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The American

Henry James

The story of a glorious American who, through hard work, made a fortune and went to learn how to relax and laze in the open spaces of the Old World. In particular, he came to Paris, and this city, as is known, is a rather romantic place, according to the public. And, ironically, the practical Newman in this city was smitten by a certain widowed Madame de Center.


Otchłań ciągnie

Otto Stemin

Powieść kryminalna, która ukazuje walkę wrogich wywiadów przemysłowych o pewien niezwykle cenny wynalazek. Sposób budowania napięcia nadaje powieści cechy thrillera, a wartka akcja i nieprzewidywalność fabuły czyni powieść aspirującą do gatunku sensacyjnego.


The Long Arm of Mannister

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another collection of short stories by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He was the self-styled prince of storytellers, generally regarded as the earliest writer of spy fiction as we know it today, and invented the Rogue Male school of adventure thrillers. His plotting is as smooth as silk, with the virtue of creating believable characters of genuine sophistication and wit. This book is a revenge story with each chapter describing how Mannister takes care of the different people who wronged him. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


The Gambling Girl

Edgar Wallace

The Gambling Girl, by Edgar Wallace is a book of short story mysteries. Bill and Mary met at a gambling casino and both are imprisoned for reasons that are murky. Bill was a former detective with the American Army at G.H.Q. Marys past was more mysterious. From that day forward however, neither of their lives would ever be the same again. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. Its all great fun and Wallace keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces mysteries there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


Old Friends an New Fancies. An Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane Austen

Sybil G. Brinton

This is a continuation of the story of Jane Austen. It develops slowly and comes to an amazing outcome. Among the large number of characters Darcy paid the most attention, but Brinton also did a wonderful job of reviving Kitty Bennett. This book shows that we dont always have to like people.


Indian Tales

Rudyard Kipling

Kiplings greatest strength was the author of short stories. And this thematic collection of stories about the British Raj is one of the best attempts to bring together some of his best works. This includes The Man Who Will Be King, The Phantom Rickshaw, and many other favorites. But, first of all, this is connected with several short stories of Kipling about three military men in the army, Mulvani, Lirida and Other.


A Columbus of Space

Garrett P. Serviss

Garrett Putman Serviss is popular as a science fiction author. His story A Columbus of Space about the flight into space. The heroes were in the middle of the cosmos, they were surprised when they saw the Earth. The very Earth where a few days ago they were going in some direction. Yes, they knew where they were. But how did they get there and what will they do next?


The Bars of Iron

Ethel M. Dell

Avery Denys, the novels heroine, lost her husband and her blind daughter. But in response to these tragic events, Avery simply reflects that she was left with nothing to do, and finds a job that allows her to act out the mother role she now misses. A rock to her female friends, Avery is rational yet caring, but also submissive in the face of her eventual second husbands violence towards her and others. There are many characters with the usual misunderstandings that result in separation for the couple. Healing and reconciliation come with the intervention of two special friends and the children of the minister. The Bars of Iron (1916) is an excellent bestsellers book in the United States in 1916 for individuals who are looking for the best one to read. A contemporary classic. Full of passion and love.


The Lonely Bride

Fred M. White

The Lonely Bride has it all: money, murder and marriages made / broken out of blackmail. All events revolve around the desired bachelor, Stephen Rice. His millionaire father wants to hand over his business to his son. Poor Grace was blackmailed by marrying a terrible person, Stephen Rice, then she tries to find ways to get out of it, but every undone burden will also be connected with a terrible secret.


The Pigeon House

Valentine Williams

The novel begins in Paris on the wedding night of Sally and Rex Garrett. A former member of the French Foreign Legion Rex mysteriously disappears on the night of his wedding. At The Pigeon House, a lonely inn, a band of conspirators await the arrival of a deserter from the Foreign Legion, who is their key man in their plan to start an uprising in French Morocco. The conspirators have also driven the bridegrooms closest friend into exile and a shameful death, which means he must hunt them down and destroy them. Williams spy story, The Pigeon Man (1927), presents us with a character whose motivations are as obscure as any in modernist literature. Why is the hero doing what he is doing? Why, for that matter, are the other characters? George Valentine Williams never says explicitly, leaving readers to puzzle this out for themselves.


Larry of Lonesome Lake

Harold Bindloss

In summer, the Pacific Canadian slope is beautiful, and the time was on Sunday afternoon. The aim of Lawrence Bethune was the amount he wanted to withdraw from a bank in Vancouver. In Canada, he had to work hard. After all, the weak do not survive there. Therefore, he moved to the Pacific slope, where he could show his force and stand out there. But by what qualities? Rudeness and violence? Did he rely on it?


Der Redner. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Der Redner, so nannten sie Inspektor Rater von Scotland Yard, erfuhr in seinem Urlaub vom Tod Lord Eustace Lightley. Dabei fiel ihn ein, dass der örtliche Apotheker ihm vor Monaten mal von einer Arsenkur des Lord´s erzählt hat... Als der Polizist Simpson einen Toten findet, ahnt der Redner noch nicht, dass dies sein schwierigster Fall wird...


The White Glove

Fred M. White

A simple story to read, but as always fascinating and make you plunge into a new story written by Fred M. White. A simple man with financial problems is recruited by a rich old man to spy on a scam who robbed his diamonds. Such an adventure has never ended in anything good. But this story may end differently.



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Skawiński, polski emigrant polityczny, przybywa w latach 70. XIX wieku do Aspinwall. Ma tu objąć posadę latarnika. Jest zmęczony życiem, które obfitowało w przygody. Walczył w wielu wojnach i powstaniach, m.in. w powstaniu listopadowym w Polsce i wojnie secesyjnej. Podejmował się też wielu zawodów, był m.in. harpunnikiem, poszukiwaczem diamentów, prowadził fabrykę cygar. Wszystkie te stanowiska tracił w tajemniczych okolicznościach, sam sobie tłumaczył to prześladującym go pechem. W końcu zaczął szukać miejsca, gdzie na dobre mógłby się osiedlić. Wybrał Aspinwall i latarnię morską, gdzie rozpoczął ciche, spokojne życie jako latarnik. Pewnego dnia oprócz zapasów żywności otrzymał paczkę z książkami z Polski. Podczas lektury zapomniał o tym, gdzie jest. W końcu zapadł w mocny sen o Polsce. Następnego ranka otrzymał wiadomość, że przez jego zaniedbanie rozbiła się łódź...


Młyn na wzgórzu

Karl Gjellerup

Powieść Młyn na wzgórzu duńskiego noblisty z dziedziny literatury Karla Gjellerupa daje wyraz fascynacji autora życiem wsi i duńskim folklorem. Opowiada o relacji owdowiałego młynarza z ukazaną jako femme fatale Lizą. Przesiąknięta pesymizmem opowieść o ludzkich namiętnościach, porywczości, pragnieniach oraz walce o ich realizację, ukazująca psychologiczne uwarunkowania bohaterów.


Darius the Great. Ancient Ruler of the Persian Empire

Jacob Abbott

Darius the Great has a historical background, like many other books by Jacob Abbott. The plot of the dramatic series of events in the ancient history of the Middle East. The main character, Darius, is the benchmark for half of humanity, having overcome with many difficulties, namely, the uprisings, he was able to win the trust of humanity. Fascinating story that turned another page of world history.