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The Enchanted Island of Yew

L. Frank Baum

The Island of Yew is set at some undisclosed place in the Earths global ocean in the middle of the sea. A fairy has become bored with her life, and convinces some young girls to transform her into a human boy so she can go on fast and furious adventures. Transformed, he is Prince Marvel, but he keeps his fairy powers, as they might prove handy in a world where you will quite likely encounter giants, dwarves, wizards, rowdy robber gangs, talking dragons, damsels in distress, and overgrown hedges. He takes as a sidekick a dedicated masochist, which is just one of the ways the author keeps things interesting. Full of magic, and fairies and evil hearted villains, this a good read for young adults with a love of gentle adventure stories. The Enchanted Island of Yew is a 1903 childrens book, a fantasy written by L. Frank Baum. It is not an Oz book, though materials in it show a clear relationship and resemblance with Baums most famous fantasy country.


Бедные люди (Biedni ludzie)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

Это уникальное произведение гениального писателя. На первый взгляд, это обыкновенная переписка двух людей, которые оказались в непростых жизненных обстоятельствах, на самом деле 2013 феноменальный рассказ о человеческой сущности, о жизненных ценностях и каким образом выжить в мире, который абсолютно не приспособлен под «бедных людей». В основе романа 2013 история несчастной любви мелкого чиновника Макара Девушкина и Вареньки Доброселовой. Оба они 2013 удивительно трогательные, яркие, живые и светлые персонажи. Развивая извечно российскую тему 2013 тему «маленького человека», не способного переломить обстоятельства и систему, автор искренне сочувствует своим обездоленным героям, чья внутренняя красота и благородство души безмерны, но это никак не может помочь им в мире, наполненном несправедливостью, страданиями и жестокостью.


Doctor Grimshawes Secret. A Romance

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The novel Doctor Grimshawes Secret, in which a specific eerie coloring is attached to one particular house, still existing in Salem and adjacent to the old cemetery on Charter Street. This mood was expressed in giving a certain amount of mystery, magic or horror to events that are basically not supernatural. An interesting novel for mystery lovers.


Allan and the Ice-Gods. A Tale of Beginnings

H. Rider Haggard

Many people want to have a drug in their hands that can change our appearance. Our hero was in the hands of just such a drug. Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic drug taduki, after which he transforms into an incomprehensible creature. He falls in prehistoric times, in cave times. Such an adventure will be definitely interesting.


La Frontiere

Maurice Leblanc

Seul lauteur dArsene Lupin savait décrire lhistoire si saturée et mysterieuse. La frontiere entre lAllemand et la France est plein de suspens et de rebondissements et malheureusement cela est une source de nombreux conflits. Philippe rentre apres de vacances chez Morestal a la frontiere. Un pere et son fils ne sont pas prtes dun évenement tragique qui survient sur la frontiere. Alors, tes vous prtes?


Frank Merriwells Chums

Burt L. Standish

The most important thing in life is to have true friends. So thought our hero, Frank Merriwell. It would seem like this can be a problem for one of the most popular students in the academy. However, Frank not only had a large number of friends, but also enemies. And when the enemy is among friends.. this is the worst thing ever.


Magnesy serc

Helena Mniszkówna

Kasia Zahojska główna bohaterka powieści jest ambitną i uzdolnioną szlachcianką studiującą na politechnice. Po ukończeniu studiów zostaje żoną hrabiego Edwarda Zebrzydowskiego. Mężowi przeszkadza charakter pracy żony. W końcu porzuca i ją i majątek aby podróżować przez długi czas po świecie. Kasia czuje się bardzo samotna i zaczyna coraz więcej rozmyślać o swoim bliskim koledze ze studiów Andrzeju Dęboszu mężczyźnie wprawdzie niższego stanu ale za to wielkiego umysłu. Czy Kasia będzie znów szczęśliwa u boku Andrzeja?


Robbers Roost

Zane Grey

A classic story of imperiled love on the western frontiers of nineteenth-century America. Jim Tex Wall is searching for three men who killed his wife and stole his horses and finds them working for a gang of cattle rustlers engaged in a turf war with a rival gang of outlaws. Finding his horses he joins the gang that are now riding them. Caught in the battle between the gangs when one double-crosses the other, he now finds the man he is looking for. Robbers Roost tells the story of their personal struggle to escape the clutches of the murderous outlaws while simultaneously safeguarding their passion, one that is not likely to survive the beautiful, yet deadly, terrain and people of the old American West.


Pamiętnik pani Hanki

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Pani Hanka jest kobietą młodą i piękną. Jako żona dyplomaty całe dnie spędza na odwiedzaniu kawiarni i restauracji, bywaniu u znajomych i brylowaniu w towarzystwie na balach i rautach. Powoli jednak nic nieznaczące flirty i towarzyskie intrygi zaczynają ją nudzić. By odmienić swą monotonną egzystencję nawiązuje romans z Robertem Tonnorem. Niestety, za sprawą tego związku wplątuje się w niebezpieczną aferę szpiegowską, a dodatkowo zmuszona jest do śledzenia własnego męża, który jak się okazało ma jeszcze jedną... żonę. Do akcji wkraczają detektywi, tajni agenci, tajemnica goni tajemnicę. Pamiętnik pani Hanki to znakomita powieść obyczajowa z życia wyższych sfer przedwojennej Warszawy, a zarazem pasjonujący kryminał.


Kłopoty babuni

Bolesław Prus

Żartobliwie przedstawione sceny z życia obyczajowego społeczeństwa. Centralną postacią utworu Kłopoty babuni jest pewien pułkownik, którego odwiedza żona jego byłego podwładnego. Osiemdziesięcioletnia majorowa potrzebuje pomocy w kształceniu swego wnuka, Soterka. Staje się to punktem wyjścia do podróży w poszukiwaniu odpowiednich nauczycieli, z których wszyscy okazują się podejrzani i niekompetentni. Sam pułkownik coraz bardziej chce się uwolnić od kłopotliwej i zalecającej się do niego staruszki, stosuje więc rozmaite wybiegi i wchodzi w układy z różnymi poznanymi po drodze osobami.


The Vultures of Whapeton

Robert E. Howard

This is a good book of four Western stories. The title story, however, is the longest. The Vultures of Whapeton suffers from a protagonist who is just a bit too manly and effective to be believed. Everyone who meets Steve Corcoran seems to instantly know hell just prevail in any kind of gunfight, no matter how outnumbered he is -- and then, of course, Corcoran goes on to do use that.


Constance Dunlap

Arthur B. Reeve

A charming thief rescues the not-so-innocent in this delightful crime novel from the creator of the Craig Kennedy detective series. Constance Dunlap is a young woman who turns amateur criminal in order to save her husband from disgrace and imminent arrest. When this sadly doesnt work out exactly as planned, Constance goes on to embrace a new life. More antiheroine than heroine, she uses her photographic memory and her sharp wit to help amateur criminals get back on the right track. From one escapade to the next, Dunlap eludes Drummond, a crooked private detective who preys on the weak and unfortunate. Even he cant help but admire the pluck and intelligence of this irresistible scofflaw.


The House of Mammon

Fred M. White

The House of Mammon is a new puzzle for readers. John Sairson, an influential businessman, bought a house about five years ago, after Sir George Lugard, the last of his family, was found dead in the library with a gun in his hand. Theories diverged: some suspected that it was a suicide, but others claimed that he was shot. One thing is clear, John Sairson was involved in questionable business. But did he kill his family member?


The Man Who Knew Too Much

G.K. Chesterton

This is a detective story collection of Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Most of the stories in the collection are about the hermit of society, Horn Fischer, who has the talent to solve crimes. Journalist Harold March was walking around the outskirts of Turnbull and met the bizarre Horn Fisher, whom he immediately made friends with. No sooner did they get to know each other when they became witnesses of the disaster: the car flew off the road and fell into the abyss. Fisher and March approached the crash site and identified Sir Humphrey Turnbull, the local rich man. It turned out that he was shot, so that he fell into the abyss. New acquaintances take up the investigation.


The Lord of the Sea

M.P. Shiel

The story is of Richard Hogarth, a man of lofty spirit who on discovering a cache of giant diamonds inside a fallen meteor undertakes a bold project to re-shape the human condition on a global scale. He builds huge steel forts with his wealth, places diamonds at the cross-roads of the earths oceans to control all sea-traffic for tribute to benefit the citizens of his mammoth iron islands. The Lord of the Sea (1901) develops a network of mid-19th-century motifs incredible coincidences, swapped babies, hidden identities, chance-found incredible wealth, documents in a trunk, festering revenges, elaborate prison escapes, frustrated romance, Napoleonic megalomania yet, though written to an aesthetic outdated for its time, in embodies that aesthetic with enormous elan and vitality.


Mrs. Thompson. A Novel

W.B. Maxwell

British novelist William B. Maxwell (1866-1938), the son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, wrote both plays and novels. He is well known for his drama The Last Man In (1910) and the satire The Naked Truth (1910). Maxwell wrote almost 40 novels which include Tudor Green (1935), The Ragged Messenger (1904) and The Devils Garden (1913). He also enlisted as a lieutenant in the Royal Fusiliers at the age of 50, with the outbreak of World War I. Written in 1911, Mrs. Thompson: A Novel novel is a well crafted story about a woman struggling to support her loved ones in the face of adversity. We follow her through the years, and share her sorrows and joys set in a small town, with good supporting characters, and a strong and impressive heroine. If you enjoy the works of W. B. Maxwell then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.