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Web development
Python API Development Fundamentals. Develop a full-stack web application with Python and Flask
Jack Chan, Ray Chung, Jack Huang
Python is a flexible language that can be used for much more than just script development. By knowing the Python RESTful APIs work, you can build a powerful backend for web applications and mobile applications using Python.You'll take your first steps by building a simple API and learning how the frontend web interface can communicate with the backend. You'll also learn how to serialize and deserialize objects using the marshmallow library. Then, you'll learn how to authenticate and authorize users using Flask-JWT. You'll also learn how to enhance your APIs by adding useful features, such as email, image upload, searching, and pagination. You'll wrap up the whole book by deploying your APIs to the cloud.By the end of this book, you'll have the confidence and skill to leverage the power of RESTful APIs and Python to build efficient web applications.
MLOps is an emerging field that aims to bring repeatability, automation, and standardization of the software engineering domain to data science and machine learning engineering. By implementing MLOps with Kubernetes, data scientists, IT professionals, and data engineers can collaborate and build machine learning solutions that deliver business value for their organization.You'll begin by understanding the different components of a machine learning project. Then, you'll design and build a practical end-to-end machine learning project using open source software. As you progress, you'll understand the basics of MLOps and the value it can bring to machine learning projects. You will also gain experience in building, configuring, and using an open source, containerized machine learning platform. In later chapters, you will prepare data, build and deploy machine learning models, and automate workflow tasks using the same platform. Finally, the exercises in this book will help you get hands-on experience in Kubernetes and open source tools, such as JupyterHub, MLflow, and Airflow.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to effectively build, train, and deploy a machine learning model using the machine learning platform you built.
Dr. Scott Dell, Dr. Mfon Akpan
In the fast-paced AI world, accounting professionals are increasingly challenged by the complexities of AI. Many struggle to integrate these advanced tools into their workflows, leading to a sense of overwhelm. ChatGPT for Accounting bridges this gap by not only simplifying AI concepts but also offering practical insights for its application in various accounting domains.This book takes you from the foundational principles of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to its practical applications in audits, tax planning, practice management, fraud examination, financial analysis, and beyond. Each chapter equips you with essential skills, showing you how AI can revolutionize internal control systems, enhance recruitment processes, streamline marketing plans, optimize tax strategies, and boost efficiency in audits. You’ll then advance to exploring the role of AI in forensic accounting, financial analysis, managerial accounting, and corporate governance, while also addressing ethical and security implications.Concluding with a reflective outlook on the promises and challenges of AI, you’ll gain a holistic view of the future of accounting. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to harness the power of AI effectively and ethically, transforming your accounting practice and staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape.
Blender is the most important up-and-coming 3D software package in the world. EEVEE, a state-of-the-art real-time rendering engine is a fairly new addition to Blender and provides the capacity to create artwork at blazing speed, almost 12 times faster than Cycles.Lighting, Shading, and Rendering with Blender’s EEVEE provides a high-level overview of what EEVEE is capable of, then teaches users about Geometry Nodes, Rendering Techniques, using shortcuts like Kitbashing and Alphas to speed up scene creation, volumetrics, reflections, adding lights, cameras and even special effects like fire and smoke, all in EEVEE. All of this is in the context of creating actual scenes that readers will work through from start to finish. By the time a Blender Artist completes the book, they will have created three separate works that have challenged them to iterate and design with the full power of Blender’s EEVEE.
iOS 10 Programming for Beginners. Explore the latest iOS 10 and Swift 3 features
You want to build iOS applications for iPhone and iPad—but where do you start? Forget sifting through tutorials and blog posts, this is a direct route into iOS development, taking you through the basics and showing you how to put the principles into practice. With every update, iOS has become more and more developer-friendly, so take advantage of it and begin building applications that might just take the App Store by storm!Whether you’re an experienced programmer or a complete novice, this book guides you through every facet of iOS development. From Xcode and Swift—the building blocks of modern Apple development—and Playgrounds for beginners, one of the most popular features of the iOS development experience, you’ll quickly gain a solid foundation to begin venturing deeper into your development journey. For the experienced programmer, jump right in and learn the latest iOS 10 features.You’ll also learn the core elements of iOS design, from tables to tab bars, as well as more advanced topics such as gestures and animations that can give your app the edge. Find out how to manage databases, as well as integrating standard elements such as photos, GPS into your app. With further guidance on beta testing with TestFlight, you’ll quickly learn everything you need to get your project on the App Store!
Willi Richert, Luis Pedro Coelho
Machine learning, the field of building systems that learn from data, is exploding on the Web and elsewhere. Python is a wonderful language in which to develop machine learning applications. As a dynamic language, it allows for fast exploration and experimentation and an increasing number of machine learning libraries are developed for Python.Building Machine Learning system with Python shows you exactly how to find patterns through raw data. The book starts by brushing up on your Python ML knowledge and introducing libraries, and then moves on to more serious projects on datasets, Modelling, Recommendations, improving recommendations through examples and sailing through sound and image processing in detail. Using open-source tools and libraries, readers will learn how to apply methods to text, images, and sounds. You will also learn how to evaluate, compare, and choose machine learning techniques. Written for Python programmers, Building Machine Learning Systems with Python teaches you how to use open-source libraries to solve real problems with machine learning. The book is based on real-world examples that the user can build on.Readers will learn how to write programs that classify the quality of StackOverflow answers or whether a music file is Jazz or Metal. They will learn regression, which is demonstrated on how to recommend movies to users. Advanced topics such as topic modeling (finding a text's most important topics), basket analysis, and cloud computing are covered as well as many other interesting aspects.Building Machine Learning Systems with Python will give you the tools and understanding required to build your own systems, which are tailored to solve your problems.
Lim Mei Ying, Spencer Harbar, Stefan Gossner
The release of Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) Service Pack 2 opens up the world of ASP.NET 2.0 to MCMS developers. Written by the masters of MCMS, this book shows you how to use the new features of ASP.NET 2.0 that everyone is talking about in your MCMS development.You will first learn how to install and configure MCMS SP2. There are two approaches to setting up a development environment for SP2: an upgrade from a previous SP1a installation or starting from scratch and building a fresh installation including SP2. Of course, both approaches are covered.You will become familiar with the MCMS Service Pack 2 development environment, and create custom Visual Studio 2005 templates to overcome some of the issues which are present with the templates shipped with MCMS SP2.After that, its time to look at some of the most exciting features of ASP.NET 2.0, and how you can make use of them in MCMS: master pages, site navigation, themes, and the membership provider model.One of the coolest features introduced with ASP.NET 2.0 is master pages, which allow developers to enforce common layout and behaviour across pages within an application. You will learn about the benefits of using master pages and see a step-by-step guide for implementing them in your MCMS applications, where they become master templates!ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a whole new way of implementing site navigation, driven by site maps. By programmatically adding channels and postings to a site map you will see how to smoothly integrate these controls to any MCMS site.To customize the look of your site, we will see how a common look and feel can be applied efficiently to a MCMS site by using ASP.NET 2.0 themes. An essential customization required for themes to work correctly in an MCMS site is a must-read feature of this chapter.MCMS has its own role based authorization and user management system which cannot be extended. However, the new ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Provider Model and the shipped controls can be used within MCMS applications to improve the implementation of Forms Authentication and provide a more elegant solution for authenticating against an external store.A collection of tips and tricks round off the book, including using the Provider Model design pattern to ease migration to Office SharePoint Portal Server
Shawn R. McLean, Shawn Ricardo Mclean
.NET extension methods is an essential feature to know and understand for all .NET developers. Usage of extension methods is found in applications ranging from small to large scale enterprise systems built using the .NET framework. Create and use extension methods the correct way to save your development time and maintainability costs.Instant .NET 4.5 Extension Methods How-to is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises that will help you take advantage of the real power that is behind extension methods and gives you good knowledge of how to use them in your .NET applications.This book covers how to create, write, and use different types of extension methods. It will take you through a number of clear, practical recipes that will help you take advantage of the power of extension methods in the quickest possible way.You will also learn exactly how to create extension methods on strings, interfaces, classes such as IQueryable and IEnumerable, and so on. You will write them from scratch and then use them practically in your application. You will also learn the most suitable scenarios for using these extension methods.You will learn everything you need to know about creating your own extension methods and using them and other external extension methods.
JavaScript for .NET Developers. Developing for the modern web
If you want to improve responsiveness or the UX in your ASP.NET applications, JavaScript can be a life saver. In an age where server-side operations have shifted to the client, being able to handle JavaScript with confidence and fluency is vital for ASP.NET developers. There’s no point trying to fight it, so start learning with this book. Make sure your projects exceed user expectations.Begin by getting stuck into the basics of JavaScript, and explore the language in the context of ASP.NET Core. You’ll then find out how to put the principles into practice, as you learn how to develop a basic ASP.NET application using Angular 2 and TypeScript. You’ll also develop essential skills required to develop responsive apps, with a little help from AJAX, ensuring that you’re building projects that can be easily accessed across different devices. With guidance on Node.js and some neat techniques to test and debug a range of JavaScript libraries in Visual Studio, you’ll soon be well on your way to combining JavaScript with ASP.NET in a way that’s capable of meeting the challenges of modern web development head-on.
Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques. Creative ways to build powerful and effective online courses
Moodle Trust, Susan Smith Nash, William Rice, William Rice
Moodle is the world's most popular, free open-source Learning Management System (LMS). It is vast and has lots to offer. More and more colleges, universities, and training providers are using Moodle, which has helped revolutionize e-learning with its flexible, reusable platform and components. It works best when you feel confident that the tools you have at hand will allow you to create exactly what you need.This book brings together step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions and learning theory to give you new tools and new power with Moodle. It will show you how to connect with your online students, and how and where they develop an enthusiastic, open, and trusting relationship with their fellow students and with you, their instructor. With this book, you'll learn to get the best from Moodle.This book helps you develop good, solid, dynamic courses that will last by making sure that your instructional design is robust, and that they are built around satisfying learning objectives and course outcomes. With this book, you'll have excellent support and step-by-step guidance for putting together courses that incorporate your choice of the many features that Moodle offers. You will also find the best way to create effective assessments, and how to create them for now and in the future. The book will also introduce you to many modules, which you can use to make your course unique and create an environment where your students will get maximum benefit. In addition, you will learn how you can save time and reuse your best ideas by taking advantage of Moodle's unique features.
Building a scalable microservices platform that caters to business demands is critical to the success of that platform. In a microservices architecture, inter-service communication becomes a bottleneck when the platform scales. This book provides a reference architecture along with a practical example of how to implement it for building microservices-based platforms with NATS as the messaging backbone for inter-service communication.In Designing Microservices Platforms with NATS, you’ll learn how to build a scalable and manageable microservices platform with NATS. The book starts by introducing concepts relating to microservices architecture, inter-service communication, messaging backbones, and the basics of NATS messaging. You’ll be introduced to a reference architecture that uses these concepts to build a scalable microservices platform and guided through its implementation. Later, the book touches on important aspects of platform securing and monitoring with the help of the reference implementation. Finally, the book concludes with a chapter on best practices to follow when integrating with existing platforms and the future direction of microservices architecture and NATS messaging as a whole.By the end of this microservices book, you’ll have developed the skills to design and implement microservices platforms with NATS.
Software Freedom Conservancy Inc, Marc Delisle
phpMyAdmin is an extremely popular, free and open source tool intended to easily handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform a variety of tasks in order to efficiently manage web databases. With this helpful step-by-step guide, we will build a solid understanding of the core capabilities of phpMyAdmin.If you are new to phpMyAdmin this is the perfect companion for getting you off to a flying start. No previous experience with phpMyAdmin is required as you will be guided through downloading and installing it on your system. After installation we will explore the use of top features and the vibrant online community surrounding phpMyAdmin.The amount of things that you can do with phpMyAdmin is overwhelming, so the quick start guide will show you how to create your very first tables. The list of resources will help you to become familiar with the phpMyAdmin community, which is a valuable part of any Open Source project. Finally, you will see how to use five key features of phpMyAdmin ñ including browsing, searching, and changing data, exporting to Excel, and creating relations between tables - that will allow you to perform simple tasks to learn the basics and set off on your own.
Composing Software. An Exploration of Functional Programming and Object Composition in JavaScript
This book delves into functional programming and composition techniques in JavaScript, starting with core concepts like pure functions, shared state avoidance, and higher-order functions to build modular, maintainable code. Early chapters explore the fundamentals of functional programming, immutability, and its growing influence in the JavaScript community. You'll learn essential topics such as function composition, currying, and higher-order functions, as well as advanced concepts like abstract data types, functors, and monads. The book discusses the evolution of functional programming, its role in modern software development, and addresses challenges like the software crisis and composing with classes. You'll learn essential topics like object-oriented programming, focusing on factory functions, functional mixins, and object composition. You'll also understand why traditional classes complicate composition and discover strategies for creating custom data types, lenses, and transducers. The book also covers best practices, emphasizing clean, reusable code and avoiding anti-patterns like excessive mocking. By the end, you'll be ready to apply functional programming techniques to tackle complex design challenges and write more maintainable JavaScript code.