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John Macnab

John Buchan

Written in 1925, the novel opens with three gentleman friends lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, banker John Palliser-Yeates, and Cabinet member Charles Lord Lamancha discovering that they all suffer a common and debilitating malady, a loss of zest for life, all desperate to relieve the ennui that has engulfed them. The solution can only be something devilish, with a dash of daring. Enlisting the aid of another friend, Scottish landowner Sir Archibald Roylance, the trio contrives a plot to poach game deer or salmon from the hereditary lands of three of Archies Highland neighbors under the guise of an assumed false identity, John Macnab. On this, they stake their reputations and the danger proves innervating. This novel is a light interlude within the Leithen Stories series an evocative look at the hunting, shooting and fishing lifestyle in Highland Scotland.


Demon wyścigów. Powieść sensacyjna

Stanisław Antoni Wotowski

Powieść sensacyjna Demon wyścigów przenosi nas do zamkniętego światka wyścigów konnych przedwojennej Warszawy. Właściciele koni, dżokeje, bukmacherzy i miłośnicy gonitw spotykają się co tydzień na torze wyścigowym na Polu Mokotowskim. Dżokej Grot jeździ w barwach stajni hrabiego Huberta Świtomirskiego. Pewnego dnia otrzymuje od tajemniczego Demona wyścigów propozycję przegrania jednej z gonitw. Ma za to otrzymać okrągłą sumkę. Dżokej jest człowiekiem wyjątkowo uczciwym, dlatego kategorycznie odmawia. Jak co tydzień rusza do walki na grzbiecie swojego ulubieńca faworyta wyścigów Magnusa. Nie spodziewa się, że tajemniczy demon nie pogodził się z odmową i użył sprytnego sposobu, by dżokej i jego ogier przegrali wyścig. Rozpoczyna się długi pojedynek z przeciwnikiem, który nie cofnie się przed niczym, by zrealizować swoje plany...


Rikos ja rangaistus. Kuusiosainen romaani ynnä epilogi

Fjodor Mihailovitš Dostojevski

Rikos ja rangaistus on Fjodor Dostojevskin tunnetuin teos. Vuonna 1866 julkaistu romaani on maailmankirjallisuuden klassikko. Teos käsittelee moraalisia ongelmia, ja siinä on myös salapoliisiromaanin ja rakkaustarinan piirteitä. Keskeisiä teemoja ovat syyllisyydentunto ja anteeksi saaminen katumisen kautta. Kirja kuvaa teon henkisiä ja fyysisiä vaikutuksia Raskolnikoviin. Raskolnikovia vaivaavat syyllisyydentunteet ja vainoharhat siitä, että kaikki epäilevät häntä. Hän tapaa hurskaan prostituoidun, Sonjan, jonka vaikutuksesta lopulta tunnustaa teon ja joutuu kahdeksaksi vuodeksi Siperian pakkotyöleirille, jonne Sonja seuraa häntä.


Legendy warszawskie

Artur Oppman

Zbiór najsłynniejszych legend związanych nieodłącznie z Warszawą. Pojawiają się w nich postaci, które do dziś budują warszawską tożsamość syrenka, bazyliszek czy złota kaczka. Wspomnienia o nich wciąż są widoczne w tkance miasta. Opowieści przenoszą czytelnika w czasy dawnej Warszawy, pokazują życie codzienne jej mieszkańców, a jednocześnie otwierają drzwi do świata fantastyki i cudów.


Again the Ringer

Edgar Wallace

Seventeen short stories featuring that master of disguise, Henry Arthur Milton, known as The Ringer. An exiting page-tuner full of intrigue and mystery, Again the Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875 1932) was a prolific English writer. During his lifetime, he wrote 18 stage plays, 957 short stories, numerous articles in newspapers and journals and over 160 films have been made of his novels. He was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives.


The Green Archer

Edgar Wallace

Another rip-roaring tale from Edgar Wallace, The Green Archer features a beautiful girl looking for the mother from whom she was stolen as a baby, her kindly foster-father, a redheaded journalist, a very secret policeman who is also a master of disguise, an Anglo-Indian petty criminal and his wife, assorted villains and, at the center of it all, Abel Bellamy, a very ugly, very rich man whos bought a Garres Castle in Scotland. Running through it all is the mysterious Green Archer, the castles ghost, who appears to be walking once more. At the opening of the story, The Green Archer is again active. There is a mysterious murder where the victim is left with a green arrow through the heart. A thrilling, hair-raising mystery story.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 14). Ród Rodrigandów. Grobowiec Rodrigandów

Karol May

Przygody bohaterów znanych z serii Ród Rodrigandów tym razem rozegrają się w Prusach, Hiszpanii i Meksyku. Po raz kolejny splatają się losy trapera Sępiego Dzioba, bandyty Cortejo, pirata Landoli i oficera Kurta Ungera. Aresztowania, tajna misja, długa morska podróż, bandyta występujący incognito i śledztwo, które swój finał znajdzie w stolicy Meksyku.


Tajemnica wiecznego życia

Włodzimierz Bełcikowski

Powieść Tajemnica wiecznego życia Włodzimierza Bełcikowskiego utrzymana jest w stylistyce horroru. Opowiada o nadprzyrodzonych wydarzeniach, za którymi stoi William Talmes postać osobliwa, parapsycholog o nieoczekiwanych mocach. Wykorzystuje on swoje zdolności do pomocy ludziom w sytuacjach, w których wszystkie tradycyjne naukowe metody zawodzą.



George Sand

Le roman est réalisé pour le personnage principal, Nanon, une simple paysanne, puis une fille qui a vécu un mode de vie difficile, parfois excitant, lépoque des événements révolutionnaires en France. Limage de lhérone est trop parfaite, elle est gentille, facile utiliser, modeste, travailleuse, déterminée... Elle est prte sacrifier son amour pour le bien-tre dun tre cher


Jack Chanty. A Story of Athabasca

Hulbert Footner

In this tightly plotted novel, we follow the bizarre career of a man who loathes criminals. After Humphrey Challoner finds his wife killed by the bullet of a robber in his home, he vows to catch the man. Mr. Challoner is a wealthy savant, and he saved the fingerprints of the robber as well as some of the robbers strange hair which Challoners wife had in her hand. For twenty years Humphrey hunts for the killer, in the process revenging himself on Londons criminals class in a surprising and gruesome fashion. This Freeman work is not a Dr. Thorndyke mystery. Instead, it is the disturbing account of how a man wreaks vengeance on the miscreant who murdered his wife in a bungled robbery attempt. It also poses the question of how a moral society should deal with criminals.


The Man Who Changed His Name

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

Over her head hung the menace of murder and; of the man who changed his name...Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. The Man Who Changed His Name is a Robert Curtiss adaptation of a screenplay by Edgar Wallace. This story packed with intrigue, mystery, murders, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. An entertaining tale, this book constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime fiction.


Die Bande des Schreckens

Edgar Wallace

Arnold Long war es, der Shelton gejagt hatte. Inspektor Arnold Long stellt dem Gauner Clay Shelton eine Falle. Shelton wird gefangen und zum Tode durch den Strang verurteilt. Bald nach der Vollstreckung scheinen alle für seinen Tod Verantwortlichen von einem Fluch getroffen: Henker, Richter, Ankläger alle sterben unter mysteriösen Umständen. Aber da ist noch Inspektor Long von Scotland Yard. Wird Inspektor Long das nächste Opfer des Fluchs? Kann er der Rache des Toten entgehen?


Mary Queen of Scots

Jacob Abbott

One of those stories that can drop you deep into your soul and feel the moments of the life of Mary Queen. Always considered a threat by the Protestants and the English throne. She didnt have any one to trust, not even her own people. This book explains well the ambiguous personal life of a great but extremely unfortunate woman.


Zig-Zags at the Zoo

Arthur Morrison

Arthur Morrison was a prolific journalist and author best known for his detective fiction that featured the lawyer-detective Martin Hewitt, who was the most successful rival to Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes. His realistic novels and stories are sober in tone, but the characters are portrayed with a Dickensian colorfulness. His attitude toward the people he described was paternalist, rather than radical, and he opposed socialism and the trades-union movement. This was one of a series of humorous articles about the different types of animals at London Zoo, such as a bear, lion, camel, simian, and fish, with the overall title Zig-Zags at the Zoo; all were profusely illustrated with cartoons. Zig Zags at the Zoo was a lighthearted illustrated feature that appeared in Londons Strand Magazine in the 1890s.


Le Capitaine Coutanceau

Émile Gaboriau

Le premier titre du roman La capitaine Coutanceau était La route de Berlin. Cest un livre patriotique du temps de la guerre franco-allemande de 1870. Ici il y a une histoire de vieux grognard, qui est le capitaine Coutanceau et qui raconte ses petits enfants des événements de cette guerre qui démarre alors. Cest la période révolutionnaire de 1792.


The Coming of the Law

Charles Alden Seltzer

Charles Alden Seltzer (15 August 18759 February 1942) was an American writer. He was a prolific author of western novels, had writing credits for more than a dozen film titles, and authored numerous stories published in magazines, most prominently in Argosy. The Coming of the Law is a story of a young eastern newspaper man who goes West to a small town, and takes charge of a run-down newspaper, fights against an association of cattle rustlers for the benefit of the small ranchers, and wins. The hero is very much of a hero and manages to keep the peace and do justice without using his revolver. A little above the average of western stories, interesting, very exciting in parts and with some good local color. This is a western as only Seltzer could write it.


The Lily of the Valley

Honoré de Balzac

Autobiographical and exceptionally romantic, The Lily of the Valley is an 1835 novel about love and society by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (17991850) and is one of his personal favorites among his innumerable novels. The creator of the Human Comedy brings his creative insight to a portrait of a lady and a love affair set in the Loire valley. It concerns the affection emotionally vibrant but never consummated between Felix de Vandenesse and Henriette de Mortsauf. The young and successful Felix, a young man with a dark past always turned away, always unloved, begins a forthright correspondence on the subject of love with Henriette. Her unexpected reply to his candid reminiscences, however, reveals the truth about his lily of the valley and the feminine side of amour.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 17). Ród Rodrigandów. Zmierzch cesarza

Karol May

Wydarzenia epilogu serii rozgrywają się w Meksyku. Aby sprawiedliwości stało się zadość, Gasparino Cortejo i Landola trafiają nareszcie pod sąd. Podobny los spotyka cesarza, którego siedziba w Queretaro zostaje zdobyta, a sam cesarz otrzymuje wyrok śmierci. W stolicy odbywa się również proces w sprawie rodu Rodrigandów. Bohaterowie wracają do Europy.


A Desert Bride. A Story of Adventure in India and Persia

Hume Nisbet

Ronald Makivor and Jack Bangles decided to find the peacock throne of Shah Jehan, who, as they say, Nadir Shah took away from Delhi. Their adventures begin with fleeing wide legs from the rebellious sepoys. Over time, they enter the service of the Afghan prince a model of knightly honor who must have been very unlike his compatriots, unless they are greatly offended by the general message. In his company, they go through amazing experience and see that they are fighting enough to satisfy the most warlike taste.


Auf zwei Planeten. Teil III

Kurd Lasswitz

Der promovierte Physiker und Mathematiker Kurd Laßwitz gilt als Begründer der deutschsprachigen Science Fiction, veröffentlichte daneben jedoch auch zahlreiche Arbeiten zu physikalischen und vor allem philosophischen Fragen. In dem umfangreichen, 1897 erschienenen Roman Auf zwei Planeten, seinem bedeutendsten Werk, schildert der Autor die Ankunft von zunächst friedfertigen Marsbewohnern auf der Erde, die sich allmählich zu einer Invasion entwickelt. Während die Marsianer durch ihre Begegnung mit den Menschen verrohen und entgegen ihrer ursprünglichen Absicht zu Unterdrückern und Besatzern werden, vereint der gemeinsame Feind die Menschen über National- und Standesgrenzen hinweg zum gemeinsamen Widerstand gegen die Fremdherrschaft.


Lukundoo and Other Stories

Edward Lucas White

Lukundoo and Other Stories is one of those stories that are scary to read. The story of a man who breaks a taboo, then bears a cruel punishment. Curse is one of the punishments. The story will appeal to those who are interested in colonial anxiety and horror of the body.


Pan Jowialski. Komedia w czterech aktach prozą

Aleksander Fredro

Na dworze państwa Jowalskich spotykają się przedstawiciele różnych środowisk staropolskiej szlachty, pokolenia oświecenia, romantyzmu oraz ubogich artystów. Co może wyniknąć w takim ciekawym towarzystwie?


Quelques aspects du vertige mondial

Pierre Loti

Dans ce livre publié en 1917, Pierre Loti, le célebre écrivain français de la grande époque et grand voyageur, décrit certains aspects de la Premiere Guerre mondiale. Si vous voulez vous sortir de limage déformée de Loti, exotique et non juif, il vous suffit de lire ces textes qui donnent un éclairage différent et completent la tres bonne édition de Soldats bleus.


Cousin Pons

Honoré de Balzac

Cousin Pons is one of the last and greatest of Balzacs novels of French urban society: a cynical, pessimistic but never despairing consideration of human nature. The book tells the story of Sylvain Pons, a poor moderately successful musician who is swindled by his wealthy relatives when they learn that his collection of art and antiques is worth a fortune. In contrast to his counterpart Cousin Bette, who seeks revenge against those who have humiliated her, Cousin Pons suffers passively as his health deteriorates and he eventually dies. The forces that come into play as Pons end approaches reveal the worst sides of the people around him, and give Balzac ample room to show the rougher side of his Parisians. The author shows how a person without means can be crushed by a society that has no values except material ones.