
Monte-Criston kreivi

Alexandre Dumas

Monte-Criston kreivi on klassinen Alexandre Dumas vanhemman kirjoittama historiallinen seikkailuromaani. Sitä pidetään usein Dumasn parhaimpiin kuuluvana teoksena ja se esiintyy usein myös kaikkien aikojen parhaimpien romaanien listoilla. Tarinan paikkana ovat Ranska, Italia ja Välimeren saaret vuosina 18141838. Seikkailuromaanin tyyliin kirjoitetun tarinan teemoja ovat oikeus, kosto, armeliaisuus ja anteeksianto.


Ancestor Jorico

William J. Locke

The Ancestor Jorico, the man who wants this, was in his prime a slave owner and a pirate, and yet in his older years lived a supposedly quiet, pious life of modest means. So what happened to all his wealth? And what does the hidden treasure map from Trinidad mean?


Much adoe about Nothing

William Shakespeare

Classic light comedy, fully sustained in the spirit of the plays of this genre. As is characteristic of the dramaturgy of this epoch, the obviousness of the incipient intrigue does not spoil the general charm of the play at all, and the onslaught of free irony and elegant juggling with words and meanings delivers true enjoyment. The plot tells about the creation of a union of two pairs, very different from each other. The wedding of the first couple has already been discussed, and preparations are underway. The second couple still does not even realize that a sharp reversal of fate will happen soon.


Dodo. A Detail of the Day

E.F. Benson

Previously, the situation is slightly different from today. Many ladies in search of a better life did not married out of love, but behind the material part of men. So in our history, the frivolous queen marries due to money and status and ultimately pays for it. The author, as always, makes us empathize with our main character.


Frank Merriwells Limit

Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwells Limit is probably one of the most emotional parts of Frank Merriwells stories. In this part we see the dark side of the main character. Frank is angry at the man who is intentionally trying to spoil the reputation of Frank, as well as some of his classmates. spreading rumors that they are engaged in inappropriate matters. Will Frank be able to cope with emotions?


Beyond Good and Evil. Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

Friedrich Nietzsche

Beyond Good and Evil is one of the most scathing and powerful critiques of philosophy, religion, science, politics and ethics ever written. This work rejects the tradition of Western thought with its notions of truth and God, good and evil and demonstrates that the Christian world is steeped in a false piety and infected with a slave morality. It promotes a philosophy that celebrates the present and demands that the individual imposes their own will to power upon the world. The nine parts of the book are designed to give the reader a comprehensive idea of Nietzsches thought and style: they span The Prejudices of Philosophers, The Free Spirit, religion, morals, scholarship, Our Virtues, Peoples and Fatherlands, and What is Noble, as well as chapter of epigrams and a concluding poem.


A Child of the Jago

Arthur Morrison

A Child of the Jago is London-born journalist Arthur Morrisons best known novel. It was first published in November 1896 and is set in a fictional East End slum known as the Jago, which Morrison based a real district called the Old Nichol. The novel recounts the brief life of Dicky Perrott, who is at heart full of humane instinct but his environment ensures his down fall. The Perrott family, and their friends and enemies, must struggle for their very survival in the harsh environment they live within. Tension and desperation amid the crime and roughness is constant in the overcrowded slums of the East End, with fortune hard to come by and danger ever present. The author, who rejected the label realist, doesnt minimize the violence of the community and A Child of the Jago is an exciting tale indeed.


The Cats Eye

R. Austin Freeman

Narrated by Robert Anstey, who is acting as Thorndykes counsel as Jervis is away in America. He walks right into a murder scene, attracted by the screams of a beautiful young woman. The dead man is a harmless old bachelor who collects objects of arcane appeal. Several pieces of inscribed jewelry are missing. Its a strange sort of burglary perpetrated by clumsy amateurs who nonetheless got clean away. Dr. Thorndyke takes on the case and enlists Anstey as his sidekick. Anstey makes a perfect foil for the great forensics expert, since he misses the significance of everything. There is murder, love, and a form of code to be deciphered to prove an inheritance. The plot, which is ingenious and complex, includes a contested inheritance with a fascinating history. And the reader is treated to plenty of scientific and analytic exploits by Dr. Thorndyke. We watch him test for poison; take impressions of fingerprints, handprints and footprints; detect secret chambers; and interpret coded messages.


The Thief in the Night

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word thriller, a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. The Thief in the Night is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving mystery novella, set in England during the 1928s. Diamond plaques are being stolen from wealthy girls and poison pen letters are being delivered Inspector Jack Danton is puzzled... Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


Brief an den Vater

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafkas Brief an den Vater wurde nie abgeschickt und fand erst nach seinem Tod Leser. Zeit seines Lebens litt Franz Kafka unter der tyrannischen und manipulativen Art seines Vaters. In dem erst postum veröffentlichten Brief an den Vater versucht er, die komplizierte Beziehung zu verarbeiten. Der Text ermöglicht einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Beziehung Kafkas zu seinem Vater und wurde bereits vielfach als Grundlage für psychoanalytische und biografische Studien über den Autor zurate gezogen. Anklage und Selbstanalyse zugleich, vermittelt es dem Leser Einblick in das komplizierte Seelenleben des Autors. Brief an den Vater ist vielleicht der beste Einstieg in die beunruhigende wie inspirierende Welt eines Schriftstellers, ohne den die Geschichte der Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts anders verlaufen wäre.


Cabin Fever

B.M. Bower

A classic tale of the Old West by B.M. Bower. This one is one of her earliest (1918). This was an interesting story about a man who quarrels with his young wife and goes out into the world to try to forget her. Cabin Fever gets Bud Moore into a peck of trouble now and then. Bud is a bit too trustful of strangers and before he knows it, he has injected himself into a situation that could prove to be disastrous. Bud then heads for the hills and meets up with another stranger. Then, one day, Bud finds a child who has been stolen by an Indian squaw and takes him in. How will the childs presence change the two hardened men? The surprise ending is a nice touch, by the author.


The Knave of Diamonds

Ethel M. Dell

1912. Ethel May Dell (1881-1939), British writer, began writing at a young age. Most of her stories were stories of passion and love set in India and other British colonial possessions. American Nap Errol is in love with reserved Englishwoman, Lady Anne. Lady Anne is unhappily married to an unpleasant, wealthy drunk, who is twice her age. Nap is, in his own and most others opinion, a knave and a bounder. Lady Anne, miserable in her situation, is honor bound to her husband and marriage vows. Nap is soon equally miserable, as Anne refuses to enter into an adulterous liason. Fast paced, involving romance written early in the Twentieth century, The Knave of Diamonds novel stands up well to the test of time.


The Ivory Child

H. Rider Haggard

Another compelling and well-written story by H. Rider Haggard! It all starts quite gradually, in England, where the great hunter Allan Quatermain is making one of his rare trips outside of Africa. The story returns to Africa, and Quatermain talks about the unsuccessful speculation at the gold mine. Meanwhile, events that began many years ago in England are developing, and other heroes arrive in Africa for further adventures.


Murder in Piccadilly

Charles Kingston

Murder in Picadilly is a typical so-called Golden Age detective story published in 1936 and set in and around Soho. The story concerns the fortunes of a young man named Bobbie Cheldon. Bobbie has fallen head over heels in love with a nightclub dancer Nancy Curzon at The Frozen Fang nightclub but she is attracted not so much to Bobbie as to the fortune he expects to inherit. Bobbies miserly uncle Massy stands between him and happiness: he will not relinquish the ten thousand a year on which Nancys hopes rest. Worse, Bobbies fallen under the sway of one Nosey Ruslin, Nancys theatrical agent hoping to profit from Bobbies relationship woes and wealthy uncle. And soon, Massys life will end on a crowded platform of the London Underground, the killer pursued by Scotland Yards Inspector Wake...



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Polesie, wieś Hrywda. Rytm życia jej mieszkańców dyktują pory roku, odwieczny obyczaj, wiara i zabobon, splecione w nienaruszalny porządek rzeczy. Kalenik to sierota. Od śmierci rodziców pracuje w gospodarstwie swego wuja, nałogowego alkoholika Sydora. Chłopaka wyróżnia ogromna pracowitość i miłość do ziemi przodków. Bohater pragnie poślubić piękną Łucysię, która usługuje we dworze. Na przeszkodzie staje zarówno opinia sąsiadów, jak i brak środków pozwalających utrzymać siebie i swą wybrankę. Tymczasem pojawia się szansa, by odmienić los. Tylko czy bohater to dostrzeże i w porę wykorzysta? Niezwykła opowieść o codziennym życiu na poleskiej wsi, łącząca realizm z bajkowością.


Stalky i spółka

Rudyard Kipling

Stalky i spółka odwołuje się do szkolnych doświadczeń noblisty Rudyarda Kiplinga i jego pobytu w elitarnej szkole z internatem. Zgrana ekipa przyjaciół psoci i dokazuje, jak na młodzieniaszków przystało, przeżywając zapadające w pamięć przygody. Jednocześnie poddani surowym rygorom szkoły nabierają oni ogłady, która zrobi z nich w przyszłości angielskich gentelmanów.