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Solidity is among the most popular and contract-oriented programming languages used for writing decentralized applications (DApps) on Ethereum blockchain. If you’re looking to perfect your skills in writing professional-grade smart contracts using Solidity, this book can help.You will get started with a detailed introduction to blockchain, smart contracts, and Ethereum, while also gaining useful insights into the Solidity programming language. A dedicated section will then take you through the different Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) standards, including ERC-20, ERC-223, and ERC-721, and demonstrate how you can choose among these standards while writing smart contracts. As you approach later chapters, you will cover the different smart contracts available for use in libraries such as OpenZeppelin. You’ll also learn to use different open source tools to test, review and improve the quality of your code and make it production-ready. Toward the end of this book, you’ll get to grips with techniques such as adding security to smart contracts, and gain insights into various security considerations. By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to write secure, production-ready smart contracts in Solidity from scratch for decentralized applications on Ethereum blockchain.
Adobe Animate is a platform-agnostic asset creation application that enables you to create motion design and vector animations while facilitating interactivity across other Adobe software such as After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. This book comes packed with explanations of essential concepts and step-by-step walk-throughs of practical examples, guiding you in using Animate to create immersive experiences and breaking the walls of creative limitations.In this third edition, you’ll begin by getting up to speed with the features of Adobe Animate. You'll learn how to set up Animate as a creative platform and explore the enhancements introduced in its most recent versions. The book will show you how to consume and produce media assets for different platforms through the publish and export workflows. You'll explore advanced rigging workflows and discover how to create more dynamic animations with complex depth and movement techniques. As the book demonstrates different ways of channeling your creativity through Animate, you'll be able to build projects such as games, virtual reality experiences, generative art, and apps for various platforms. Finally, this graphic design book covers the different methods used to extend the software to meet various user requirements.By the end of this book, you'll be able to produce a variety of media assets, motion graphic designs, animated artifacts, and interactive content pieces for platforms such as HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, and mobile devices.
Hemang Doshi, Javen Khoo Ai Wee
Following on from the success of its bestselling predecessor, this third edition of the CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide serves as your go-to resource for acing the CISA exam. Written by renowned CISA expert Hemang Doshi, this guide equips you with practical skills and in-depth knowledge to excel in information systems auditing, setting the foundation for a thriving career.Fully updated to align with the 28th edition of the CISA Official Review Manual, this guide covers the latest exam objectives and provides a deep dive into essential IT auditing areas, including IT governance, systems development, and asset protection. The book follows a structured, three-step approach to solidify your understanding. First, it breaks down the fundamentals with clear, concise explanations. Then, it highlights critical exam-focused points to ensure you concentrate on key areas. Finally, it challenges you with self-assessment questions that reflect the exam format, helping you assess your knowledge.Additionally, you’ll gain access to online resources, including mock exams, interactive flashcards, and invaluable exam tips, ensuring you’re fully prepared for the exam with unlimited practice opportunities.By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to pass the CISA exam with confidence and advance your career in auditing.
Learning Python has a dynamic and varied nature. It reads easily and lays a good foundation for those who are interested in digging deeper. It has a practical and example-oriented approach through which both the introductory and the advanced topics are explained. Starting with the fundamentals of programming and Python, it ends by exploring very different topics, like GUIs, web apps and data science. The book takes you all the way to creating a fully fledged application.The book begins by exploring the essentials of programming, data structures and teaches you how to manipulate them. It then moves on to controlling the flow of a program and writing reusable and error proof code. You will then explore different programming paradigms that will allow you to find the best approach to any situation, and also learn how to perform performance optimization as well as effective debugging. Throughout, the book steers you through the various types of applications, and it concludes with a complete mini website built upon all the concepts that you learned.
Ivan Shomnikov, Stanislav Pereyaslov
Want to cost effectively deliver trusted information to all of your crucial business functions? SAP Data Services delivers one enterprise-class solution for data integration, data quality, data profiling, and text data processing. It boosts productivity with a single solution for data quality and data integration. SAP Data Services also enables you to move, improve, govern, and unlock big data. This book will lead you through the SAP Data Services environment to efficiently develop ETL processes. To begin with, you’ll learn to install, configure, and prepare the ETL development environment. You will get familiarized with the concepts of developing ETL processes with SAP Data Services. Starting from smallest unit of work- the data flow, the chapters will lead you to the highest organizational unit—the Data Services job, revealing the advanced techniques of ETL design. You will learn to import XML files by creating and implementing real-time jobs. It will then guide you through the ETL development patterns that enable the most effective performance when extracting, transforming, and loading data. You will also find out how to create validation functions and transforms.Finally, the book will show you the benefits of data quality management with the help of another SAP solution—Information Steward.
You can use the Drupal 7 content management system to build a small business website quickly. You may add blogs, images, maps, e-commerce, social application integration, and more to your site to connect with your customers and make more money from your business.Drupal 7 Business Solutions will give you hands-on practical tutorials on how to build a rich and dynamic website for your business quickly using one of the most popular tools in open source.You'll start by adding blogs and images to your website. Then you'll learn how to add a VIP section to your site so that you can give your logged in users special discounts and other VIP freebies. Next, you will learn to send your customers e-mail newsletters and show them a dynamic events calendar.The book will then teach you to add e-commerce to your site so you can sell your products online. You'll add YouTube videos and Google maps to help enhance your business site. You will then learn to incorporate feedback mechanisms for your customers.The book also explains how to maintain your site, upgrade it, and continue adding dynamic content to it.
Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook
Mischa Koelliker, Eric Elzinga, Mischa K?É?íÂ!?lliker, Jan van Zoggel, ...
Oracle Service Bus 11g is a scalable SOA integration platform that delivers an efficient, standards-based infrastructure for high-volume, mission critical SOA environments. It is designed to connect, mediate, and manage interactions between heterogeneous services, legacy applications, packaged solutions and multiple Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) instances across an enterprise-wide service network. Oracle Service Bus is a core component in the Oracle SOA Suite as a backbone for SOA messaging.This practical cookbook shows you how to develop service and message-oriented (integration) solutions on the Oracle Service Bus 11g.Packed with over 80 task-based and immediately reusable recipes, this book starts by showing you how to create a basic OSB service and work efficiently and effectively with OSB. The book then dives into topics such as messaging with JMS transport, using EJB and JEJB transport, HTTP transport and Poller transports, communicating with the database, communicating with SOA Suite and Reliable Message Processing amongst others. The last two chapters discuss how to achieve message and transport-level security on the OSB.
Unlocking the Power of Auto-GPT and Its Plugins reveals how Auto-GPT is transforming the way we work and live, by breaking down complex goals into manageable subtasks and intelligently utilizing the internet and other tools. With a background as a self-taught full stack developer and key contributor to Auto-GPT’s Inner Team, the author blends unconventional thinking with practical expertise to make Auto-GPT and its plugins accessible to developers at all levels.This book explores the potential of Auto-GPT and its associated plugins through practical applications. Beginning with an introduction to Auto-GPT, it guides you through setup, utilization, and the art of prompt generation. You'll gain a deep understanding of the various plugin types and how to create them. The book also offers expert guidance on developing AI applications such as chat assistants, research aides, and speech companions, while covering advanced topics such as Docker configuration, continuous mode operation, and integrating your own LLM with Auto-GPT.By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for AI application development, plugin creation, setup procedures, and advanced Auto-GPT features to fuel your AI journey.
With the ever-growing proliferation of technology, the risk of encountering malicious code or malware has also increased. Malware analysis has become one of the most trending topics in businesses in recent years due to multiple prominent ransomware attacks. Mastering Malware Analysis explains the universal patterns behind different malicious software types and how to analyze them using a variety of approaches. You will learn how to examine malware code and determine the damage it can possibly cause to your systems to ensure that it won't propagate any further. Moving forward, you will cover all aspects of malware analysis for the Windows platform in detail. Next, you will get to grips with obfuscation and anti-disassembly, anti-debugging, as well as anti-virtual machine techniques. This book will help you deal with modern cross-platform malware. Throughout the course of this book, you will explore real-world examples of static and dynamic malware analysis, unpacking and decrypting, and rootkit detection. Finally, this book will help you strengthen your defenses and prevent malware breaches for IoT devices and mobile platforms. By the end of this book, you will have learned to effectively analyze, investigate, and build innovative solutions to handle any malware incidents.
Swift is an exciting, multi-platform, general-purpose programming language, and with this book, you'll explore the features of its latest version, Swift 5.3.The book begins with an introduction to the basic building blocks of Swift 5.3, its syntax, and the functionalities of Swift constructs. You’ll then discover how Swift Playgrounds provide an ideal platform to write, execute, and debug your Swift code. As you advance through the chapters, the book will show you how to bundle variables into tuples or sets, order your data with an array, store key-value pairs with dictionaries, and use property observers. You’ll also get to grips with the decision-making and control structures in Swift, examine advanced features such as generics and operators, and explore functionalities outside of the standard library. Once you’ve learned how to build iOS applications using UIKit, you'll find out how to use Swift for server-side programming, run Swift on Linux, and investigate Vapor. Finally, you'll discover some of the newest features of Swift 5.3 using SwiftUI and Combine to build adaptive and reactive applications, and find out how to use Swift to build and integrate machine learning models along with Apple’s Vision Framework.By the end of this Swift book, you'll have discovered solutions to boost your productivity while developing code using Swift 5.3.
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit browser with JavaScript API that allows you to create new ways to automate web testing. PhantomJS is currently being used by a large number of users to help them integrate headless web testing into their development processes. It also gives you developers a new framework to create web-based applications, from simple web manipulation to performance measurement and monitoring.A step step-by by-step guide that will help you develop new tools for solving web and testing problems in an effective and quick way. The book will teach you how to use and maximize PhantomJS to develop new tools for web scrapping, web performance measurement and monitoring, and headless web testing. This book will help you understand PhantomJS’ scripting API capabilities and strengths.This book starts by looking at PhantomJS’ JavaScript API, features, and basic execution of scripts. Throughout the book, you will learn details to help you write scripts to manipulate web documents and fully create a web scrapping tool.Through its practical approach, this book strives to teach you by example, where each chapter focuses on the common and practical usage of PhantomJS, and how to extract meaningful information from the web and other services.By the end of the book, you will have acquired the skills to enable you to use PhantomJS for web testing, as well as learning the basics of Jasmine, and how it can be used with PhantomJS.
Mastering Akka. A hands-on guide to build application using the Akka framework
For a programmer, writing multi-threaded applications is critical as it is important to break large tasks into smaller ones and run them simultaneously. Akka is a distributed computing toolkit that uses the abstraction of the Actor model, enabling developers to build correct, concurrent, and distributed applications using Java and Scala with ease. The book begins with a quick introduction that simplifies concurrent programming with actors. We then proceed to master all aspects of domain-driven design. We’ll teach you how to scale out with Akka Remoting/Clustering. Finally, we introduce Conductr as a means to deploy to and manage microservices across a cluster.
In the internet age, where an increasing volume of text data is generated daily from social media and other platforms, being able to make sense of that data is a crucial skill. With this book, you’ll learn how to extract valuable insights from text by building deep learning models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks.Starting by understanding how to install PyTorch and using CUDA to accelerate the processing speed, you’ll explore how the NLP architecture works with the help of practical examples. This PyTorch NLP book will guide you through core concepts such as word embeddings, CBOW, and tokenization in PyTorch. You’ll then learn techniques for processing textual data and see how deep learning can be used for NLP tasks. The book demonstrates how to implement deep learning and neural network architectures to build models that will allow you to classify and translate text and perform sentiment analysis. Finally, you’ll learn how to build advanced NLP models, such as conversational chatbots.By the end of this book, you’ll not only have understood the different NLP problems that can be solved using deep learning with PyTorch, but also be able to build models to solve them.
Cristian Darie, Bogdan Brinzarea
Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials is a practical reference for the client-side library of the ASP.NET AJAX Framework 1.0, and a tutorial for the underlying technologies and techniques required to use the library at its full potential. The main goal of this book is to get you comfortable with the Microsoft AJAX Library, a huge set of functions that can be used for developing powerful client-side functionality.Beginning with a hands-on tour of the basic technologies associated with AJAX, JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest, JSON, and the DOM, you'll move on to a crash course in the Microsoft AJAX tools. You will learn, through numerous step-by-step exercises, how to create basic AJAX applications, how the object-based programming model of JavaScript works, and how Microsoft AJAX Library extends this model. You'll understand the architecture of the Microsoft AJAX components, how they all fit together, and exactly what they can do for you. Then you will learn how to use the Microsoft AJAX Library in your web projects, and a detailed case study will walk you through creating your own customized client components. At every stage of your journey, you'll be able to try out examples to illuminate the theory, and consolidate your understanding. In addition to learning about the client and server controls, you'll also see how to handle errors and debug your AJAX applications.To complement your new found skills, the book ends with a visual reference of the Microsoft AJAX Library namespaces and classes, including diagrams and quick explanations for all the classes mentioned in the book, providing an invaluable reference you will turn to again and again.
spaCy is an industrial-grade, efficient NLP Python library. It offers various pre-trained models and ready-to-use features. Mastering spaCy provides you with end-to-end coverage of spaCy's features and real-world applications.You'll begin by installing spaCy and downloading models, before progressing to spaCy's features and prototyping real-world NLP apps. Next, you'll get familiar with visualizing with spaCy's popular visualizer displaCy. The book also equips you with practical illustrations for pattern matching and helps you advance into the world of semantics with word vectors. Statistical information extraction methods are also explained in detail. Later, you'll cover an interactive business case study that shows you how to combine all spaCy features for creating a real-world NLP pipeline. You'll implement ML models such as sentiment analysis, intent recognition, and context resolution. The book further focuses on classification with popular frameworks such as TensorFlow's Keras API together with spaCy. You'll cover popular topics, including intent classification and sentiment analysis, and use them on popular datasets and interpret the classification results.By the end of this book, you'll be able to confidently use spaCy, including its linguistic features, word vectors, and classifiers, to create your own NLP apps.
Salesforce Anti-Patterns teaches you to spot errors in Salesforce patterns that may seem like a good idea at first but end up costing you dearly. This book will enable Salesforce developers and architects to understand how ingenious Salesforce architectures can be created by studying anti-patterns and solutions to problems that can later lead to serious implementation issues. While there are several books on the market that start with the question, “How do I create great Salesforce architecture?” and proceed to a solution from there, this book instead starts by asking, “What tends to go wrong with Salesforce architectures?” and proceeds to a solution from there.In this book, you’ll find out how to identify and mitigate anti-patterns in the technical domains of system architecture, data architecture, and security architecture, along with anti-patterns in the functional domain of solution architecture as well as for integration architecture. You’ll also learn about common anti-patterns affecting your Salesforce development process and governance and, finally, how to spot common problems in how architects communicate their solutions.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll have gained the confidence to architect and communicate solutions on the Salesforce platform while dodging common mistakes.
Have you ever wanted to integrate phone features into a project you were working on? Maybe you wanted to send SMS messages to your customers about the latest sales? Maybe you want to set up a company directory with voice mail? Or maybe you want to add two factor authentication to your web sites to verify your users? Since Twilio was launched in 2007, developers have had a way to do these tasks. The power of Twilio's API is huge and lets you add any type of phone solution to your web site from 2-factor authentication for verifying your users, to setting up a company directory and a voice mail system. The possibilities are endless.Twilio Cookbook is your Swiss army knife for Twilio development, providing you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises. It helps you take advantage of the real power of the Twilio API, and gives you a good grounding in using it in your websites. This book looks at the Twilio API, and breaks down the mystery and confusion that surrounds adding telephone functionality to your websites. As you go through the recipes, you will learn how to take advantage of the Twilio API quickly and painlessly.You will learn how to build your own IVR system, company directory, and voicemail box, and also how to set up a 2-factor authentication system to verify users, track orders via SMS, send surveys using SMS, allow users to buy phone numbers, set up and delete sub-accounts, and check to see if a human is answering a phone call. We will also combine Twilio with other APIs to build a handy local search system such as a local business search, movie listings search, and web search. If you want to take advantage of using Twilio's API to add telephone functionality to your websites, then this book is for you.Twilio Cookbook' will leave you with a black belt in Twilio development and enable you to integrate the API into your websites.
Tableau is one of the leading data visualization tools and is regularly updated with new functionalities and features. The latest release, Tableau 2019.2, promises new and advanced features related to visual analytics, reporting, dashboarding, and a host of other data visualization aspects. Getting Started with Tableau 2019.2 will get you up to speed with these additional functionalities.The book starts by highlighting the new functionalities of Tableau 2019.2, providing concrete examples of how to use them. However, if you're new to Tableau, you won't have to worry as the book also covers the major aspects of Tableau with relevant examples. You'll learn how to connect to data, build a data source, visualize your data, build a dashboard, and even share data online. In the concluding chapters, you'll delve into advanced techniques such as creating a cross-database join and data blending.By the end of this book, you will be able to use Tableau effectively to create quick, cost-effective, and business-efficient Business Intelligence (BI) solutions.
Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure. Click here to enter text
Microsoft Azure and its Identity and Access Management is at the heart of Microsoft’s Software as a Service, including Office 365, Dynamics CRM, and Enterprise Mobility Management. It is an essential tool to master in order to effectively work with the Microsoft Cloud. Through practical, project based learning this book will impart that mastery.Beginning with the basics of features and licenses, this book quickly moves on to the user and group lifecycle required to design roles and administrative units for role-based access control (RBAC). Learn to design Azure AD to be an identity provider and provide flexible and secure access to SaaS applications. Get to grips with how to configure and manage users, groups, roles, and administrative units to provide a user- and group-based application and self-service access including the audit functionality. Next find out how to take advantage of managing common identities with the Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 and build cloud identities with the Azure AD Connect utility. Construct blueprints with different authentication scenarios including multi-factor authentication. Discover how to configure and manage the identity synchronization and federation environment along with multi -factor authentication, conditional access, and information protection scenarios to apply the required security functionality. Finally, get recommendations for planning and implementing a future-oriented and sustainable identity and access management strategy.
SQL Azure is a database service in the cloud. Based on Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform, SQL Azure is well suited for web facing database applications. Are you interested in moving your business applications and data to the cloud but are not sure how to go about it? Look no further; this book covers all you ever wanted to know about taking your relational enterprise data to the cloud using SQL Azure. This book will show you how to manage SQL Azure using various tools and also guide you in developing enterprise applications and business intelligence solutions. It will take you through migration and synchronization scenarios with a variety of tools, help you in working with Microsoft technology still in incubation, and in leveraging hybrid applications that exist partially in the cloud and partially on the ground.This step-by-step tutorial begins by providing an overview of Cloud Computing, introducing you to the most significant Cloud Computing implementations. You will then learn the mechanics of signing up and obtaining an account on Microsoft Windows Azure and logging into the portal.The book then dives deep into SQL Azure, showing you how to provision a SQL Azure Server, and how to create/delete databases as well as set up Firewall rules so that you can access SQL Azure from tools/Client programs. It is then followed by details of how to access SQL Azure using Client and Server APIs.Other content includes, a comprehensive description of tools required to access SQL Azure and how to use them and how to populate and migrate SQL Azure databases using a variety of tools.Finally, the book will detail with examples, data-centric applications that leverage a mix of on-site data and Cloud based data, how to synchronize data and extend the applicability of SQL Azure data by disconnected applications on mobile media, and synchronize services for globally distributed data. After covering the topics of services which are in production, the book will then cover future developments as well as a complete update to SQL Azure at the time of writing this book.
Power Apps Component Framework is used by professional developers to extend the capabilities of model-driven and canvas apps. Extending Microsoft Power Apps with Power Apps Component Framework will take you through the basic as well as advanced topics using practical examples.The book starts by helping you understand the fundamentals of the framework, its lifecycle, and the tools that you'll use to build code components using best practices and file management guidelines. You'll then learn how to extend Power Apps step by step and apply the principles and concepts covered in the book to build code components for field type attributes. The book covers different ways of debugging code components and guides you through the process of building code components for datasets. You'll also explore the functions and methods provided by the framework to enhance your controls using powerful sets of libraries and extensions. As you advance, you'll get to grips with creating and managing authentication profiles, discover different ways of deploying code components, and configure code components in model-driven and canvas apps. Finally, you'll learn some of the important features of the framework and learn modern web development practices.By the end of this Power Apps book, you'll be able to build, debug, enrich, and deploy code components confidently.