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Norines Revenge, and Sir Noels Heir

May Agnes Fleming

Mr. Richard Gilbert, a New York lawyer, entering five minutes before the start, found only one place unoccupied near the door. The old hard farmer held the upper half and moved grumpily to the window when Mr. Gilbert took his seat. The month was March, the morning was snowy and blowing, slushy and slushy, as usual in the Canadian March morning. Mr. Gilbert, inwardly congratulating himself on having gotten a seat by the stove, opened the damp Montreal True Witness and settled down comfortably to read.

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Illustrated Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Sidney Edward Paget, a famous British illustrator, best known for his illustrations that accompanied Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories in The Strand magazine. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. All of the stories are told in a first-person narrative from the point of view of Dr. John H. Watson, Holmes friend, assistant and sometime flatmate.

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Muszę wypocząć. Obrazek sceniczny

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Henryk Sienkiewicz to nie tylko autor niezapomnianych powieści i nowel, lecz także twórca sztuk scenicznych. Laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla był także świetnym dramaturgiem. Sztuka Muszę wypocząć ukazała się w noworocznym numerze Kuriera Codziennego w 1897 r. Zadedykowana została Bolesławowi Prusowi. Autor przedstawia w niej w zwartej i dowcipnej formie dzień sławnego literata, który postanowił w końcu się zrelaksować. Wiąże się to z tym, że przestał na kilka dni pisać, przygotowywać się do odczytów i nie dosypiać po nocach, by wywiązać się z rozmaitych zobowiązań wobec redakcji. Przestał również czytać listy od swych wielbicieli, którzy zwracają się doń z najdziwniejszymi sprawami: Czy pan łatwiej pracujesz po wołowinie, czy po baraninie lub po kotletach wieprzowych? Po jakim mięsie tworzysz pan łatwiej charaktery, a po jakim krajobrazy? .

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Szatan i Judasz (Tom 7). Szatan i Judasz. Dolina Śmierci

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Dolina Śmierci to siódma część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Znani z innych serii bohaterowie przemierzają świat wzdłuż i wszerz są zawsze tam, gdzie coś się dzieje i gdzie potrzebna ich pomoc. Znakomicie radzą sobie w najtrudniejszych sytuacjach, dzięki czemu udaje im się ocalić wiele istnień. Nagrodą często bywają odnalezione skarby.

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From the Earth to the Moon

Jules Verne

During the years of the American Civil War, the Cannon Club was founded in Baltimore, the participants of which were engaged in the invention and production of more and more powerful and modern artillery. However, when peacetime came, new guns ceased to be needed, and then chairman Impi Barbiken proposed an unprecedentedly large-scale and ambitious project to build such a gun that its shell could reach the moon itself.

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Tales of Lonely Trails

Zane Grey

The next day, having restored our journey, it was a pleasure for me to try to find the track to Betatakin, the most famous and, most certainly, the most beautiful and beautiful destroyed place in the whole of the West. In many places, there was no trace at all, and I was faced with difficulties, but in the end, without much loss of time, I entered a narrow, heavy entrance to the canyon, which I described as a surprise valley. Amazement in the big dark cave worried me. My dreams of romance really lived there once. I climbed to a height above the huge stones, and along the smooth red walls, where I once swam Larkin, quickly moving, I entered the shaded rock, and wandered through thickets that were never free from the history that I conceived nature itself...

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Down under Donovan

Edgar Wallace

British novelist Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932), was a Reuters war correspondent who wrote thrillers to earn additional money. He also wrote Hollywood screenplays and died while drafting King Kong. Wallace was a very prolific writer despite his sudden death at age 56. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. Wallaces works have been turned into well over 100 films. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1918. Down Under Donovan is a crime novel by this prolific author of detective fiction. An ex-con man wins in gambling but murder is in the air.

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The Corner House

Fred M. White

This is a mysterious story about The Corner House, where there are many secrets and various rumors about it. Some time ago, the Corner House was the center of what could be an exciting tragedy. Some of the neighbors could hear about the night cry, how to stamp their feet, about a beautiful woman with poison in her hand. No one ever revealed her secret, no one crossed her threshold. However, there is always someone brave who will do it.

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Der Lügendetektor

Edgar Wallace

Mr. Reeder war ein seltsamer Mann. Er arbeitete nicht für Scotland Yard, aber als Beamter der Staatsanwaltschaft gab er dem Yard seine Rechercheergebnisse jeweils gerne weiter. In der Öffentlichkeit galt er als Detektiv. Als Ena Panton verschwand, war Mr. Reeder schon seit geraumer Zeit auf der Spur des sogenannten Captain Mannering. Mannering, von allen Der Captain genannt, lebt in Hexleigh Manor, einem Landgut in schlechtem Zustand, das in einem großen Park liegt. Mr. Mannering bekommt Besuch Mr. Reeder, einem Detektiv der für die Staatsanwaltschaft arbeitet, denn dieser verfolgt eine Spur, die ihn hier her führte...

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Mazepa. Tragedia w 5 aktach

Juliusz Słowacki

Głównym bohaterem dramatu jest młody Iwan Mazepa, paź i dworzanin królewski, przyszły hetman kozacki. Akcja utworu rozgrywa się w XVII wieku na zamku pewnego wojewody. Punkt wyjścia stanowi wizyta króla Jana Kazimierza wraz z dworem. Na czas jej trwania zamek staje się areną dworskich gierek, mniej lub bardziej wyrafinowanych zalotów oraz skandali, które prowadzą do tragedii.

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Carolyn Wells

From that famous foundry of fiction, fact and frivolity, author Carolyn Wells, comes another Fleming Stone detective story. When a popular playwright is found stabbed with his own pen made from a medieval dagger, suspicion fall on Mrs. Guy Thorndike, wife of a prominent actor. Fleming Stone finally turns up to solve the case. In the room, unheeded by police and sleuths, is a clue upon which Fleming Stone constructs a daring solution. The yarn is skillfully woven and splendidly told. The Fleming Stone Mysteries is a collection of 17 baffling detective novels in which Fleming Stone, the great American Detective, displays his remarkable ingenuity for unravelling mysteries.

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The Black Opal. A Romance of Thrilling Adventure

Fenton Ash

The Black Opal: A Romance of Thrilling Adventure was written by Fenton Ash and was first published in 1906. It is a lost race adventure novel set in a medieval kingdom in the Sargasso Sea. Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927) who was a writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months imprisonment for obtaining money by deception. After leaving prison he dropped the name Frank Aubrey and in his early 60s, following a three-year hiatus began writing as Fenton Ash.

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The Worst Man in the Word

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material always popular with readers that he remains best known. The Worst Man in the World is an entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue, this volume constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime fiction. Although these experiences are told in story form, they represent the personal narrative of one who served many terms of penal servitude, and were related to the author, who met with this remarkable convict a few days after his last release from prison.

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Far from the Madding Crowd

Thomas Hardy

In the novel Far From the Crazed Crowd, Hardy reveals the great and eternal drama of the relationship between a man and a woman. At one time, the vivid, complicated story of the love triangle of the independent and proud Bathsheba, who inherited the farm in the wilderness of Northern England, the peasant Gabriel Oak and the alien from urban civilization sergeant Troy became a real literary scandal. Interestingly, Hardys novel is still considered scandalous and violates the foundations of the foundations of the current society. So how did Hardy manage to touch the strings of the souls of readers of three centuries?

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The Frightened Lady

Edgar Wallace

When Inspector Tanner is called in to investigate a ruthless murder at Marks Priory, the grand ancestral home of the Lebanon family, he quickly discovers that nothing is quite as it seems. The household is controlled by the family physician, the footmen behave more like guests than servants and the secretary Isla is afraid for her life. Why are these two American toughs employed as footmen? Why is Lady Lebanon so unwilling to answer any questions? What he does know is that the only obviously innocent person is utterly consumed with terror. Here is Inspector Tanners first real clue. As Tanner moves closer to the heart of the mystery he uncovers a shocking and closely guarded secret.

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Niebezpieczne związki

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

Historia wielkich namiętności, intryg i romansów. Bohaterowie powieści markiza de Mertenil i jej dawny kochanek wicehrabia de Valmont prowadzą niebezpieczną grę o zabarwieniu erotycznym. Powieść pełna zmysłowych opisów i zaskakujących zwrotów akcji. Książka wywołała skandal obyczajowy. Powstało wiele ekranizacji powieści.