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The Riddle of the Night

Thomas W. Hanshew

Sherlock Holmes fans will find a lot to like in Thomas W. Hanshews The Riddle of the Night. Thomas W. Hanshew (1857-1914), who also wrote as Charlotte Mary Kingsley, was an American author and actor best known for his stories of Hamilton Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. He wrote some books in collaboration with his wife, Mary E Hanshew. In it, renowned consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is faced with a puzzling set of facts. A gruesome murder that transpired in the dark of night is accompanied by the scantest of clues, including a set of scrawled numbers and a scrap of paper. Can Cleek get to the bottom of this confounding case?

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Lord Jim

Joseph Conrad

Parostatek Patna, z ośmiuset pobożnymi pielgrzymami na pokładzie, wyrusza w rejs. Morze jest spokojne i wszystko przebiega bez najmniejszych zakłóceń. Niespodziewanie okręt uderza w niezidentyfikowany obiekt. Młodszy kapitan Jim zostaje wysłany pod pokład w celu sprawdzenia ewentualnych uszkodzeń. Na miejscu stwierdza, że okrętu przed zatonięciem broni jedyna gródź, która z powodu rdzy i starości wkrótce nie wytrzyma naporu wody. Taką też informację przedstawia kapitanowi. Ten wraz z mechanikami postanawia po cichu, nie budząc pasażerów, opuścić statek. Wie, że nie ma wystarczającej liczby szalup ratunkowych, by ocalić wszystkich pasażerów. Jim nie wie, jaką podjąć decyzję. Z jednej strony chciałby się wykazać heroizmem i uratować pielgrzymów, z drugiej strony zdaje sobie sprawę, iż pozostanie na statku to pewna śmierć. Strach paraliżuje go coraz bardziej. W ostatniej chwili wskakuje do szalupy, którą opuściła na wodę reszta załogi. Po kilku chwilach Patna znika im z oczu. Gdy dobijają do najbliższego portu, okazuje się, że parostatek nie zatonął. Tytułowy Lord Jim jako jedyny z członków załogi nie ucieka i stawia się na procesie o zaniedbanie podstawowych obowiązków marynarskich. Dręczony wyrzutami sumienia nie może zaznać spokoju.

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Witch Wood

John Buchan

John Buchans own favourite among his novels, in which he dealt with the hypocrisy which can lie close to the surface of apparently god-fearing respectability. The story is set in the Scottish Borders during the civil war and the main character is the new young minister in a small village. The minister wrestles with his own christian faith as opposed to the severe presbyterianism of the Kirk and also has to deal with a pagan coven, a wounded soldier from Montroses defeated army as well as falling in love. The story itself is breathlessly exciting a real page-turner and Buchans characters really live, from the young minister David, with his gradual disillusionment with the Kirk he is pledged to serve to the grace and gaiety of Buchans most attractive and well drawn heroine, Katrine Yester.

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Der weiße Wolf

Max Brand

Max Brand (18921944), war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Western-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Max Brand erzählt sachkundig und mit viel Gefühl die Geschichte eines Bull terriers(der weiße wolf),der in den Rocky Mountains bei Wölfen aufwächst. Es wird der Überlebenskampf des Hundes bis zur Rückehr zu den Menschen beschrieben. Nicht nur für Bullterrier Freunde, sondern für alle Hundefreunde ein sehr schönes Geschenk. Es ist wie eine schöne Weihnachtsgeschichte im Winter vor dem Kamin. Ein schönes Buch das den Leser bis zur letzten Seite in seinen Bann zieht!

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W dżunglach Bengalu. Powieść podróżnicza

Karol May

Dżungle Bengalu historycznej, azjatyckiej krainy ulokowanej na terytorium Indii i Bangladeszu ociekają krwią ofiar składanych groźnej bogini Kali. Podróżujący przez dzikie zakątki dżungli biali poszukiwacze przygód próbują zapobiec rytualnym mordom, jednak sami przy tym narażają się na potworne niebezpieczeństwo. A mimo to podejmą nierówną walkę z okrucieństwem.

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Записки из мертвого дома (Wspomnienia z domu umarłych)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

Очерки «Записки из Мертвого дома» Достоевский писал после возвращения из каторги. Они представляют собой уникальный документ, где находятся рассказы о судьбах реальных заключенных, с которыми писатель сталкивался на каторжных работах, множество характерных поговорок и выражений, услышанных им из уст арестантов и солдат. Перед читателем открывается мир, где насилие над человеческой личностью принимает привычный, повседневный характер. Это история о судьбах отверженных, виновных и невинных, убийц и контрабандистов, лихих воров и интеллигентных фальшивомонетчиков, дворян и крестьян... И в тоже время это глубокое философское произведение, главной идеей которого выступает Свобода как необходимое условие человеческого существования.

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Najlepsze żarty o Chucku Norrisie

Praca zbiorowa

Chuck Norris ma w dorobku kilkadziesiąt ról w filmach i serialach telewizyjnych, a także sześć tytułów mistrza świata w karate. Znany jest jednak przede wszystkim jako bohater absurdalnych dowcipów. W książeczce znalazło się 100 najlepszych dowcipów poświęconych temu amerykańskiemu aktorowi i mistrzowi sztuk walki.

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One Nights Mystery. A Novel

May Agnes Fleming

The Secret of One Night tells about the life and love of three young women: Cyril Hendrick, daughter of a handsome, beggar, bastard; her best friend Sidney Owenson, a naive heiress; and Dolly De Courcy, an energetic actress. Both Cyril and Sidney are engaged, although everything is not as it seems in any case. Sydneys gold miner is stupefied by Dolly, and Cyril is satisfied with her aunt, whom Cyril calls the most humble, vicious old woman on earth. The Secret of One Night in the title refers to the disappearance of the groom Sidney the day before her wedding, but did he run away with Dolly or was he killed?

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Nick Carter. Najsławniejszy detektyw Ameryki. Tom 2. Salon gry w Bowery


Czym Nick Carter zasłużył na tytuł najsławniejszego detektywa Ameryki? Prowadzący podwójne życie prywatny detektyw z niezrównanym zapałem tropi niebezpiecznych przestępców, aby oczyścić Amerykę z plugastwa i zbrodni, czym zaskarbia sobie wdzięczność społeczeństwa. Postać Nicka Cartera rzeczywiście osiągnęła wielką sławę, pojawiając się w filmach na całym świecie, radiu i komiksach.

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The Splendor of Asia

Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

The Splendor of Asia (1926) is the Story and Teaching of the Buddha. Elizabeth Louisa Moresby was already sixty years old by the time she started writing her novels, which commonly had an oriental setting, and then became a prolific author. She wrote under various pseudonyms, depending on the genre. As Louis Moresby, she wrote nonfiction, including a history of Egypt. As E. Barrington, she wrote historical romances, including a tale of Napoleon and Josephine (1927). As Lily Adams Beck, she wrote stories set in Asia and influenced by Oriental philosophy and religion. She was also known as Elizabeth Louisa Beck, Eliza Louisa Moresby Beck and Lily Moresby Adams. She was a staunch Buddhist and strict vegetarian, highly critical of the materialism of the West.

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The Mysterious Rider

Zane Grey

Readers with a taste for classic Westerns will appreciate this storys spirited, well-drawn characters and its evocative descriptions of the frontiers natural beauty. Hell-Bent Wade arrives at a Colorado homestead where a young woman is being pressured into matrimony. The plot centers around this young woman, an orphan named Columbine, who is entrapped by her allegiances into considering marriage to the drunkard son of her adopted father. Columbine is torn between her feelings of duty and affection for the old man, who raised her as his own child, and her blossoming love for a young ranch hand, Wilson Moore. Columbines dilemma seems impossible to resolve until tragedy, fate, and the mysterious rider intervene.

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The Life of Timon of Athens

William Shakespeare

A very instructive story about not doing good is not getting evil. The main character is a tragic personality. At first he loved people with all his soul, who was eager to help them selflessly and ruined as a result of this, in one day he would know all human ingratitude, self-interest and anger. In anger, Timon of Athens kills one of his insulters, for which he is expelled from Athens.

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Lucius. Adventures of a Roman Boy

Alfred J. Church

Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at Kings College London, and Lincoln College, Oxford, he took holy orders and was an assistant-master at Merchant Taylors School for many years. Church wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. Lucius Adventures of a Roman Boy, follows Lucius as he talks with Cicero, meets Spartacus, falls in love, is kidnapped by pirates, joins the Roman army, is captured by king Mithridates, and finds pirate treasure! Sounds exciting? Follow the young Lucius Marius who leads an adventurous life in Ancient Rome from the time of his capture by Spartacus.

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Jimgrim and Allahs Peace

Talbot Mundy

El Qudz so the Arabs call Jerusalem, somewhere elsewhere called Shalabi Cabir. This is a very beautiful city located on the hill. El Quds is translated as the City of Peace, and this is what it is for millions of people. Many religions, many races, many disguised politicians disguised as plans to save human souls from hell and fill the wallet of some people.

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History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt

Jacob Abbott

This is not just a story, but a biography of Cleopatra, an evil woman who studies the effect of poison on her prisoners, and the lover of the art of seduction.Wars and conflicts are highlighted, making an intriguing story. Cleopatra should be included in the list of the most sinister people in the world. Because of it, two nations could be destroyed. All these events are described in detail in the book.

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Blitzkrieg in the Past

David Wright OBrien

After a short, dumpy bald-headed guy in civvies installs an invention a time transfer device in a tank that proceeds into the Georgia wilderness on maneuvers, a lightning bolt send the tank and its three operators backward in time. Shortly afterward they notice a single three-toes dinosaur footprint and disturbingly they hear the bloodthirsty scream of a very strange bird. Blitzkrieg in the Past is a science fiction from American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright OBrien. He had more than fifty-seven stories published in pulp magazines like Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, most of them written under the different pen names.