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Computer Architecture with Python and ARM. Learn how computers work, program your own, and explore assembly language on Raspberry Pi

Alan Clements

PHP 8 Programming Tips, Tricks and Best Practices. A practical guide to PHP 8 features, usage changes, and advanced programming techniques

Doug Bierer, Cal Evans

Mastering Backbone.js. Design and build scalable web applications using Backbone.js

Abiee Echamea, Abiee Echamea

Visual Studio 2015 Cookbook. Over 50 new and improved recipes to put Visual Studio 2015 to work in your crucial development projects - Second Edition

Jeff Martin

How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin. A hands-on guide to developing, testing, and publishing your first apps with Android

Alex Forrester, Eran Boudjnah, Alexandru Dumbravan, Jomar Tigcal

Magento Extensions Development. Click here to enter text

Jérémie Bouchet

Extending Power BI with Python and R. Perform advanced analysis using the power of analytical languages - Second Edition

Luca Zavarella

Mastering QuickBooks(R) 2022. The bestselling guide to bookkeeping and the QuickBooks Online accounting software - Third Edition

Crystalynn Shelton

The PEAR Installer Manifesto. The PEAR Installer maintainer shows you the power of this code management and deployment system to revolutionize your PHP application development

Gregory Beaver

Scratch Cookbook. If want to get your programming know-how off the starting blocks in a fun, involving way, then this guide to Scratch is perfect. In no time you'll be building your own interactive programs that include animations and sound

Brandon Milonovich

Streamlit for Data Science. Create interactive data apps in Python - Second Edition

Tyler Richards, Adrien Treuille

Interviewing Engineering Graduates. Ensure your team succeeds when you hire the very best in new engineering talent

Connor S Riley

Computer Jargon - The Illustrated Glossary of Basic Computer Terminology. Decode and simplify complex computer terms with easy-to-follow visual guides

Kevin Wilson

Practical Data Quality. Learn practical, real-world strategies to transform the quality of data in your organization

Robert Hawker, Nicola Askham

JavaScript: Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers. Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers

Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Dan Mantyla

Instant OpenLayers Starter. Web Mapping made simple and fast!

Alessio Di Lorenzo, Giovanni Allegri