Електронні книги
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Для дітей
Для молоді
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- Художня література
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Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
Науково-популярна та академічна
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- Торгівля. Світова економіка
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Ігрові посібники
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
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- Дорожній кодекс. Водійські права
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- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
- Міжнародне право
- Міжнародне та іноземне право
- Закон про охорону здоров'я
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Путівники та подорожі
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Спорт, фітнес, дієти
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Бізнес та економіка
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Спорт, фітнес, дієти
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Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Для дітей
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Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
D3.js 4.x Data Visualization. Learn to visualize your data with JavaScript - Third Edition
Aendrew Rininsland, Swizec Teller
Want to get started with impressive interactive visualizations and implement them in your daily tasks? This book offers the perfect solution-D3.js. It has emerged as the most popular tool for data visualization. This book will teach you how to implement the features of the latest version of D3 while writing JavaScript using the newest tools and techniqueYou will start by setting up the D3 environment and making your first basic bar chart. You will then build stunning SVG and Canvas-based data visualizations while writing testable, extensible code,as accurate and informative as it is visually stimulating. Step-by-step examples walk you through creating, integrating, and debugging different types of visualization and will have you building basic visualizations (such as bar, line, and scatter graphs) in no time.By the end of this book, you will have mastered the techniques necessary to successfully visualize data and will be ready to use D3 to transform any data into an engaging and sophisticated visualization.
Unsupervised learning is about making use of raw, untagged data and applying learning algorithms to it to help a machine predict its outcome. With this book, you will explore the concept of unsupervised learning to cluster large sets of data and analyze them repeatedly until the desired outcome is found using Python.This book starts with the key differences between supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning. You will be introduced to the best-used libraries and frameworks from the Python ecosystem and address unsupervised learning in both the machine learning and deep learning domains. You will explore various algorithms, techniques that are used to implement unsupervised learning in real-world use cases. You will learn a variety of unsupervised learning approaches, including randomized optimization, clustering, feature selection and transformation, and information theory. You will get hands-on experience with how neural networks can be employed in unsupervised scenarios. You will also explore the steps involved in building and training a GAN in order to process images.By the end of this book, you will have learned the art of unsupervised learning for different real-world challenges.
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are declarations of Azure resources in the JSON format to provision and maintain them using infrastructure as code. This book gives practical solutions and examples for provisioning and managing various Azure services using ARM templates.The book starts with an understanding of infrastructure as code, a refresher on JSON, and then moves on to explain the fundamental concepts of ARM templates. Important concepts like iteration, conditional evaluation, security, usage of expressions, and functions will be covered in detail. You will use linked and nested templates to create modular ARM templates. You will see how to create multiple instances of the same resources, how to nest and link templates, and how to establish dependencies between them. You will also learn about implementing design patterns, secure template design, the unit testing of ARM templates, and adopting best practices.By the end of this book, you will understand the entire life cycle of ARM templates and their testing, and be able to author them for complex deployments.
AWS Lambda Quick Start Guide. Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications on AWS
AWS Lambda is a part of AWS that lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers. This enables you to deploy applications and backend services that operate with no upfront cost. This book gets you up to speed on how to build scalable systems and deploy serverless applications with AWS Lambda.The book starts with the fundamental concepts of AWS Lambda, and then teaches you how to combine your applications with other AWS services, such as AmazonAPI Gateway and DynamoDB. This book will also give a quick walk through on how to use the Serverless Framework to build larger applications that can structure code or autogenerate boilerplate code that can be used to get started quickly for increased productivity.Toward the end of the book, you will learn how to write, run, and test Lambda functions using Node.js, Java, Python, and C#.
Rust High Performance. Learn to skyrocket the performance of your Rust applications
This book teaches you how to optimize the performance of your Rust code so that it is at the same level as languages such as C/C++. You'll understand and fi x common pitfalls, learn how to improve your productivity by using metaprogramming, and speed up your code. You will master the features of the language, which will make you stand out, and use them to greatly improve the efficiency of your algorithms. The book begins with an introduction to help you identify bottlenecks when programming in Rust. We highlight common performance pitfalls, along with strategies to detect and resolve these issues early. We move on to mastering Rust's type system, which will enable us to optimize both performance and safety at compile time. You will learn how to effectively manage memory in Rust, mastering the borrow checker. We move on to measuring performance and you will see how this affects the way you write code. Moving forward, you will perform metaprogramming in Rust to boost the performance of your code and your productivity. Finally, you will learn parallel programming in Rust, which enables efficient and faster execution by using multithreading and asynchronous programming.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables automating business processes using software robots. Software robots interpret, trigger responses, and communicate with other systems just like humans do. Robotic processes and intelligent automation tools can help businesses improve the effectiveness of services faster and at a lower cost than current methods.This book is the perfect start to your automation journey, with a special focus on one of the most popular RPA tools: UiPath.Learning Robotic Process Automation takes you on a journey from understanding the basics of RPA to advanced implementation techniques. You will become familiar with the UiPath interface and learn about its workflow. Once you are familiar with the environment, we will get hands-on with automating applications such as Excel, SAP, Windows and web applications, screen and web scraping, working with user events, and we'll cover exceptions and debugging. By the end of the book, you'll not only be able to build your first software robot, but you'll also wire it up to perform various automation tasks with the help of best practices for robot deployment.
This book will take you from the basics of neural networks to advanced implementations of architectures using a recipe-based approach.We will learn about how neural networks work and the impact of various hyper parameters on a network's accuracy along with leveraging neural networks for structured and unstructured data.Later, we will learn how to classify and detect objects in images. We will also learn to use transfer learning for multiple applications, including a self-driving car using Convolutional Neural Networks.We will generate images while leveraging GANs and also by performing image encoding. Additionally, we will perform text analysis using word vector based techniques. Later, we will use Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM to implement chatbot and Machine Translation systems.Finally, you will learn about transcribing images, audio, and generating captions and also use Deep Q-learning to build an agent that plays Space Invaders game.By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills to choose and customize multiple neural network architectures for various deep learning problems you might encounter.
Matthew Lamons, Rahul Kumar, Abhishek Nagaraja
Deep learning has been gradually revolutionizing every field of artificial intelligence, making application development easier.Python Deep Learning Projects imparts all the knowledge needed to implement complex deep learning projects in the field of computational linguistics and computer vision. Each of these projects is unique, helping you progressively master the subject. You’ll learn how to implement a text classifier system using a recurrent neural network (RNN) model and optimize it to understand the shortcomings you might experience while implementing a simple deep learning system.Similarly, you’ll discover how to develop various projects, including word vector representation, open domain question answering, and building chatbots using seq-to-seq models and language modeling. In addition to this, you’ll cover advanced concepts, such as regularization, gradient clipping, gradient normalization, and bidirectional RNNs, through a series of engaging projects.By the end of this book, you will have gained knowledge to develop your own deep learning systems in a straightforward way and in an efficient way
Mastering Arduino. A project-based approach to electronics, circuits, and programming
Mastering Arduino is an all-in-one guide to getting the most out of your Arduino. This practical, no-nonsense guide teaches you all of the electronics and programming skills that you need to create advanced Arduino projects. This book is packed full of real-world projects for you to practice on, bringing all of the knowledge in the book together and giving you the skills to build your own robot from the examples in this book. The final two chapters discuss wireless technologies and how they can be used in your projects. The book begins with the basics of electronics, making sure that you understand components, circuits, and prototyping before moving on. It then performs the same function for code, getting you into the Arduino IDE and showing you how to connect the Arduino to a computer and run simple projects on your Arduino.Once the basics are out of the way, the next 10 chapters of the book focus on small projects centered around particular components, such as LCD displays, stepper motors, or voice synthesizers. Each of these chapters will get you familiar with the technology involved, how to build with it, how to program it, and how it can be used in your own projects.
Security automation is the automatic handling of software security assessments tasks. This book helps you to build your security automation framework to scan for vulnerabilities without human intervention.This book will teach you to adopt security automation techniques to continuously improve your entire software development and security testing. You will learn to use open source tools and techniques to integrate security testing tools directly into your CI/CD framework. With this book, you will see how to implement security inspection at every layer, such as secure code inspection, fuzz testing, Rest API, privacy, infrastructure security, and web UI testing. With the help of practical examples, this book will teach you to implement the combination of automation and Security in DevOps. You will learn about the integration of security testing results for an overall security status for projects.By the end of this book, you will be confident implementing automation security in all layers of your software development stages and will be able to build your own in-house security automation platform throughout your mobile and cloud releases.
This third edition of Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 has been updated to get you up to speed with VMware Horizon 7.7 by showing you how to use its key features and deploying an end-user computing infrastructure for your own organization.The book begins by guiding you on how to deploy all the core requirements for a VMware Horizon infrastructure. It then moves on to show you how to provision and administer end-user computing resources using VMware Horizon. You’ll not only be able to deploy the core VMware Horizon features, but you’ll also be able to implement new features, such as the Just-in-Time Management Platform (JMP) and the Horizon Console. You’ll also focus on the latest features and components of the Horizon platform and learn when and how they are used.By the end of the book, you will have developed a solid understanding of how your organization can benefit from the capabilities VMware Horizon offers and how each of its components is implemented.
Scikit-learn is a robust machine learning library for the Python programming language. It provides a set of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. This book is the easiest way to learn how to deploy, optimize, and evaluate all of the important machine learning algorithms that scikit-learn provides.This book teaches you how to use scikit-learn for machine learning. You will start by setting up and configuring your machine learning environment with scikit-learn. To put scikit-learn to use, you will learn how to implement various supervised and unsupervised machine learning models. You will learn classification, regression, and clustering techniques to work with different types of datasets and train your models.Finally, you will learn about an effective pipeline to help you build a machine learning project from scratch. By the end of this book, you will be confident in building your own machine learning models for accurate predictions.
Shantanu Bhadoria, Ruben Oliva Ramos
Raspberry Pi 3 Home Automation Projects addresses the challenge of applying real-world projects to automate your house using Raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino. You will learn how to customize and program the Raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino-based boards in several home automation projects around your house.This book aims to help you integrate different microcontrollers like Arduino, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, Particle Photon and Raspberry Pi 3 into the real world, taking the best of these boards to develop some exciting home automation projects. We will start with an interesting project creating a Raspberry Pi Powered smart mirror and move on to Automated Gardening System, which will help you build a simple smart gardening to keep your garden healthy with minimal effort. You will also learn to build projects such as CheerLights into a holiday display, a project to erase parking headaches with OpenCV and Raspberry Pi 3, create Netfl ix's The Switch for the living room and lock down your house like Fort Knox with a Windows IoT face recognition-based door lock system.By the end of the book, you will be able to build and automate the living space with intriguing IoT projects and bring a new degree of inter connectivity to your world.
This book will take you, as a tester or security practitioner through the journey of reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, and post-exploitation activities used by penetration testers and hackers. We will start off by using a laboratory environment to validate tools and techniques, and using an application that supports a collaborative approach to penetration testing. Further we will get acquainted with passive reconnaissance with open source intelligence and active reconnaissance of the external and internal networks. We will also focus on how to select, use, customize, and interpret the results from a variety of different vulnerability scanners. Specific routes to the target will also be examined, including bypassing physical security and exfiltration of data using different techniques. You will also get to grips with concepts such as social engineering, attacking wireless networks, exploitation of web applications and remote access connections. Later you will learn the practical aspects of attacking user client systems by backdooring executable files. You will focus on the most vulnerable part of the network—directly and bypassing the controls, attacking the end user and maintaining persistence access through social media.You will also explore approaches to carrying out advanced penetration testing in tightly secured environments, and the book's hands-on approach will help you understand everything you need to know during a Red teaming exercise or penetration testing
Desktop-only websites just aren't good enough anymore. As you enter a future of increasingly diverse browsing methods, you need to know how to build websites that are presentable and will work perfectly with the huge volume of different device sizes and resolutions that are now commercially available. Responsive web design is an answer to the problem of modern web development.By following the detailed step-by-step instructions, previews, and examples mentioned in this book, you will learn how to build engaging responsive websites and upgrade your skills as a web designer.With coverage of Responsive Grid System and Bootstrap, you will learn about the most powerful frameworks in responsive web design. In this book, you will learn how to create a crisp blog page, a beautiful portfolio site, a cool social networking page, and a fun photo gallery. Through each of these projects, you'll learn how to build various elements of a modern responsive website, and also find out which framework works best for your project specifications. By the end of the book, you will have gained practical skills you need to build real-world websites that are professional, creative and truly responsive.
The surge in interest in machine learning (ML) is due to the fact that it revolutionizes automation by learning patterns in data and using them to make predictions and decisions. If you’re interested in ML, this book will serve as your entry point to ML.Python Machine Learning By Example begins with an introduction to important ML concepts and implementations using Python libraries. Each chapter of the book walks you through an industry adopted application. You’ll implement ML techniques in areas such as exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and natural language processing (NLP) in a clear and easy-to-follow way.With the help of this extended and updated edition, you’ll understand how to tackle data-driven problems and implement your solutions with the powerful yet simple Python language and popular Python packages and tools such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn, gensim, and Keras. To aid your understanding of popular ML algorithms, the book covers interesting and easy-to-follow examples such as news topic modeling and classification, spam email detection, stock price forecasting, and more.By the end of the book, you’ll have put together a broad picture of the ML ecosystem and will be well-versed with the best practices of applying ML techniques to make the most out of new opportunities.