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Queen Zixi of Ix. Or, The Story of the Magic Cloak

L. Frank Baum

Another enchanting tale of juvenile literature from the creator of The Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum dedicated the book Queen Zixi of Ix, or The Story of the Magic Cloak to his oldest son, Frank Joslyn Baum. In it, the queen of fairies creates a magic cloak which grants its wearer a single wish. Meanwhile, an orphan boy becomes the new king of Noland and his sister gains the cloak which is stolen by the Queen of Zixi, who wishes her mirror to show her as the beautiful young woman she appears instead of showing her appearance at her true age of 683 years. Adventures ensue, armies attack and retreat, and good wins out when the fairy queen takes back the magic cloak. The cloak turns out to be a source of trouble as well as a blessing. Baum packs this adventure with his customary humor, inventive fantasies, and captivating characters.



Robert Barr

Robert Barr (18491912) was a Scottish-Canadian short story writer and novelist, born in Glasgow, Scotland who relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. His famous detective character Eugéne Valmont, fashioned after Sherlock Holmes, is said to be the inspiration behind Agatha Christies Hercule Poirot. Some of his works include: In the Midst of Alarms, a story of the attempted Fenian invasion of Canada in 1866; A Woman Intervenes, a story of love, finance, and American journalism; and Countess Tekla, a historical novel. Mr. Robert Barrs Cardillac is a machine-made historical tale of the time of King Louis XIII, set in old France.


The Earl of Nowhere

Edgar Wallace

Every city has its own peculiar voice. Neither the harsh roar of London, the nerve destroying staccato of sound which belongs exclusively to New York, nor the kettledrum buzz of Madrid is comparable with the voice of Paris, which is mainly vocal.""Queer thing about Paris, sir," said Jim Selby, "somebody is always talking.""The staid Vice-Councillor of the British Embassy lifted his head, and, being literally-minded, listened.""I hear nobodyexcept you," he said.""The Earl of Nowhere" includes the short stories from incomparable Edgar Wallace. Few people today would recognize the name "Edgar Wallace" but before his death in 1933 he was a literary force to be reckoned with. He was both prolific and popular and his books reportedly sold at the rate of 5,000 a day.


The Prairie. A Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

The Prairie: A Tale (1827) is a novel by James Fenimore Cooper, the 3rd novel written by him featuring Natty Bumppo. Civilization drives old hunter Natty Bumppo (Leatherstocking) west of the Mississippi to the prairies, where he becomes a trapper and helps a band of emigrants in their conflicts with Indians, miscreants, and the harsh environment. We find Hawkeye removed to the uncharted territory which would become Wyoming and the Dakotas. Having fled the relentless sound of axes hewing down his beloved forests in the east, the Leatherstocking is now in his eighties and has isolated himself in the land of the Pawnee, the Sioux and countless herds of buffalo. Culminating in a magnificently written death scene, The Prairie brings the old hunter full circle with images of his youth and reminiscences of the remarkable life which made him the prototype of the American Hero.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Akcja tej popularnej powieści rozgrywa się w końcu XIX wieku na Kresach. Tytułowe Czahary to majątek stanowiący część spadku, o który spierają się dzieci starego Janickiego. Dwaj zaborczy bracia nie chcą wziąć pod uwagę tego, co należy się trzeciemu, Wacławowi, uznanemu za zaginionego. Ich siostra Kasia upiera się jednak przy sprawiedliwym podziale dóbr. Tylko ona wie, że Wacław żyje... Opowieść o triumfie szlachetności, prawości i kobiecej odwadze na tle wspaniałych, kresowych krajobrazów.


Jewels Have a Long Life

Henry Bedford-Jones

Again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History or perhaps Highlights of History would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out.


Lucian the Dreamer

Joseph Smith Fletcher

Joseph Smith Fletcher was an English journalist, writer and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He studied law before turning to journalism. This book opens with the first page of his experiences at the train station. If you love a story that sticks to the end, then this book is for you.




Trylogia starogreckich tragedii jednego z największych antycznych tragików, sięgająca V wieku p.n.e. Opowiada o losach Agamemnona, Ofiarnicy oraz Eumenidy. Jednym z najsłynniejszych motywów tragedii jest zabójstwo króla Agamemnona przez jego żonę Klitajmestrę. Oresteja uważana jest za najznakomitsze dzieło Ajschylosa. Porusza ona temat zemsty oraz jej konsekwencji, a także tego, jaki wpływ mają bogowie na czyny i wybory bohaterów.


Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree

Ernest Bramah

Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years before the authors death. They show the same wit as the earlier ones. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse. The main sequence begins with The Wallet of Kai Lung and ends with Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree; of the posthumous collections, Kai Lung Raises His Voice usefully assembles all the remaining series stories.


The Golden Scarecrow

Hugh Walpole

Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a childs heart and willingness to believe in something that we dont see, but I think that if you want to give him a chance.


Cadets of the Dolphin

Fenton Ash

Welcome to the important and meaningful boys adventure novel of Francis Henry Atkins which is The Cadets of the Dolphin. Aubrey, Frank (pseudonym of Francis Henry Atkins) was a British writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. Despite his commercial success at the time, little is known about Atkins personal life.


Dr. Kildares Crisis

Max Brand

When young doctor James Kildare and his fiancée, nurse Mary Lamont, make plans for their wedding day, brother Mary Douglas arrives at her. Douglas asks Kildare to arrange an appointment with a wealthy Mr. Chandler, whose daughter Kildare rescued at Young Doctor Kildare to ask for a fund to create three subsidized trading schools to train unskilled workers. Kildare does not want to impose Chandler for ethical reasons, but is concerned that Doug, who hears nonexistent sounds, may be an undiagnosed epileptic.


Leopards Are For England

Henry Bedford-Jones

Readers are treated to authentic historical dramas, all centering on the mysterious jewel that seems to contain a miniature image of the sphinx. This image hypnotizes its owners and inspires them to make history-changing decisions. That malign and magic jewel the Sphinx Emerald comes again on the scene to play its part in a stirring drama of the Crusades.


5 Best Historical Novels. MultiBook

Alexandre Dumas

He is a French writer whose adventure novels made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. He was also a playwright and journalist. Having hired several assistants, he writes novels for newspapers with a sequel adventure, pseudo-historical in nature, which both readers and publishers are happy to buy. Among these works are 5 famous historical multibooks such as: The Count Of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, The Black Tulip, La Reine Margot.


The Wing-and-Wing. Or, Le Feu-Follet

James Fenimore Cooper

The young French robber Raoul Ivar appeared with his ship in a small harbor in the city of Porto Ferraio. He introduced himself as Jack Smith, but he was exposed: the English officer Griffin recognized the bold robber Raul Ivar in Smith. The British decide to capture his ship. A desperate adventurer is waiting for new challenges, but he is full of hope, courage and a thirst for freedom will help him in this struggle.


W tundrach Sybiru. Powieść

Edmund Jezierski

W tundrach Sybiru to powieść dla młodzieży wydana w 1927 roku. Osadzona w realiach historycznych opowiada o losach Polaków na Syberii. Edmund Jezierski, znany też jako Edmund Jan Krüger oraz Jan Kruk, debiutował w wieku 17 lat opowiadaniem pt. Bluszcz. W okresie międzywojennym był jednym z najbardziej poczytnych pisarzy dla dzieci i młodzieży oraz dorosłych. Główną tematykę jego powieści stanowiła historia z silnymi wątkami patriotycznymi. Po wojnie jego powieści nie były wznawiane, głównie przez ich antyrosyjską wymowę.