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María Carina Roldán, Doug Moran
Pentaho Data Integration (a.k.a. Kettle) is a full-featured open source ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) solution. Although PDI is a feature-rich tool, effectively capturing, manipulating, cleansing, transferring, and loading data can get complicated.This book is full of practical examples that will help you to take advantage of Pentaho Data Integration's graphical, drag-and-drop design environment. You will quickly get started with Pentaho Data Integration by following the step-by-step guidance in this book. The useful tips in this book will encourage you to exploit powerful features of Pentaho Data Integration and perform ETL operations with ease.Starting with the installation of the PDI software, this book will teach you all the key PDI concepts. Each chapter introduces new features, allowing you to gradually get involved with the tool. First, you will learn to work with plain files, and to do all kinds of data manipulation. Then, the book gives you a primer on databases and teaches you how to work with databases inside PDI. Not only that, you'll be given an introduction to data warehouse concepts and you will learn to load data in a data warehouse. After that, you will learn to implement simple and complex processes.Once you've learned all the basics, you will build a simple datamart that will serve to reinforce all the concepts learned through the book.
Chelis Camargo, Helmar Martens
IBM WebSphere® Portal is a cost- effective, scalable, and proven solution for the portal enterprise space. Given the depth and the breadth of WebSphere Portal and the challenges of developing a portal project, you need a book that covers all the nuances of the entire portal project lifecycle. This book accomplishes just that.In this book, we cover topics that range from portal assessment, governance, and architecture, to design and development. These topics are covered not only within these traditional areas, but also within the cloud environment context. Keeping both contexts in mind, several chapters are dedicated to portal and portlet testing, troubleshooting, performance monitoring, best practices, and tuning. The cloud option is also analyzed and discussed for hosting, developing, and publishing portal applications. We also cover Web Experience Factory (WEF) as the tool of choice for portlet development. We take you from the introduction to the development of advanced portlets in an intuitive and efficient manner. We cover not only common topics, such as builders, models, and user interface development, but also advanced topics, such as Dojo builders, Ajax techniques, and WEF performance.Within the WEF space, we cover other topics, which have never been covered before by any other competing book. You will learn how to develop multichannel applications, including web mobile applications and you will learn about the model types available for portlet development, including when and how to utilize them. We also present and discuss numerous aspects and facets of implementing a WEF project and what it takes to successfully deliver them.The richness and the profundity of the topics combined with an intuitive and well-structured presentation of the chapters will provide you with all the information you need to master your skills with the IBM WebSphere Portal project lifecycle and Web Experience Factory.
The updated third edition of Modern C++ Programming Cookbook addresses the latest features of C++23, such as the stacktrace library, std::expected and std::mdspan classes, the header, formatting library improvements, and updates to the ranges library. It also gets into more C++20 topics not previously covered, such as sync streams and source_location.The book is organized into practical recipes covering a wide range of real-world problems, helping you find the solutions you need quickly. You’ll find coverage of all the core concepts of modern C++ programming and features and techniques from C++11 through to C++23, meaning you’ll stay ahead of the curve by learning to incorporate the newest language and library improvements.Beyond the core concepts and new features, you’ll explore recipes related to performance and best practices, how to implement useful patterns and idioms, like pimpl, named parameter, attorney-client, and the factory pattern, and how to complete unit testing with the widely used C++ libraries: Boost.Test, Google Test, and Catch2.With the comprehensive coverage this C++ programming guide offers, by the end of the book you’ll have everything you need to build performant, scalable, and efficient applications in C++.
Chris Davenport, Jose Argudo Blanco
Ever wondered how all the great-looking, feature packed, amazing Joomla! sites are made? Would you like to add image transitions, popups, scrolls, AJAX forms, image galleries, no-page reloads to your website, but are worried that they will be difficult to implement? To make any Joomla! site look more professional, interactive, and interesting you need the ease and power of jQuery.This book will help you to use the jQuery library with the Joomla! CMS. It will take you through adding jQuery functionality to the Joomla! CMS and show how to use it to make the modules and themes more dynamic, interactive, and responsive, and add effects to your Joomla! site.The book starts by showing a plain Joomla! site without any JavaScript enhancement or features, then accompanies you through the process of site enhancement.First you will learn how to make use of third-party extensions to include jQuery features into your site. These can be image galleries, jQuery powered menus, tooltips, and many, many more. Later on you will learn how to modify your template to add some features to your Joomla! site, You will also learn to build your own jQuery-powered Joomla! extensions, and how to pack them so that you can use them in any project you like. Further, you will learn to create your own modules and components.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to enhance any Joomla! site with JavaScript and jQuery.
Machine learning and predictive analytics are transforming the way businesses and other organizations operate. Being able to understand trends and patterns in complex data is critical to success, becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. Python can help you deliver key insights into your data – its unique capabilities as a language let you build sophisticated algorithms and statistical models that can reveal new perspectives and answer key questions that are vital for success.Python Machine Learning gives you access to the world of predictive analytics and demonstrates why Python is one of the world’s leading data science languages. If you want to ask better questions of data, or need to improve and extend the capabilities of your machine learning systems, this practical data science book is invaluable. Covering a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn, Theano, and Keras, and featuring guidance and tips on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks, you’ll soon be able to answer some of the most important questions facing you and your organization.
As technology becomes more and more accessible and easier to use, we are expected to do more in less time than ever before. Video editors are now expected to be able not only to edit, but create motion graphics, fix sound issues, enhance image quality and color and more. Also, many workers in the PR and marketing world are finding they need to know how to get viral videos made from start to finish as quickly as possible. Final Cut Pro X was built as a one-stop shop with all the tools needed to produce a professional video from beginning to end.The Final Cut Pro X Cookbook contains recipes that will take you from the importing process and basic mechanics of editing up through many of FCPX's advanced tools needed by top-tier editors on a daily basis. Edit quickly and efficiently, fix image and sound problems with ease, and get your video out to your client or the world easily.No program gets you from application launch to the actual editing process faster than FCPX. After covering the basics, the book hits the ground running showing readers how to produce professional quality videos even if video editing isn't your day job.The recipes inside are packed with more than 300 images helping illustrate time-saving editing tools, problem-solving techniques and how to spice up your video with beautiful effects and titles. We also dive into audio editing, color correction and dabble in FCPX's sister programs Motion and Compressor!With more than 100 recipes, the Final Cut Pro X Cookbook is a great aid for the avid enthusiast up to the 40-hour-a-week professional. This book contains everything you need to make videos that captivate your audiences.
Python is the go-to language for developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists worldwide. Known for its versatility, Python can efficiently power applications, offering remarkable speed, safety, and scalability. This book distills Python into a collection of straightforward recipes, providing insights into specific language features within various contexts, making it an indispensable resource for mastering Python and using it to handle real-world use cases.The third edition of Modern Python Cookbook provides an in-depth look into Python 3.12, offering more than 140 new and updated recipes that cater to both beginners and experienced developers. This edition introduces new chapters on documentation and style, data visualization with Matplotlib and Pyplot, and advanced dependency management techniques using tools like Poetry and Anaconda. With practical examples and detailed explanations, this cookbook helps developers solve real-world problems, optimize their code, and get up to date with the latest Python features.
DevSecOps is built on the idea that everyone is responsible for security, with the goal of safely distributing security decisions at speed and scale to those who hold the highest level of context. This practice of integrating security into every stage of the development process helps improve both the security and overall quality of the software. This book will help you get to grips with DevSecOps and show you how to implement it, starting with a brief introduction to DevOps, DevSecOps, and their underlying principles.After understanding the principles, you'll dig deeper into different topics concerning application security and secure coding before learning about the secure development lifecycle and how to perform threat modeling properly. You’ll also explore a range of tools available for these tasks, as well as best practices for developing secure code and embedding security and policy into your application. Finally, you'll look at automation and infrastructure security with a focus on continuous security testing, infrastructure as code (IaC), protecting DevOps tools, and learning about the software supply chain.By the end of this book, you’ll know how to apply application security, safe coding, and DevSecOps practices in your development pipeline to create robust security protocols.
Karl Swedberg, Jonathan Chaffer
To build interesting, interactive sites, developers are turning to JavaScript libraries such as jQuery to automate common tasks and simplify complicated ones. Because many web developers have more experience with HTML and CSS than with JavaScript, the library's design lends itself to a quick start for designers with little programming experience. Experienced programmers will also be aided by its conceptual consistency.LearningjQuery - Fourth Edition is revised and updated version of jQuery. You will learn the basics of jQuery for adding interactions and animations to your pages. Even if previous attempts at writing JavaScript have left you baffled, this book will guide you past the pitfalls associated with AJAX, events, effects, and advanced JavaScript language features.Starting with an introduction to jQuery, you will first be shown how to write a functioning jQuery program in just three lines of code. Learn how to add impact to your actions through a set of simple visual effects and to create, copy, reassemble, and embellish content using jQuery's DOM modification methods. The book will take you through many detailed, real-world examples, and even equip you to extend the jQuery library itself with your own plug-ins.
SaltStack is one of the best infrastructure management platforms available. It provides powerful tools for defining and enforcing the state of your infrastructure in a clear, concise way. With this book learn how to use these tools for your own infrastructure by understanding the core pieces of Salt.In this book we will take you from the initial installation of Salt, through running their first commands, and then talk about extending Salt for individual use cases. From there you will explore the state system inside of Salt, learning to define the desired state of our infrastructure in such a way that Salt can enforce that state with a single command. Finally, you will learn about some of the additional tools that salt provides, including salt-cloud, the reactor, and the event system. We?ll finish by exploring how to get involved with salt and what'?s new in the salt community.Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to build a reliable, scalable, secure, high-performance infrastructure and fully utilize the power of cloud computing.
Ionic 2 Cookbook. The rich flavors of Ionic at your disposal - Second Edition
Developing real-time apps is the need of the hour, and apps that deal with humongous amounts of user data and real-time information that needs to be updated frequently are in high demand. Currently, one of the most popular frameworks for this task is Ionic Framework, which is undergoing a major makeover.This book will get you started with Ionic and help you create Angular 2 components that interact with templates. From there, you’ll work with Ionic components and find out how to share data efficiently between them. You’ll discover how to make the best use of the REST API to handle back-end services and then move on to animating the application to make it look pretty. You’ll learn to add in a local push notification in order to test the app. You’ll work with Cordova to support native functionalities on both iOS and Android. From there, you’ll get to grips with using the default themes for each platform as well as customizing your own. Finally, you’ll see how best to deploy your app to different platforms.This book will solve all your Ionic-related issues through dedicated recipes that will help you get the best out of Ionic.
Joel Latino, Harris Ward, Joel André Latino, Harris Ward
MongoDB is an open source, schemaless NoSQL database system. Pentaho as a famous open source Analysis tool provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability for large sets of data. The variant features in Pentaho for MongoDB are designed to empower organizations to be more agile and scalable and also enables applications to have better flexibility, faster performance, and lower costs.Whether you are brand new to online learning or a seasoned expert, this book will provide you with the skills you need to create turnkey analytic solutions that deliver insight and drive value for your organization.The book will begin by taking you through Pentaho Data Integration and how it works with MongoDB. You will then be taken through the Kettle Thin JDBC Driver for enabling a Java application to interact with a database. This will be followed by exploration of a MongoDB collection using Pentaho Instant view and creating reports with MongoDB as a datasource using Pentaho Report Designer. The book will then teach you how to explore and visualize your data in Pentaho BI Server using Pentaho Analyzer. You will then learn how to create advanced dashboards with your data. The book concludes by highlighting contributions of the Pentaho Community.
Instant VMware vCloud Starter. A practical, hands-on guide to get started with VMware vCloud
The cloud is the next step forward in IT technology and most Enterprises are already following suit. The cloud enables self-service via a web interface, reducing the management overhead and has amazing possibilities for production and development environments. Knowing about the cloud will open up new possibilities for anyone interested in IT.Everyone is talking about the cloud, so join in the discussion by learning how to create your own demo environment. See how the cloud can be used to reduce VM deployment time and create isolated and fenced environments inside your cloud.With Instant VMware vCloud Starter we look at the cloud in general, the vCloud Director installation and configuration, as well as template and networking configuration using step-by-step instructions and explanations taking you from theory to practical knowledge.You will be able to create templates and reuse them to rapidly deploy a complete environment. The other main topic we will be exploring is vCloud Networking, enabling you to configure complex network solutions, from multi-tiered application networks to full isolated development environments. You will learn everything you need to know about the vCloud to start exploring the vCloud by yourself. This book is a first step into a bigger world.
Shaun Bryant, Jessica Langston, Jeanne Aarhus
AutoCAD helps you communicate your design intent by plotting your designs to drawings, in both paper and electronic format. But using AutoCAD can be daunting, even for an experienced user who wants to get their designs into the AutoCAD native DWG file format.Written by an Autodesk Certified Instructor at Platinum level with 30+ years of industry experience, this book will guide you on how to use new and existing AutoCAD tools to work smarter, not harder, and it will familiarize you with the processes needed to use AutoCAD much more effectively. As you work through the chapters, you’ll get used to these new methodologies in AutoCAD and build up muscle memory so that these skills become second nature. You’ll also take advantage of the author's expertise and experience, learning some highly effective AutoCAD tips and tricks along the way.By the end of this AutoCAD book, you’ll have gained valuable insights into the knowledge needed to confidently prepare for your Autodesk AutoCAD certification.
Play is a full-featured Java and Scala web framework for building modern, high-performance web applications. It is characterized by its simplicity and scalability. With its lightweight, stateless, and web-friendly architecture, Play focuses on developer experience to make web application development fun.Instant Play Framework Starter is the ideal companion to start developing web applications with Play. The building blocks of a typical web application are carefully designed following an on-going example.Instant Play Framework Starter starts with a quick setup and running a first sample. Then, the anatomy of a typical Play application is outlined. More features are added step by step to an example application. The result is the prototype of a highly scalable web application.The example is implemented in Java and in Scala. It consists of building blocks you will find in every Play application. In particular, you will learn how views are rendered with the template engine, how HTTP routes are used to define the navigation rules, and how to separate the application logic of controllers from the business logic of the model. This separation is the result of a careful application design, which makes it easy to add features like data binding and validation. Finally you will see how easy it is to adapt different database access libraries.Instant Play Framework Starter will help you to get started with Play and develop your first application. Packed with examples, it is easy to follow the design of a real-world application. You are able to compare the difference between a Java- and a Scala-based Play application and to decide which language fits your needs best. All topics covered in the book are described with the aim to serve as a reference for future web application development with Play.
eZ Publish 4: Enterprise Web Sites Step-by-Step
Francesco Fullone, Francesco Trucchia, Nina Pedersen
eZ Publish provides developers with a structure to build highly impressive applications and then quickly deploy them into a live environment. eZ Publish is complex, with a steep learning curve, but with the right direction it offers great flexibility and power. What makes eZ Publish special is not the long list of features, but what's going on behind the scenes.Created specifically for newcomers to eZ Publish, and using an example Magazine web site, this book focuses on designing, building and deploying eZ Publish to create an enterprise site quickly and easily.This tutorial takes eZ Publish's steep learning curve head-on, and walks you through the process of designing and building content-rich web sites. It makes the unrivalled power and flexibility of eZ Publish accessible to all developers.The book is organized around technical topics, which are handled in depth, with a general progression that follows the learning experience of the reader, and features a single magazine web site project from installation to completion and deployment. This hands-on guide helps the reader to understand the Content Management System to create a web 2.0-ready web site by creating new extensions or overriding the existing ones. In turn, it helps you to become confident when working in the eZ Publish administration area and offers an environment in which you can practice while working through the chapters.