
Die Juweleninsel

Karl May

Die Juweleninsel ist die Fortsetzung von Zepter und Hammer. Noch in bedeutend größerem Ausmaß als beim ersten Teil (Zepter und Hammer) gilt hier, dass die Handlung kaum nacherzählt werden kann. Zehn Jahre sind seit den Ereignissen aus Zepter und Hammer vergangen. Die Angehörigen eines Verschollenen erhalten durch sein Tagebuch Kunde von der Vernichtung eines indischen Fürstenhofs und vom Schatz des Maharadscha, der auf eine einsame Insel gerettet wurde.



Juliusz Słowacki

Kordian, a właściwie Kordian. Część pierwsza trylogii. Spisek koronacyjny to dramat romantyczny, napisany przez Juliusza Słowackiego w 1833 r. w Genewie, a wydany anonimowo w 1834 r. w Paryżu. Tytułowego bohatera poznajemy jako piętnastoletniego chłopca. Kordian jest młodzieńcem przedwcześnie dojrzałym. Cały swój wolny czas poświęca rozważaniom nad sensem własnej egzystencji. Przeżywa rozczarowania do romantycznej miłości. Podejmuje nieudaną próbę samobójczą. Następnie Kordian wyrusza do Anglii i Włoch. Podczas tej podróży przekonuje się, że światem rządzi pieniądz. Że za pieniądze można kupić wszystko, nawet miłość. Na szczycie góry Mont Blanc, przełomowej dla utworu, Kordian przechodzi metamorfozę. Z nieszczęśliwego kochanka przemienia się w gorliwego patriotę. Postanawia poświęcić się w imię ojczyzny i zabić cara... Dramat Kordian jest krytyką niezdolności do romantycznego czynu spiskowca, obezwładnionego moralną rozterką legalizmu i polemiką z postawą Konrada z Dziadów Mickiewicza.


The Firebrand

Max Brand

The Firebrand is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as Firebrand because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes. Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer. Many of his stories would later inspire films.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 2). Leśna Różyczka. Królowa Cyganów

Karol May

Królowa Cyganów to drugi tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Podczas licznych i szalonych podróży po wielu krajach i kontynentach odważni bohaterowie spotykają na swojej drodze różne postaci niektóre sprzyjają realizacji ich planów i wyciągają pomocną dłoń, inne wręcz przeciwnie narażają drużynę na niebezpieczeństwa i same proszą się o pogruchotanie kości w potyczce.


Le Chapelet rouge

Maurice Leblanc

Roman policier de Maurice Leblanc, qui nest pas écrit en style dhistoires dArsene Lupin. La fiction nous raconte de le comte Jean dOrsacq, la comtesse Lucienne et leurs amis, qui sont invités participer une semaine de chasse dans un château. Lintrigue sinstalle comme un casse-tte. Qui rôde dans le parc? Qui sest introduit, la nuit, dans les appartements? Qui a ouvert le coffre-fort? Un voleur? Un crime est commis! Quelquun est retrouvé assassiné...


The Golden Age

Kenneth Grahame

The stories generally tell about the childhood of 3 boys and 2 girls. Children call adults Olympians and believe that adults no longer know how to have fun. Each of the chapters is an adventure story that children make or imagine. The book will help you get rid of the everyday hustle and bustle of a simple, but spiritual story.


The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton

Is Lily Bart a victim of circumstance or an agent of her own destruction? Edith Whartons acutely observed novel poses this question as it follows Lilys tragic path through the country houses, card tables and drawing rooms of New Yorks beau monde at the turn of the 20th century. Impoverished but well-born, Lily realizes a secure future depends on her acquiring a wealthy husband. Her desire for a comfortable life means that she will not marry for love without money, but her resistance to the rules of the social elite endangers her many marriage proposals and leads to a dramatic downward spiral into debt and dishonor. More a tale of social exclusion than of failed love, The House of Mirth reveals Whartons compelling gifts as a storyteller and her clear-eyed observations of the savagery beneath the well-bred surface of high society.


Le Mystere de la chambre jaune

Gaston Leroux

Le jeune reporter Joseph Rouletabille, réputé pour avoir démlé de difficiles énigmes, se rend, en compagnie de son ami lavocat Sainclair le narrateur de lhistoire au château du Glandier pour y éclaircir une agression. Le château appartient au professeur Joseph Stangerson, physicien renommé qui y mene des expériences avec sa fille Mathilde, la victime du crime. Qui est donc lagresseur ? Quel est son mobile ? Et surtout comment a-t-il pu séchapper de la chambre jaune qui était fermée de lintérieur ?


Poszukiwacze skarbu

Edith Nesbit

Poszukiwacze skarbu to pierwszy tom z cyklu Rodziny Bastablów Edith Nesbit. Opowiada o losach sześciorga dzieci, osieroconych przez matkę, które na skutek niepowodzeń w interesach ojca popadają w biedę. Ich marzeniem jest odnalezienie skarbu, dzięki któremu mogliby znowu beztrosko żyć. Ciekawy zabieg narracyjny nadaje powieści dodatkowych walorów.


Rainbow Valley

Lucy Maud Montgomery

If youve read and loved Anne of Green Gables, youd definitely like to add Rainbow Valley by Lucy Maud Montgomery to your collection. Published in 1919, it is the seventh book in the chronology of the Anne of Green Gables series and follows the further life and adventures of Anne Shirley. At Ingleside, Anne is now happily married to her childhood friend the devoted Gilbert Blythe and have now been together blissfully for fifteen years and they have six children. But the book focuses more on her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as well as the interactions between Annes and John Merediths children. This is indeed a delightful glimpse into the continuing saga of this bestselling series of books that have provided so much entertainment to generations of children.


The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables

Robert Louis Stevenson

The wreck of the ships of the Spanish Golden Armada off the Scottish coast generates a lot of rumors and superstitions. At the invitation of his uncle, Gordon Darnaway, young Charles visits these places and, through the roar of the breakers, nicknamed the Jolly Fellows, tries to uncover the mystery of the ships Christ-Anna and Espirito Santo in order to secure the future for himself and his beloved.



Bram Stoker

When Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula purchase a London house, he makes horrifying discoveries about his client. Soon afterward, disturbing incidents unfold in Englandan unmanned ship is wrecked at Whitby, strange puncture marks appear on a young womans neck, and a lunatic asylum inmate raves about the imminent arrival of his Master"culminating in a battle of wits between the sinister Count and a determined group of adversaries.


Le Portrait de Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Le roman Le Portrait de Dorian Grayy est le livre le plus abouti dOscar Wilde. Dans le premier chapitre, Gray est montré a un beau jeune homme dont la beauté extérieure est en harmonie avec sa pureté spirituelle. Et puis Dorian se livre a des vices, tombe de plus en plus bas en termes moraux. Quelque part au milieu, son image est en train de changer. Lhistoire dramatique, paradoxale, fascinante et intrigante de Dorian Gray, victime de son propre désir de vie éternelle.



Thorne Smith

Another magical, mischievous Thorne Smith classic. Though Thorne Smiths most popular works involve elements of fantasy and science fiction, the clever novel Turnabout takes his penchant for incorporating supernatural and magical themes in his work and puts one such plot twist to use as a comedic tool. A classic battle of the sexes, it was published in 1931 and follows a married couple who fall prey to the tricks of an Egyptian idol who grows weary of the seemingly never-ending spats between the Willows and causes them to switch bodies. As you might expect, hilarious hijinks ensue. The novel also inspired the last episode of the original series Star Trek, Turnabout Intruder.


A Millionaire of Yesterday

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The novel tells about the struggle of a young man for wealth in colonial Africa and about his search for happiness in this country. Although he is trying to do everything right and honest, he is prevented by many opponents who bring only a great calamity. But despite all the difficulties, the story ends with a happy end.


The Return of the Native

Thomas Hardy

Young beauty Eustace Way, passionate, self-willed, selfish and ambitious, eager to break out of the hateful rural outback into a different life, full of splendor, fun and pleasure. Meanwhile, after several years of service as a manager in a Paris jewelry salon, Clime Ibright returns to his Blooms End estate, who also wants to live a different life - to settle in his native land and open a school for the rural poor. Soon, Eustace and Klyme meet - and this meeting is destined to be fatal for both ...