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Chip Traps a Sheriff

Max Brand

Max Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world. "Chip Traps A Sheriff" is one of his work. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was. Brand penned over 200 full-length Westerns in his career, including "Destry Rides Again" and "Montana Rides". Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


The Lost Princess of Oz

L. Frank Baum

Who is stealing almost all of the magical treasures of Oz including the Magic Picture, the Wizards black bag, and Glindas Book of Records? Dorothy and her friends set out to comb all of Oz, not only for magic stolen from Glinda and the Wizard, but also for the kidnapped princess, Ozma. Along the way, they explore regions never seen in other Oz books, meeting strange and interesting people and animals, and falling into peril more than once. Deep in the Winkie Country, Dorothys search party learns that Ozma is the prisoner of a mysterious villain. But if their new foe is powerful enough to steal Princess Ozma and all their magical treasures, how will they defeat him with no magic of their own? In this 1917 addition to the Oz series, L. Frank Baum delights readers of all ages with a spellbinding mystery that involves nearly every one of the amazing cast of characters that populate Americas favorite fairyland.


Klechdy sezamowe

Bolesław Leśmian

Klechdy sezamowe to zbiór baśni autorstwa Bolesława Leśmiana utrzymanych w klimacie Orientu. Spotkamy w nich takie legendarne postaci jak Ali-Babę czy Alladyna. Baśnie pieczołowicie budują nastrój magii i tajemnicy, budzą prawdziwą grozę i sięgające zenitu napięcie. Przynoszą także ukojenie i pozwalają przenieść się w świat najbardziej nieprawdopodobnych marzeń.


The Room with the Tassels

Carolyn Wells

It had seemed an idyllic way for a group of wealthy New Yorkers to spend a summer month, researching the supernatural in a reputed haunted mansion in the depths of Vermonts Green Mountains. That is until two of their number are mysteriously struck down at afternoon tea. Could the supernatural be at the heart of these deaths? Or did humans do the deed. This is the riddle that the famed detective Pennington Wise must unravel as they tries to discover what happened in... The Room with the Tassels. The Room with the Tassels marks the debut of occult detective Pennington Penny Wise and his female sidekick Zizi. Carolyn Wells created this younger crime fighting duo after the success of her Fleming Stone books. As her twelfth mystery novel, The Room with the Tassels marks a maturity of writing from the author of The Clue.


Jazon Bobrowski i inne nowele

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Zbiór znakomitych opowiadań Marii Rodziewiczówny, których akcja rozgrywa się na przełomie XIX i XX stulecia. Dzięki epickiemu talentowi autorki odkrywamy świat już nieistniejący, będący częścią naszej bogatej i złożonej historii. Bohaterowie opowieści są jak zawsze u Rodziewiczówny osobami z krwi i kości. Bywają dobrzy albo źli, kochają albo nienawidzą, często nie potrafiąc znaleźć swego miejsca w świecie. Zbiór zawiera utwory: Jazon Bobrowski, Pierwsza kula, Nad program, Historia o białym wole i Filantrop.


Najpiękniejsze utwory. MultiBook

Adam Mickiewicz

Adam Mickiewicz (17981855) to obok Juliusza Słowackiego i Zygmunta Krasińskiego największy polski twórca romantyczny, poeta, wizjoner, publicysta, działacz polityczny; zaliczany do grona wieszczów narodowych. Pozostawił po sobie ogromną i zróżnicowaną spuściznę literacką, obejmującą lirykę, poematy epickie, dramaty i publicystykę. Jego twórczość wywarła trwały wpływ na polską kulturę na świadomość zbiorową, literaturę, sztukę, a nawet język. Przez dekady była stałym elementem edukacji literackiej i wychowania patriotycznego. W multibooku znalazło się 10 największych dzieł autora, takich jak: Pan Tadeusz Konrad Wallenrod Grażyna Dziady. Część II Dziady. Część III Ballady i romanse Sonety krymskie Sonety odeskie Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego


Złota Maska

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Magda Nieczajówna jest córką właściciela sklepu rzeźnickiego z warszawskiego Powiśla. Pracując w sklepie ojca, marzy o lepszym życiu. Wkrótce wbrew woli ojca zostaje aktorką w teatrzyku rewiowym Złota Maska . Szybko staje się gwiazdą rewii. Zdobywa uznanie publiczności i upragnioną sławę. Ale nawet to nie jest w stanie odmienić ojcowskiego serca. Magda, wyrzucona z rodzinnego domu, zrywa kontakty z ojcem, siostrą i kochającym ją do szaleństwa narzeczonym, chamem handlującym wieprzami. Dzięki występom poznaje przedstawicieli warszawskiej socjety elitę gospodarczą i artystyczną. Czy jednak jako renomowana aktorka osiągnie wymarzone szczęście? Jak dalej potoczy się jej życie uczuciowe? Barwna opowieść o światku artystycznym przedwojennej stolicy: sławie i tanim blichtrze, namiętnych romansach i nikczemnych zdradach. Dalsze losy Magdy ukazane zostały w powieści Wysokie Progi.


The Secret of the Sands

Fred M. White

Sir Devereuxs name had stood deservedly high in the annals of the Indian Army. He was more than a soldier and a strategist, his name was known everywhere where good work was done. Sometimes he was tough and strict, his code of honor was simple and sincere. He never considered his people fighting vehicles, but treated them like members of his family. The horror that has arrived, will soon change everything.


The Three Sisters

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

In the center of attention, as you can already guess from the very name, three sisters who dream, love and of course talk a lot about life. All of them are waiting for happiness and hope for a happy future. Chekhov was able to very well reveal the images of the sisters. Before us are three heroines with different characters, different habits, but at the same time, they received one upbringing and were very educated. The action takes place in a provincial town. With all her thoughts, the heroines rush to Moscow. It is there that they think to find their happiness and fulfill all their dreams.


Sketches of Young Couples

Charles Dickens

Sketches of Young Couples is similarly a relatively early and short work by Charles Dickens in which he outlines in a humorous and vaguely satirical way various types of couples (young, old and matured) in society under different subjects describing their actions, thoughts and decisions as couple. These subjects are chosen as a moral essay to raise the awareness and information in young couple for coming generation of both sexes. As always, Dickens scatterings of humor help make it an enjoyable read. Its mainly an exercise in characterization, but each little chapter reads like a story, or part of a story. These satirical portraits, specially timed to Queen Victorias 1839 engagement to the future Prince Albert, not only reveal the dazzling brilliance of young Dickenss genius, but also offer a humorous glimpse into Victorian mores and attitudes.


The Second Part of Henry the Fourth

William Shakespeare

The plot of the play is based on the struggle of King Henry IV with former allies. The Earl of Northumberland and his influential relatives, to whom the king owes a great deal to the throne, are not satisfied with their position under the new government and are rebelling. In addition to political troubles, Henry IV is tormented by problems of a personal nature: his heir Henry leads a hectic life, spending time in the company of the dissolute fat man Sir John Falstaff and his drinking companions...


Der Wahnsinnige. Eine Erzählung aus Südamerika

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Der Wahnsinnige ist eine Erzählung aus Südamerika. Argentinien um 1850: Don Morelos sitzt seit Jahren in einem Irrenhaus in Buenos Aires zu unrecht, denn er ist keinesfalls verrückt, sondern das Opfer einer Verschwörung des grausamen Diktators Rosas. So zumindest erzählt Morelos dem jungen Arzt Stierna, der vergeblich auch nur das geringste Anzeichen von Irrsinn bei dem vermeintlichen Irren zu entdecken sucht. Was passiert dann? Vom Schicksal seines Patienten tief bewegt, trifft Stierna eine folgenreiche Entscheidung...


Niewidzialny człowiek

Herbert George Wells

Powieść science fiction Herberta Georgea Wellsa przedstawia perypetie szalonego naukowca, któremu udaje się wynaleźć sposób na uzyskanie niewidzialności. Niestety eksperyment wymyka się spod kontroli, a jego autor pada ofiarą swojego wynalazku znika, ale nieszczęśliwie nie potrafi odwrócić zjawiska. Jako niewidzialny człowiek sieje postrach wśród innych ludzi.


Silvertips Chase

Max Brand

Bill Gary was blinded by the agony of torn flesh. Red sparks of pain flared through him. He saw Frosty, his mouth dripping with blood, ready to spring again. Bill struck at the leaping form ... and missed. The wolfs teeth were at his throat! Bill Gary was dead. But this only encouraged the fortune seekers. For securely fastened around the killer wolfs neck was a collar containing the location of a vein of gold ... and it was still anybodys prize. This most vicious of timber wolves was now guardian and executor of his estate. And Silvertip, to carry out the dead mans wish, must find Frosty, the wolf.


Bad Mans Gulch

George Owen Baxter

Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. One sheriff and two deputies have already disappeared in the rough-and-tumble mining town of Slossons Gulch. The same fate awaits any other man who crosses the cutthroats and thieves who thrive there. Pedro Melendez is a gambler and a drifter, trying his best to put his gunslinging days behind him. But hell need all the sharp shooting he can muster to help a vulnerable young woman find her missing father because there are plenty of miners eager to make sure Pedros the next one to go missing.


Internes Cant Take Money

Max Brand

Jimmy Kildare met from the hospital every day and arrived at Tom McGuires lounge on the avenue. He always drank two mugs of beer. But one from the other, there should be a brain at the fingertips all day long, but two beers are not too far between man and themselves, if it has bumps on shoulders, and Jimmy Kildare had.