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Tylko kochanka

Hanna Cygler

Życie Leny obfituje w nagłe zwroty, toczy się pomiędzy skrajnościami. Wszelkie przyjemności hiszpańskiej riwiery, a potem smętna rzeczywistość prowincjonalnego Gniewu. Beztroska i luksusy zapewniane przez kochanka, szwedzkiego milionera, a później ukrywanie się przed komornikiem. Pewnego dnia w życie Leny wkracza Jakub, polski prawnik, który zrobił karierę w Londynie. Próbuje odmienić życie Leny i uratować ją z sytuacji, zdawałoby się, bez wyjścia.


Dziewica Orleańska. Tragedia romantyczna w pięciu aktach z prologiem

Fryderyk Schiller

Dziewica Orleańska to dramat pisany wierszem, datowany na rok 1801. Przedstawia historię Joanny dArc, zwanej Dziewicą Orleańską, która jako bardzo młoda kobieta złożyła śluby czystości i wstąpiła do wojska, gdzie zasłynęła walecznością. Po śmierci zaś została kanonizowana przez Kościół katolicki. Autor dramatu zmienia jednak niektóre wątki jej biografii, dodając do nich rozterki miłosne, oraz podaje inne okoliczności śmierci głównej bohaterki.


Tess of the dUrbervilles. A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented

Thomas Hardy

This story of temptation, love and betrayal formed the basis of the scripts of several film adaptations. The young beauty, the daughter of an impoverished descendant of an ancient aristocratic family, seemed to be created for happiness. But suffering persecutes Tess, she becomes a victim of the words of the voluptuous bourgeois, loses her child, experiences the betrayal of her husband... Once a victim is a victim for life! Such is the law! She says, but a riot ripens for her soul...


The Provincial Lady in Wartime

E.M. Delafield

This is the fourth and last of autobiographical novel series by English author E. M. Delafield (1890-1943). It takes the form of a journal of the life of an upper-middle class Englishwoman in the 1930s. The story of a volunteer in a womans underground canteen service in England during the World War 2 who must cope with gas masks, evacuated relatives etc.


Dr Nikolas Experiment

Guy Boothby

Dr. Nicola invited Douglas Ingleby to help him in a mysterious experiment. Unemployed and undoubtedly curious, Ingleby agrees to follow Nikola to a remote castle to help him take care of the old man on the verge of death, Nicola is trying to perform a miracle. But will Inglebys loyalty to Nicolau withstand the contrary to the requests of the old mans great granddaughter, will the experiment give the desired result, and what is he going to do with the sinister Chinese who preys on him?


Guy Fawkes

William Harrison Ainsworth

Guy Fawkes, a prominent figure in the history of England, was one of the leaders in the Gunpowder Plot, whose goal was to overthrow King James I, the Protestant king of England. The plan failed, and Fox and his accomplices were executed in front of the public.


Atar-Gull. Un Corsaire, Le Parisien en Mer, Voyages et Aventures sur Mer de Narcisse Gelin

Eugene Sue

Un Corsaire, Le Parisien en Mer, Voyages et Aventures sur Mer de Narcisse Gelin                                


Farewell, Nikola!

Guy Boothby

This is the last of Dr. Nicholas Boothbys novels staged in Venice, Italy. Nicola tells the story of her sad life, demonstrates her mystical ability to help people test themselves in another place and time, turns a man into a beast and leaves his palace in Venice, which has a bloody history, but it remains in the minds of those who met him.



Szymon Zimorowic

Roksolanki to poemat miłosny napisany w 1629 roku przez Szymona Zimorowica z okazji zaślubin brata poety Józefa Bartłomieja Zimorowica z Katarzyną Duchną Dymidecką. Tematem Roksolanek są różne aspekty miłości. Utwór, należący do gatunku sielanki, zwraca uwagę wyszukaną kompozycją. W pieśniach wyśpiewywanych w formule turnieju poetyckiego 69 osób dzieli się swoimi przeżyciami. Pieśni ułożone są w symetryczną strukturę, która kształtuje cały utwór.


Nowe Ateny

Benedykt Chmielowski

Jedna z pierwszych encyklopedii powszechnych, wydana w latach 17451746. Ma ona układ rzeczowy, który polega na grupowaniu haseł tematycznie, a nie alfabetycznie. Hasła obejmują kilkanaście dziedzin, a informacje Chmielowski pozyskiwał od wielu autorów, począwszy od starożytności, aż po pisarzy sobie współczesnych. Często opatrywał je własnym krytycznym komentarzem, ujawniającym jego przekonania. Encyklopedia objaśnia świat zgodnie z aktualnym stanem wiedzy, dziś często zaskakującym czy osobliwym.


The Financier

Theodore Dreiser

The protagonist of the novel, Frank Kovperwood, begins to do business at school, and as an adult, he moves on to stock speculation. And although he is tried for breaking the law, and he ends up in prison, the hero does not feel guilty at all.


The Legacy of Cain

Wilkie Collins

This book not only wants to thrill its readers with a chilling story, but also touches on social issues in this case, the debate about whether there is a tendency to crime in a person. Blood is the genetic code, or can it be successfully counteracted by compassionate and virtuous parenting.


The Complete Sanders of the River Series. MultiBook

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace is one of the most popular classics of the English detective. The unpredictable dynamic plots of his books gave rise to more than 160 adaptations! The author worked a lot with Hollywood: he was the screenwriter of the legendary King Kong and the first film version of The Baskervilles Dogs. Chases, shootings, changing clothes, luxury villas and cars are integral parts of Wallaces stories. Mysterious murders, dizzying intrigues, dangerous investigations and unpredictable plot twists! The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: Sanders of the River, The People of the River, The River of Stars, Bosambo of the River, Bones, The Keepers of the Kings Peace, Lieutenant Bones, Bones in London, Sandi the Kingmaker, Bones of the River, Sanders, Again Sanders.


The Lovels of Arden

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no one.


The Moment and Other Essays

Virginia Woolf

From the first essay of volume: The Moment and Other Essays, a multi-layered portrait of a summer evening in the English countryside in the company of friends, we are delighted with Wolfes perception and her ability to articulate them clearly. A series of sensory descriptions the rumble of an airplane, the night darkness of an night, the flight of an owl give way to a thought no less important, even inconspicuous: If you are young, the future truly lies like a piece of glass, making it tremble and tremble. If you are old, the past lies on the present, like thick glass, causing it to oscillate, distorting it.


John Marchmonts Legacy

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Edward, a handsome young soldier, considers Mary a charming child. John, the widow, is sick and poor, and asks Edward to keep an eye on Mary after his imminent death, whenever that happens. John stands in line, behind several other relatives, to inherit a huge mansion and income, and he warns Edward if he ever happens before his own death, beware of the evil relative who is next in line after himself because this person will do everything to snatch the inheritance from Mary.