
Death of an Airman

Christopher St. John Sprigg

When George Furnace, instructor of the Baston Aero Club, is found dead in the wreck of his crashed plane, everyone assumes it was a tragic accident, even though he was a skilled airman. An Australian visitor to the Aero Club, Edwin Marriott, Bishop of Cootamundra, suspects that the true story is more complicated. Could this be a dramatic suicide – or even murder? The intrepid Bishop and Inspector Bray of Scotland Yard make an appealing pair of detectives, and ultimately a cunning criminal scheme is uncovered. Death of an Airman is an enjoyable and unorthodox whodunit from a writer whose short life was as remarkable as that of any of his fictional creations.


Jude the Obscure

Thomas Hardy

Jude is a layman who is cursed by an even larger figure: a pre-feminist minx. In the case of Jude, being associated with a woman in the then strange double is a fatal flaw. And not just any woman: Sue Briadhead, a Bovarian double, is ambivalent, mean and not romantic. Of course, she alone would betray Judahs affection, break his heart. She is the sad queen of drama!


The Protector

Harold Bindloss

Vayne was 27 years old. And nine of which he spent on scott, canoeing, chopping trees and searching for minerals. He and his friend discovered valuable mineral property several months earlier. They were aiming for a better life and wanted to grow their business. However, not everything is so easy.


The Lamp in the Desert

Ethel M. Dell

Ethel May Dell was a British writer of popular romance novels who produced about thirty novels and several volumes of short stories. The public loved her stories and the books were hugely popular. The scene of this splendid story is laid in India and tells of the lamp of love that continues to shine through all sorts of tribulations to final happiness. When Stella comes to India unaccompanied to join her brother Tommy with his regiment, the tongues wag. In order to become respected she foolishly marries a bounder, who, incidentally, has a wife back in England. There is passion, honor, pride, angst, suffering, and all sorts of happenings keeping the lovers mentally, emotionally and physically part. They grow, trust in God and find peace and long-lasting love in the end.


The Long Shadow

B.M. Bower

Billy Boyle knows cattle and horses better than most. Alexander P. Dill, the merchant from Michigan, knows little of livestock and needs Billys help to make it in the business. Billy is eager to oblige, but can he beat the weather, the barbed wire, and the mysterious maneuvers of old man Brown? And what is the Pilgrim up to? Surely no good when it comes to Flora Bridger, who Billy wants to make his own. B. M. Bower was one of the most prolific and popular writers in the early days of the Western genre, and stories like The Long Shadow explain the authors abiding popularity.


The Magic Walking Stick

John Buchan

The Magic Walking Stick is a childrens short story by John Buchan. Our hero is a teenage boy who buys a walking stick from a beggar a magic walking stick that allows the boy to visit many places at his command... It is a fantastical story about a pair of magical walking sticks; one that will cease to function if it is used for any practical purpose, and another that will cease to function if it isnt. Unfortunately, our protagonist doesnt know which one he possesses. This charming one-of-a-kind classic is a beautiful compilation which includes the timeless story, The Magic Walking-Stick and several additional Arabian Nights classic stories including; The Seven Voyages of Sinbad, The Story of the Magic Horse, The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie and more. Its a charming and entertaining tale perfect for bedtime reading.


Ostatnia brygada

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Po długiej nieobecności powraca do kraju przemysłowiec Andrzej Dowmunt. W Afryce, gdzie przebywał, dorobił się olbrzymiej fortuny. Zdobyty kapitał inwestuje w rodzime przedsiębiorstwa. Szybko się orientuje, że zaczynają go otaczać oszuści i bezwzględni karierowicze. Przede wszystkim członkowie ostatniej brygady osoby dorabiające sobie rzekomą legionową przeszłość, aby znaleźć się w obozie władzy. Na dodatek Dowmunt wikła się w skomplikowane relacje uczuciowe i erotyczne z żoną prezesa Banku Głównego. Wkrótce wychodzi na jaw, że jest ona szpiegiem obcego mocarstwa... Czy mimo osobistych problemów odniesie sukces w walce z bezwzględną konkurencją? Czy znajdzie szczęście u boku kobiety, która darzy go szczerym i bezinteresownym uczuciem? Ostatnia brygada to mroczny obraz elit politycznych i gospodarczych pierwszych lat II Rzeczypospolitej.


Sklepy cynamonowe

Bruno Schulz

Sklepy cynamonowe to opowieść o rodzinie kupieckiej z małego miasteczka w Galicji, w którym można dostrzec pewne podobieństwa do Drohobycza, z którego pochodził pisarz. Jedną z najważniejszych postaci w utworze jest Ojciec, głowa rodu, kupiec prowadzący sklep z tekstyliami w rynku. Ojciec jest też szalonym eksperymentatorem, żyjącym na pograniczu życia i śmierci, świata realnego i nierzeczywistego. Bohaterem opowiadań, a zarazem narratorem, jest Józef młody chłopiec, z dziecięcą fascynacją odkrywający otaczający go świat. W opowieściach chłopca można dostrzec cechy samego Schulza. Opowieść jest klasycznym obrazem Schulzowskiego sposobu widzenia rzeczywistości, nierzadko wizyjnego, onirycznego. Jest to więc rzeczywistość mityczna, przetworzone przez wyobraźnię, artystycznie zdeformowana i wzbogacona odniesieniami do mitów, aluzjami do innych dzieł literatury.


LÎle mystérieuse

Jules Verne

Le mystérieux capitaine Nemo et, bien sr, lhistoire de la survie sur un bout de terre dans locéan: des héros pleins de ressources lancés par un ouragan sur une île inhabitée, transformant en sucre et en acier, fabriquent des briques, de la laine, de lacide sulfurique et nitrique, de la nitroglycérine et de la dynamite, construisent un télégraphe et une machine filer. Lun des romans les plus fascinants de Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island une histoire daventures fascinante des habitants de lîle. Jules Verne sest efforcé de montrer ce dont un petit groupe de personnes est capable, se retrouvant dans les conditions de Robinson, se distinguant par leur activité, leur détermination et lutilisation des connaissances scientifiques pour leur survie.


Captives of the Desert

Zane Grey

Trying to save the life of an Indian child when hes thrown from his horse, John Curry falls into the arms of a lonely married woman with a jealous, scheming husband. Unless Curry revives his mission of mercy, three people will die and the first one will be Curry. Here is all the thrilling action, color, and romance of the Old West, exciting tales that make your blood tingle! Ruthless bandits in a lawless land: fearless men and the brave women they fought for. The roar of blazing guns, the awesome silence of prairie and canyon. Captives of the Desert has its social commentary on the sacredness of marriage, and its religious undertones how the desert can take hold of a person and fashion them into its own image, or can exert a force, of an inexplicable kind, to bring peace and contentment over the soul a communing with God.


The Ebb-Tide. A Trio and a Quartette

Robert Louis Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne

South Seas, Pacific Islands. Fate throws in Tahiti several people from those who are commonly called the "white trash." Different in character and origin, they are united by one thing they are people who are finished for society. But Fate gives them another chance to return to normal.


The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth

William Shakespeare

Nowhere else has Shakespeare demonstrated his gift to turn the chronicle into a drama so vividly and visibly as in the third part of Henry VI. In the previous two plays, battle scenes are also reproduced: in the first part, the battle in France is displayed especially vividly and vividly, but only in the last play of the trilogy the playwright managed to show almost the entire course of the Rose War in two hours of presentation: from the consequences of the first battle in St. Albans in 1455 before the defeat of Queen Margarita at Tewkesbury, which happened sixteen years later.


The Hand of Ethelberta. A Comedy in Chapters

Thomas Hardy

Hardys fifth novel, entitled "Comedy in Chapters." In a typical Hardy manner, the story is based on a love triangle. Ethelberta and her involuntary sister Picoti are in love with the same man, Christopher, who reciprocates Ethelbertas feelings. However, a happy result for them is out of the question, because it is poor.


The Border Legion

Zane Grey

Only the love of the young Miss Joan Randle can melt the cold heart of Jack Kells, ruthless leader of a gang of desperados terrorizing the American borderlands. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life...or it could make him a hero in this wild, dangerous land. There are classic Western elements: likable outlaws, the wild frontier, gold fever, and a damsel in distress. But there is also humor, romance, and a happy ending. Written in 1912, it reflects its time period. The heroine is spunky and virtuous, the villains are horrible but capable of redemption.


The Cherry Orchard

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The peculiarity of the authors works were his remarks, which embodied Chekhovs plan to convey to the reader the atmosphere of his book. The Book of the Cherry Orchard also begins with a remark, which contains a very important phrase: The room, which is still called the childrens room. It is simply impossible to depict this replica of the writer on stage, only the reader can imagine and understand that although much time has passed, but nothing has changed, and the room remains what it was, because time in this house seemed to stop or stop.



Henry James

The main character had some rivalry with the main character had some kind of rivalry with George Korvikm. He did more things than the main character, and earned more pence, although there were chances for ingenuity. The main character was crazy about the work of Hugh Vereker, therefore he accepted an invitation to a party where he would meet his favorite author.