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Unter Palmen und Buchen. Band IIII

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816-1872) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Er war ein Autor von spannenden Abenteuerromanen und -erzählungen, aber auch Dorfgeschichten, der Landschaften und kulturelle Verhältnisse so gut wiederzugeben verstand, dass noch heute ein überwiegend jugendliches Publikum seine bekannten Romane liest. Auf seinen Streifzügen vor allem in die Neue Welt, Nord- und Südamerika, Australien und nach Tahiti enstand eine große Anzahl persönlicher Geschichten, die er literarisch verarbeitete und reflektierte. Unter Palmen und Buchen ist eine Sammlung von Erzählungen aus 3 Bänden. Erschienen in den Jahren 1865, 1866 und 1867. Erster Band Unter Buchen enthält: 1. Eine alltägliche Geschichte. 2. Die Vision. 3. Folgen einer telegraphischen Depesche. 4. Der Polizeiagent. 5. Eine Heimkehr aus der weiten Welt. 6. Wenn wir einmal sterben. Zweiter Band Unter Palmen enthält: 1. Das Klima der Tropen. 2. El Comisario. 3. Am Cachavi. 4. Der Tiger. 5. Negerleben. Dritter Band Unter Palmen und Buchen enthält: 1. Eine Mesalliance. 2. Der Gevatterbrief. 3. Ein Ausflug in Java. 4. Der Heimathschein. 5. Auf der Eisenbahn.


Księga dżungli

Rudyard Kipling

Księga dżungli to opwieść o Mowgli, który jako małe dziecko gubi się w dżungli. Tam zostaje przygarnięty i wychowany przez wilki. Kiedy chłopiec dorasta, grozi mu niebezpieczeństwo ze strony tygrysa Szir Hana. Zwierzęta decydują wysłać dziecko do ludzkiej osady.


Старые годы в селе Плодомасове (Stare lata we wsi Plodomasov)

Николай Семёнович Лесков, Nikołaj Siemionowicz Leskow

Вниманию читателей предлагается книга 201eСтарые годы в селе Плодомасове201d, датированная 1869 годом. Настоящее издание включает три очерка 201eБоярин Никита Юрьевич201d, 201eБоярыня Марфа Андреевна201d и 201eПлодомасовские карлики201d и дополнение к ним, повествующих о старинном дворянском роде Плодомасовых. В центре романа село Плодомасова, которое покрыто мраком неизвестности, а название свое оно получило по имени бояр Плодомасовых. Они владели этим селом уже давно, они имели власть на всеми кто там живет. Спокойное и уравновешенное, лишённое каких-либо оценок повествование, рисует картину русской жизни представителей разных классов и сословий России 1850 -1880 годов. Книга адресована не только ценителям классической литературы, но и всем, интересующимся историей России и ее культурой.


The Puzzle Lock

R. Austin Freeman

A gang of jewel thieves has come to the attention of the police. Will Dr. Thorndike be able to find the leader and the jewels? It would seem that the jewel merchant has a strong room with a puzzle lock where there are too many combinations to solve. But can it be done.


The Complete Novels. MultiBook

George Orwell

George Orwell is one of the most widely read authors in the world and a very controversial person. His first international fame came from traditional psychological novels. This collection includes all of Orwells novels. His name was immortalized by the anti-utopias 1984 and Animal Farm, which became the first anti-utopias of the twentieth century and laid the foundation for a whole trend in literature.


La Mare au diable

George Sand

Ceci est une romance sociale. George Sand vante lamour de son pays natal, Berry, et son idéal de réconciliation de classe travers une image de lenvironnement paysan. Elle apprécie le travail paysan et le décrit noblement.



Max Brand

They called him Speedy because he could outsmart bankers, outfox barkeeps, and outwit bounty hunters faster than any man alive. He arrived on an iron horse. The day he rode into Durfee, he was more than ready to use his skills to make a killing. To Speedy, Durfee didnt look any different from a hundred other towns hed seen before. There were fat bankers waiting for his smooth talk, and lovely young ladies ready to swoon over his smile and his guitar playing. But this time the charming trickster was about to meet his match in a girl out to steal his heart! Every page of this western is full of action and situations that you cant wait to find out how Speedy is going to get out of alive.


Драмы и проза. MultiBook

Антон Павлович Чехов

Чехов 2013 признанный мастер 201eкороткой прозы201d, каждый рассказ которого 2013 вся человеческая жизнь в ее трагикомической полноте, а всякая деталь, по слову Л.Н. Толстого, 201eлибо нужна, либо прекрасна201d. Пьесы писателя были новаторскими во время своего появления, 201eэто живопись на стекле, сквозь которую сквозят бесконечно далекие перспективы201d, как писал Леонид Андреев. В сборник включены самые известные его пьесы и рассказы: 201eДядя Ваня201d, 201eТри сестры201d, 201eВишневый сад201d, 201eСмерть чиновника и другие рассказы, 201eРассказы201d.


From Clue To Capture. A Series of Thrilling Detective Stories

Dick Donovan

Written by British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction J. E. Preston Muddock. In these thrilling stories, Muddock writes under the guise of his fictional alter ego the private detective Dick Donovan. From the murky underworld of Victorian London to the grand houses of the upper classes, Donovan investigates crime in all its forms, recovering priceless jewels, exposing villainous conspiracies and solving dastardly murders!


Lost Illusions

Honoré de Balzac

Lost Illusions is a serial novel, written by the French writer, Honoré de Balzac, between 1837 and 1843. It consists of: Two Poets, A Distinguished Provincial at Paris, Eve and David, starting in provincial France, thereafter moving to Paris, and finally returning to the provinces. The story of Lucien Chardon, a young poet from Angouleme who tries desperately to make a name for himself in Paris, is a brilliantly realistic and boldly satirical portrait of provincial manners and aristocratic life. Handsome and ambitious but naive, Lucien is patronized by the beau monde as represented by Madame de Bargeton and her cousin, the formidable Marquise dEspard, only to be duped by them. Denied the social rank he thought would be his, Lucien discards his poetic aspirations and turns to hack journalism; his descent into Parisian low life ultimately leads to his own death.


Ethel Verney

Fenton Ash

Much the best of the Atkins adventures, with an imaginative sweep that causes one to forget momentarily the plot and character cliches. Altogether, Ethel Verney (1911) is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Francis Henry Atkins a British speculative fiction writer, mainly under two pseudonyms in sequence. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.


The White Maniac. A Doctors Tale

Mary Fortune

The narrative comes from a young doctor who is approached by a strange baron. Why does the house and everyone in it have to be completely white? Who are its inhabitants? Are they really crazy? Who is the real madman among them is perhaps the most important question asked to the reader. This story makes you guess and think about what the outcome will be.


Fatalna trzynastka. Powieść harcerska

Kazimierz Rosinkiewicz

Fatalna trzynastka to powieść dla młodzieży rozgrywająca się w środowisku harcerskim. Kazimierz Rosinkiewicz (18651940) polski pisarz, autor książek dla dzieci i młodzieży, a także wynalazca. Propagował idee postępu, w książkach szczepił dzieciom wartości wynikające z partnerstwa, przyjaźni i życia w zgodzie ze społeczeństwem.


The Fighting Chance

Robert W. Chambers

A very enjoyable novel that touches on topics that are relevant to this day. Rich people come together to start mysterious murders. This story will keep you in suspense until the very end.


Wiersze. Wybór

Felicjan Faleński

Felicjan Medard Faleński żył w latach 18251910. Był polskim poetą, prozaikiem, dramatopisarzem i tłumaczem. Uważano go za przedstawiciela parnasizmu. Głosił przekonanie, że jako poeta nie jest nikomu potrzebny i nikt nie rozumie jego twórczości, przez co będzie skazany na zapomnienie. I miał rację spotykał się z ogromną krytyką, która zarzucała mu odtwórcze podejście do romantyzmu. Poeta zmarł w całkowitym osamotnieniu i zapomnieniu. Jednak wątki przewijające się w jego twórczości, dogłębnie humanistyczne, choć ukryte pod płaszczykiem cierpkiej ironii, pozostają wciąż aktualne.


A Smile of Fortune

Joseph Conrad

A Smile of Fortune is located on a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean, on which the narrator, captain docked; ship suppliers are supposedly brothers who have not talked to each other for 18 years. One of the brothers, Ernest, is an assimilated citizen. He owes a lot of money, has parties, has taste and manners, and is trusted. He treats the half-blood servants as cruelly as the rest of the colonists. Another, Arthur, is an outcast, not because of his race or profession, although he was forced to make aggressive deals by beating his brother for incoming captains in order to get food and equipment contracts earlier than his brother