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Achieving the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 certification helps you to kickstart your career in cybersecurity operations. This book offers up-to-date coverage of 200-201 exam resources to fully equip you to pass on your first attempt.The book covers the essentials of network security concepts and shows you how to perform security threat monitoring. You'll begin by gaining an in-depth understanding of cryptography and exploring the methodology for performing both host and network-based intrusion analysis. Next, you'll learn about the importance of implementing security management and incident response strategies in an enterprise organization. As you advance, you'll see why implementing defenses is necessary by taking an in-depth approach, and then perform security monitoring and packet analysis on a network. You'll also discover the need for computer forensics and get to grips with the components used to identify network intrusions. Finally, the book will not only help you to learn the theory but also enable you to gain much-needed practical experience for the cybersecurity industry.By the end of this Cisco cybersecurity book, you'll have covered everything you need to pass the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 certification exam, and have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.
This is a complete study guide including study material and practice questions to prepare for the EMC Proven Professional certification Exam E20-120. It can also serve Documentum beginners and practitioners as a handy guide and quick reference to the technical fundamentals that is fully up to date for Documentum 5.3. Beginners are introduced to concepts in a logical manner while practitioners can use it as a reference to jump to relevant concepts directly.EMC Documentum is a leading enterprise content management technology platform that helps enterprises to streamline the capture, processing, and distribution of business information including documents, records, e-mails, web content, images, reports, and digital assets. It can also automate entire business processes in accordance with business rules. EMC Proven Professional is an exam-based certification program, which introduced a new EMC Proven Content Management Application Developer (EMCAD) track in early 2007. The first exam in this track is Content Management Foundations (CMF) Associate-level Exam, with exam code E20-120, which tests knowledge about technical fundamentals of Documentum. This book is a study guide to help you prepare for this exam with hundreds of practice questions and an efficient exam-preparation strategy.
Keeping up with the AI revolution and its application in coding can be challenging, but with guidance from AI and ML expert Dr. Vincent Hall—who holds a PhD in machine learning and has extensive experience in licensed software development—this book helps both new and experienced coders to quickly adopt best practices and stay relevant in the field.You’ll learn how to use LLMs such as ChatGPT and Bard to produce efficient, explainable, and shareable code and discover techniques to maximize the potential of LLMs. The book focuses on integrated development environments (IDEs) and provides tips to avoid pitfalls, such as bias and unexplainable code, to accelerate your coding speed. You’ll master advanced coding applications with LLMs, including refactoring, debugging, and optimization, while examining ethical considerations, biases, and legal implications. You’ll also use cutting-edge tools for code generation, architecting, description, and testing to avoid legal hassles while advancing your career.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-prepared for future innovations in AI-driven software development, with the ability to anticipate emerging LLM technologies and generate ideas that shape the future of development.
Probabilistic graphical models (PGM, also known as graphical models) are a marriage between probability theory and graph theory. Generally, PGMs use a graph-based representation. Two branches of graphical representations of distributions are commonly used, namely Bayesian networks and Markov networks. R has many packages to implement graphical models.We’ll start by showing you how to transform a classical statistical model into a modern PGM and then look at how to do exact inference in graphical models. Proceeding, we’ll introduce you to many modern R packages that will help you to perform inference on the models. We will then run a Bayesian linear regression and you’ll see the advantage of going probabilistic when you want to do prediction. Next, you’ll master using R packages and implementing its techniques. Finally, you’ll be presented with machine learning applications that have a direct impact in many fields. Here, we’ll cover clustering and the discovery of hidden information in big data, as well as two important methods, PCA and ICA, to reduce the size of big problems.
Lorenzo Barbieri, Massimo Bonanni
Application development has evolved from traditional monolithic app development to using serverless options and microservices. This book is designed to guide you through using Microsoft's Azure Functions to process data, integrate systems, and build simple APIs and microservices.You will discover how to apply serverless computing to speed up deployment and reduce downtime. You'll also explore Azure Functions, including its core functionalities and essential tools, along with understanding how to debug and even customize Azure Functions. In addition to this, the book will take you through how you can effectively implement DevOps and automation in your working environment. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll cover some quick tips, troubleshooting techniques, and real-world serverless use cases that will help you make the most of serverless computing.By the end of this book, you will have gained the skills you need to develop and deliver cost-effective Azure serverless solutions.
Jeanne R Cole, Jason Cole, Jeanne Cole, Gavin Henrick, ...
Many people will recognize Moodle as a Virtual Learning Environment that can be used in schools to teach lessons and organize student information. Fewer people will realize that Moodle can be used in businesses to dispense training, share important documents, and encourage teamwork.Moodle 2.0 for Business Beginner's Guide will show you how to set up Moodle in your corporation. By introducing a system within your company that will allow for a centralized, accessible repository of knowledge, staff training will become a lot more streamlined, and the retention of skills will improve, leading to huge productivity benefits.An easy-to-access, user-friendly system is crucial to keep communication flowing in any successful business. By putting your H.R. documents, newsletters, discussions, and training documents all in one place, which is accessible from the office or from home, you are giving your employees all the information that they need to be productive and become integrated members of your company. This book will show you how to get your important business documents online, as well as the recruitment and training processes. You will learn how to move any existing processes to Moodle, as well as set up new ones that will have you wondering what you did before Moodle came along!
Learn PostgreSQL. Build and manage high-performance database solutions using PostgreSQL 12 and 13
PostgreSQL is one of the fastest-growing open source object-relational database management systems (DBMS) in the world. As well as being easy to use, it’s scalable and highly efficient. In this book, you’ll explore PostgreSQL 12 and 13 and learn how to build database solutions using it. Complete with hands-on tutorials, this guide will teach you how to achieve the right database design required for a reliable environment.You'll learn how to install and configure a PostgreSQL server and even manage users and connections. The book then progresses to key concepts of relational databases, before taking you through the Data Definition Language (DDL) and commonly used DDL commands. To build on your skills, you’ll understand how to interact with the live cluster, create database objects, and use tools to connect to the live cluster. You’ll then get to grips with creating tables, building indexes, and designing your database schema. Later, you'll explore the Data Manipulation Language (DML) and server-side programming capabilities of PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL, before learning how to monitor, test, and troubleshoot your database application to ensure high-performance and reliability.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with the Postgres database and be able to set up your own PostgreSQL instance and use it to build robust solutions.
Moodle Theme Development. Click here to enter text
Theming is one of the main features of Moodle, and it can be used to customize your online courses and make them look exactly how you want them to,according to your target audience. If you have been looking for a book that will help you develop Moodle themes that you are proud of, and that your students will enjoy, then this is the book for you.We start off by introducing Moodle 3 and explaining what it is, how it works, and what tools you might need to create a stunning Moodle theme. We then show you how to choose and change the pre-installed Moodle themes in detailed steps, and explain what Moodle themes are and how they work. Next, we show you how to change an existing theme and test the changes that you have made.You can not only plan the customization of theme, but also tailor it using advanced Moodle theming processes; this book is your one-stop guide to creating your own personalized Moodle 3 theme.
Blender 3D: Designing Objects. Click here to enter text
Romain Caudron, Pierre-Armand Nicq, Enrico Valenza
Blender is a powerful, stable tool with an integral workflow that will allow you to understand 3D creation with ease. With its integrated game engine and use of the Python language, it is an efficient choice for many productions, including 3D animated or live action films, architecture, research, and even game creation. Blender has an active community that contributes to expanding its functionalities. Today, it is used in many professional products and by many companies.Throughout Blender for Designers, you will create many types of complete projects using a step-by-step approach. Start by getting to know the modeling tools available in Blender to create a 3D robot toy, and discover more advanced techniques such as sculpting and retopology by creating an alien character. Move on in the second module to engage with the workflow used to create characters. Run through the process from modeling to the rendering stages, using the tools of the latest official release of Blender.The last module will teach you how to utilize the power of the Blender series to create a wide variety of materials, textures, and effects using the Cycles rendering engine. You will learn about node-based shader creation, and master Cycles through step-by-step, recipe-based advice. Start small by rendering the textures of stones and water, then scale things up to massive landscapes of mountains and oceans. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:•Blender 3D By Example By Romain Caudron and Pierre-Armand Nicq•Blender 3D Cookbook By Enrico Valenza•Blender Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook - Third Edition By Enrico Valenza
PHP is one of the most popular languages for building web sites and applications. While the Yii framework came a little bit later to the PHP scene, it has taken a lot of the best practices from around the Web and put it all into a single, awesome framework for making custom web apps.Yii 1.1 Application Development Starter is a straightforward, hands-on look at what is rapidly becoming one of the most revered frameworks for custom web application development. The Yii framework follows a tried and true object-oriented software development pattern called Model-View-Controller, making it quick and easy to build database driven applications.This book takes you through everything you need to know to get set up and rolling with the Yii framework. You will learn how to plan and start your application and how to take it where you want to go with the tools and extensions available with the Yii framework.This book will teach you how to build an application from the ground up, how to make sure you have everything you need in your hosting environment and get the Yii framework installed, how to create a strong relational database design, and how to set up model classes for your tables. You will also learn how to generate CRUD code to add/remove, view, and list records from your tables, then add custom routes, widgets, and extensions to make a robust application. Additionally, you will learn how to integrate authentication and role-based access permissions throughout your site. With this book, you will learn everything you need to get started with web application development using the Yii PHP framework.
Davide Bedin, Mark Russinovich
This second edition will help you get to grips with microservice architectures and how to manage application complexities with Dapr in no time. You'll understand how Dapr simplifies development while allowing you to work with multiple languages and platforms. Following a C# sample, you'll understand how Dapr's runtime, building blocks, and software development kits (SDKs) help you to simplify the creation of resilient and portable microservices.Dapr provides an event-driven runtime that supports the essential features you need for building microservices, including service invocation, state management, and publish/subscribe messaging. You'll explore all of those in addition to various other advanced features with this practical guide to learning Dapr. With a focus on deploying the Dapr sample application to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster and to the Azure Container Apps serverless platform, you’ll see how to expose the Dapr application with NGINX, YARP, and Azure API Management.By the end of this book, you'll be able to write microservices easily by implementing industry best practices to solve problems related to distributed systems.
Packed with easy-to-follow recipes, this practical guide will show you how to unleash the full might of the AngularJS framework. Skip straight to practical solutions and quick, functional answers to your problems without hand-holding or slogging through the basics. Avoid antipatterns and pitfalls, and squeeze the maximum amount out of the most powerful parts of the framework, from creating promise-driven applications to building an extensible event bus. Throughout, take advantage of a clear problem-solving approach that offers code samples and explanations of components you should be using in your production applications.
Azure Stack Hub Demystified. Building hybrid cloud, IaaS, and PaaS solutions
Azure Stack Hub is the on-premise offering from Microsoft, which provides Azure Cloud services within a customer's own data center. It provides consistent processes between on-site and the cloud, allowing developers to test locally and deploy to the cloud in exactly the same manner. Azure Stack Hub Demystified provides complete coverage of deploying, configuring, administrating, and running Microsoft Azure Stack Hub efficiently.Firstly, you will learn how to deploy Azure Stack Hub within an organization. As you progress, you'll understand configuration and the different services provided by the platform. The book also focuses on the underlying architecture and connectivity options for the modern data center. Later, you will understand various approaches to DevOps and their implementation, and learn key topics for the AZ-600 exam.By the end of this Azure book, you will have a thorough understanding of Azure Stack Hub and the services that are provided by the platform, along with the confidence and information you need to be able to pass the AZ-600 exam.