel comes from what is called Jamess late period. The writing is mannered, baroque, complex, and focused intently on the psychological relationships between his characters. There is very little plot here in the conventional sense. Much of the interest in the narrative is centred on the limitations of the principal character, from whose point of view the story is told. Lambert Strether is a morally upright, middle-aged American who feels that life has passed him by. He wants to do the right thing, but finds himself somewhat out of his depth when he visits Paris which Walter Benjamin called the capital of the nineteenth century. In general, The Ambassadors describes a visit to Europe in the early 20th century by Americans to find and retrieve a wayward family member, and the complex cross-cultural interactions between the Americans and the Europeans.


The Treasure House of Martin Hews

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A best-selling author of novels, short stories, magazine articles, translations, and plays, Oppenheim published over 150 books. He is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. The tiny kingdom of Theos is surrounded by Eastern European powers in this 1902 novel of politics, war, and romance. Russia and Turkey are plotting to take over the peaceful and rural country. A short lived Republic has been treacherously betrayed by communist elements. The country turns to its exiled King, Ughtred of Tyrnaus, a prince who has been a soldier in Britain for 20 years. The prince is convinced by Baron Nicholas of Reist to return to Theos and be crowned. Continuous action, changing alliances, loyalty and betrayal are all in play.


La Clique dorée

Émile Gaboriau

Quon naccuse personne. Je meurs volontairement. Je prie Mme Chevassat de porter leur adresse les lettres jointes. Henriette. Une jeune fille du comte de la Ville-Handry, Melle Henriette, vaincue par une vie difficile et dans une misere extreme décide de mourir. Un vieux brocanteur sauve la fille et trouve deux lettres quelle a laissé avant de mourir. Il les récupere discretement et cela va changer la destin tous les deux...


Dusze w niewoli

Bolesław Prus

Debiut powieściowy Bolesława Prusa. Utwór opowiada historię młodego malarza Ludwika Lachowicza, mającego na utrzymaniu młodszą siostrę Zosię i zniedołężniałego ojca, nałogowego alkoholika. Bohater ustawicznie boryka się z trudnościami, przeważnie natury finansowej. Chcąc kształcić siostrę i jako tako chronić ojca przed zgubnym nałogiem, zmuszony jest ciągle pożyczać pieniądze. Zazwyczaj zadłuża się u swego bogatego kolegi Sielskiego. W wyniku awantury, w którą zostaje wciągnięty, konfliktuje się ze swoim kolega. Sytuację komplikuje dodatkowo to, że Zosia i Sielski wyraźnie mają się ku sobie. Aby zdobyć pieniądze, Ludwik bierze udział w konkursie malarskim, w którym po wycofaniu się Sielskiego zdobywa pierwszą nagrodę za obraz Dusze w niewoli . Między Lachowiczem a fundatorką nagrody, piękną Jadwigą, zawiązuje się węzeł sympatii...



Honoré de Balzac

Originally published in 1830, here we have perhaps Balzacs best short work, named simply Gobseck. Gobseck is a marvelous sketch of a money-lender and miser in Paris during the early part of the nineteenth century who is a font of psychological insight when it comes to humankinds greed, vanity and other dark motives. His philosophy of never helping anyone because adversity is the greatest of all teachers was well known. He also believed that all the peoples of the world were really very much alike because money was the greatest common denominator. It gives us Gobsecks history through the eyes of Derville who later becomes the attorney for Colonel Chabert. Episodic in nature, the story moves rapidly, touching not only on Gobseck but on other characters of The Human Comedy, a collection of over 90 novels and stories in which Balzac attempts to depict all the myriad aspects of French society.


The Mystery of the Ravenspurs

Fred M. White

Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.


Hawtreys Deputy

Harold Bindloss

In the fashion of the high prairie, romance and trust are acquired, lost, destroyed and acquired again... Sketchy mortgages and vague speculations will make us guess. The main character goes on a strange sea adventure to stop thinking about unhappy love. This is a story about a love triangle with unusual plot twists.


Leśna Różyczka (1-12). Leśna Różyczka. Tom 1-12

Karol May

Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata to 12-tomowy cykl przygodowy autorstwa Karola Maya, twórcy słynnego Winnetou. Opisywane wydarzenia rozgrywają się na przestrzeni kilku lat. Ogromny majątek, rodowe tajemnice, niebezpieczeństwa, spiski, walka z bandytami i światowa polityka stanowią kanwę barwnej, obfitującej w przygody opowieści. Losy wyraziście naszkicowanych bohaterów splatają się na lądach kilku kontynentów oraz na morzach.


As a Thief in the Night

R. Austin Freeman

R. Austin Freeman was one of the best mystery writers ever and this book is one to prove it. Harold Monkhouse is a very sick man but no one including his doctor seems to know what is wrong with him. When he is found dead of arsenic poisoning, his brother demands an investigation and everyone in the household is a suspect. Who was behind this cruel death; the loving wife, Barbara; her friend, Madeline or Wallingford, the rather eccentric secretary? They all inherit something when Harold Monkhouse dies. Rupert, their loyal friend enlists the help of Dr. Thorndyke who with a lot of twists and turns solves the case. In researching the crime, Thorndyke and his charming assistant Polton do some fascinating analyses with X-rays. And the reader learns a lot about the versatility of arsenic in the hands of a creative murderer.



Eugenie Marlitt

Elisabeth lebt mit ihrem Bruder und ihren Eltern zusammen bis ihr Onkel sie dazu auffordert mit ihrer Familie auf sein Schloss Gnadeck zu ziehen, das seit Jahrhunderten von der adeligen Familie Gnadewitz bewohnt wird. Wird sie dort ihr Glück finden? Elisabeth, liebevoll wegen ihres schönen blonden Haares auch Goldelse genannt, kann sich nicht vorstellen was es bedeutet jemanden leidenschaftlich zu lieben und glaubt es gäbe keine andere Liebe als die zu Eltern und Geschwistern, bis sie sich in Herrn von Walde verliebt, der ihr anfänglich erst böse und dunkel erscheint. Schließlich heiraten sie doch und werden mit einem Kind ins Leben entlassen. Der melodramatische Roman erzählt die Geschichte der kranken Helene von Walde, die noch vor ihrem Tod ihren Bruder mit der Goldelse zusammenbringen möchte...



James Joyce

Life is full of missed opportunities and hard decisions. Sometimes its difficult to know what to actually do. Dubliners creates an image of an ever movie city, of an ever moving exchange of people who experience the reality of life. A collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce all set in Dublin and first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish Middle class life in around Dublin in the early years of the 20th Century. There are two types of stories in Dubliners. The first, and by far the most effective, are those associated with despair, nihilism and death. The second type deals with more ordinary aspects of modern life, the representation of the city and social exchanges. As a collection they provide an image of dark, murky city struggling to cope with the problems associated with rapid urbanisation.


The Trail to Yesterday

Charles Alden Seltzer

Originally published in 1913, it was one of the earliest works of Western fiction by Charles Alden Seltzer and played a significant role in popularizing that genre. A story of the Old West in which an American girl from the East finds herself confronted with a strange type of man dwelling in the shadow of an ancient grudge. Dakota, the man, first convinces her that he is a brute beyond redemption and then gradually wins her back to the belief in his own essential manliness. Before this happens, however, there has been an attempted bribe, an attempted murder that seems the response to the bribe and a wild ride through the night, that ends at Dakotas shack. Highly recommended for lovers of Western fiction.