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Eлектронна книга

The Illustrious Prince

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Written in 1910, The Illustrious Prince is set in England some time after the Russian-Japanese War which ended in victory for the Japanese in 1905. The Emperor of Japan, suspecting an ulterior motive in the world cruise of the American battleship fleet, dispatches his cousin, Prince Maiyo, on a mission to learn the secret if one existed. Two American spies are murdered, an intrepid detective from Scotland Yard is hard on the trail of clues that will lead him to the killer. As Scotland Yard races to solve the mystery of the murders, several highborn ladies (one of them is Penelope Morse who becomes both wary and fascinated by him) and gentlemen from the British aristocracy befriend the charming Prince and get caught up in the intrigue.

Eлектронна книга

Scarhaven Keep

Joseph Smith Fletcher

This novel, first published in 1922, is a good example of J. S. Fletchers complex plots. The story starts with a famous actor gone missing in suspicious circumstances in northern England. But other dark deeds soon take our attention. Copplestone, the young dramatist, helping to solve the mystery, found himself suddenly in love; and the solution and his happiness were discovered together. In the search for Oliver, we find ourselves on a wild and lonely coast off the North Sea. The landscapes in this novel have a thrilling, threatening beauty that forms a perfect backdrop for the mysteries unfolding.

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Madame de Treymes

Edith Wharton

Even a short novel like Madame de Treymes shows you what a masterful writer Edith Wharton was. It is a captivating portrait of turn-of-the-century American and French culture. Inspired by Whartons own entré into Parisian society in 1906 and reminiscent of the works of Henry James, it tells the story of two young innocents abroad: Fanny Frisbee of New York, unhappily married to the dissolute Marquis de Malrive, and John Durham, her childhood friend who arrives in Paris intent on convincing Fanny to divorce her husband and marry him instead. In hopes of finding a solution, Durham meets with Fannys sister-in-law, the enigmatic Madame de Treymes, who suggests that she might be willing to appeal to her brother on his behalf if, that is, he will help settle her illicit lovers gambling debts. Such a proposition surely wont have a catch...

Eлектронна книга

Fifty Candles

Earl Derr Biggers

Just as in Biggers first Charlie Chan mystery, The House Without a Key, that romantic link between the Hawaii of a different era and the city of San Francisco is explored and holds the key to the mystery. Henry Drew has cheated young Winthrop out of a partnership in a Hunan mine. Other shady deeds abound in the past of this rich and outwardly respectable old man. Despite his antagonism to Drew, Winthrop accepts the old mans invitation to a birthday dinner, mainly to be near the young woman he loves, companion to Mrs. Drew. Unfortunately Winthrop finds old Drew dead in a pool of blood by the dining room table, and he himself is the likeliest suspect. Or could the murderer be Dr. Parker, illicit admirer of Mrs. Drew? And why are there fifty candles on the birthday cake, when old Drew was pushing seventy?

Eлектронна книга


Bolesław Prus

Małżeństwo, do którego należała tytułowa kamizelka, przyjechało do warszawskiej kamienicy na początku kwietnia. Ludzie ci wstawali wczesnym rankiem, pili herbatę z blaszanego samowaru, razem wychodzili do pracy. Ona na lekcje do szkoły, on do biura. Byli ludźmi młodymi, spokojnymi. Żona szczupła, lubiła krawiectwo; mąż tęgi i zapracowany. Co niedzielę wychodzili na spacer i wracali wieczorem. W kwietniu mieszkali razem ze służącą, w lipcu zostali sami, a w październiku pozostała tylko pani, gdyż jej mąż zmarł na gruźlicę. Gdy mężczyzna chudł, skracał jedną sprzączkę, aby nie martwić żony, drugą skracała ona, żeby dodać mu otuchy. Tym sposobem nawzajem się oszukiwali w dobrej sprawie.

Eлектронна книга

Преступление и наказание (Zbrodnia i kara)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

Роман «Преступление и наказание» Федора Достоевского 2013 несравненное произведение великого русского писателя. Главный герой романа 2013 Радион Раскольников, так называемый «убийца-теоретик». Непонятно почему, мужчина возомнил себя правым вмешиваться в судьбы других людей и наказывать их за свершенное. По итогу, Радион решается на жестокое убийство, тем самым обрекая себя на душевные страдания и совестные муки. Это и глубокий философский роман, и тонкая психологическая драма, и захватывающий детектив, и величественная картина мрачного города, в недрах которого герои грешат и ищут прощения, жертвуют собой и отрекаются от себя ради ближних и находят успокоение в смирении, покаянии и вере.

Eлектронна книга

Her Prairie Knight

B.M. Bower

Eastern society girl Beatrice Lansell, on a visit to her brothers Montana ranch, is being pressured by her social-climbing mother to accept her English nobleman suitor, Sir Redmond Hayes. She fills her days with coquetry, leisure and meaningless flirtations, but she has never found true love. The staunchly independent Beatrice finds herself equally annoyed and attracted by mysterious cowboy Keith Cameron. Will this improbable romance last? Theres plenty of conflict as corporations start buying up the free range, plenty of excitement and danger from the elements and criminals, and of course, plenty of romance as a New York socialite and a ruggedly noble cowpuncher fall in love.

Eлектронна книга

Agatha Webb

Anna Katharine Green

Celebrated as one of the most important early female writers of detective fiction, Anna Katherine Green was lauded for her meticulous plotting and attention to detail. In this classic mystery novel, a universally beloved woman Agatha Webb and a household servant are found dead. Would her husband do it for money matters? Or would it be the rich and well-connected Mr. Fredrick, who ran away into the woods? Detective Caleb Sweetwater works to untangle the plot that involves blackmail, family secrets, and murder. Written in the 1890s, Agatha Webb story is chock full of twists and turns, lies, love and honor, and compelling characters acting for good or ill.

Eлектронна книга

The Woman in White

Wilkie Collins

Often considered one of the first mystery novels, The Woman In White follows protagonist Walter Hartright, an art teacher, as he has a mysterious late night encounter on a London street with a lost woman, dressed all in white, who he later finds out had escaped from an asylum. The figure of this woman and the words they exchanged during their meeting come to haunt Walter, even as he accepts a job at Limmeridge House outside of London to instruct heiress Laura Farlie in art. Walter soon recognizes the astonishing resemblance between Laura and The Woman In White, and finds out that the mystery woman also used to live near Limmeridge and has connections to the Farlie family. A tragic, haunting tale about mistaken identities, unbelievable selfishness and cruelty, bust also true love and persevering friendship. A true classic.

Eлектронна книга


Jerzy Żuławski

Druga część Trylogii księżycowej Jerzego Żuławskiego kontynuuje opowieść o losach księżycowych osadników. Ukazuje stworzoną przez nich kulturę oraz zmagania z zamieszkującymi przed nimi Księżyc kosmitami. Przybycie kosmonauty Marka, uznanego za wyczekiwanego Mesjasza, rozpoczyna rewolucję. Marek pomaga osadnikom w walce z wrogiem oraz usiłuje zreformować społeczeństwo. Jego działalność kończy się jednak wielkim rozczarowaniem...

Eлектронна книга

Rob Roy

Walter Scott

The protagonist in Rob Roy is Francis Osbaldistone not the title character! Francis a spoiled son of a rich London businessman,who would rather write poetry than work for his father. Sent to his uncles estate as punishment in northern England, bordering simmering Scotland. He soon becomes involved in a feud with his cousin Rashleigh (youngest and smartest of six brothers!). A woman Diana is the main reason.This being 1715 a revolt soon brakes out, Rashleigh steals important papers from Franciss father. If they arent recovered, the family will be ruined! Osbaldistone finally wakes up and seeks the help of Rob Roy. He is a notorious outlaw. The bloody conclusion occurs at Osbaldistone Hall.

Eлектронна книга

Septimius Felton. Or, The Elixir of Life

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Septimus Felton talks about the thirst for eternal life. Gothic, and sometimes irresistible, is the last book of this author. He changes the roles of the characters and spreads the story, which becomes mysterious and ambiguous. Inside the novel is a story about a bleeding shadow, like a collection of what is in the book.

Eлектронна книга

The Point of Honor. A Military Tale

Joseph Conrad

Conrad stresses that the narrative clearly shows that the duel really benefited two. Combat competitions made every job and strive a little harder, forced the will to survive and win in a personal fight as seriously as the desire to survive the bloody years of the Napoleonic war. Both are officers in Napoleons army, and both are to the core.

Eлектронна книга

The Clue of the Silver Key

Edgar Wallace

The story begins with the murder of Horace Tom Tickler, burglar, who is taken for a ride in the best Chicago fashion and then delivered to Scotland Yard in a stolen cab and all of England will be turned topsy-turvy until the clue of the silver key unmasks the ruthless murderer! Some intriguing twists, and the murderers identity is quite well hidden. With a wide range of suspects miserly rich uncle, heiress-actress, impecunious inventor, theatrical angel, inveterate gambler, even the underpaid butler this multiple murder mystery delivers. The Clue of the Silver Key was made into films and was very popular among viewers.

Eлектронна книга

U kresu sił

Joseph Conrad

Nowela U kresu sił wpisuje się w cykl morskich opowieści Josepha Conrada. Przedstawia losy kapitana Henryka Whalleya, dowodzącego parowcem Sofala, i jego perypetie związane z kobietami jego życia żoną i córką. Ta ostatnia pragnie założyć pensjonat i prosi ojca o pieniądze na jego uruchomienie. Dla kapitana wiąże się to ze zmianą całego życia.

Eлектронна книга

Wanderer of the Wasteland

Zane Grey

Wanderer of the Wasteland, Zane Greys 1923 novel of two brothers, one an honest cowpoke, the other a gambler. Adam Larey was betrayed by his older brother, Guerd, a gambler and wastrel, so he ran away to a mining town. Guerd, in the company of a vicious and unscrupulous sheriff, tracked him down, and in a confrontation, Adam shot his brother and assaulted the sheriff. A distraught Adam, believing he has killed his own brother. Adam seeks refuge in the desert, where life is unrelentingly hard and every day brings a battle against the alkali sands, scorching heat, lonely nights, no-account highway men, and tempting yet treacherous women. After wandering the deserts for fourteen years he decides to return to the town he fled to accept his punishment.