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The Deep-Lake Mystery

Carolyn Wells

If you like Golden Age locked room mysteries this is a good one! Deep Lake Mystery (1928) by Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue, is set in the lake region of Wisconsin. Our narrator Gray Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore, and his new wife at their vacation cottage at Deep Lake, Wisconsin for a relaxing month of fishing, swimming, boating, and just getting away from the hustle and bustle of the East Coast. That goes by the wayside when one of the Moores neighbors, a millionaire Sampson Tracy, is found murdered in a locked room with a nail driven into his skull and his corpse festooned with bizarre ritualistic items, and other seemingly meaningless articles. Find the motive and you find the criminal!


Und Friede auf Erden!

Karl May

Und Friede auf Erden! ist Band 30 von Karl Mays Gesammelten Werken, ist eine Reiseerzählung. Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899 1900. Und Friede auf Erden! gehört zu den interessantesten Werken von Karl May und spielt in China. In Kairo lernt der Erzähler seinen zukünftigen Diener Sejjid, den religiösen Fanatiker Waller und dessen Tochter, sowie zwei Chinesen kennen. Nach ersten Abenteuern in Gizeh beschliessen die fünf Reisenden, gemeinsam weiterzuziehen. Über Ceylon, die malaiische Halbinsel und Penang führt sie der Weg bis nach China.


Gabriel Samara, Peacemaker

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Miss Sadie Loyes, the manageress of the Hotel Weltmore Typewriting and Secretarial Bureau, set down the receiver of the telephone which had its place upon her desk and looked thoughtfully around at the eleven young ladies who comprised her present staff. She stood there, an angular, untidy-looking person, tapping a pencil against her teeth, unconscious arbitress, not only of the fate of two very interesting people, but also of the fate of a great nation. Portentous events depended upon her decision. A mans life in this teeming city of New York was a small enough matter of itself.


Mieszczanin szlachcicem. Komedia w 5 aktach z baletem


Mieszczanin szlachcicem to wyborna komedia pióra mistrza tego gatunku Moliera. Gdy tylko mieszczanin Jourdain postanawia zostać szlachcicem, rozpoczyna się cała seria zabawnych aż do niedorzeczności wydarzeń. Bohater dwoi się i troi, aby osiągnąć swój cel, przyprawiając rodzinę o ból głowy i doprowadzając do finansowej ruiny. Czy jego wysiłki zostaną nagrodzone?


Fighting Stars

H.A. Cody

Although Charles Stanfield was a wealthy man he was far from happy. Everything that money could buy was at his command. He had merely to give the order and it would be fulfilled without delay. From a worldly point of view he was an outstanding example of a prosperous man who had fought his way to the top of the ladder of success. By many he was admired for his keen business qualities; by others he was feared and hated. He was considered a hard man, and merciless in any transaction where money was the object of his pursuit. Written in 1927, Fighting Stars is a novel by Archdeacon Hiram Alfred Cody (1872-1948), who was a Canadian author, poet, clergyman and editor.


The Viper

Hulbert Footner

A collection of crime fiction short stories featuring Mme. Rosika Storey and her resourceful assistant Bella Brickley. Mme. Storey unravels complex cases with thorough investigation and an understanding of human nature. Her way to resolve the mystery is original and bring you in a new world. She is Madame Storey, like Sherlock has fantastic powers of deduction and understanding of psychology, and her secretary is like Watson though she doest have a degree in medicine. These short stories are written through Bella Brickleys point-of-view. It is definitely recommended for a wide circle of readers who want to have a couple of hours of fascinating reading.


The Short Stop

Zane Grey

This is a small baseball story about a good young man who does his best to make a living. He has a widow and brother with disabilities. An interesting understanding of the history of early baseball. A bit of romance, a bit of an intrigue, basically a baseball and a pure search for a place in life. It was first published in 1909.


The Man in the Iron Mask

Alexandre Dumas

The Man in the Iron Mask is the final episode in the cycle of novels featuring Dumas celebrated foursome of DArtagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, who first appeared in The Three Musketeers. Some thirty-five years on, the bonds of comradeship are under strain as they end up on different sides in a power struggle that may undermine the young Louis XIV and change the face of the French monarchy. Unbeknownst to DArtagnan, Aramis and Porthos plot to remove the inept king and place the kings twin brother on the throne of France. Meanwhile, deep inside the dreaded Bastille, a young twenty-three-year-old prisoner known only as Philippe has languished, his face hidden from all, for eight long years. He knows neither his true identity nor the crime that got him there. When the destinies of the king and Phillippe converge, the Three Musketeers and DArtagnan find themselves caught between conflicting loyalties...


Rodzina Połanieckich

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Historia miłości Stanisława Połanieckiego i pięknej Maryni Pławickiej, osadzona w scenerii ziemiańskich dworków i Warszawy z końca XIX wieku. Rodzina Połanieckich to jedna z nielicznych w dorobku Sienkiewicza powieści o tematyce współczesnej. Miłość przedstawiona jest przez autora w sposób daleki od utrwalonego w dziewiętnastowiecznej literaturze polskiej. Przede wszystkim główny bohater, Stanisław Połaniecki, jest uwikłany w relacje uczuciowe z kilkoma kobietami, co nie nosi jednak znamion tragicznego rozdarcia. Miłość nie jest czymś stałym, na zawsze określonym. Pisarz przedstawia w swej powieści całe spektrum uczuć miłosnych od cielęcego zauroczenia Litki po cynizm kokietek czy czysto fizyczny pociąg bohatera do zamężnej kobiety.


Ein Dichter. Eine Erzählung aus den Vereinigten Staaten

Karl May

Eine Erzählung aus den Vereinigten Staaten ist eine frühe Abenteuergeschichte Karl Mays. Im Llano estakado treffen der Dichter Richard Forster und der Jäger Tim Summerland aufeinander. Sie können sich vor dem Tod retten, indem Forster Kojoten erschießt und beide das Blut trinken. Glücklich entronnen treffen sie am Rande der Wüste auf Stakemen. Nach einem Kampf hat Summerland sein geraubtes Eigentum zurück und der Oberschurke wurde durch einen Tomahawkschlag gekennzeichnet. Als der Schurke sich später in Stenton bei dem reichen Bankier Olbers und dessen Tochter Marga unter dem falschen Namen Tom Wilson einschleicht, wird er von Forster entlarvt und muss seinen üblen Plan ändern. Zwar misslingen die Anschläge auf Summerland und Forster, aber der Schurke kann mit 50.000 ergaunerten Dollar fliehen. Wilson flieht mit einem Schiff, wird aber vom Kapitän erkannt und auf einer unbewohnten Insel ausgesetzt. Die ihn verfolgenden Helden, Summerland und Forster, sammeln ihn dort auf. Als Wilson Forster angreift, kommt er zu Tode. Die Helden werden von Graf Hernando reich beschenkt und kehren nach Stenton zurück, wo Forster sich mit Marga Olbers verlobt.


Martin Eden

Jack London

Martin Eden is one of the most famous novels of the famous American writer Jack London. The novel is largely autobiographical the writer, like his hero, emerged from the bottom of society and achieved outstanding success in literature exclusively by his own efforts. Martin Eden, who comes from the very bottom of the social ladder of American society at the beginning of the 20th century, falls in love with a young girl, Ruth, who belongs to the bourgeois class. Seeing in her the exact opposite of the base dirt and rudeness that surrounded him from birth, Martin somewhat idealizes her image and from that moment, the only goal in his life is to become worthy of her hand. To do this, not sparing literally a minute, he begins to transform himself from an illiterate sailor into a man who looked no worse than the middle class.


Podróż po rzece Orinoko

Alexander von Humboldt

Alexander von Humboldt to niemiecki przyrodnik i podróżnik oraz twórca nowoczesnej geografii. Materiały do badań zbierał metodą doświadczalną, co wiązało się z licznymi podróżami, które badacz skrzętnie opisywał. Jedną z takich podróży odbył po wenezuelskiej rzece Orinoko, a dzięki jego opowieści czytelnik może podążyć jego śladem i zanurzyć się w egzotyczny świat Ameryki Południowej.



Robert Louis Stevenson

Young people find each other. They learn to love. And again, Alan Breck helps them. Moreover, the case turned out to be rather complicated. Katrions father is involved in a strange story, the consequences of which can turn against friends. The narrative is quite interesting, intriguing. Will David be happy with Catriona?


The Iron Man

Robert E. Howard

The Iron Man has fought since time immemorial -- with but one thought in mind -- to get to his foe and crush him. The centuries, the costumes, the weapons are different. The object is the same. The gore and savagery of Howards tales of the ring is little removed from those exploits of Conan and Kull and Bran Mak Morn.It is common knowledge that Robert E. Howard was a boxing enthusiast, and his fellow author H. P. Lovecraft tied Howards interest in sports directly to his love of primitive conflict and strength.."In The Iron Man are three of Howards best tales of the ring -- certainly tales of primitive conflict and strength which are collected in book form for the first time.


The Elephant Never Forgets

Ethel Lina White

The First Time He Died is a mysterious novel written by Ethel Lina White. Charlie Baxter was successful among women and rather easily managed the money, which he inherited. However, the money began to run out. And he decided to insure himself and fake his death. The most interesting thing happens after his "death".


Jądro ciemności

Joseph Conrad

Marynarz Charles Marlow opowiada towarzyszom rejsu historię, gdy jako kapitan małego statku płynął rzeką Kongo do serca afrykańskiej dżungli z misją odnalezienia zaginionego poszukiwacza cennych afrykańskich towarów. Z jego opowieści wyłania się obraz okrucieństw epoki kolonializmu. Rajska kraina okazuje się zdominowana żądzą władzy i zysku, które budzą w ludziach najgorsze instynkty.