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How To Regain The Girl In Your Life From A-Z,Step by Step

Grzegorz Kubik

The book is divided into several stages, of which: - You will learn what are the 6 most common mistakes, that men notoriously make while being in a relationship and what are the reasons that women go away from them, also you will be able to easily analyze the mistakes that you made while being in the relationship or  take a closer look at your current relationship to check if you have already committed such mistakes. Everything is discussed and described in great detail, so that you know where your problem lies and how to eliminate it in order not to make it again in the future. - You will learn how to read 20 signs in woman’s behavior, which announce your loss of attractiveness in the her eyes and the forthcoming end of the relationship. Thanks to these specific signs that women themselves have no clue of, you'll know at what stage your relationship is, so as to react in time, and thus, to get the break – up out of her head. -You will learn how to read the signs in woman’s behavior telling you that she can have someone and cheat on you, and you will get detailed guidance and psychological tricks on how to save your  relationship when your woman is already meeting with someone , so as to knock out of the game this person who tries to take her away from you. - You will learn how most women part with men, and how to behave during the parting, so as to keep your honor, dignity and not give her any satisfaction, and how to saw the seed of uncertainty that will make her think  of whether  “she is doing right by breaking up with you”. - You will learn the way that will help you to look at your relationship and your ex from some distance, so that you make a decision whether you still want to go back her. - You will  read about the 17 biggest mistakes, you need to avoid,  that some men make immediately after the split, which move away and perhaps, blight forever any chance that she will go back to you. If you do not make such mistakes, there is a real chance that your ex will come back to you. -you will get a very detailed instruction, from which you will learn from A to Z how to win back your  ex, once you decide that you want her back. Everything is divided into 5 phases through which you have to go to get back your ex. You will learn what sort of games women play with men after breaking up, thanks to this knowledge you will know how to avoid being implicated in such games. You will also learn which mistakes you should beware of going through each of the PHASES.   -You will learn how to become again mentally and physically attractive for your ex, so she will be thinking about you so hard until she couldn’t stand it and wants to meet with you. - You will learn what features you need to obtain to attract her interest. - You will learn 8 ways of how to naturally appear again in the life of your ex and to  mess in it, so that she could not sleep at night thinking only about you. -You will learn how to behave when you began to talk to each other, so that she goes crazy for you again. You will learn what you have to do and what not to do, so as not to mess up your relationship at this stage. All described step by step. - You will learn how should look your first date after having parted, so as not to spoil  it again. You will know what to say and how to behave to make her fall in love again. -You will learn the 5 most common mistakes that men make when dating the ex since the time of splitting. This is the last step to win her back where you'll learn "when you have to bite your tongue" to get to the finish line. - You will learn what to do and how to behave when the ex already has a boyfriend, so as to be able to snake her. - You will learn how to behave at various events when your ex is alone or with her boyfriend, who took her from you, so as to knock him into a cocked hat.


The Scarlet Letter Level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

A level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by John Escott Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter 'A' stands for 'Adultery'. In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child born outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her life. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?


Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail

Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell, Juniors, Golden Trail- the story is not much different from other authors stories. The plot is based on the adventures of the protagonist. Frank tries to talk about a dream that has been tormenting him for a long time. All this is not just so, the dream has a great value on the further development of the plot. Such an intriguing development of the plot doesnt let the reader get bored.


Perypetie Świnki Quick

"Perypetie Świnki Quick" to opowiastki dla zdecydowanie dorosłych, których świat trąca ryjem główna, wielce niepokorna bohaterka. Kto ma odwagę zaprosić do swego życia Świnkę Quick, niech chwyci za koszyk, wykona KLIK! Dorota Zgutka Antykarierowiczka. Z korporacji przeniosła się do III sektora, w którym zalicza wspaniałe wzloty i bolesne upadki. Obecnie współtworzy Stowarzyszenie „Dom Kultury Niezależnej” w Łodzi. Mangerka Lemur band. Pionierka trendu plus size, nagrodzona medalem „Pozytywista Roku” za portal Życiowe motto: „Imperare sibi maximum est imperium” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca, ok. 3 - 65 p.n.e.


De minuit sept heures

Maurice Leblanc

Une atmosphere intrigante de lhistoire, qui se déroule pendant le plus mystique temps de la nuit. Gérard le héros tres habile, charmant et aventurier, Baratof le rival russe, qui est tres riche, la concurrence pour la jeune femme, belle et séduisante... Est-ce que une jeune fille peut perdre son honneur et sa respectabilité? Quest-ce que Maurice Leblanc nous offre dans ce roman?


The Phantom of the Opera

The fascinating story about a young Swede Christine Daaé. Her father, a famous musician, dies, and she is brought up in the Paris Opera House. After a while in the opera house, she begins to hear a voice that, in the end, teaches her how to sing beautifully. The ghost is in love with the main character and is jealous of her friend, but it can only spell disaster.


Christmas in Prague Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Hannam, Joyce

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Joyce Hannam In a house in Oxford three people are having breakfast - Carol, her husband Jan, and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because Carol wants them all to go there for Christmas. Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would like to see Prague again before he dies. But he is afraid. He still remembers another Christmas in Prague, many long years ago - a Christmas that changed his life for ever . . .


A Strange Disappearance

Anna Katharine Green

The book that will keep your attention until the very last page! A Strange Disappearance by Anna Katherine Green is one of the first detective stories to ever be published in USA. Her novels are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy and A Strange Disappearance is one of her finest works. In this story, a young woman working as a home help disappears from a rich household in New York City, and the police begin their search to find her.


Popraw koronę i wstań

Tysiące ścieżek, zakrętów czeka na każdego z nas. Nigdy nie wiemy, co będzie za zakrętem. Czy ścieżka, którą ostatecznie wybierzemy, zaprowadzi nas tam, dokąd zmierzamy? Czas nie pozwala nam się cofnąć. Już wybraliśmy. Anna jest młodą mamą. Ma pozornie uporządkowane życie. Spokojnego męża i pracę w biurze. Pewnego dnia zatrzymuje się na skrzyżowaniu życia i wybiera inną drogę. Pełną kwiatów, płonących świec i miłości. Ta droga jest kręta, ale wydaje się być pociągająca. Dokonuje wyboru.


Zapiski plebejskie

Tomasz Zając

Na pytanie ,,jak napisać książkę'' odpowiadam zawsze tak samo: wziąć ołówek, paczkę papieru, siąść na tyłku i pisać... Nie znam innej recepty.


Frankenstein Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Shelley, Mary

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Retold for Learners of English by Patrick Nobes Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. He takes parts from dead people and builds a new 'man'. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him - even Frankenstein himself! The monster is like an enormous baby who needs love. But nobody gives him love, and soon he learns to hate. And, because he is so strong, the next thing he learns is how to kill . . .


Rok taty

Krzysztof Popławski OP

Samotny ojciec to zjawisko budzące zdziwienie. Tym bardziej ojciec z czterema córkami! Prawdziwa konfrontacja z kobiecym światem: prowadzenie domu, gotowanie, wywiadówki, bunt nastolatek, humory i hormony, pierwsze miłości córek i ich życiowe wybory Do tego kryzys wieku średniego, podszyte flirtem współczucie koleżanek z pracy, tęsknota i poczucie winy. Jak sobie z tym wszystkim poradzi samotny ojciec? Przeczytaj powieść Krzysztofa Popławskiego - uroczą, pełną humoru, zaskakujących i wzruszających momentów, opowiadającą o rzeczach zwyczajnych a najważniejszych w życiu.


Soki i koktajle

Marta Krawczyk

Niewątpliwą zaletą własnoręcznie przygotowywanych soków i koktajli jest fakt, że wiemy dokładnie, co zawierają. Zamiast sztucznych ulepszaczy i konserwantów są bogate w witaminy i mikroelementy tak ważne dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania naszego organizmu. Prezentowana książka to zbiór przepisów na smaczne, kolorowe i orzeźwiające soki oraz koktajle, które przygotować możemy z owoców i warzyw.



Edgar Wallace

A collection of 23 stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life the Sanders stories was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kiplings famous rankers would live on, and he wrote his own tales of ordinary British soldiers. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War.


Świt ebooków nr 2

Praca zbiorowa

Pierwszy polski e-magzyn o e-książkach, e-pisarzach, e-czytelnictwie, self-publishingu. Proponujemy: wywiady, felietony, recenzje, opinie, analizy rynku, opowiadania.   Prezentujemy z dumą drugi numer naszego e-magazynu: Lato 2013. Zapraszamy i zachęcamy do współpracy: recenzentów, autorów, wydawców, dystrybutorów. Redaktor naczelny: Maciej Ślużyński Sekretarz redakcji: Joanna Ślużyńska   Współpraca:Awiola, Magda Barwińska, Ciernik, Robert Drózd, Agnieszka Hałas, Ewa „Oksa” Jeznach, Stanisław Karolewski, Marcin Łukiańczyk, Robert A. Mason, Alicja Minicka, Piotr Mrok, Tomasz Mróz, Pokrzywnica, Paweł Pollak, Emma Popik, Łukasz Sporyszkiewicz, Alicja Szulborska, Kinga Tutkowska, Władysław Zdanowicz, Agnieszka Żak.  


Par cœur. Twórczość dla dzieci i młodzieży raz jeszcze

red. Iwona Gralewicz-Wolny, Beata Mytych-Forajter

Książka Par cœur. Twórczość dla dzieci i młodzieży raz jeszcze składa się z dwunastu tekstów o charakterze analityczno-interpretacyjnym oraz wprowadzającego w problematykę tomu − wywiadu przeprowadzonego przez redaktorki z Aleksandrem Nawareckim. Tom pomyślany został jako zespołowa próba wyrażenia i przepracowania nie zawsze uświadomionego długu, jaki profesjonalni interpretatorzy: badacze literatury, jej historycy i teoretycy oraz językoznawcy − zaciągnęli w okresie dzieciństwa od wtedy czytanych lektur. Jest także pretekstem do użycia zawodowych narzędzi i kompetencji w odniesieniu do lektur z zakresu tzw. literatury czwartej. Na książkę składają się teksty, dla których punktem wyjścia stały się utwory niejednorodne gatunkowo powstałe w różnym czasie i różnego kalibru.