
Ghost Hills

Henry Bedford-Jones

An old secret and a lovely woman and three men: Barr Radison, an American adventurer, searching for the mysterious source of black and silver fox pelts, Macferris Montenay, a ruthless giant of a man, trying to carve out his own kingdom in the wilderness, and Jean Nichemus, a halfbreed and Montenays henchman, harboring his own sinister plans. Ghost Hills is one of the adventure stories of a prolific H. Bedford-Jones who is rightly called the King of Pulps.


Man and Wife

Wilkie Collins

The novel is set in England in the mid-nineteenth century. Due to the imperfection of the marriage legislation of England, Ireland and Scotland and the presence of conflicting articles in it, a woman becomes a victim of her scoundrel husband, and then her daughter falls into the same situation many years later. But fate, although cruel, is fair with the help of friends, the girl manages to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, save her life and find her happiness.


The Kidnapped President

Guy Boothby

Many changes, hesitations, lives at stake... It is not easy to put this story aside. It is unpredictable and full of action. When the presidents are fighting for a share of power, our hero can do everything to keep his honor and not get caught in the crossfire.


The Infidel

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no one.


Palę Paryż

Bruno Jasieński

Powieść Brunona Jasieńskiego Palę Paryż została opublikowana w 1928 roku w odcinkach na łamach socjalistycznej francuskiej gazety LHumanité, co wzbudziło duże kontrowersje. Utwór stanowił odpowiedź na nowelę Paula Moranda Palę Moskwę, którą Brunon uznał za antyproletariacki paszkwil. Postanowił więc odgryźć się i spalić burżuazyjną Francję. Wywołało to ogromny skandal i falę protestów paryżan, którzy domagali się wydalenia Jasieńskiego z Francji.


The Haunted and the Haunters. Or, The House and the Brain

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), a prolific Victorian novelist, member of Parliament, and Secretary of State for the colonies, wrote in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, mystery, romance, the occult, and science fiction. The protagonist of this book thinks that all stories related to ghosts, could be explained with a reasonable point of view. Now he has to solve the mystery of a haunted house... What adventures did he face? Read the story to know!


Sun and Sand

Max Brand

A collection of three short exciting stories by Max Brand aka Federick Faust. Brand has been labeled one of the top three Western novelists of all time so western fans will be in for a treat. It includes The Flaming Rider, Outlaw Buster and Sun and Sand. Three western stories about men who appear to be lacking the intelligence and skills to survive on the frontier but are able to achieve success where others had failed. Sun and Sand is the story of a youth known only as Jigger. It is his misfortune to buy a key chain from a pawnbroker that has on it a key to a post office box. In that box, Jigger finds a map to a notorious outlaws cache, buried in a fierce desert region; however, Jigger is not the only one seeking this treasure...


Rewards and Fairies

Rudyard Kipling

A year has passed. Dan and Una have matured and again return to the village for the summer. There, Pak is already waiting for them with new stories and acquaintances, to again lead the children into the intricate labyrinth of British history, mythology and folklore.


After Dark

Wilkie Collins

When Night Falls is a complex novel. Six fascinating stories, full of mystery and tension, are collected by the author into a single picture, worthy of taking its place among the most exquisite works of classic English literature. The stories consist of formal introductions to each story, including character sketches of the alleged narrators, a fictional portrait painter taking a break from sore eyes, and diary entries of the artists wife.


Prostaczek. Historia prawdziwa znaleziona w papierach ojca Quesnela


Powiastkę filozoficzną Prostaczek francuski filozof Voltaire napisał w 1767 r., jednak wydał ją anonimowo. Pełen tytuł brzmiał Prostaczek. Historia prawdziwa, znaleziona w papierach ojca Quesnela. Przywołany w tytule Pasquier Quesnel, któremu Voltaire przypisał poniekąd autorstwo utworu, był teologiem francuskim, jednym z przywódców ruchu jansenistycznego. Ruch ten dążył do odnowy Kościoła katolickiego, jednak spotkał się z potępieniem. Utwór porusza szeroko dyskutowane w czasach Voltairea zagadnienia religijne.


My Mortal Enemy

Willa Cather

The story is about a rich girl deserting her riches for the love of her life. She is an Irish Catholic and the boy for whom she leaves everything is related to German Protestantism. The life seems to be good. But when at the end of her life as the couple is reduced to abject poverty, she probes few questions relating to her life.


The Barbarians

Robert W. Chambers

This is the story of what happened to a dozen malcontents who could no longer tolerate dirty business in Europe and politicians at home. This is an exciting story that will keep you in suspense until the end of the story.



Marek Aureliusz

Marek Aureliusz, rzymski cesarz, zwany filozofem na tronie, zostawił po sobie zbiór osobistych notatek i medytacji, nieprzeznaczonych do publikacji. Zebrane pośmiertnie w jedno dzieło, prawdopodobnie przez cesarskiego sekretarza, stanowią traktat moralny w nurcie filozofii stoickiej. Ich ponadepokowa aktualność świadczy o geniuszu autora, błyskotliwości jego umysłu i wnikliwości spojrzenia na naturę człowieka i świata. Filozofia objawia się tu jako sztuka życia, z której wciąż można czerpać pełnymi garściami.


Odmiana przez przypadki

Hanna Cygler

Początek nowego milenium ma oznaczać dla Zosi i Witka Halmanów nowe życie. Marzenia o spokoju i stabilizacji wkrótce okazują się nierealne. Trzeba stawić czoło nowym wyzwaniom, które przynosi codzienne życie, praca i problemy dorastających dzieci. Odzywają się też duchy przeszłości, stanowiące całkiem realne zagrożenie. Gdańsk, Londyn, Warszawa, Sydney... Rozgałęziona rodzina Halmanów przemierza kraje i kontynenty, poszukując swojego miejsca w życiu. Powieść stanowi nawiązanie do trylogii: Tryb warunkowy Deklinacja męska/żeńska Przyszły niedokonany.


The Leaguer of Lathom

William Harrison Ainsworth

This book is about the civil war in Lancashire. Like any war, this story cannot but leave impressions after itself. You will be immersed in history and characters.


The Firing Line

Robert W. Chambers

Charming, beautifully written. Fascinating in detail pre-war Florida (and also the East Coast) high society with its fashions and mores.