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As a Man Lives

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Positively every one, with two unimportant exceptions, had called upon us. The Countess had driven over from Sysington Hall, twelve miles away, with two anamic-looking daughters, who had gushed over our late roses and the cedar trees which shaded the lawn. The Holgates of Holgate Brand and Lady Naselton of Naselton had presented themselves on the same afternoon. Many others had come in their train, for what these very great people did the neighborhood was bound to endorse. There was a little veiled anxiety, a few elaborately careless questions as to the spelling of our name; but when my father had mentioned the second f, and made a casual allusion to the Warwickshire Ffolliotswith whom we were not indeed on speaking terms, but who were certainly our cousinsa distinct breath of relief was followed by a gush of mild cordiality.


Mon frere Yves

Pierre Loti

Cest un roman semi-autobiographique de lauteur français Pierre Loti. Il raconte lamitié de lofficier de marine français Pierre Loti et du marin breton Yves Kermadeka, un travailleur acharné, dans les années 1870 et 80. Cétait probablement le livre le plus célebre de Loti et ses descriptions de la vie des Bretons la mer, bord dun navire et terre.


Maria Stuart. Drama historyczne w 5 aktach

Juliusz Słowacki

Dramat Juliusza Słowackiego omawiający losy Marii I Stuart, szkockiej królowej. Skupia się na krótkim wycinku życia Marii, która po śmierci prywatnego sekretarza Rizzia pomaga swojemu kochankowi zgładzić swego męża Darnleya. Na skutek tych wydarzeń oboje uciekli ze Szkocji. Dramat prezentuje Marię jako postać tragiczną, nieradzącą sobie z emocjami i władzą, która stała się jej udziałem.


La Petite Fadette

George Sand

Roman George Sand, chef-duvre de la littérature française du XIXe siecle. Les événements tournent autour de deux freres jumeaux inséparables et de la jeune fille Fadett, qui a transformé leur vie. Petite Fadetta est un roman dans lequel une mélodie de chambre poétique et nave est devenue un hymne lyrique au peuple.


Zamek kaniowski

Seweryn Goszczyński

Zamek kaniowski Seweryna Goszczyńskiego to mniej oczywiste oblicze polskiego romantyzmu. Poemat przenosi nas w mroczny i brutalny świat ziem ukraińskich, których mieszkańcy wszczynają bunt przeciw polskiej szlachcie i Kościołowi. Tytułowy zamek jawi się jako siedlisko zła, któremu pisana jest zguba. Dramatyczne wydarzenia opisane są plastycznym, budzącym grozę językiem.


The Divine Lady

Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

This is the story of Englands greatest admiral and his beautiful mistress, Lady Hamilton. Introduced to high society as a host and maid figure Emily Hart is wild and rebels against her violent master. Soon she is taken on by a new man, yet he struggles to reconcile his cool nature and expectation of restraint with her irrational outbursts. Emily is educated in the arts and painted by her beloved Romney and continues to struggle with the invisible societal and moral codes which ridicule her and her vivacious passion is viewed as crude and hysterical. Can she overcome her private and personal demons to reign successful in public life? Or has she left a trail of scandal so great that she will never be accepted? If you enjoy the works of Elizabeth Louisa Moresby then this an immortal tale is highly recommended for your book collection.


Das Vermächtnis des Inka

Karl May

Karl Hammer hat einen Auftrag in Buenos Aires erhalten: Er soll den jungen Anton Engelhardt zu seinem Vater nach Lima bringen. Dazu müssen sie die Anden überqueren. Unterwegs helfen sie Hauka, dem Abkömmling der Inka-Herrscher, das Vermächtnis seines Vaters in Besitz zu nehmen. Der junge Inka-Prinz Haukaropora ist für sein Volk das Symbol früherer Macht und die letzte Hoffnung, die einstige prachtvolle Größe wiederzuerlangen. Doch die Reise wird nicht so einfach wie gedacht...


Ballady i romanse

Adam Mickiewicz

Zbiór Ballady i romanse Adama Mickiewicza wydany został w 1822 r. w Wilnie i uznawany jest za manifest polskiego romantyzmu. Ballady są silnie osadzone w realiach historycznych i lokalnych. Miejsce akcji poszczególnych utworów jest ściśle określone, np. Świteź, Płużyny, Ruta. W tę oswojoną rzeczywistość wkracza świat nadprzyrodzony. Ingerencje świata pozaziemskiego mają zazwyczaj charakter etyczny. Siły nadprzyrodzone oceniają czyny ludzkie i wymierzając karę za popełnione zło wprowadzają ład moralny. Utwory Ballad i romansów napisane są w różnej tonacji od poważnych po żartobliwe. W zbiorze znajduje się 14 utworów: Pierwiosnek, Romantyczność, Świteź, Świtezianka, Rybka, Powrót taty, Kurhanek Maryli, Do przyjaciół, To lubię, Rękawiczka, Pani Twardowska, Tukaj albo próby przyjaźni, Lilije i Dudarz.


La Terre

Émile Zola

Zola décrit la vie et les habitudes de la famille Fuan vivant dans le district de Shatoden, dans un village proche de la ville de Klua. Le pere est le vieux Fuan, propriétaire dun grand terrain. Le livre traite de limportance de la Terre pour les hommes et de ce quils sont prets a posséder. Comme une personne est terrible, qua cause dun morceau de terre, elle trébuche et peut lever la main a ses propres parents.


Little Men. Or, Life at Plumfield With Jos Boys

Louisa May Alcott

Now married, the warm-hearted and fiesty Jo Bhaer (nee March) couldnt be happier. Jo, along with her husband Professor Friedrich Bhaer, operates the Plumfield Estate School, an unconventional school based on individuality and diversity. Plumfield is a haven for poor orphans which is attended by 12 adopted boy and Jos own two sons. Although Plumfield is a place of trust and warmth, the boys occasionally struggle to maintain good manners. Personal relationships are key to the school, as well as to the novel, and the lovable characters get up to plenty of scrapes and adventures, but in the end, even the troublesome among them find redemption in the love and support of the extended March family. Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jos Boys is the delightful unofficial sequel to Louisa May Alcotts Little Women, which is completed with Alcotts 1886 novel Jos Boys, and How They Turned Out: A Sequel to Little Men.


Initials Only

Anna Katharine Green

A detective story first published in 1911, it is one of the book of Ebenezer Gryce series, Initials Only deals with the case of beautiful young heiress Edith Challoner. She is murdered in the writing room of a luxury hotel while nobody is near her, and no shot is heard and no bullet found in the deadly wound. She is seemingly stabbed to death, yet no one was seen near her. How then was she killed? Among Miss Challoners personal belongings are found letters signed with initials only, O.B. Who is O.B., and what if anything does he have to do with her death? Sweetwater, the investigator, finds out the identity of O.B. pretty soon, but instead of answering the questions the case poses, he only brings up more mysteries.


St. Ives. Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England

Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Quiller-Couch

The novel, which remained unfinished, was restored from the authors drafts. The fascinating story of the French youth, who during the Napoleonic Wars was one of the many British prisoners of war. The story of his dangerous and fascinating adventures and a difficult, multifaceted political game in which he unexpectedly found himself drawn into. The book you are reading, literally holding your breath...


The Research Magnificent

Herbert George Wells

Mr. Wells builds novels out of ideas as other men build them of imagery and emotions. H. G. Wells takes us on a very entertaining and profound journey via a character named William who insists on living life nobly and thoroughly. Starting in his boyhood, and throughout his life, it produced profound adventures, yet also make him ridiculous, and even inspiring. It is a passion for courage, for personal nobility, for service to others, for self-sacrificing, all for the social betterment of the whole world. William gets into all sorts of hilarious trouble for living up to his ideals with a lot of it being ironic. The very people he seeks to defend or sacrifice himself for are the ones who take advantage of him, and often he finds himself subject to the logical consequences of adhering to his particular ideal. No matter what happens, he keeps pushing forward and sticking with his principles.


Dick Sand. Or, A Captain at Fifteen

Jules Verne

The novel describes the adventures of passengers of the American whaling schooner brig Pilgrim, whose entire crew died as a result of a fight with a whale. It all started like that. The crew wanted to go whale hunting. Later they saw a sinking ship. At first, everyone thought that there was nobody alive on it. But suddenly a dog appeared there. The crew decided to save her. They found five more blacks, whose names were Bath, Austin, Acteon, Hercules and old Tom. But they were unconscious. The crew decides to save them.


The Vanishing of Betty Varian

Carolyn Wells

Carolyn Wells inspires and entertains with her classical mystery masterpiece, The Vanishing of Betty Varian, guaranteed to feed the mystery monster that craves suspense! The book was first published in 1922. In this classic locked room mystery, the Varian family have rented a house for the summer a house built on the edge of a cliff, three sides faced by water and the entrance the only way in. They are about to go on a picnic with family and friends when the daughter returns to the house to pick up a camera. When she doesnt return, father goes after her and neither returns... Carolyn Wells mysteries give you just enough information to get you drawn into the story and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.


Nowele i opowiadania

Joseph Conrad

Na tom opowiadań Josepha Conrada składają się m.in. takie utwory jak Laguna, Placówka postępu, Falk. Wspomnienie czy Amy Foster. Tematyka Placówki postępu, podobnie jak późniejszego Jądra ciemności, przenosi czytelnika do afrykańskiej dżungli ery kolonializmu. Biali handlarze pozyskują od miejscowej ludności cenną kość słoniową. Jednak zapędy kolonizatorów sięgają dużo dalej, co wkrótce prowadzi do tragedii.