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Le Fauteuil hanté

Gaston Leroux

Le Fauteuil hanté est un roman policier comique et noir. Lhistoire se passe LAcadémie française, qui devient le théâtre de drames répétés. Chaque candidat la succession de Mgr dAbbeville sécrouli, mort, pendant le discours de réception. Le Secrétaire perpétuel et marchand dantiquités commencent leur investigation en tremblant de peur... et ils nous font bien rire. Cest histoire qui se présente comme un récit dhorreur mais qui, finalement, amuse beaucoup plus quil ne fait peur.


The Call of Cthulhu

H.P. Lovecraft

The Call of Cthulhu is the story of a man who uncovers evidence of otherworldly beings residing in a state of hibernation deep beneath the surface of the Earths oceans. Though the image of Cthulhu is by no means original, as it is heavily borrowed from Scandinavian lore among other sources, Lovecrafts descriptionsin this case of a basrelief carved in its likenessare still nothing short of chilling. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance. The story is written in a documentary style, with three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering notes left by a deceased relative. Considered as the father of contemporary horror fiction, H. P. Lovecraft shows exquisite details in The Call of Cthulhu that perfectly denote his cosmic indifferentism beliefs and takes advantages of his imaginative universe filled with immense entities to demonstrate how weak humans really are.


The Kingdom of the Sun. A Romance of the Far West Coast

Alexander Maitland Stephen

A young man, Richard Anson is a crewman on board Sir Francis Drakes Golden Hind, which is travelling north to the coast of what will one day become British Columbia. The Kingdom of the Sun: A Romance of the Far West Coast (1927) is an adventure novel by Alexander Maitland Stephen (May 8, 1882 July 1, 1942), who was a Canadian author of poetry and fiction. He began writing in the early 1920s. His first book was a volume of poetry called The Rosary of Pan which was published in 1923. He wrote two novels, the first being The Kingdom of the Sun in 1927. Most of his books were published by J.M. Dent and Sons where his brother worked as a vice-president. In March 1942 he became ill with pneumonia and died in Vancouver on July 1, 1942.


The War of the Worlds

Herbert George Wells

One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, The War of the Worlds helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. Thirty-five million miles into space, a species of Martians sets eyes on planet Earth. With their own planet doomed for destruction, the Martians prepare to invade. Their weapons are ready and their aim is ruthless. The war of the worlds is about to begin. The War of the Worlds describes the fictional 1895 invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars who use laser-like Heat-Rays, chemical weapons, and mechanical three-legged fighting machines that could potentially be viewed as precursors to the tank. After defeating the resistance the Martians devastate much of eastern England, including London... The novel demonstrates Wells typical pessimistic outlook on human nature and offers a good deal of criticism on society and peoples ignorance and vanity.


Les Étranges noces de Rouletabille

Gaston Leroux

Rouletabille, amoureaux et tout enivré du désir dtre heureux avec Ivana Vilitchkov, il se jete avec ses amis dans la gueule du loup et il risque cent fois sa vie. Il veut la tirer des griffes de ce assassin de toute sa famille, il se bat pour sauver Ivana et capturer son ravisseur, mais elle... elle ne veut pas aller avec Rouletabille. Il narrte pas la protéger. Peut la puissance de lamour transformer un limier intelligant en petit garçon?


The Edge of the Sword

Fred M. White

Fred M. White knows how to write an intriguing story. Some people think that the ending is obvious, but it is not. In the story of The Edge of the Sword story is booming. The nobleman is found half dead in his library and lies next to the safe. The key is missing. But this unusual mystery has just begun...


Oblężenie Warszawy

Walery Przyborowski

Powieść historyczna przeznaczona dla każdego czytelnika, dzięki której przeniesiemy się w czasy insurekcji kościuszkowskiej. Poszerzymy swoją wiedzę historyczną w bardzo przystępny i ciekawy sposób.


Der Mann, der seinen Namen änderte

Edgar Wallace

Die Sekretärin von Rechtsanwalt Vance Majorie Stedman wird Ohrenzeuge einer Auseinandersetzung. Sie hört einen Schuss und als sie ins Nachbarzimmer stürmt, findet sie Sir James tot auf dem Boden liegen. Aber wer ist der Täter? Ich will meine Rechnung begleichen, hört sie Sir James sagen. Ihr Chef verlangt von ihr zu schweigen, aber warum musste Sir James sterben und welche Rollen spielen der undurchsichtige Pretoria-Smith und Doktor Fordham?


Uncle Vanya. Scenes from Country Life in Four Acts

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The story of a Russian family and their interfamily relations, in which there are jealousy, secret love cravings and the usual altercations that occur within a few days. The end of this play is the easiest prose ever written. Family in provincial Russia, which is getting closer to bankruptcy, many of whose members live in the past, unrequited love and breaking ties.


The Crimson Sign

H.A. Cody

The whole story revolves around the colony of Acadia, which belonged to New France. For this territory was the most intense struggle between Britain and France. However, the territory was divided into British colonies, which became Canadian provinces and American states. This historical work and hook on everyone who is interested in history.


The Black Stranger

Robert E. Howard

The Black Stranger"is one of the stories byRobert E. HowardaboutConan the Cimmerian. It was written in the 1930s but not published in his lifetime. When the original Conan version of the story failed to find a publisher, Howard rewrote The Black Stranger into a piraticalTerence Vulmeastory entitled Swords of the Red Brotherhood.



Szymon Szymonowic

Sielanki to najważniejsze dzieło Szymona Szymonowica. W dwudziestu utworach, wydanych w 1614 r. w Zamościu, widoczne są odwołania do Teokryta, twórcy sielanki jako gatunku literackiego, oraz do Wergiliusza i Jana Kochanowskiego. Sielanki napisane są językiem wykwintnym, poetyckim, o jasnej strukturze składniowej. Odegrały wielką rolę w rozwoju twórczości sielankowej. Ukazały się w momencie popularności i dużego zapotrzebowania na literaturę tego rodzaju. W zbiorze Sielanek znalazł się, niezaliczany do tytułowego gatunku, utwór Żeńcy. Stanowi on realistyczny obraz z życia wiejskiego. W scenie pracy żeńców bierze udział troje bohaterów: łagodna Oluchna, sprytna Pietrucha oraz Starosta, okrutny mężczyzna, który nadzoruje prace polowe i pogania żeńców batem.


An African Millionaire. Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay

Grant Allen

Colonel Cuthbert Clay is a master of disguise and an ingenious con man who sets his sights on the South African Millionaire, Sir Charles Vandrift, a millionaire owner of diamond mines in Africa. Each chapter brings new cringing on the readers part as we realize before Charles does that he is about to be a victim anew. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, the author leaves even the reader guessing: who can you trust? Colonel Clay has a female sidekick, Madame Picardet, whose charms are not wasted on Charles, no matter what appearance she takes. He repeatedly falls for her distractions as Colonel Clay primes him for the next sting. Twelve clever, extremely readable and entertaining tales about the first important rogue in short crime fiction. A classic of crime and adventure, Grant Allens An African Millionaire is perfect for fans of books such as Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief.


A Tale of Two Cities. A Story of the French Revolution

Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities is the second historical novel by Charles Dickens and it is one of his most tragic works. The plot centers on the years leading up to the French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. The novel, first and foremost, follows several characters including Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Sydney Carton, a dissipated British barrister who endeavors to redeem his ill-spent life out of his unrequited love for Darnays wife Lucie Manette. Other major characters include Dr. Manette (Lucies father), who was unjustly imprisoned in the infamous Bastille for many years under a lettre de cachet, and Madame Defarge, a female revolutionary with an implacable grudge against the aristocratic Evremonde dynasty. Here we see how general people can overthrow a government if they are tormented continuously. At the same time, this novel tells a love story too with special emphasis on the sacrificial attribute of Sydney Cartons character.


The Rocks of Valpré

Ethel M. Dell

First published in 1913, The Rocks of Valpré is a novel by the British writer Ethel M. Dell. While readers adored Ethel M. Dells novels, critics hated them with a passion; but she did not care what the critics thought. She considered herself a good storyteller nothing more and nothing less. Ethel M. Dell continued to write novels for a number of years. The Rocks of Valpré novel is set in the mid-nineteenth century when an officer wrongly imprisoned on Devils Island escapes and heads to Europe to rescue the love of his life from the villain. Like many of Dells stories and novels this harkens back to the day when marriage was a binding promise and considered both morally and legally until death. It is a touching love story that shows true love as selfless love.


Pieśń przerwana

Eliza Orzeszkowa

Dziewiętnastoletnia Klara Wygrycz zostaje uwiedziona przez młodego, przystojnego Juliusza, który sprawia wrażenie zakochanego i troskliwego mężczyzny. Na początku ich przygody dba o nią, przysyła prezenty, spełnia jej marzenia. Wrażenie jednak okazuje się złudne, a młodzieniec pokazuje swoją prawdziwą twarz.