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Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree

Ernest Bramah

Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years before the authors death. They show the same wit as the earlier ones. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse. The main sequence begins with The Wallet of Kai Lung and ends with Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree; of the posthumous collections, Kai Lung Raises His Voice usefully assembles all the remaining series stories.

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The Golden Scarecrow

Hugh Walpole

Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a childs heart and willingness to believe in something that we dont see, but I think that if you want to give him a chance.

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Cadets of the Dolphin

Fenton Ash

Welcome to the important and meaningful boys adventure novel of Francis Henry Atkins which is The Cadets of the Dolphin. Aubrey, Frank (pseudonym of Francis Henry Atkins) was a British writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. Despite his commercial success at the time, little is known about Atkins personal life.

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A Hidden Enemy

Fenton Ash

We are surrounded by hidden enemies many of them deadly creatures... Meet another short science fiction novel from a British writer of pulp fiction Francis Henry Frank Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-sf Pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

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The Goldfish

Mary Cholmondeley

This was the main characters first professional visit to the Robinsons. Arthur Robinson had a bronchial coryza. He seemed like most selfish people very much in need of a listener, and he poured out his views on art and the form his own message to the world was likely to take.

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The Green Mirror

Hugh Walpole

Mrs. Trenchards figure contains all the jealous stubbornness of a strong parent who does not want to let go of his child. Her strength lies mainly in her ability, as she is understood to be unsympathetic, to impose creative possibilities on those whom she loves, and singles out a caring Catherine as a person whose fate she wants to control. When Katherine agrees to be engaged during the year, she realizes the need to pay any reasonable price to keep her mother and Trenchards.

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His Back Against the Wall

Max Brand

Bad News for Bad Men is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Maxs leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life, they come to life as people we wish we knew personally. People who deal with life by taking an active part instead of just observing as it passes by. Brand along with Zane Grey and Louis LAmour form the holy trinity of western writers. If youve read the other two and not Brand, then youre not experiencing everything the western can be. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre!

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The Great Pandolfo

William J. Locke

Paula Field was a woman who happily suffered from most people. Such a gift as a gift of a song or painting or a solution to acrostic. Consequently, she had many more friends around the world who loved her than it was humanly possible to love her in return. From time to time, the jealous turned around a scorpion and stung her. They called her insincere.

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Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist est un excellent exemple de fiction persuasive. Cest lune des histoires les plus célebres de Charles Dickens. Des personnages comme le maléfique Fagin avec son groupe de voleurs et de méchants. Lhistoire dOliver Twist, orphelin et bombardé par le mal et le malheur. Le roman est sans aucun doute fascinant, avec beaucoup de mysteres et de tournures insidieuses.

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The Secret Power

Marie Corelli

Morgana Royal is a beautiful, rich female fairy, endowed with a powerful mind, has a personal flying ship, communicates wirelessly with representatives of a superior race and reveals the secret of eternal life. But the wild beauty Manella becomes her rival in the fight for the heart of a selfish scientist who dreams of subduing the whole world with his destructive discovery.

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Judasz. Tragedia w czterech aktach

Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer

Czteroaktowa tragedia Kazimierza Przerwy-Tetmajera z 1917 roku. Opowiada historię jednego z apostołów, tytułowego Judasza, którego złe działania autor próbuje racjonalnie uzasadnić. Bohater jest zadłużonym, nieszczęśliwym człowiekiem, pogrążonym w konflikcie ze swoimi dziećmi oraz matką, która w dzieciństwie źle go traktowała. Szuka ukojenia wśród uczniów Jezusa, jednak przez związek z szaloną kobietą rujnuje relacje z pozostałymi apostołami.

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The Secret of Smoking Swamp

T.C. Bridges

Set against a Florida background, this story tells of the adventures of Bill Picton and his young companions who trail a gang of moonshiners through the steaming, sluggish swamp-lands. Fitzgordon had never in his life before been in a tropical swamp, and the very first thing he did was to get both feet tangled in a coil of tough bamboo vine, and come down flat on his face on the wet black muck. The stuff was like rotten sponge, and just as full of water as it would hold. When he gained his feet again he was soaked from his knees to his neck.

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Życie snem. Dramat w trzech aktach

Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Pedro Calderón de la Barca to hiszpański poeta, autor dwóch wielkich dzieł: Wielki teatr świata oraz Życie jest snem. Oba dzieła są dramatami filozoficznymi. Akcja Życie jest snem rozgrywa się w Polsce na dworze królewskim, gdzie na świat przychodzi syn króla Basilia, który według przepowiedni ma być potworem. Król postanawia więc zamknąć go w wieży. Jednak nie jest pewny, czy przepowiednia była prawdziwa.

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Wilkie Collins

The hero of the novel, Armadel, decides how to deceive fate, become loved and fall in love for life. The mysteries of life are the mysteries of love, which are presented to us by the main characters of the novel, and it is up to the readers to decide which characters to side with. A cry of passion or the silent restraint of love this is how the heroes of the novel behave.

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Rycerze Świętej Kingi

Stefan Gębarski

Rycerze Świętej Kingi to historyczna powieść dla młodzieży. Osadzona w dawnych realiach, dostarczała nie tylko rozrywki z wciągającej lektury, ale też wiedzy o polskich dziejach. Stefan Gębarski (18641920) polski nauczyciel, pisarz i redaktor, m.in. tygodnika dla dzieci i młodzieży Przyjaciel Dzieci; także tłumacz literatury francuskiej. Autor wielu znanych powieści dla młodzieży, z których największą popularnością cieszył się m.in. Robinson tatrzański pionierska powieść krajoznawcza rozgrywająca się w Tatrach. Chętnie sięgał też po wątki historyczne z historii Polskiej i powszechnej.

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Mrs. Ames

E.F. Benson

E. F. Bensons subject is always the petty concerns of petty people, but his talent is to make those concerns nearly as important to us as they are to his characters. For us, what happens to Bensons people is also much funnier than it is to them. This is another of Bensons social comedies with women battling it out for social supremacy in the village. Mrs. Ames, first published in 1912, has been described as a forerunner to the authors Mapp and Lucia novels

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Akropolis. Dramat w czterech aktach

Stanisław Wyspiański

Wydarzenia dramatu rozgrywają się w trakcie świąt Wielkiej Nocy w katedrze wawelskiej. Ożywione posągi, dekorujące dotychczas katedrę, wyrażają swoją pewność co do istnienia rezurekcji biologicznej oraz wyższości życia nad śmiercią. Dramat uznawany jest za ideową kontynuację Wesela oraz Wyzwolenia. Łączy polską tradycję z mitologią grecką, która od najmłodszych lat stanowiła fascynację autora.

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Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc

Mark Twain

The name of Joan of Arc became a legend: an illiterate village girl, standing at the head of the French army, delivered her country from English rule and enthroned the king, who later betrayed her. In the novel by Mark Twain, the story of Jeanne her childhood, her victories and death is presented to the reader on behalf of her friend and secretary. This is a story about a great and noble soul, about a disinterested female heart that can withstand any load, even beyond the strength of the mighty of this world.

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Городок Окуров (Gorodok Okurow)

Максим Горький, Maksim Gorki

Максим Горький (1868 2013 1936) принадлежит к числу писателей и мыслителей, определивших образ русской литературы XX века. Великий художник слова, он был и выдающимся литературным критиком, публицистом, издателем. 201eГородок Окуров201d (1909) можно назвать книгой о мещанстве как общественном слое, взятом во всей его сложности и пестроте, со всеми его противоречиями: здесь и зажиточное мещанство, преимущественно торгаши, и беднота слободская, главным образом мастеровые, ремесленники. Уездный 201eгородок Окуров201d отражал типические явления российской действительности периода политической реакции. В нем немало картин, символизирующих общее государственное состояние царской России. Автор стремился показать в ней то, как мещанство принимает революционную бурю 1905 года. Именно на решение этой задачи направлены все структурные элементы повести.

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A Mother in India

Sara Jeannette Duncan

The regiment, as usual, lacked officers, and John had to hold daytime parades three times a week. This story is about a poor guy who tried to do everything to get out of poverty. This story keeps everyone to the end.

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Odprawa posłów greckich

Jan Kochanowski

Jan Kochanowski uważany jest za jednego z najwybitniejszych poetów epoki renesansu w Europie. Jego dramat Odprawa posłów greckich, wydany w 1578 roku, stanowi rozwinięcie jednego z wątków mitu o wojnie trojańskiej. Syn króla Troi uprowadza żonę króla Sparty Helenę. Greccy posłowie żądają zwrotu kobiety, jednak rada trojańska nie zgadza się i rozpoczyna przygotowania do nieuniknionej wojny z Grekami.

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Taps at Reveille

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Taps at Reveille (1935) is a collection of 18 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1935 and dedicated to Fitzgeralds agent Harold Ober. It was the fourth and final collection of short stories Fitzgerald published in his lifetime. It brings together several of his best stories from the late 1920s and early 1930s, including Crazy Sunday, and Babylon Revisited, a story considered by many to be his masterpiece in the genre.

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The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories

Leo Tolstoy

So in this work the reader appears to be one of the companions in the train. At first, there are usual discussions on a common topic, when everyone expresses his opinion, and then, leaving at his station, he remains at his own. But those who go further can hear a frank story about passions, feelings, about the tragedy of one private life. Accurately written about the influence of music. And this moment only emphasizes that the person who so perceives music, deep down in his soul is capable of the strongest experiences. It is not surprising that it was music, observation of what was happening in the soul of musicians during a truly felt performance, that became a powerful impetus to that tragic act.

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Najpiękniejsze utwory. MultiBook

Juliusz Słowacki

Juliusz Słowacki (18091849) to wybitny polski poeta, dramaturg, filozof-wizjoner. Obok Mickiewicza i Krasińskiego uznawany powszechnie za największego przedstawiciela polskiego romantyzmu. Mimo iż żył zaledwie 39 lat, jego twórczość literacka jest obfita i różnorodna. Poeta pozostawił po sobie kilkanaście dramatów, wiele poematów i powieści poetyckich, setki wierszy oraz listów. W multibooku znalazło się 18 największych dzieł autora, takich jak powieść poetycka Jan Bielecki, poematy: Lambro, Żmija, Anhelli, Beniowski. Poema i Król-Duch oraz dramaty: Balladyna, Fantazy, Horsztyński, Kordian, Ksiądz Marek, Książę niezłomny, Lilla Weneda, Maria Stuart, Mazepa, Mindowe, Samuel Zborowski i Sen srebrny Salomei.