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Web development
In an era marked by a growing demand for tech solutions and a shortage of skilled developers, companies grapple with hiring expenses. No-code tools offer a faster, more affordable software development alternative. Leading this no-code revolution is Bubble, enabling newcomers to construct impressive web applications in a matter of weeks if not days.Written by Caio Calderari, a seasoned no-code expert with 17 years of experience to offers practical advice for mastering no-code application development. You'll learn to plan your app with Bubble's visual builder features and UI components and implement frontend functionalities such as customizing layouts and creating responsive user interfaces. The book covers workflow automation, database management, security best practices, and backend functionality setup and advances to span the Bubble plugin ecosystem and API integration for third-party services to improve the app's functionality. Additionally, you'll explore app testing, debugging, performance monitoring, and maintenance. From launching with a custom domain to gathering user feedback for continuous improvement and optimization of performance and scalability, you’ll learn every aspect of Bubble's app development and deployment.By the end of this book, you'll know how to bring your digital ideas to life without writing code.
Learning Bootstrap 4. Modern, Elegant and Responsive Web Design Made Easy - Second Edition
Bootstrap, the most popular front-end framework built to design elegant, powerful, and responsive interfaces for professional-level web pages has undergone a major overhaul. Bootstrap 4 introduces a wide range of new features that make front-end web design even simpler and exciting.In this gentle and comprehensive book, we'll teach you everything that you need to know to start building websites with Bootstrap 4 in a practical way. You'll learn about build tools such as Node, Grunt, and many others. You'll also discover the principles of mobile-first design in order to ensure your pages can fit any screen size and meet the responsive requirements. Learn to play with Bootstrap's grid system and base CSS to ensure your designs are robust and that your development process is speedy and efficient. Then, you'll find out how you can extend your current build with some cool JavaScript Plugins, and throw in some Sass to spice things up and customize your themes. This book will make sure you're geared up and ready to build amazingly beautiful and responsive websites in a jiffy.
Pradeep Pasupuleti, Beulah Salome Purra
A Data Lake is a highly scalable platform for storing huge volumes of multistructured data from disparate sources with centralized data management services. This book explores the potential of Data Lakes and explores architectural approaches to building data lakes that ingest, index, manage, and analyze massive amounts of data using batch and real-time processing frameworks. It guides you on how to go about building a Data Lake that is managed by Hadoop and accessed as required by other Big Data applications.This book will guide readers (using best practices) in developing Data Lake's capabilities. It will focus on architect data governance, security, data quality, data lineage tracking, metadata management, and semantic data tagging. By the end of this book, you will have a good understanding of building a Data Lake for Big Data.
The automation of machine learning tasks allows developers more time to focus on the usability and reactivity of the software powered by machine learning models. TPOT is a Python automated machine learning tool used for optimizing machine learning pipelines using genetic programming. Automating machine learning with TPOT enables individuals and companies to develop production-ready machine learning models cheaper and faster than with traditional methods.With this practical guide to AutoML, developers working with Python on machine learning tasks will be able to put their knowledge to work and become productive quickly. You'll adopt a hands-on approach to learning the implementation of AutoML and associated methodologies. Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book will show you how to build automated classification and regression models and compare their performance to custom-built models. As you advance, you'll also develop state-of-the-art models using only a couple of lines of code and see how those models outperform all of your previous models on the same datasets.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the confidence to implement AutoML techniques in your organization on a production level.
Xamarin 4 By Example. Build impressive mobile applications with Xamarin Studio 6
Matteo Bortolu, Engin Polat, Mark Radacz
The mobile app market is increasing exponentially every year. Xamarin Studio with its modern and powerful IDEs makes creating applications a lot easier by simplifying the development process. Xamarin will allow you and your team to create native applications by taking advantage of one of the most evolved programming language in the world: C#.This book will provide you with the basic skills you need to start developing mobile apps using C# and Xamarin. By working through the examples in each chapter, you will gain hands-on experience of creating a complete app that is fully functional by all means. Finally, you will learn to publish the app you created on the app market. Each project in this book will take you one step closer to becoming a professional app developer.
Mastering QuickBooks(R) 2023. The Ultimate Guide to Bookkeeping with QuickBooks® - Fourth Edition
Mastering QuickBooks® 2023 is a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know to master QuickBooks, from setting up your accounts and managing your transactions to generating reports and integrating with other software.With step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, and practical tips and tricks, this book is designed to help small business owners, independent contractors, and bookkeepers optimize their financial management and streamline their business operations.
Oracle's Database offers great performance, scalability, and many features for DBAs and developers. Due to a wide choice of technologies, successful applications are good candidates to run into performance issues and when a problem arises it's very difficult to identify the cause and the right solution to the problem.The Oracle Database 11g R2 Performance Tuning Cookbook helps DBAs and developers to understand every aspect of Oracle Database that can affect performance. You will be guided through implementing the correct solution in a proactive way before problems arise, and how to diagnose issues on your Oracle database-based solutions.This fast-paced book offers solutions starting from application design and development, through the implementation of well-performing applications, to the details of deployment and delivering best-performance databases.With this book you will quickly learn to apply the right methodology to tune the performance of an Oracle Database, and to optimize application design and SQL and PL/SQL code. By following the real-world examples you will see how to store your data in correct structures and access and manipulate them at a lightning speed. You will learn to speed up sort operations, hack the optimizer and the data loading process, and diagnose and tune memory, I/O, and contention issues.The purpose of this cookbook is to provide concise recipes, which will help you to build and maintain a very high-speed Oracle Database environment.
Android High Performance Programming. Click here to enter text
Emil Atanasov, Enrique López Manas, Diego Grancini
Performant applications are one of the key drivers of success in the mobile world. Users may abandon an app if it runs slowly. Learning how to build applications that balance speed and performance with functionality and UX can be a challenge; however, it's now more important than ever to get that balance right.Android High Performance will start you thinking about how to wring the most from any hardware your app is installed on, so you can increase your reach and engagement. The book begins by providing an introduction to state–of-the-art Android techniques and the importance of performance in an Android application. Then, we will explain the Android SDK tools regularly used to debug and profile Android applications. We will also learn about some advanced topics such as building layouts, multithreading, networking, and security. Battery life is one of the biggest bottlenecks in applications; and this book will show typical examples of code that exhausts battery life, how to prevent this, and how to measure battery consumption from an application in every kind of situation to ensure your apps don’t drain more than they should.This book explains techniques for building optimized and efficient systems that do not drain the battery, cause memory leaks, or slow down with time.
UmiJS is the Ant Group's underlying frontend development framework, an open source project for developing enterprise-class frontend applications. In this book, you'll get hands-on with single-page application development using UmiJS. By following practical step-by-step examples, you'll develop essential skills to build and publish your apps and create a modern user experience with responsive interfaces.This book will help you learn the essential features of UmiJS and how to set up and build a project from scratch using React, Less, and TypeScript. You'll study Ant Design, a framework based on solid design concepts that provides a series of React components to accelerate interface development. Along the way, you'll see how to make requests and develop the frontend using simulated data while ensuring that your app has a high level of security and feedback. You'll also discover ways to improve your code quality and readability using formatting tools.By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use UmiJS to design user interfaces, as well as compile, test, and package your app locally, and deliver your app by deploying it to online services.
If you’re looking for a book that will demystify embedded Linux, then you’ve come to the right place. Mastering Embedded Linux Programming is a fully comprehensive guide that can serve both as means to learn new things or as a handy reference.The first few chapters of this book will break down the fundamental elements that underpin all embedded Linux projects: the toolchain, the bootloader, the kernel, and the root filesystem. After that, you will learn how to create each of these elements from scratch and automate the process using Buildroot and the Yocto Project. As you progress, the book will show you how to implement an effective storage strategy for flash memory chips and install updates to a device remotely once it’s deployed.You’ll also learn about the key aspects of writing code for embedded Linux, such as how to access hardware from apps, the implications of writing multi-threaded code, and techniques to manage memory in an efficient way. The final chapters demonstrate how to debug your code, whether it resides in apps or in the Linux kernel itself.You’ll also cover the different tracers and profilers that are available for Linux so that you can quickly pinpoint any performance bottlenecks in your system.By the end of this Linux book, you’ll be able to create efficient and secure embedded devices using Linux.
Andrew Berridge, Michael Phillips
The need for agile business intelligence (BI) is growing daily, and TIBCO Spotfire® combines self-service features with essential enterprise governance and scaling capabilities to provide best-practice analytics solutions. Spotfire is easy and intuitive to use and is a rewarding environment for all BI users and analytics developers.Starting with data and visualization concepts, this book takes you on a journey through increasingly advanced topics to help you work toward becoming a professional analytics solution provider. Examples of analyzing real-world data are used to illustrate how to work with Spotfire. Once you've covered the AI-driven recommendations engine, you'll move on to understanding Spotfire's rich suite of visualizations and when, why and how you should use each of them. In later chapters, you'll work with location analytics, advanced analytics using TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R®, how to decide whether to use in-database or in-memory analytics, and how to work with streaming (live) data in Spotfire. You'll also explore key product integrations that significantly enhance Spotfire's capabilities.This book will enable you to exploit the advantages of the Spotfire serve topology and learn how to make practical use of scheduling and routing rules.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to build and use powerful analytics dashboards and applications, perform spatial analytics, and be able to administer your Spotfire environment efficiently
Using a shared codebase in addition to an extensive range of tools in the Flutter ecosystem optimized for browsers, the Flutter framework has expanded to enable you to bring your mobile apps to the web. You’ll find out how web developers can leverage the Flutter framework for web apps with this hands-on guide.Taking Flutter to the Web will help you learn all about the Flutter ecosystem by covering the tools and project structure that allows you to easily integrate Flutter into your web stack. You’ll understand the concepts of cross-platform UI development and how they can be applied to web platforms. As you explore Flutter on the web, you'll become well-versed with using Flutter as an alternative UI platform for building adaptive and responsive designs for web apps.By the end of this Flutter book, you'll have built and deployed a complete Flutter app for the web and have a roadmap ready to target the web for your existing Flutter mobile apps.