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If you have ever played Minecraft on a public server then the chances are that the server was powered by Bukkit. Bukkit plugins allow a server to be modified in more ways than you can imagine. Learning to program your own server mods will allow you to customize the game to your own liking.Building Minecraft Server Modifications is a complete guide that walks you through the creation of Minecraft server mods. From setting up a server, to testing your newly made plugins, this book teaches you everything you need to know. With the help of this book you can start practising for a career in software development or simply create something awesome to play with your friends.This book walks you through installing your own Minecraft server for you and your friends. Once your server is running, it will aid you in modifying the game by programming Bukkit plugins. You will learn how to program simple plugin features such as player commands and permissions. You will also learn more complex features including listening for events, creating a configurable plugin, and utilizing the Bukkit scheduler. All of this will be accomplished while writing your own server mods.You will become familiar with the most important aspects of the Bukkit API. Additional API features will become a breeze to learn after tackling these more complicated tasks.
Karl Gilbert, Benjamin Caudill
The cloud is taking over the IT industry. Any organization housing a large amount of data or a large infrastructure has started moving cloud-ward — and AWS rules the roost when it comes to cloud service providers, with its closest competitor having less than half of its market share. This highlights the importance of security on the cloud, especially on AWS. While a lot has been said (and written) about how cloud environments can be secured, performing external security assessments in the form of pentests on AWS is still seen as a dark art. This book aims to help pentesters as well as seasoned system administrators with a hands-on approach to pentesting the various cloud services provided by Amazon through AWS using Kali Linux. To make things easier for novice pentesters, the book focuses on building a practice lab and refining penetration testing with Kali Linux on the cloud. This is helpful not only for beginners but also for pentesters who want to set up a pentesting environment in their private cloud, using Kali Linux to perform a white-box assessment of their own cloud resources. Besides this, the book covers a large variety of AWS services that are often overlooked during a pentest — from serverless infrastructure to automated deployment pipelines. By the end of this book, you will be able to identify possible vulnerable areas efficiently and secure your AWS cloud environment.
The Polars Cookbook is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to Python Polars, one of the first resources dedicated to this powerful data processing library. Written by Yuki Kakegawa, a seasoned data analytics consultant who has worked with industry leaders like Microsoft and Stanford Health Care, this book offers targeted, real-world solutions to data processing, manipulation, and analysis challenges. The book also includes a foreword by Marco Gorelli, a core contributor to Polars, ensuring expert insights into Polars' applications. From installation to advanced data operations, you’ll be guided through data manipulation, advanced querying, and performance optimization techniques. You’ll learn to work with large datasets, conduct sophisticated transformations, leverage powerful features like chaining, and understand its caveats. This book also shows you how to integrate Polars with other Python libraries such as pandas, numpy, and PyArrow, and explore deployment strategies for both on-premises and cloud environments like AWS, BigQuery, GCS, Snowflake, and S3. With use cases spanning data engineering, time series analysis, statistical analysis, and machine learning, Polars Cookbook provides essential techniques for optimizing and securing your workflows. By the end of this book, you'll possess the skills to design scalable, efficient, and reliable data processing solutions with Polars.
Joshua N. Milligan, Blair Hutchinson, Mark Tossell, Roberto Andreoli
Learning Tableau 2022 helps you get started with Tableau and data visualization, but it does more than just cover the basic principles. It helps you understand how to analyze and communicate data visually, and articulate data stories using advanced features.This new edition is updated with Tableau’s latest features, such as dashboard extensions, Explain Data, and integration with CRM Analytics (Einstein Analytics), which will help you harness the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive modeling in Tableau.After an exploration of the core principles, this book will teach you how to use table and level of detail calculations to extend and alter default visualizations, build interactive dashboards, and master the art of telling stories with data.You’ll learn about visual statistical analytics and create different types of static and animated visualizations and dashboards for rich user experiences. We then move on to interlinking different data sources with Tableau’s Data Model capabilities, along with maps and geospatial visualization. You will further use Tableau Prep Builder’s ability to efficiently clean and structure data.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in implementing the powerful features of Tableau 2022 to improve the business intelligence insights you can extract from your data.
Imagine working in a building with smart features and tenant applications that allow you to monitor, manage, and control every aspect of your user experience. Internet of Things for Smart Buildings is a comprehensive guide that will help you achieve that with smart building architecture, ecosystems, technologies, and key components that create a smart building.In this audiobook, you’ll start by examining all the building systems and applications that can be automated with IoT devices. You’ll learn about different apps to improve efficiency, reduce consumption, and improve occupant satisfaction. You’ll explore IoT sensors, devices, computing platforms, analytics software, user interfaces, and connectivity options, along with common challenges you might encounter while developing the architecture.You’ll also discover how to piece different components together to develop smart buildings with the help of use cases and examples and get to grips with the various IoT stacks. After finding out where to start developing the requirements for your project, you’ll uncover a recommended methodology to understand your current building systems and a process for determining what needs to be modified, along with new technology requirements.By the end of the audiobook, you’ll be able to design and build your own smart building initiative, turning your city into a smart city with one building at a time.
Creating conceptual art and design assets is a slow and laborious process, especially for those unfamiliar with complex design tools. With Adobe Firefly, you can say goodbye to your design challenges and start creating attractive visuals faster than ever before. Written by an Adobe expert with over two decades of experience, Extending Creativity With Adobe Firefly teaches you how to use Generative AI for art and design with easy-to-follow steps. You’ll learn how to create images, add text effects, edit photos, and explore colors faster with Adobe Firefly. You'll discover Firefly’s capabilities for tasks like generating text-to-image samples, styling text effects, and editing photos quickly. You’ll also find how to integrate Firefly with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps to streamline your workflow. If you're just starting out, this book will acquaint you with the basics of design, enabling you to create images easily. If you are a professional, you’ll learn how to improve collaboration and visual communication, and if you are a teacher, you’ll be able to enhance your teaching methods with visual thinking. By the end, you’ll master every function of Adobe Firefly and create outputs for website and desktop applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Express, and Adobe Stock.
PowerCLI Essentials. Simplify and automate server administration tasks with PowerCLI
Have you ever wished you could automatically get a report with all the relevant information about your VMware environments in exactly the format you want? Or that you could automate a crucial task that needs to be performed on a regular basis? Powerful Command Line Interface (PowerCLI) scripts do all these things and much more for VMware environments. PowerCLI is a command-line interface tool used to automate VMware vSphere environments. It is used to handle complicated administration tasks through use of various cmdlets and scripts, which are designed to handle certain aspects of VSphere servers and to help you manage them. This book will show you the intricacies of PowerCLI through real-life examples so that you can discover the art of PowerCLI scripting. At the start, you will be taught to download and install PowerCLI and will learn about the different versions of it. Moving further, you will be introduced to the GUI of PowerCLI and will find out how to develop single line scripts to duplicate running tasks, produce simple reports, and simplify administration. Next, you will learn about the methods available to get information remotely. Towards the end, you will be taught to set up orchestrator and build workflows in PowerShell with update manager and SRM scripts.
A picture is worth a thousand words has never been more true than when representing large sets of data. Bar charts, heat maps, cartograms, and many more have become important tools in applications and presentations to quickly give insight into complicated issues.The ActionScript Graphing Cookbook shows you how to add your own charts to any ActionScript program. The recipes give step-by-step instructions on how to process the input data, how to create various types of charts and how to make them interactive for even more user engagement.Starting with basic ActionScript knowledge, you will learn how to develop many different types of charts.First learn how to import your data, from Excel, web services and more. Next process the data and make it ready for graphical display. Pick one of the many graph options available as the book guides you through ActionScript's drawing functions. And when you're ready for it, branch out into 3D display.The recipes in the ActionScript Graphing Cookbook will gradually introduce you into the world of visualization.
Discover the capabilities of PowerShell 7 for your everyday tasks with this carefully paced tutorial that will help you master this versatile programming language.The first set of chapters will show you where to find and how to install the latest version of PowerShell, providing insights into the distinctive features that set PowerShell apart from other languages. You’ll then learn essential programming concepts such as variables and control flow, progressing to their applications. As you advance, you’ll work with files and APIs, writing scripts, functions, and modules. You’ll also gain proficiency in securing your PowerShell environment before venturing into different operating systems.Enriched with detailed practical examples tailored for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Raspberry Pi, each chapter weaves real-world scenarios to ignite your imagination and cement the principles you learn. You’ll be able to reinforce your understanding through self-assessment questions and delve deeper into the principles using comprehensive reading lists.By the end of this book, you’ll have the confidence to use PowerShell for physical computing and writing scripts for Windows administration.
Practical Hardware Pentesting, Second Edition, is an example-driven guide that will help you plan attacks, hack your embedded devices, and secure the hardware infrastructure.Throughout the book, you’ll explore the functional and security aspects of a device and learn how a system senses and communicates with the outside world. You’ll set up a lab from scratch and gradually work towards an advanced hardware lab.The first part of this book will get you attacking the software of an embedded device. This will get you thinking from an attacker point of view; you’ll understand how devices are attacked, compromised, and how you can harden a device against the most common hardware attack vectors. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with the global architecture of an embedded system and sniff on-board traffic, learn how to identify and formalize threats to the embedded system, and understand its relationship with its ecosystem. This 2nd Edition covers real-world examples featuring various devices like smart TVs, baby monitors, or pacemakers, you’ll discover how to analyze hardware and locate its possible vulnerabilities before going on to explore firmware dumping, analysis, and exploitation.By the end of this book, you’ll and understand how to implement best practices to secure your hardware.
Srikumar Nair, Charles Lamanna
Microsoft Dataverse for Teams is a built-in, low-code data platform for Teams and enables everyone to easily build and deploy apps, flows, and intelligent chatbots using Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents (PVA) embedded in Microsoft Teams.Without learning any coding language, you will be able to build apps with step-by-step explanations for setting up Teams, creating tables to store data, and leverage the data for your digital solutions. With the techniques covered in the book, you’ll be able to develop your first app with Dataverse for Teams within an hour! You’ll then learn how to automate repetitive tasks or build alerts using Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents. As you get to grips with building these digital solutions, you’ll also be able to understand when to consider upgrading from Dataverse for Teams to Dataverse, along with its advanced features. Finally, you’ll explore features for administration and governance and understand the licensing requirements of Microsoft Dataverse for Teams and PowerApps.Having acquired the skills to build and deploy an enterprise-grade digital solution, by the end of the book, you will have become a qualified citizen developer and be ready to lead a digital revolution in your organization.
Adil Zafar, Dharma Alturi, Sanket Taur, Mihir R. Gor
If you’re unsure whether adopting SAP S/4HANA is the right move for your enterprise, then this book is for you. This practical and comprehensive guide will help you determine your next steps toward building a business case, while preparing you for all the possible scenarios and enabling you to make informed decisions during implementation. RISEwith SAP toward a Sustainable Enterprise is packed with clear and detailed advice, including a run-through of what it takes to design the landscape using RISE with SAP. As you go through the chapters, you’ll get a solid understanding of precisely what services are available (such as Process Discovery, data migration, the fit-to-standard approach), and which scope items on RISE with SAP should be considered, allowing you to make the most of RISE with the SAP-based model. Finally, you’ll get an overview of different industry-based use cases and how they can be brought to reality with the platform that’s set up on the RISE with SAP offering. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build a detailed business case to determine if RISE with SAP is the right transformation engine for you, along with a clear idea of optimized landscape design on RISE with SAP that addresses the pain points for your implementation and support activities.
Exam preparation for the AZ-500 means you’ll need to master all aspects of the Azure cloud platform and know how to implement them. With the help of this book, you'll gain both the knowledge and the practical skills to significantly reduce the attack surface of your Azure workloads and protect your organization from constantly evolving threats to public cloud environments like Azure.While exam preparation is one of its focuses, this book isn't just a comprehensive security guide for those looking to take the Azure Security Engineer certification exam, but also a valuable resource for those interested in securing their Azure infrastructure and keeping up with the latest updates. Complete with hands-on tutorials, projects, and self-assessment questions, this easy-to-follow guide builds a solid foundation of Azure security. You’ll not only learn about security technologies in Azure but also be able to configure and manage them. Moreover, you’ll develop a clear understanding of how to identify different attack vectors and mitigate risks.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with implementing multi-layered security to protect identities, networks, hosts, containers, databases, and storage in Azure – and more than ready to tackle the AZ-500.
Ben Mearns, Alex Mandel, Alexander Bruy, Anita Graser, ...
The first module Learning QGIS, Third edition covers the installation and configuration of QGIS. You’ll become a master in data creation and editing, and creating great maps. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to extend QGIS with Python, getting in-depth with developing custom tools for the Processing Toolbox. The second module QGIS Blueprints gives you an overview of the application types and the technical aspects along with few examples from the digital humanities. After estimating unknown values using interpolation methods and demonstrating visualization and analytical techniques, the module ends by creating an editable and data-rich map for the discovery of community information. The third module QGIS 2 Cookbook covers data input and output with special instructions for trickier formats. Later, we dive into exploring data, data management, and preprocessing steps to cut your data to just the important areas. At the end of this module, you will dive into the methods for analyzing routes and networks, and learn how to take QGIS beyond the out-of-the-box features with plug-ins, customization, and add-on tools. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ? Learning QGIS, Third Edition by Anita Graser ? QGIS Blueprints by Ben Mearns ? QGIS 2 Cookbook by Alex Mandel, Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Anita Graser, Alexander Bruy