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Cleek. The Man of the Forty Faces

Thomas W. Hanshew

A classic mystery novel featuring Hanshews best-known creation, the consulting detective Hamilton Cleek, known as the man of the forty faces for his incredible skill at disguise. An ex-cracksman turned Scotland Yard detective, Cleeks slim and faultlessly dressed form is topped by an india-rubber-like face, of which he has remarkable control. Cleek is based in Clarges Street, London, where he is constantly consulted by Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard. Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces is the first book in the saga. A wonderfully entertaining story from the turn of the century of mystery, chivalry, and intrigue. If youre looking for good mystery look no further.



Hans Dominik

Zwei Großkonzerne wollen nachdem sie die Atomkraft bereits nutzbar gemacht haben die atmosphärische Elektrizität für sich gewinnen. Parallel steht die Entdeckung eines neuen Energiestoffes mit noch nie dagewesenen Eigenschaften ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der Konzerne. Das Atmosphärische Elektrizitätswerk des deutschen Bergmann-Konzerns arbeitet dank der genialen Erfindungen eines gewissen Dr. Frank famos, während das amerikanische AE-Werk der United Electric nur enorme Kosten verursacht und der Entwicklung um Jahre hinterherhinkt. James Headstone, Chef der amerikanischen Versuchsstation, schickt daraufhin seinen besten Agenten, Henry Turner in die norddeutsche Heide. Wegen deren Nutzbarkeit sie sich einen erbitterten Kampf liefern.


The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe

Having returned safely home, Robinson Crusoe marries and starts a family. Peace is not for Robinson, he hardly hangs out in England for several years: thoughts about the island are haunted him day and night. He even buys a farm, intends to engage in rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. After the death of his wife, nothing else keeps him in England, Robinson is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again. Thus begins a journey which will last ten years and nine months, in which Crusoe travels over the world, along the way facing dangers and discoveries in Madagascar, China, and Siberia. As he continues to journey, it becomes clear that he is happiest when wandering, and we begin to wonder if he will ever return home again.


Emilys Quest

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Emily Starr and Teddy Kent have been friends since childhood, and as Teddy is about to leave to further his education as an artist, Emily believes that their friendship is blossoming into something more. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal in Montreal, Emilys world collapses. With Teddy gone, Emily agrees to marry a man she doesnt love... as she tries to banish all thoughts of Teddy. In her heart, Emily must search for what being a writer really means... This third and final volume of Lucy Maud Montgomerys celebrated Emily trilogy is a finally drawn study of a young woman coming to terms with love and her own ambition. In every detail, this mature novel by one of the worlds best-loved authors captures the drama and confusion of a young life on the brink.


Soldier Stories

Rudyard Kipling

Three Soldiers is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Three soldiers of this title - Leroid, Mulvani and Orteris, who also previously appeared in the collection "Simple Tales from the Hills." Books reveal the side of British Tommy in Afghanistan, rarely seen in the Twilight of the British Empire. The soldiers comment on their improvements, act fools, but right against the backdrop of the wars in the Middle East, when the British began to weaken their imperial possessions, they begin to act directly.


Młodzi i starzy

Michał Bałucki

Młodzi i starzy to jedna z pierwszych powieści Bałuckiego, inspirowana wypadkami powstańczymi 1863 r. Pisana jest z pozycji radykalnych działaczy demokratycznych, którzy zmierzali do szybkiego wywołania powstania i przeprowadzenia radykalnych reform społecznych. Opowiadali się za wciągnięciem do walki z zaborcą chłopów.


Plain Tales from the Hills

Rudyard Kipling

A wonderful book written in beautiful language, with love for the native land and its history. Despite the fact that all sorts of wars, illnesses and deprivations often flash in the stories, in general the atmosphere is very pleasant, and the book gives a feeling of warmth and tranquility. English guys Dan and Una, brother and sister, meet Elf Pak. He tells them once brought to England, the god Wiland, who once forged a magic sword. Further stories are told already by the direct participants in the events: the knight, the centurion, and so on.


When the World Shook

H. Rider Haggard

When the World Shook is a classic story, written by H. Rider Haggard, telling about the horror of a ghost town. The plot revolves around three friends one absolutely unshakable skeptic, the other an absolutely believer, and the third and central character is a person who is looking for meaning in life. A hurricane shipwrecks them on an unknown island in the Pacific inhabited by a degenerating people who worship an ancient god called Oro. Three men experience all sorts of difficulties and find all kinds of miracles on the island.


W czwartym wymiarze. Opowiadania

Antoni Lange

Dwanaście historii poruszających różnoraką tematykę. Wspólną cechą wszystkich opowieści są wątki temporalne i nawiązania patriotyczne. Autor zgłębia tajniki ludzkich charakterów, stosując techniki psychoanalityczne. Książka zaliczana jest do pierwszych publikacji fantastycznonaukowych.


The Crimson Blind

Fred M. White

Many people go through financial difficulties. The popular detective novelist David Steele finds himself in a difficult financial situation and accepts an invitation from an unknown mysterious lady who offers to help with his debts. Instead, she wants him to solve her unpleasant situation. He performs his part of the deal. Upon arrival home, he discovers a corpse.


Dwór w Haliniszkach

Emma Dmochowska

Akcja powieści rozgrywa się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku na Wileńszczyźnie. Zosia Halicka szykuje się do ślubu z kawalerem, którego ze względów majątkowych wybrała jej rodzina. Jednak kawaler nie traktuje Zosi poważnie i za jej plecami wciąż romansuje z dawną kochanką. Za to daleko od Haliniszek żyje inny mężczyzna ten kocha Zosię prawdziwie, jednak czy zdoła porzucić dumę i pokonać trudności, aby zdobyć ukochaną?


Герой нашего времени (Bohater naszych czasów)

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов, Michaił Jurjewicz Lermontow

Роман Михаила Лермонтова 201eГерой нашего времени201d 2013 это история одинокого, умного и талантливого человека, уставшего от светских ритуалов, не знающего, куда приложить свои душевные силы, и буквально губящего себя. Книга о человеке с уставшей душой, который многое уже перепробовал и теперь не видит смысла жизни. Ну, или не хочет видеть его. Его ничто не радует 2013 ни развлечения, ни знания, ни любовь светских красавиц. Главный герой -Печорин, глубоко несчастный человек. Он находит удовлетворение в одном 2013 в играх с судьбами людей. «Моя любовь никому не принесла счастья, потому что я ничем не жертвовал для того, кого любил: я любил для себя...».


Mąż i żona. Komedia w trzech aktach wierszem

Aleksander Fredro

Mąż i żona to sztuka, która swego czasu naraziła Aleksandra Fredrę na zarzut niemoralności. Autor z lubością opisuje przemyślne intrygi i miłosne trójkąty, które wiele mówią o jego bohaterach. Lektura warta polecenia.


Znak czterech

Arthur Conan Doyle

Do Sherlocka Holmesa zgłasza się z prośbą o pomoc panna Mary Morstan (przyszła żona doktora Watsona). Od dziesięciu lat, w rocznicę tajemniczego zniknięcia jej ojca, ktoś przysyła jej drogocenną perłę. Tym razem jednak otrzymała także list, a w nim propozycję spotkania. Holmes i Watson mają odkryć, kto i dlaczego przysyła pannie Morstan tak drogie prezenty i co ma z tym wspólnego tajemniczy napis Znak czterech...


The Ebony Stick

Earl Derr Biggers

No sooner had Bob from the Silver Star ranch reached Italy than a telegram arrived asking for $1,000. A pretty woman was behind it, but that wasnt all. This early work by Earl Derr Biggers was originally published in 1916. The Ebony Stick is one of Biggers shorter stories, published after his death. The son of Robert J. and Emma E. (Derr) Biggers, Earl Derr Biggers was born in Warren, Ohio, and graduated from Harvard University in 1907. While on holiday in Hawaii, Biggers heard tales of a real-life Chinese detective operating in Honolulu, named Chang Apana. This inspired him to create his most enduring legacy in the character of super-sleuth Charlie Chan. Many of his plays and novels were made into movies.


The Cruise of the Dazzler

Jack London

This is an early Jack London novel set in his hometown of San Francisco. It is considered the novel of a boys adventure. In the novel, Joe Bronson, dissatisfied with his dull life at school, runs away and joins the sloop team, he sees in San Francisco Bay. He finds that the captain is involved in criminal activity. Navigational actions on board a sailing boat are genuinely described, and there are convincing descriptions of boats that endure stormy weather at sea.