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Simulation for Data Science with R. Effective Data-driven Decision Making

Matthias Templ

Data Science with R aims to teach you how to begin performing data science tasks by taking advantage of Rs powerful ecosystem of packages. R being the most widely used programming language when used with data science can be a powerful combination to solve complexities involved with varied data sets in the real world.The book will provide a computational and methodological framework for statistical simulation to the users. Through this book, you will get in grips with the software environment R. After getting to know the background of popular methods in the area of computational statistics, you will see some applications in R to better understand the methods as well as gaining experience of working with real-world data and real-world problems. This book helps uncover the large-scale patterns in complex systems where interdependencies and variation are critical. An effective simulation is driven by data generating processes that accurately reflect real physical populations. You will learn how to plan and structure a simulation project to aid in the decision-making process as well as the presentation of results.By the end of this book, you reader will get in touch with the software environment R. After getting background on popular methods in the area, you will see applications in R to better understand the methods as well as to gain experience when working on real-world data and real-world problems.

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The Python Workshop. Write Python code to solve challenging real-world problems - Second Edition

Corey Wade, Mario Corchero Jiménez, Andrew Bird, Dr. Lau Cher Han, ...

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s ideal for beginners because it’s easy to read and write, and for developers, because it’s widely available with a strong support community, extensive documentation, and phenomenal libraries – both built-in and user-contributed.This project-based course has been designed by a team of expert authors to get you up and running with Python. You’ll work though engaging projects that’ll enable you to leverage your newfound Python skills efficiently in technical jobs, personal projects, and job interviews. The book will help you gain an edge in data science, web development, and software development, preparing you to tackle real-world challenges in Python and pursue advanced topics on your own. Throughout the chapters, each component has been explicitly designed to engage and stimulate different parts of the brain so that you can retain and apply what you learn in the practical context with maximum impact.By completing the course from start to finish, you’ll walk away feeling capable of tackling any real-world Python development problem.

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Offline First Web Development. Design and build robust offline-first apps for exceptional user experience even when an internet connection is absent

Daniel Sauble

When building mobile apps, it’s easy to forget about the moments when your users lack a good Internet connection. Put your phone in airplane mode, open a few popular apps, and you’ll quickly see how they handle being offline. From Twitter to Pinterest to Apple Maps, some apps might handle being offline better—but very few do it well. A poor offline experience will result in frustrated users who will abandon your app, or worse, turn to your competitor’s appsExpert or novice, this book will teach you everything you need to know about designing and building a rigorous offline app experience. By putting the offline experience first, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon, avoiding the unnecessary stress and frustration of trying to retrofit offline capabilities into your finished app. This basic principle, designing for the worst-case scenario, could save you countless hours of wasted effort.

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Instant EdgeSight for XenApp. Effective, practical instructions to monitor your Citrix XenApp servers using EdgeSight 5.4

Vaqar Hasan

EdgeSight 5.4 is the most comprehensive performance management and reporting solution for the Citrix XenApp infrastructure. Administrators have real-time visibility of session-level performance and visibility of key metrics such as profile load time, login script execution, and so on. It also contains several tools to monitor the XenApp servers and can alert the administrator when the specified alert conditions are met.This book will help you to become proficient in monitoring and generating reports for your Citrix XenApp servers. You will start by setting up the environment for EdgeSight. The book will then go on to discuss the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the EdgeSight server.Instant EdgeSight for XenApp contains clear and step-by-step exercises which will help you learn how to use EdgeSight quickly and painlessly. You will install EdgeSight and its agents and learn how to configure server settings, user groups and authentication, and alerts. You will also learn how to manage the real-time dashboard and reports, monitor Citrix license usage and reports, and troubleshoot common issues.This book starts with the basics of introducing the EdgeSight component into your infrastructure before moving on to more advanced topics such as troubleshooting. Readers will learn how to use the EdgeSight tools for day-to-day administration tasks as well as how to efficiently monitor the XenApp servers to achieve best performance for their end users.

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Learning QGIS. Create great maps and perform geoprocessing tasks with ease - Third Edition

Anita Graser

QGIS is a user-friendly open source geographic information system (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows. The popularity of open source geographic information systems and QGIS in particular has been growing rapidly over the last few years.Learning QGIS Third Edition is a practical, hands-on guide updated for QGIS 2.14 that provides you with clear, step-by-step exercises to help you apply your GIS knowledge to QGIS. Through clear, practical exercises, this book will introduce you to working with QGIS quickly and painlessly.This book takes you from installing and configuring QGIS to handling spatial data to creating great maps. You will learn how to load and visualize existing spatialdata and create data from scratch. You will get to know important plugins, perform common geoprocessing and spatial analysis tasks and automate them with Processing.We will cover how to achieve great cartographic output and print maps. Finally, you will learn how to extend QGIS using Python and even create your own plugin.

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Blockchain for Decision Makers. A systematic guide to using blockchain for improving your business

Romain Tormen

In addition to cryptocurrencies, blockchain-based apps are being developed in different industries such as banking, supply chain, and healthcare to achieve digital transformation and enhance user experience. Blockchain is not only about Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, but also about different technologies such as peer-to-peer networks, consensus mechanisms, and cryptography. These technologies together help sustain trustless environments in which digital value can be transferred between individuals without intermediaries.This book will help you understand the basics of blockchain such as consensus protocols, decentralized applications, and tokenization. You'll focus on how blockchain is used today in different industries and the technological challenges faced while implementing a blockchain strategy. The book also enables you, as a decision maker, to understand blockchain from a technical perspective and evaluate its applicability in your business. Finally, you'll get to grips with blockchain frameworks such as Hyperledger and Quorum and their usability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned about the current use cases of blockchain and be able to implement a blockchain strategy on your own.

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Multiplayer Game Development with Unreal Engine 5. Create compelling multiplayer games with C++, Blueprints, and Unreal Engine's networking features

Marco Secchi

If you’re fascinated by the immersive gaming experiences that enable multiple users to engage in collaborative or competitive gameplay, this Unreal Engine 5 game development book is for you.In this book, you’ll learn the foundational principles behind multiplayer games. Starting with a sample project, you’ll learn how to set up a networked system and make it work. Once the prototype of the project is functional, you’ll start adding game logic, including obstacles and AI opponents, to heighten the challenges and engagement, offering a captivating experience for players. Next, you’ll learn how to debug and optimize the project, before finally deploying the game build and integrating it with cloud services such as the Epic Online Services system.By the end of this book, you’ll have the confidence to develop and manage multiplayer experiences using the Unreal Engine environment, taking your newfound programming skills in your upcoming projects.

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Professional Image Editing Made Easy with Affinity Photo. Apply Affinity Photo fundamentals to your workflows to edit, enhance, and create great images

Jeremy Hazel

In this book, you’ll explore the Affinity Photo program through practice-based learning as you make popular photo edits, learning the tools and techniques in conjunction with the workflow concept. Instead of comprehensive description of the tools, you’ll learn through practical application and understand why they work, not just how they work. This is neither a technical manual nor a workbook but a project-based hybrid approach that provides a deeper understanding of how to use each tool to achieve your goal.Starting with the fundamentals of navigating the interface, understanding layers, and making your first edit, this Affinity Photo book gradually increases the complexity of projects. You’ll go from single-layer edits, composites, and RAW development to putting together a complex composition using the tools that you've learned along the way. Additionally, you’ll learn the best practices used by expert photo editors for a flawless finish.By the end of this book, you’ll have a good body of work, be able to evaluate the edits you want to make, and achieve desired results with Affinity Photo.

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Simplifying State Management in React Native. Master state management from hooks and context through to Redux, MobX, XState, Jotai and React Query

Aleksandra Desmurs-Linczewska, Kadi Kraman

Managing state in a React Native app can be challenging as it is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp while learning React Native. This is because there are so many ways to do it, and because there is a lack of clear guidelines on what should be used and why.Simplifying State Management in React Native is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to creating robust React Native apps that will have you up to speed in no time. You’ll get to grips with the different state management strategies and libraries available. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll try out different solutions, as well as compare and choose which solution is perfectly suited to your future projects and personal preferences. Finally, you’ll create a social media clone app using all the concepts and examples that you’ve learned in this book.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to take on existing projects that use various state management strategies and libraries, and confidently make decisions about state management.

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Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide. Quickly produce engaging motion and rich interactivity with Adobe Edge Preview 4 and above with this book and

Joseph Labrecque

With the advent of HTML5 and CSS3, web designers can now create sophisticated animations without the need of additional plugins such as Flash. However, there hasn't been an easy way for creating animations with web standards until now. This book enables even those with little knowledge of HTML or programming web content to freely create a variety of rich compositions involving motion and interactivity.Learning Adobe Edge will quickly get you up and running with this professional authoring software to create highly engaging content which targets HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Content created in Adobe Edge does not rely on a plugin ñ so it can be run within any standard browserñ even on mobile.Learning Adobe Edge begins with an overview of the shifting web landscape and the Edge application. We then move on through the variety of panels and toolsets available, and explore the many options we have when creating motion and interactivity using Edge.The book presents the reasoning behind engaging, standards-based web content and how Edge fills the need for professional tooling in this area. In the book we'll examine content creation and how to achieve fluid animation and advanced transitioning through the Edge timeline. Sprinkled throughout the book are tips and references for those coming to Edge from a background in Flash Professional. Whether you are coming to Edge from Flash Professional or are totally new to motion graphics on the web, Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide provides a solid foundation of motion and interactivity concepts and techniques along with a set of demo assets to build upon.

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Practical gRPC. Build highly-connected systems with a framework that can run on any platform

Joshua B. Humphries, David Konsumer, David Muto, Robert Ross, ...

While building systems that contain several components, you need a framework that is fast and has minimal network overhead. gRPC is one such open-source tool that is quickly becoming popular and gaining popularity with programmers.Practical gRPC introduces you to gRPC and explains how it compares and contrasts with similar technologies. You’ll be introduced to key technologies such as Protocol Buffers, and work your way up from basic gRPC usage, all the way through to its more advanced capabilities. You’ll learn the best practices for defining and evolving your gRPC APIs, and discover how different tools can be leveraged to get the most out of gRPC and even extend it.By the end of this book, you'll have all the information you need to get started building systems with gRPC.

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Linux Kernel Debugging. Leverage proven tools and advanced techniques to effectively debug Linux kernels and kernel modules

Kaiwan N Billimoria

The Linux kernel is at the very core of arguably the world’s best production-quality OS. Debugging it, though, can be a complex endeavor.Linux Kernel Debugging is a comprehensive guide to learning all about advanced kernel debugging. This book covers many areas in-depth, such as instrumentation-based debugging techniques (printk and the dynamic debug framework), and shows you how to use Kprobes. Memory-related bugs tend to be a nightmare – two chapters are packed with tools and techniques devoted to debugging them. When the kernel gifts you an Oops, how exactly do you interpret it to be able to debug the underlying issue? We’ve got you covered. Concurrency tends to be an inherently complex topic, so a chapter on lock debugging will help you to learn precisely what data races are, including using KCSAN to detect them. Some thorny issues, both debug- and performance-wise, require detailed kernel-level tracing; you’ll learn to wield the impressive power of Ftrace and its frontends. You’ll also discover how to handle kernel lockups, hangs, and the dreaded kernel panic, as well as leverage the venerable GDB tool within the kernel (KGDB), along with much more.By the end of this book, you will have at your disposal a wide range of powerful kernel debugging tools and techniques, along with a keen sense of when to use which.

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Automotive Cybersecurity Engineering Handbook. The automotive engineer's roadmap to cyber-resilient vehicles

Dr. Ahmad MK Nasser

Replete with exciting challenges, automotive cybersecurity is an emerging domain, and cybersecurity is a foundational enabler for current and future connected vehicle features. This book addresses the severe talent shortage faced by the industry in meeting the demand for building cyber-resilient systems by consolidating practical topics on securing automotive systems to help automotive engineers gain a competitive edge.The book begins by exploring present and future automotive vehicle architectures, along with relevant threats and the skills essential to addressing them. You’ll then explore cybersecurity engineering methods, focusing on compliance with existing automotive standards while making the process advantageous. The chapters are designed in a way to help you with both the theory and practice of building secure systems while considering the cost, time, and resource limitations of automotive engineering. The concluding chapters take a practical approach to threat modeling automotive systems and teach you how to implement security controls across different vehicle architecture layers.By the end of this book, you'll have learned effective methods of handling cybersecurity risks in any automotive product, from single libraries to entire vehicle architectures.

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Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python. Leverage geospatial data analysis and modeling to find unique solutions to environmental problems

David S. Jordan

Data scientists, when presented with a myriad of data, can often lose sight of how to present geospatial analyses in a meaningful way so that it makes sense to everyone. Using Python to visualize data helps stakeholders in less technical roles to understand the problem and seek solutions. The goal of this book is to help data scientists and GIS professionals learn and implement geospatial data science workflows using Python.Throughout this book, you’ll uncover numerous geospatial Python libraries with which you can develop end-to-end spatial data science workflows. You’ll learn how to read, process, and manipulate spatial data effectively. With data in hand, you’ll move on to crafting spatial data visualizations to better understand and tell the story of your data through static and dynamic mapping applications. As you progress through the book, you’ll find yourself developing geospatial AI and ML models focused on clustering, regression, and optimization. The use cases can be leveraged as building blocks for more advanced work in a variety of industries.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to tackle random data, find meaningful correlations, and make geospatial data models.

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Hudson 3 Essentials. Here is a book that makes life easier for Java developers or administrators by teaching you how to automate application testing using Hudson 3. Fast-paced and hands-on, the guide covers everything from installation to writing plugins

Lloyd H. Meinholz

Continuous integration (CI) with automated test execution has been widely adopted in recent years. The concept behind CI has changed how companies look at Build Management, Release Management, Deployment Automation, and Test Orchestration. Hudson is a CI solution that provides executives, business managers, software developers, and architects with a better sense of the development progress and code quality of projects throughout their development life cycle.A fast-paced and hands-on introduction to the key features of Hudson 3. You will be introduced to tools that can be used to improve the quality of software development projects. You will also learn how to install and secure Hudson in a variety of IT environments. Staring with a brief introduction to Hudson and how it helps many IT organizations deliver high quality software, Hudson 3 Essentials will show you how Hudson can be installed and deployed in various environments. You will also be guided through the different methods of securing your Hudson installation. Moving on from the basics, you will be introduced to several important Hudson plugins and learn how to extend its functionality by developing your own plugins. You will be shown how Hudson can be used to build different types of applications and how it can deploy a web application to an application server. Finally, you will discover how Hudson can be used to perform automated testing on software applications, and how to generate reports that describe the results.

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VMware vSphere 5.1 Cookbook. If you prefer practice to theory then this is the ideal book for learning how to install and configure VMware vSphere components. Packed with recipes, it's a hands-on tutorial and reference guide for this unbeatable virtualization product

Abhilash G B

Amidst all the recent competition from Citrix and Microsoft, VMware's vSphere product line is still the most feature rich and futuristic product in the virtualization industry. Knowing how to install and configure vSphere components is important to give yourself a head start towards virtualization using VMware.If you want to quickly grasp the installation and configuration procedures, especially by using the new vSphere 5.1 web client, this book is for you.VMware vSphere 5.1 Cookbook will take you through all the steps required to accomplish a task with minimal reading required. Most of the tasks are accompanied with relevant screenshots with an intention to provide a visual guidance as well.The book has many useful recipes that will help you progress through the installation of VMware ESXi 5.1 and vCenter Server 5.1. You will learn to use Auto Deploy and Image Profiles to deploy stateless/stateful ESXi servers, configure failover protection for virtual machines using vSphere HA, configure automated load balancing using vSphere DRS and DPM.Finally, the book guides you through upgrading or patching ESXi servers using VMware Update Manager and also deploying and configuring vSphere Management Assistant (VMA) to be able to run scripts to manage the ESXi servers.

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Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents. Turn your Raspberry Pi into your very own secret agent toolbox with this set of exciting projects! 

Stefan Sjogelid

Ever wished you could play around with all the neat gadgets your favorite spies use (like James Bond or Michael Westen)? With the introduction of the remarkable Raspberry Pi and a few USB accessories, anybody can now join in on the action.Discover how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a multipurpose secret agent tool! Through a series of fun, easy-to-follow projects you'll learn how to set up audio/video surveillance, explore your Wi-Fi network, play pranks on your friends, and even learn how to free your Raspberry Pi from the constraints of the wall socket.Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents starts out with the initial setup of your Raspberry Pi, guides you through a number of pranks and secret agent techniques, and then shows you how to apply what you've learned out in the real world.Learn how to configure your operating system for maximum mischief and start exploring the audio, video, and Wi-Fi projects. Learn how to record, listen, or talk to people from a distance and how to distort your voice. You can even plug in your webcam and set up a motion detector with an alarm, or find out what the other computers on your Wi-Fi network are up to. Once you've mastered the techniques, combine them with a battery pack and GPS for the ultimate off-road spy kit.

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Microsoft System Center 2012 Service Manager Cookbook

Samuel Erskine (EUR), Dieter Gasser, Anders Asp, Steve Beaumont, ...

Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM) offers enterprises a complete, integrated platform for automating and adapting IT Service Management best practices to your organization's requirements.Microsoft System Center Service Manager Cookbook provides you with real-world, immediately usable recipes which will show you how to configure and administer System Center Service Manager 2012 and understand how to solve particular problems and scenarios to take this tool further.In Microsoft System Center Service Manager Cookbook, you will get to grips with practical recipes which will show you how to configure and administer System Center Service Manager 2012. This cookbook features distinct recipes on the practical implementation of ITSM Frameworks and Processes, Microsoft System Center 2012 Service Manager Administration, how to configure Service Level Agreements (SLAs). It will also cover incident and problem management, the design of change and release management as well as implementing and editing security roles.

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C# 8 and .NET Core 3 Projects Using Azure. Build professional desktop, mobile, and web applications that meet modern software requirements - Second Edition

Paul Michaels, Dirk Strauss, Jas Rademeyer

.NET Core is a general-purpose, modular, cross-platform, and opensource implementation of .NET. The latest release of .NET Core 3 comes with improved performance and security features, along with support for desktop applications. .NET Core 3 is not only useful for new developers looking to start learning the framework, but also for legacy developers interested in migrating their apps. Updated with the latest features and enhancements, this updated second edition is a step-by-step, project-based guide.The book starts with a brief introduction to the key features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3.You'll learn to work with relational data using Entity Framework Core 3, before understanding how to use ASP.NET Core. As you progress, you’ll discover how you can use .NET Core to create cross-platform applications. Later, the book will show you how to upgrade your old WinForms apps to .NET Core 3. The concluding chapters will then help you use SignalR effectively to add real-time functionality to your applications, before demonstrating how to implement MongoDB in your apps. Finally, you'll delve into serverless computing and how to build microservices using Docker and Kubernetes.By the end of this book, you'll be proficient in developing applications using .NET Core 3.

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