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The Lonely Bride

Fred M. White

The Lonely Bride has it all: money, murder and marriages made / broken out of blackmail. All events revolve around the desired bachelor, Stephen Rice. His millionaire father wants to hand over his business to his son. Poor Grace was blackmailed by marrying a terrible person, Stephen Rice, then she tries to find ways to get out of it, but every undone burden will also be connected with a terrible secret.


Aaron Rodd, Diviner

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Aaron Rodd, who was a shy and awkward being, felt unexpectedly at his ease. He was even anxious for further conversation. He had a rather long, pale face, with deep-set eyes and rugged features. He was soberly, even sombrely dressed in dismal black. He had the air of a recluse. Perhaps that was why the young lady smiled upon him with such confidence.


Anne of Green Gables

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Eleven-year-old Anne Shirley is an orphan girl in need of a family and the novel follows her adventures over the next five years. She may be scrawny and freckled with red hair but shes also loving and bright with imagination, smart, dutiful and hardworking. When shes mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, elderly siblings who plan to adopt a young boy to help around their farm in Canadas Prince Edward Island, Anne faces the prospect of securing a home and a loving family if she can prove shes worth keeping. Time will demand adult choices at a critical moment, choices that will change her life and affect those around her. First published in 1908, Anne of Green Gables has spawned a slew of sequels and other related novels.


The Royal Life Guard. A Historical Romance of the Suppression of the French Monarchy

Alexandre Dumas

The Royal Life Guard A Historical Romance of the Suppression of the French Monarchy is a historical romance of the suppression of the French monarchy. France had been changed to a limited monarchy from an absolute one, and King Louis XVI had solemnly sworn to defend the new Constitution. But it had been remarked by shrewd observers that he had not attended the Te Deum at the Paris Cathedral, with the members of the National Assembly: that is, he would tell a lie but not commit perjury. Fans of classic historical fiction will delight in this gem from Alexandre Dumas, author of such masterpieces as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. Bringing together fast-paced action and a richly detailed look at life in a bygone era, The Royal Life Guard merits a place on your must-read list.


The Boy Who Found Christmas

George Owen Baxter

Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable Adventure Classics "The Boy Who Found Christmas ". Packed with enough action and romance to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the work also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. This classics appeal extends far beyond the core audience for Westerns - give it to a yet-to-be-won-over friend or loved one, and soon theyll be clamoring for more. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.


The Pigeon House

Valentine Williams

The novel begins in Paris on the wedding night of Sally and Rex Garrett. A former member of the French Foreign Legion Rex mysteriously disappears on the night of his wedding. At The Pigeon House, a lonely inn, a band of conspirators await the arrival of a deserter from the Foreign Legion, who is their key man in their plan to start an uprising in French Morocco. The conspirators have also driven the bridegrooms closest friend into exile and a shameful death, which means he must hunt them down and destroy them. Williams spy story, The Pigeon Man (1927), presents us with a character whose motivations are as obscure as any in modernist literature. Why is the hero doing what he is doing? Why, for that matter, are the other characters? George Valentine Williams never says explicitly, leaving readers to puzzle this out for themselves.


Larry of Lonesome Lake

Harold Bindloss

In summer, the Pacific Canadian slope is beautiful, and the time was on Sunday afternoon. The aim of Lawrence Bethune was the amount he wanted to withdraw from a bank in Vancouver. In Canada, he had to work hard. After all, the weak do not survive there. Therefore, he moved to the Pacific slope, where he could show his force and stand out there. But by what qualities? Rudeness and violence? Did he rely on it?


Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo

E. Phillips Oppenheim

At half-past eleven oclockMr. Billingham was a man of regular habitshe quitted the promenade, crossed the Place in front of the Casino, and selected a table outside the Café de Paris. He selected it simply because it happened to be the nearest empty one and without even a glance at his neighbours. It was nevertheless, without a doubt, by the direction of that mysterious influence called fate that he should have chosen that particular chair and ordered his champagne cocktail with that clear and pleasant directness of speech which caused the two people at the adjacent table to turn and focus their attention upon him.


Der Redner. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Der Redner, so nannten sie Inspektor Rater von Scotland Yard, erfuhr in seinem Urlaub vom Tod Lord Eustace Lightley. Dabei fiel ihn ein, dass der örtliche Apotheker ihm vor Monaten mal von einer Arsenkur des Lord´s erzählt hat... Als der Polizist Simpson einen Toten findet, ahnt der Redner noch nicht, dass dies sein schwierigster Fall wird...


The White Glove

Fred M. White

A simple story to read, but as always fascinating and make you plunge into a new story written by Fred M. White. A simple man with financial problems is recruited by a rich old man to spy on a scam who robbed his diamonds. Such an adventure has never ended in anything good. But this story may end differently.


The Woman Ayisha

Talbot Mundy

First lets look at the situation for a moment. We were twenty people: seventeen Arabs, Narayan Singh, I and Thunder. We were in Petra over Jordan, which was a civilian land until Ali Higg, the impostor of Leo Peter, a friend of the Prophet Islam, Lord of Limit Deserts, and Lord Vaters became established there as a thorn on the flank of Palestine. Inaccessible and inaccessible, except for airplanes, once the valley of Moses, leading to it through a twelve-meter gorge, was blocked.


Collected Short Stories (Vol. 4). Collected Short Stories. Volume 4

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a Scottish physician and prolific writer of fiction and nonfiction. He is most well-known for his four novels and fifty-six short stories featuring the legendary and eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes. This fourth volume concludes the exciting adventures of the worlds most famous pipe-smoking detective, Sherlock Holmes, collecting works written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Included are the short story collections His Last Bow: Some Later Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes (1917) and The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927), making this an indispensable classic for every home library. The book is based on various crimes occurring in England, big and small. Each of them have an unusual aspect to them that catches Holmes fantasy.


Household Tales

Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

This is a collection of many tales. Porridge Pot" is a German folk tale from the Grimm Brothers collection, perhaps one of the most famous and beloved from early childhood. This is a story about how one girl received as a present from an old woman a pot that cooks porridge itself, it is only necessary to pronounce a magic spell. The girl carried the pot to her mother, but when she decided to use it, she forgot how to order the pot to stop in time. The pot boiled so much porridge that it flooded all the streets, and the townspeople had to eat their way.



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Skawiński, polski emigrant polityczny, przybywa w latach 70. XIX wieku do Aspinwall. Ma tu objąć posadę latarnika. Jest zmęczony życiem, które obfitowało w przygody. Walczył w wielu wojnach i powstaniach, m.in. w powstaniu listopadowym w Polsce i wojnie secesyjnej. Podejmował się też wielu zawodów, był m.in. harpunnikiem, poszukiwaczem diamentów, prowadził fabrykę cygar. Wszystkie te stanowiska tracił w tajemniczych okolicznościach, sam sobie tłumaczył to prześladującym go pechem. W końcu zaczął szukać miejsca, gdzie na dobre mógłby się osiedlić. Wybrał Aspinwall i latarnię morską, gdzie rozpoczął ciche, spokojne życie jako latarnik. Pewnego dnia oprócz zapasów żywności otrzymał paczkę z książkami z Polski. Podczas lektury zapomniał o tym, gdzie jest. W końcu zapadł w mocny sen o Polsce. Następnego ranka otrzymał wiadomość, że przez jego zaniedbanie rozbiła się łódź...


The Borgia Cabinet

J.S. Fletcher

The protagonist, a detective, was sent to Oldersike estate to investigate the sudden mysterious death of Sir Charles Stanmore. His goal is to find the culprit. His future depends on it. But when he arrives at the crime scene, he finds little evidence, which complicates his investigation...


Kwiat śmierci. Powieść kryminalna ze stosunków krakowskich

Gabriela Zapolska

Młody krakowski urwis dostrzega wyłaniające się z Wisły, zjawiskowo wyglądające zwłoki kobiety. Sprawę przejmuje nieporadny policjant i całkowicie daje się pochłonąć nietypowym wydarzeniom. Książka trzyma w napięciu od samego początku do ostatniego akapitu.


The Prince of India. Or Why Constantinople Fell

Lewis Wallace

On the pages of the works of Lewis Wallace characters lived, fell in love, fought and died, influencing the structure of public affairs. This novel tells about the events that led to the fall of Constantinople. Legendary wandering Jew under the guise of the Prince of India helps save the city. A wandering Jew served as the basis for several stories, and this is one of the best.


Poor Folk

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

With their penetrating psychological insight and their emphasis on human dignity, respect and forgiveness, Dostoyevskys early short stories contain the seeds of the themes that came to his major novels. Poor Folk is a short novel focused on a powerful exchange of letters between two bright and introspective individuals living in difficult circumstances in 19th century Saint Petersburg who are in love, yet fight poverty with every inch of their breath. Bound to never be able to be together because of their conditions, these letter show how much theyd do for one another, even the means arent there. Written during the initial stirrings of the Russian realism movement, Poor Folk is a vivid portrait of societys everyman. A work that is both beautiful and tragic, it unravels an unforgettable tale of the human condition and portrays how poverty instills piety and sanctity in the human soul.


Ardistan und Dschinnistan. Band 12

Karl May

Ardistan und Dschinnistan gehört zu den bedeutendsten Spätwerken Mays, in denen er sich immer mehr von seinen abenteuerlichen Reiseerzählungen, durch die er seinen Ruhm erlangte, entfernt und in geheimnisvollen Geschichten seiner Weltanschauung Ausdruck verleiht. Kara ben Nemsi und Hadschi sollen in Dschinnistan für Frieden sorgen und beginnen ihre Reise an den Gestaden des Ussul-Landes. Gemeinsam mit Scheich Amihn und den Dschirbani kämpfen sie nun gegen die räuberischen Banden im Land und ziehen schließlich vereint nach Ard, der Hauptstadt von Ardistan. Als Kara ben Nemsi und sein treuer Gefährte Hadschi Halef Omar in Ard eintreffen, ist es ihre erste Aufgabe, den Mir von Ardistan davon zu überzeugen, dass die Regierung von Dschinnistan ihm freundlich zugetan ist.


Młyn na wzgórzu

Karl Gjellerup

Powieść Młyn na wzgórzu duńskiego noblisty z dziedziny literatury Karla Gjellerupa daje wyraz fascynacji autora życiem wsi i duńskim folklorem. Opowiada o relacji owdowiałego młynarza z ukazaną jako femme fatale Lizą. Przesiąknięta pesymizmem opowieść o ludzkich namiętnościach, porywczości, pragnieniach oraz walce o ich realizację, ukazująca psychologiczne uwarunkowania bohaterów.


Un billet de loterie

Jules Verne

Le theme principal de luvre est lhistoire touchante de lamour romantique dun homme et dune femme vivant en Norvege. Ils sappellent Gulda Hansen et Ole Camp. Ole va nager apres les fiançailles et Gulda reste dans son village natal, Telemark Daal. Ole écrit une lettre sa mariée dans laquelle il mentionne la richesse quil apporte avec lui. Gulda commence sinquiéter pour son fiancé.


Edisons Conquest of Mars

Garrett P. Serviss

Every person is interested to know whether there is life on Mars. Garrett Putman Servissis one of the first writers who touched on this topic. This story contains everything unimaginable: the invasion of people on Mars, ingenious inventions, the first space battle, alien abduction. This should be read to each.


The Mystery of the Four Fingers

Fred M. White

The main characters of this story are a wealthy lawyer named Jim Gourdon and his tanned, adventurous friend Gerald Wenner traveling the world who amazes Gurdon and readers with his own story about the alleged millionaire Fenwick, his daughter, and some other noteworthy characters. After all, Fenwick has recently become a millionaire, it seems that posing as another. And his daughter is full of past secrets.


Darius the Great. Ancient Ruler of the Persian Empire

Jacob Abbott

Darius the Great has a historical background, like many other books by Jacob Abbott. The plot of the dramatic series of events in the ancient history of the Middle East. The main character, Darius, is the benchmark for half of humanity, having overcome with many difficulties, namely, the uprisings, he was able to win the trust of humanity. Fascinating story that turned another page of world history.