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Romance. A Novel

Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Hueffer

This is a story about the adventures of the youth of the regency from the lower reaches of the British nobility in the harsh and capricious world of the Caribbean Sea, complete with pirates, romance and daring Spanish girls, as well as a few last minute escapes the clichés of romantic fantasies about adventures. There are several excerpts from Conrads beautiful memories. At that time, slavery was the basis of the Caribbean economy, and the hero for some time is the head of the slave-owning plantation.

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The Bird Cage

Eimar ODuffy

Eimar Ultan ODuffy (29 September 1893 21 March 1935), born in Dublin in 1893, was a novelist, poet, playwright and satirist. The Irish Theatre Company produced two of his plays, and a later play Bricrius Feast was published, though not produced, in 1919. His other publications include The Wasted Island (1919), King Goshawk and the Birds (MacMillan, 1926) and a series of mystery novels including The Bird Cage, Asses in Clover and The Secret Enemy. In The Bird Cage, a murdered man is discovered in a bedroom at the Grand Hotel in Spurn Cove, an English seaside resort... This is the first American edition of a mystery novel by an Irish writer. Eimar ODuffys mysteries give you just enough information to get you drawn into the story and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. Highly recommended for fans of mysteries!

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The Forged Coupon and Other Stories

Leo Tolstoy

At the beginning of the story, walking along an incline, some of Tolstoys characters lie, commit robberies and even killings. The author allows his heroes to experience feelings of satisfaction and complete impunity, after they have committed terrible atrocities. Pelageyushkin, going to the massacres, is content with one own impunity. Tolstoy conducts his heroes in hellish circles: all terrible crimes are uncovered. The punishment for the crime hangs with a Damocles sword over the heads of Tolstoy literary characters. It is also interesting that the writer selects his heroes from each social group.

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6 najpiękniejszych powieści. MultiBook

Helena Mniszkówna

Helena Mniszkówna (18781943) była autorką romansów z życia wyższych sfer. Uznawana jest za klasyka literatury popularnej przeznaczonej dla masowego czytelnika. Fenomen twórczości powieściowej Mniszkówny polegał na tym, że chętnie posługiwała się sytuacjami melodramatycznymi, które w zbiorowej świadomości funkcjonowała od zarania literatury. Powieści autorki mówią o miłości, ale przede wszystkim o zalotach. To szczegółowa analiza wszelakich działań, które zmierzają do połączenia dwojga zakochanych ludzi. Im więcej przeszkód po drodze do celu, tym większa wartość ich miłości. W swych utworach powieściopisarka głosiła zwycięstwo cnoty i szlachetności nad złem i egoizmem. W multibooku znalazło się 6 najpiękniejszych powieści autorki, takich jak: Trędowata Ordynat Michorowski Panicz Gehenna Sfinks Magnesy serc

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The Lone Hand

Harold Bindloss

Mark was an engineer and is currently out of work. The landscape was colorless and dreary, but Mark was young, and after the pulsating workshop he liked the space and tranquility. The Croziers owned the soil they cultivated on the hills. They held tenaciously everything that belongs to them

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A Tale of Three Lions

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard wrote adventure novels. A Tale of Three Lions is an exciting story about the dangerous adventure of a young girl, Harry. She wants to join her father, who became a celebrity, thanks to the lion hunt. This novel, though not a fantasy, but still strikes a denouement.

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Louise de la Valliere

Alexandre Dumas

After The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years After the adventurous story of Athos, Porthos, Aramis and DArtagnan continues! Against a tender love story, Dumas continues the suspense which began with The Vicomte de Bragelonne and will end with The Man in the Iron Mask. Can it be true that the King is in love with the Duchess dOrleans? Or has his eye been caught by the sweet and gentle Louise de la Valliere? No one is more anxious to know the answer than Raoul, son of Athos, who loves Louise more than life itself. Behind the scenes, dark intrigues are afoot. Louis XIV is desperate to solidify his position as absolute ruler of France. Impending turmoil forces the Musketeers and dArtagnan to come out of retirement, but is it for the right reasons? A fantastic continuation of Dumass famous saga, Louise De La Valliere constitutes a must-read for fans of his work, and would make for a worthy addition to any collection.

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Obok Iliady drugi z eposów, których autorstwo tradycja przypisuje Homerowi. Odyseja zaczyna się po dziesięciu latach wojny trojańskiej. Odyseusz ciągle nie wrócił do domu z wojny. Podróż tytułowego bohatera do domu prowadzi go przez wiele niebezpiecznych miejsc. Tymczasem syn Odyseusza, Telemach, ma dziesięć lat i dzieli dom z matką Penelopą i 108 młodymi ludźmi, których celem jest poślubienie Penelopy. Przez cały czas Penelopa trzymała zalotników z dala od siebie. Obiecała, że wybierze jednego z nich, gdy skończy tkać sukno pogrzebowe dla teścia. Jednakże każdej nocy rozpruwa pracę z poprzedniego dnia...

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Angel Esquire

Edgar Wallace

Angel Esquire (1919) is a great crime story by one of the masters of the genre. This novella revolves around the hunt for an inheritance, or rather the word to unlock the safe where the inheritance is safely stored. A nasty old millionaire dies, leaving clues to the combination of his safe where all his fortune is hidden, to several people, and the race is on! Will the beautiful innocent young girl whose father was swindled by the millionaire get to it first? Or will the criminal associates of said millionaire beat her? Its up to Angel Esquire, the famous and unorthodox detective to be sure that youth and innocence win!

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The Poisoned Pen

Arthur B. Reeve

The second collection of 12 of the early Craig Kennedy mysteries, written by Arthur Benjamin Reeve and published in 1912. His Craig Kennedy stories, of which these are early examples, earned their main character the nickname the American Sherlock Holmes, both for his highly rational and analytical detective work as well as for his ever-present Dr. Watson-like companion Walter Jameson. They solve crimes using cutting-edge technology of the early twentieth century with varying degrees of plausibility. This volume includes The Germ of Death, The White Slave, The Confidence King, The Invisible Ray, and eight more. Each story features a fascinating look at life in the early 20th century, and even includes some action along the way.

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The Marble Faun. Or, The Romance of Monte Beni

Nathaniel Hawthorne

At the center of the novel is a group of four characters. These are two young American artists, Hilda and Kenyon, who were brought to Rome by a thirst to comprehend the secrets of art, and their friends the artist Miriam and the young Donatello, who are introduced into this circle not by a passion for art, but by love for Miriam. Everyone is struck by the similarity of the count with the famous statue of Praxiteles, depicting a faun. Most importantly, this similarity is not limited to external similarity: traits dominate in the depiction of his image, beyond which the innocence of a creature unaware of the existence of evil is revealed.

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La Fort des aventures

Maurice Leblanc, André de Maricourt

On connaît Maurice Leblanc comme le pere dArsene Lupin. Ici il samuse beaucoup mler le réel et lirréel. Ainsi le petite Pierre fait la connaissance de Violette et ils font face laventure dans la fort voisine, une fort mystérieuse... Cendrillon, Grand-mere et le loup, Ali Baba, Barbe-Bleue, et mme le Prince charmant vont rencontrer les enfants. La Fort des Aventures raconte comment on passe de lenfance ladolescence et comment les fantaisies de lenfance laissent peu peu la place la réalité de la vie. Maurice Leblanc ne sadresse pas tant aux enfants quaux adultes... qui ont été des enfants.

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Kobieta porzucona

Honoriusz Balzak

Powieść Kobieta porzucona Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Scen z życia prywatnego cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Akcja powieści rozpoczyna się bezpośrednio po zakończeniu wydarzeń opisanych w utworze Ojciec Goriot. Główna bohaterka, wicehrabina Klara de Beauséant, została właśnie porzucona przez portugalskiego markiza dAjuda-Pinto. Wyjeżdża do swojego zamku w Normandii, by całkowicie wyłączyć się z życia towarzyskiego. Jej izolacja staje się przyczyną licznych plotek. Szczególnie młody hrabia Gaston de Nueil jest zafascynowany tajemniczą arystokratką...

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Stara Ziemia

Jerzy Żuławski

Trzecia część Trylogii księżycowej Jerzego Żuławskiego rozgrywa się równocześnie z akcją Zwycięzcy, tyle że na Ziemi. Pokazuje nowy system społeczny zapewniający bezpieczeństwo, ale oparty na wyzysku i nierówności. Planowana przez grupę intelektualistów rewolucja stanowi literacką odpowiedź na rozwijające się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku socjalistyczne ideały odnowy świata.

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The Finger of Fate

H.C. McNeile

The story of Staunton and Barstow, who are witnesses of a strange spectacle at a bar in an Austrian village. The aristocrat begins a formidable target training session on some playing cards the Five of Hearts and the Five of Spades. Barstow remains to witness this several times. Further stories of love, revenge, jealousy and destiny complete this exciting volume.

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Prodigals of Monte Carlo

E. Phillips Oppenheim

He might be almost forgotten now, but Mr. Oppenheim wrote an amazing 116 novels, including many bestsellers. Several are set amid the glamour of Monte Carlo, including this 1920s romantic thriller. The novel has an intriguing start, as handsome and charming Sir Hargrave Wendever gets a nasty shock from the doctor. Wealthy, handsome, intelligent, single, with the world at his feet suddenly he finds his world crumbling. What will he do? He decides to do some good with his money in the time he has left, and offers a penniless young woman a free holiday at his villa, with no strings attached. The reader is transported from the grey fogs of London to the sunshine of Monte Carlo, where, along with the hero and some new friends, the real adventures begin.