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NetSuite For Consultants takes a hands-on approach to help ERP and CRM consultants implement NetSuite quickly and efficiently, as well deepen their understanding of its implementation methodology.During the course of this book, you’ll get a clear picture of what NetSuite is, how it works, and how accounts, support, and updates work within its ecosystem.Understanding what a business needs is a critical first step toward completing any software product implementation, so you'll learn how to write business requirements by learning about the various departments, roles, and processes in the client's organization. Once you've developed a solid understanding of NetSuite and your client, you’ll be able to apply your knowledge to configure accounts and test everything with the users. You’ll also learn how to manage both functional and technical issues that arise post-implementation and handle them like a professional.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to implement NetSuite for businesses and get things up and running in the shortest possible time.
Cloud security has always been treated as the highest priority by AWS while designing a robust cloud infrastructure. AWS has now extended its support to allow users and security experts to perform penetration tests on its environment. This has not only revealed a number of loopholes and brought vulnerable points in their existing system to the fore, but has also opened up opportunities for organizations to build a secure cloud environment. This book teaches you how to perform penetration tests in a controlled AWS environment.You'll begin by performing security assessments of major AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon S3, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Lambda. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also learn about specific tests such as exploiting applications, testing permissions flaws, and discovering weak policies. Moving on, you'll discover how to establish private-cloud access through backdoor Lambda functions. As you advance, you'll explore the no-go areas where users can’t make changes due to vendor restrictions and find out how you can avoid being flagged to AWS in these cases. Finally, this book will take you through tips and tricks for securing your cloud environment in a professional way.By the end of this penetration testing book, you'll have become well-versed in a variety of ethical hacking techniques for securing your AWS environment against modern cyber threats.
There’s no end to what you can do with a Raspberry Pi – it makes a huge range of tech projects possible. This book shows you how to transform it into a multipurpose web server, able to store and manage resources that lets you build some truly innovative and impressive computing creations. You’ll learn how to use your Raspberry Pi 2 to host a website using a range of different languages, host a game server, store files, and run everything from a media center to a cloud network. If you want to take control of your technological world, start building your own server and find out what’s possible with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer.Begin by getting your Pi set up – follow each step as the book shows you how to prepare a network and configure the additional features that you’ll need to build your projects. Once you’ve done this you’ll dig a little deeper and set up your pi as a file server, making sure it’s built for speed using a range of different tools, including Python, Node.js and ASP.NET. Following this the book shows you how to extend your server to allow you to host games, and stream live HD video before customizing it even further to create a fully-fledged media center.It doesn’t stop there however – the book then dives into the exciting world of the Internet of Things (IoT). You’ll learn how to install Windows IoT onto your Raspberry Pi, the operating system that’s driving embedded software projects all around the world. Once you’ve done this you’ll be ready to explore IoT further, as the book shows you how to use your device to host a cloud network that can form the basis of a wider IoT project.
Mastering Unity 2D Game Development. Using Unity 5 to develop a retro RPG - Second Edition
The Unity engine has revolutionized the gaming industry, by making it easier than ever for indie game developers to create quality games on a budget. Hobbyists and students can use this powerful engine to build 2D and 3D games, to play, distribute, and even sell for free!This book will help you master the 2D features available in Unity 5, by walking you through the development of a 2D RPG framework. With fully explained and detailed C# scripts, this book will show you how to create and program animations, a NPC conversation system, an inventory system, random RPG map battles, and full game menus. After your core game is complete, you'll learn how to add finishing touches like sound and music, monetization strategies, and splash screens. You’ll then be guided through the process of publishing and sharing your game on multiple platforms. After completing this book, you will have the necessary knowledge to develop, build, and deploy 2D games of any genre!
Learning to use Inkscape, an exciting open-source vector graphics program, broadens your software toolkit as a graphic designer. Using practical, real-world examples, you'll learn everything about the software and its capabilities so you'll be able to design anything from logos to websites.Inkscape Beginner's Guide is a practical step-by-step guide for learning this exciting vector graphics software. Not only will it take you through each menu item and toolbar, but you will also learn about creating complex shapes, text styling, filters, working with images, extensions, and the XML editoróall using real world examples.The book starts with an overview of vector graphics and how best to use them when designing for digital and print mediums. Then we install Inkscape and start learning all the ins and outs of the software. You'll build your first vector graphic while learning best practices for using layers, and build simple and complex objects with shapes and paths that will ultimately become exciting graphics to be used in your designs. Beyond designing sample logos and brochures while learning the software, you'll also learn how to use filters, install and use extensions, and the ins-and-outs of SVG and the XML Editor in Inkscape.
Mayur Pandey, Suyog Sarda, David Farago
LLVM is currently the point of interest for many firms, and has a very active open source community. It provides us with a compiler infrastructure that can be used to write a compiler for a language. It provides us with a set of reusable libraries that can be used to optimize code, and a target-independent code generator to generate code for different backends. It also provides us with a lot of other utility tools that can be easily integrated into compiler projects.This book details how you can use the LLVM compiler infrastructure libraries effectively, and will enable you to design your own custom compiler with LLVM in a snap.We start with the basics, where you’ll get to know all about LLVM. We then cover how you can use LLVM library calls to emit intermediate representation (IR) of simple and complex high-level language paradigms. Moving on, we show you how to implement optimizations at different levels, write an optimization pass, generate code that is independent of a target, and then map the code generated to a backend. The book also walks you through CLANG, IR to IR transformations, advanced IR block transformations, and target machines. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to easily utilize the LLVM libraries in your own projects.
In today's dynamic landscape, crafting robust and scalable Java web applications presents formidable challenges. Spring Boot emerges as the leading framework for web and microservices development, featuring a dynamic ecosystem and seamless integrations to address a spectrum of scenarios, from scaling apps on the cloud to deploying them to production. In this book, you’ll explore its streamlined, convention-over-configuration approach, simplifying application development.You’ll start by covering recipes showcasing Spring Boot's features. As you progress, you’ll understand how it helps streamline application development while staying ahead of technology trends. The book helps you grasp concepts effectively, explores basic REST APIs, shows you how to escalate to advanced scenarios, and tackle common cloud application challenges like security, scalability, performance optimization, and automated deployments. Dedicated sections are designed to help you stay ahead of the curve with recipes that delve into the latest trends such as containers, observability, native images, DevOps, test automation, and microservices, ensuring your applications align with evolving industry standards.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and automate the deployment of a scalable and high-performing distributed solution using Spring Boot 3.
Binary analysis is the process of examining a binary program to determine information security actions. It is a complex, constantly evolving, and challenging topic that crosses over into several domains of information technology and security. This binary analysis book is designed to help you get started with the basics, before gradually advancing to challenging topics. Using a recipe-based approach, this book guides you through building a lab of virtual machines and installing tools to analyze binaries effectively. You'll begin by learning about the IA32 and ELF32 as well as IA64 and ELF64 specifications. The book will then guide you in developing a methodology and exploring a variety of tools for Linux binary analysis. As you advance, you'll learn how to analyze malicious 32-bit and 64-bit binaries and identify vulnerabilities. You'll even examine obfuscation and anti-analysis techniques, analyze polymorphed malicious binaries, and get a high-level overview of dynamic taint analysis and binary instrumentation concepts. By the end of the book, you'll have gained comprehensive insights into binary analysis concepts and have developed the foundational skills to confidently delve into the realm of binary analysis.
Full Stack Quarkus and React. Hands-on full stack web development with Java, React, and Kubernetes
Marc Nuri San Felix, Alex Soto Bueno
React has established itself as one of the most popular and widely adopted frameworks thanks to its simple yet scalable app development abilities. Quarkus comes across as a fantastic alternative for backend development by boosting developer productivity with features such as pre-built integrations, application services, and more that bring a new, revolutionary developer experience to Java. To make the best use of both, this hands-on guide will help you get started with Quarkus and React to create and deploy an end-to-end web application.This book is divided into three parts. In the first part, you’ll begin with an introduction to Quarkus and its features, learning how to bootstrap a Quarkus project from the ground up to create a tested and secure HTTP server for your backend. The second part focuses on the frontend, showing you how to create a React project from scratch to build the application’s user interface and integrate it with the Quarkus backend. The last part guides you through creating cluster configuration manifests and deploying them to Kubernetes as well as other alternatives, such as Fly.io.By the end of this full stack development book, you’ll be confident in your skills to combine the robustness of both frameworks to create and deploy standalone, fully functional web applications.
This guide demonstrates just how easy it is to get started with QlikView and create your own BI application. Featuring an introduction to its core features before exploring how to load data and model it, you’ll soon become more confident that you can take full advantage of QlikView’s capabilities.. You will also learn how to use QVD files with QlikView – and how they offer a simpler way of handling data.After digging deeper into data handling, as you learn how to use mapping tables and create a master calendar, you’ll then find out how to get the most from QlikView’s visualization features – vital if you are to use your data insights effectively. From accessible and user friendly dashboards to strategies and best practices for subjecting data to further analysis, you can be confident that you’ll be prepared to get the most out of your data with QlikView.With details on how to finally secure your application and deploy it for a successful integration in your organization, QlikView Essentials underlines exactly why QlikView is becoming more and more popular for businesses that understand the value of data.
Sharing code between platforms can help developers gain a competitive edge, and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) offers a sensible way to do it. KMM helps mobile teams share code between Android and iOS in a flexible way, leaving room for native development.The book begins by helping you to gain a clear understanding of the Kotlin Multiplatform approach, how it works, and how it is different from cross-platform technologies, such as React Native and Flutter, and code sharing options, such as C++. You'll then see how your team can use this software development kit (SDK) to build native applications more effectively by learning timeless concepts and working through practical examples. As you advance, you'll get to grips with the core concepts, understand why UI sharing fails, and get hands-on with developing a small KMM application. Finally, you'll discover expert tips and best practices, along with production- and adoption-related questions, that will help you take the next step in your project and career.By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of the capabilities of KMM and be able to share code between Android and iOS flexibly.
Produce impressive, high-quality pictures to influence your audience, grow your brand, and market your products and services.With its impressive range of sophisticated creative capabilities, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 is all you need to create photos you’ll love to share. Elements 2023 extends its AI capabilities by simplifying complex editing processes. Learn to stitch widescreen panoramas, remove people from backgrounds, de-focus backgrounds, re-compose images, and even create a range of calendars and greeting cards for your friends and family.The fifth edition of this widely acclaimed series will help you master photo-editing from scratch. Start by learning basic edits such as auto tone correction, image resizing and cropping, then master contrast, color, sharpness, and clarity.Take your prowess to the next level by learning how to correct optical distortion, re-shape images, exploit layers, layer masking, and sharpening techniques—create the perfect picture or imaginative fantasy illustration. You’ll also learn the online realms of animation, video creation, and third-party plug-ins.By the end of this book, you'll learn how to leverage the incredible features of Photoshop Elements 2023 with complete confidence.Note: All the images featured in the book can be easily downloaded via a direct link or from the GitHub repository link specified in the Preface.
Aldrin Yim, Claire Chung, Allen Yu
Python is a general-purpose programming language increasingly being used for data analysis and visualization. Matplotlib is a popular data visualization package in Python used to design effective plots and graphs. This is a practical, hands-on resource to help you visualize data with Python using the Matplotlib library. Matplotlib for Python Developers, Second Edition shows you how to create attractive graphs, charts, and plots using Matplotlib. You will also get a quick introduction to third-party packages, Seaborn, Pandas, Basemap, and Geopandas, and learn how to use them with Matplotlib. After that, you’ll embed and customize your plots in third-party tools such as GTK+3, Qt 5, and wxWidgets. You’ll also be able to tweak the look and feel of your visualization with the help of practical examples provided in this book. Further on, you’ll explore Matplotlib 2.1.x on the web, from a cloud-based platform using third-party packages such as Django. Finally, you will integrate interactive, real-time visualization techniques into your current workflow with the help of practical real-world examples.By the end of this book, you’ll be thoroughly comfortable with using the popular Python data visualization library Matplotlib 2.1.x and leveraging its power to build attractive, insightful, and powerful visualizations.
WordPress is an incredibly popular blogging platform. Few people realize that the software behind WordPress.com, which is a standalone WordPress with multisite enabled, is available for free, for anyone to make use of. WordPress Multisite is a special “mode” built into WordPress, which allows you to create a network of multiple websites, all running on a single installation of WordPress.WordPress Multisite Administration is an easy-to-understand book filled with information, tips, and best practices to help you create and manage a blog network similar to http://wordpress.com/, by using WordPress Multisite.WordPress Multisite Administration will take you through all the steps necessary to get WordPress Multisite installed and configured on your server. It covers everything from installation and initial configuration to customizations and some helpful troubleshooting tips.You will also learn how to build your own blog directory that features the authors in your WordPress Multisite network. The blog directory is built by making use of WordPress child themes, an incredibly useful thing to know how to do.You'll learn everything you need to know about running and maintaining a WordPress Multisite installation.