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Młodość i inne opowiadania

Tytułowa Młodość to opowieść znanego z Lorda Jima Charlesa Marlowa, opisująca dramatyczny rejs statku Judea, na którym Malow zdobywał pierwsze morskie szlify jako kapitan okrętu. Ponadto w skład tomu wchodzą dwie inne morskie opowieści Josepha Conrada Jądro ciemności oraz U kresu sił.


The Incredulity of Father Brown

G.K. Chesterton

The Incredulity of Father Brown is the third collection of short mysteries by G.K. Chesterton about that character. In The Incredulity of Father Brown, all the stories involve murders and conflicts between Catholicism and atheism and spiritualism. We find the usual Chesterton moral landscape -- in which the author paints a picture of nature somehow mirroring the fact that something is very wrong. In The Incredulity of Father Brown, G.K. Chesterton treats us to another set of bizarre crimes that only his stumpy Roman Catholic prelate has the wisdom and mindset to solve. As usual, Chesterton loves playing with early twentieth-century class distinctions, common-sense assumptions, and the often anti-Catholic biases of his characters.


The Riddle of the Mysterious Light

Thomas W. Hanshew

In The Riddle of the Mysterious Light, consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is en route to meet with Scotland Yard detective Narkom when hes intercepted by a roving gang of nefarious neer-do-wells. Can he muster his mighty intellect and physical prowess and hatch a plan to escape his captors? Hamilton Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek is a detective as remarkable as Sherlock Holmes. He has, however, the prime quality of always being in an apparently hopeless tangle of circumstances, and he has also the genius of getting out. The Cleek stories were written by Thomas W. Hanshew, until his death in 1914. His wife, Mary E. Hanshew, then took over this popular pulp mystery series.


Masters of the Wheat-Lands

Harold Bindloss

In the Spartan simplicity on the prairie there were many young Englishmen. They are looking for some elegance of culture or sophistication in the woman they marry. And few of these women are willing to do hard work to help a man. At the heart of the plot is a love story, where the main characters have to prove that they can do anything for their second half.


Mr. Billingham, the Marquis and Madelon

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Mr. Samuel T. Billingham of New York, recently landed from the great liner anchored a few miles out, walked along the Terrace at Monte Carlo, serene, light-hearted, beatifically content. His yellow shoes and his variegated socks might be described as a trifle vivid, but the rest of his attirehis well-pressed grey suit, his irreproachable linen, and his well- shaped grey Homburg hat was beyond criticism. He was a man of medium height, thick-set, inclined a little, perhaps, to embonpoint. His complexion was pink, his flaxen hair only slightly streaked with grey, his eyes filled with the light of good-humour.


When the Sleeper Wakes

Herbert George Wells

This book was written in 1899, and is one of the last science-fiction books Wells wrote before his turn towards social realism in his writing. In this dystopian novel, Graham falls into a coma-like sleep, a sleep that he wakes from some 203 years in the future. But times have changed. Due to the wise investments of a board of trustees, Grahams money has compounded into the greatest fortune the world has ever seen, and the trustees have used it to virtually enslave the entire planet. But when he comes out of his trance he is horrified to discover that the money accumulated in his name is being used to maintain a hierarchal society in which most are poor, and more than a third of all people are enslaved. This struggle is the main focus of the larger part of the novel. The novel proposes that whatever is done officially for the good of society, individual ambition is unlikely to address the failure of capitalist structures to create a good standard of living for those whose work supports the system.


Collected Short Stories (Vol. 10). Collected Short Stories. Volume 10

Arthur Conan Doyle

The collection includes the famous stories about Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Sherlock Holmes, the common man, often lying around, rereading favorite books, the best detective in England. Sherlock Holmes, possessor of an incredible mind, and strength, will surprise you not once, not giving you time to realize the complexity and mystery of the crime and the quickness of its opening. There are 4 Novels and 43 Short Stories. When Sherlock Holmes begins investigating the mystery of a dropped hat and Christmas goose, little does he suspect that such a trivial thing will lead to a much larger mystery. When the goose is cleaned, its crop is found to contain the Blue Carbuncle, a recently stolen gemstone of great value. So, what Holmes needs to find out is how the stone got from its rightful owner to the goose, and who took it. The game is afoot once again!


The Fighting Scouts

Edgar Wallace

The second of Edgar Wallaces two short story collections about Scottish airman Tam during World War I. In this book Tam is joined by a new young American protégé Billy Best. The stories of Tam the pilot are not mysteries. They are the entertaining stories of the exploits of a cockney aviator who supposedly was Charles Lindberghs childhood inspiration to fly. Tam is a real person, and all the adventures set forth have actually happened, though names and places are necessarily fictitious. In these stories Mr. Wallace describes a rare character, a Glasgow mechanic who becomes a Royal Flying Corps pilot. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


Nick Carter. Najsławniejszy detektyw Ameryki. Tom 1. Człowiek z hebanową ręką


Czym Nick Carter zasłużył na tytuł najsławniejszego detektywa Ameryki? Prowadzący podwójne życie prywatny detektyw z niezrównanym zapałem tropi niebezpiecznych przestępców, aby oczyścić Amerykę z plugastwa i zbrodni, czym zaskarbia sobie wdzięczność społeczeństwa. Postać Nicka Cartera rzeczywiście osiągnęła wielką sławę, pojawiając się w filmach na całym świecie, radiu i komiksach.


Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

William Shakespeare

The plot holds in suspense, and the final and in general a complete delight. A lot of wise thoughts. The writers and critics have dismantled this work not only by the lines, but by letter, giving each a special meaning. But the average reader will find here a lot of everyday life truths, which are relevant in todays time. Hamlet is one of those works that can be read many times and each time open it to yourself again.


Range Jester

Max Brand

Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. This is one of his work. Three men, each traveling alone, head for the town of Loomis, where they will meet in a violent confrontation that will leave one of them dead by morning. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.


The Five Knots

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White is an eminent writer who became famous for his short stories. The main character, Samuel Flowers, is a wealthy man and owns a fleet of ships. In England, where precious treasures are missing, some people begin to search for them. Will they be found, and what will happen to Flowers and his niece?


Black Wind Blowing

Robert E. Howard

In Black Wind Blowing, Howard lays it on so thick I half suspected he was trying to do a spoof on the genre. But then, his normal storytelling was always full of bizarre images, hyperactive violence and heavy use of adjectives so this story is probably just an extreme example. It helps too, that Black Wind Blowing has enough wild premises to build at least two or three effective horror stories on. If youre not moved by whats going on at the moment, by the next page the story has shifted gears in a weirder direction.


Myszeida. Monachomachia. Antymonachomachia. Poematy heroikomiczne

Zbiór trzech cieszących się największą popularnością poematów heroikomicznych autorstwa Ignacego Krasickiego. Myszeidos pieśni X, czyli Myszeida, nawiązuje do legendy o królu Popielu pochodzącej z Kroniki polskiej Wincentego Kadłubka. Jest to utwór o wojnie kotów z wojskami szczurzo-mysimi pod dowództwem Gryzomira. Przy pomocy świata zwierzęcego autor krytykuje obyczajowość szlachecką, awanturnictwo, egoizm i przekupstwo posłów. Przy okazji wyśmiewa manierę literacką baroku i sentymentalizmu. Monachomachia, czyli Wojna mnichów opowiada historię walki pomiędzy mnichami z dwóch zakonów. Utwór jest dynamiczny, pełen komizmu i groteski. Jest jednak ostrą krytyką ukrytą pod kostiumem zabawnych postaci. Autor sam będący osobą duchowną występuje przeciwko zasobnemu życiu kleru oraz próżniactwu i zacofaniu kapłanów. Antymonachomachia powstała jako pozorne przeciwieństwo Monachomachii. Autor dokonuje w niej w sposób ironiczny pochwały życia zakonników.


The Sea Tower

The story the mother-in-law the situation of the daughter-in-law, growing hatred, as motherhood possessions find disappointment. The final break looks like anti-climax. In the story, the story is reminiscent of The Daughter of Mr. Despondency by Anna Parrish, although Walpole dealt with his material more confidently, with great skill.


The Adventures of Gerard

Arthur Conan Doyle

Love humor writing? Cant get enough of classic adventure tales? First published in 1902, The Adventures of Gerard are the autobiographical reminiscences of an old fictional brigadier soldier who served under Napoleon. He never hesitates to embellish his own bravado, importance, and attractiveness to the ladies, to such an extent that it cant help but be humorous. Etienne Gerard, a hussar of the French Army, is dashing, flamboyant, and unbelievably full of himself. The book is divided into chapters containing different segments of his life as a soldier under the leadership of Napoleon together with his personal exploits and the romance that swept his way in between. These short stories are historically interesting, the action is cleverly done and exciting, and the hero and his comic comportment are very entertaining.