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Dustin Adkison, Dustin Adkison
IBM Cognos is Business Intelligence software that enables businesses to fully utilize their maximum potential. It connects people with information from virtually any data source whenever and wherever they need it so that they can make better decisions, faster.Take the practical, hands-on approach to managing your reporting environment with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence - packed with coverage of all the latest features to truly help you maximize your potential.With this in-depth practical guide you will learn how to fully utilize IBM Cognos 10 so that your business can make smarter decisions, achieve better results and gain a deeper understanding of your company's data. You will learn about critical topics like Report Studio, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, Security and Administration as well as in-depth coverage of other features like Business Insight, Business Insight Advanced, and Active Reports, which were introduced with IBM Cognos 10.
Xun (Brian) Wu, Chuanfeng Zhang, Zhibin (Andrew) Zhang
Hyperledger is an open-source project and creates private blockchain applications for a range of domains. This book will be your desk reference as you explore common and not-so-common challenges faced while building blockchain networks using Hyperledger services.We'll work through all Hyperledger platform modules to understand their services and features and build end-to-end blockchain applications using various frameworks and tools supported by Hyperledger. This book's independent, recipe-based approach (packed with real-world examples) will familiarize you with the blockchain development cycle. From modeling a business network to integrating with various tools, you will cover it all. We'll cover common and not-so-common challenges faced in the blockchain life cycle. Later, we'll delve into how we can interact with the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, covering all the principles you need to master, such as chaincode, smart contracts, and much more. We'll also address the scalability and security issues currently faced in blockchain development.By the end of this book, you will be able to implement each recipe to plan, design, and create a full-fledged, private, decentralized application to meet organizational needs.
The Kubernetes Book. Navigate the world of Kubernetes with expertise - Second Edition
Nigel Poulton, Pushkar Joglekar
Containers transformed how we package and deploy applications, but they came with inherent challenges. Kubernetes is a platform for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale. It also abstracts underlying infrastructure, making it easier to deploy and manage applications across heterogenous clouds and on-premises environments. The Kubernetes Book offers a beginner-friendly approach to mastering Kubernetes architecture and core concepts such as Pods, Deployments, Services, StatefulSets, Ingress, & ConfigMaps. It also demystifies the Kubernetes API, teaches you how to secure Kubernetes, and brings you up to speed with important cloud-native concepts such as microservices, declarative configuration, desired state, & reconciliation. The book also serves as a comprehensive guide for software developers, systems administrators, cloud engineers, and architects to help them master Kubernetes. It offers the most precise explanations and is full of practical examples to help develop applications on a laptop and then deploy them to real-world Kubernetes environments. The Kubernetes Book is updated annually, meaning it's always up to date with the latest and greatest in the Kubernetes and cloud-native ecosystems.
Many programmers are aware of TDD but struggle to apply it beyond basic examples. This book teaches how to build complex, real-world applications using Test-Driven Development (TDD). It takes a first principles approach to the TDD process using plain Jest and includes test-driving the integration of libraries including React Router, Redux, and Relay (GraphQL).Readers will practice systematic refactoring while building out their own test framework, gaining a deep understanding of TDD tools and techniques. They will learn how to test-drive features such as client- and server-side form validation, data filtering and searching, navigation and user workflow, undo/redo, animation, LocalStorage access, WebSocket communication, and querying GraphQL endpoints.The book covers refactoring codebases to use the React Router and Redux libraries. via TDD. Redux is explored in depth, with reducers, middleware, sagas, and connected React components. The book also covers acceptance testing using Cucumber and Puppeteer.The book is fully up to date with React 16.9 and has in-depth coverage of hooks and the ‘act’ test helper.
Jorge R. López Benito, Enara Artetxe González
Augmented reality (AR) is expanding its scope from just being used in mobile and game applications to enterprise. Different industries are using AR to enhance assembly line visualization, guide operators performing difficult tasks, attract more customers, and even improve training techniques. In this book, you'll gain comprehensive insights into different aspects of developing AR-based apps for six different enterprise sectors, focusing on market needs and choosing the most suitable tool in each case.You'll delve into the basics of Unity and get familiar with Unity assets, materials, and resources, which will help you build a strong foundation for working on the different AR projects covered in the book. You'll build real-world projects for various industries such as marketing, retail, and automation in a step-by-step manner. This will give you hands-on experience in developing your own industrial AR apps. While building the projects, you'll explore various AR frameworks used in the enterprise environment such as Vuforia, EasyAR, ARCore, and ARKit, and understand how they can be used by themselves or integrated into the Unity 3D engine to create AR markers, 3D models, and components of an AR app.By the end of this book, you'll be well versed in using different commercial AR frameworks as well as Unity for building robust AR projects.
Gabriela Castillo Areco, José Dahlquist
Data is the new oil and Web3 is generating it at an unprecedented rate. Complete with practical examples, detailed explanations, and ideas for portfolio development, this comprehensive book serves as a step-by-step guide covering the industry best practices, tools, and resources needed to easily navigate the world of data in Web3.You’ll begin by acquiring a solid understanding of key blockchain concepts and the fundamental data science tools essential for Web3 projects. The subsequent chapters will help you explore the main data sources that can help address industry challenges, decode smart contracts, and build DeFi- and NFT-specific datasets. You’ll then tackle the complexities of feature engineering specific to blockchain data and familiarize yourself with diverse machine learning use cases that leverage Web3 data.The book includes interviews with industry leaders providing insights into their professional journeys to drive innovation in the Web 3 environment. Equipped with experience in handling crypto data, you’ll be able to demonstrate your skills in job interviews, academic pursuits, or when engaging potential clients.By the end of this book, you’ll have the essential tools to undertake end-to-end data science projects utilizing blockchain data, empowering you to help shape the next-generation internet.
Three.js has become the industry standard for creating stunning 3D WebGL content. In this edition, you’ll learn about all the features of Three.js and understand how to integrate it with the newest physics engines. You'll also develop a strong grip on creating and animating immersive 3D scenes directly in your browser, reaping the full potential of WebGL and modern browsers.The book starts with the basic concepts and building blocks used in Three.js and helps you explore these essential topics in detail through extensive examples and code samples. You'll learn how to create realistic-looking 3D objects using textures and materials and how to load existing models from an external source. Next, you'll understand how to control the camera using the Three.js built-in camera controls, which will enable you to fly or walk around the 3D scene you've created. Later chapters will cover the use of HTML5 video and canvas elements as materials for your 3D objects to animate your models. You’ll learn how to use morph targets and skeleton-based animation, before understanding how to add physics, such as gravity and collision detection, to your scene. Finally, you’ll master combining Blender with Three.js and creating VR and AR scenes.By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped to create 3D-animated graphics using Three.js.
Amazon Honeycode enables you to build fully managed, customizable, and scalable mobile and web applications for personal or professional use with little to no code. With this practical guide to Amazon Honeycode, you’ll be able to bring your app ideas to life, improving your and your team’s/organization’s productivity.You’ll begin by creating your very first app from the get-go and use it as a means to explore the Honeycode development environment and concepts. Next, you’ll learn how to set up and organize the data to build and bind an app on Honeycode as well as deconstruct different templates to understand the common structures and patterns that can be used. Finally, you’ll build a few apps from scratch and discover how to apply the concepts you’ve learned.By the end of this app development book, you’ll have gained the knowledge you need to be able to build and deploy your own mobile and web applications. You’ll also be able to invite and share your app with people you want to collaborate with.
Network automation offers a powerful new way of changing your infrastructure network. Gone are the days of manually logging on to different devices to type the same configuration commands over and over again. With this book, you'll find out how you can automate your network infrastructure using Python.You'll get started on your network automation journey with a hands-on introduction to the network programming basics to complement your infrastructure knowledge. You'll learn how to tackle different aspects of network automation using Python programming and a variety of open source libraries. In the book, you'll learn everything from templating, testing, and deploying your configuration on a device-by-device basis to using high-level REST APIs to manage your cloud-based infrastructure. Finally, you'll see how to automate network security with Cisco’s Firepower APIs.By the end of this Python network programming book, you'll have not only gained a holistic overview of the different methods to automate the configuration and maintenance of network devices, but also learned how to automate simple to complex networking tasks and overcome common network programming challenges.
If you are familiar with modeling, this book will help you discover a practical and efficient workflow designed to accelerate your asset creation process for use in multiple projects, including games and the metaverse.Complete with shortcuts and tips on how to speed up the process, this book guides you in modeling assets and characters with the help of references. You’ll learn how to optimize the modeled asset for maximum rendering performance within game engines and the metaverse. Next, you’ll get to grips with unwrapping the 3D model for texturing and explore multiple texturing techniques to breathe life into your 3D models. Finally, you’ll integrate the 3D model to work seamlessly across a myriad of programs and game engines.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills to efficiently create any type of 3D asset from scratch for use in renders, animations, or immersive gaming experiences.
Remodeling your outlook on banking begins with keeping up to date with the latest and most effective approaches, such as artificial intelligence (AI). Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking is a practical guide that will help you advance in your career in the banking domain. The book will demonstrate AI implementation to make your banking services smoother, more cost-efficient, and accessible to clients, focusing on both the client- and server-side uses of AI.You’ll begin by understanding the importance of artificial intelligence, while also gaining insights into the recent AI revolution in the banking industry. Next, you’ll get hands-on machine learning experience, exploring how to use time series analysis and reinforcement learning to automate client procurements and banking and finance decisions. After this, you’ll progress to learning about mechanizing capital market decisions, using automated portfolio management systems and predicting the future of investment banking. In addition to this, you’ll explore concepts such as building personal wealth advisors and mass customization of client lifetime wealth. Finally, you’ll get to grips with some real-world AI considerations in the field of banking. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to navigate the finance domain by leveraging the power of AI.
George Kyriakides, Konstantinos G. Margaritis
Ensembling is a technique of combining two or more similar or dissimilar machine learning algorithms to create a model that delivers superior predictive power. This book will demonstrate how you can use a variety of weak algorithms to make a strong predictive model.With its hands-on approach, you'll not only get up to speed with the basic theory but also the application of different ensemble learning techniques. Using examples and real-world datasets, you'll be able to produce better machine learning models to solve supervised learning problems such as classification and regression. In addition to this, you'll go on to leverage ensemble learning techniques such as clustering to produce unsupervised machine learning models. As you progress, the chapters will cover different machine learning algorithms that are widely used in the practical world to make predictions and classifications. You'll even get to grips with the use of Python libraries such as scikit-learn and Keras for implementing different ensemble models.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed in ensemble learning, and have the skills you need to understand which ensemble method is required for which problem, and successfully implement them in real-world scenarios.