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Die Colonie. Brasilianisches Lebensbild

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816 1872) führte von der Wiege bis zur Bahre ein bewegtes Leben. Gerstäcker, in Hamburg geboren, war es bereits in frühen Jahren aufgrund der Rezeption einschlägiger Literatur, wie zum Beispiel von Defoes Robinson Crusoe, ein dringendes Bedürfnis, ferne Länder zu bereisen und zu entdecken. 1837 fasste er den Entschluss, seinen Wunsch wahr zu machen und wanderte von Bremerhaven aus nach Amerika aus. Nach einigen Jahren jedoch führte ihn sein Weg zurück nach Deutschland, wo er seine Erfahrungen, die er im fremden Land gemacht hatte, niederschrieb und sehr schnell zu einem beliebten Autor avancierte. In den darauffolgenden Jahren unternahm er weitere Reisen, unter anderem nach Afrika, Südamerika und in die Goldsucher-Regionen rund um Kalifornien. Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen, die ihn zu einem der meistgelesenen und bekanntesten Autoren Deutschlands machten. Die Colonie erschien erstmals 1864. Gerstäcker verarbeitet in diesem Buch die Erfahrungen und Eindrücke seiner Südamerikareisen.


The Life and Death of King John

William Shakespeare

King John Shakespearean chronicles of the reign of such a historical figure as John Landless. John becomes king of England, bypassing his nephew Arthur, who has completely legal rights to the throne. Arthur, supported by his mother Constance, asks for the help of the King of France, Philip. King Philip goes to John by war.


The Scarlet Plague

Jack London

Books about the future are always interesting to read in order to reflect on what may await us if we do not take certain actions. Usually we imagine that in many years science and technology will reach a new level, people will become more and more developed both physically and mentally, but Jack London in his novel shows a completely different world in which there is no science, medicine is replaced by quackery, and people become worse and worse, gradually sinking morally. Mockery and ridicule of anyone is now normal entertainment for them, their vocabulary is very limited, and their knowledge is scarce.


Eves Island

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. This novel is framed as several witness accounts to a fictious journalist and starts as an entertaining adventure yarn with even some pirate episodes, but the story looses steam at the half-way point when it turns into a very predictable society novel. Wallace follows his passions for horse-racing and adventure, and the title character in all his generosity and extravagance is clearly autobiographical. The story of a man who founds his own colony on an uninhibited island, returns to England to find true love and manages to keep the island out of the hands of various foreign powers.


The Riddle of the Purple Emperor

Thomas W. Hanshew

Hamilton Cleek, once known to Scotland Yard as The Vanishing Cracksman is a reformed crook turned detective. He has a gift for both deduction and impersonation, a curious combination of Sherlock Holmes and Peter Sellars, which he uses to solve mysteries. After a long Channel crossing, Cleek drives a lady home only to discover her aunt has been murdered. But the mystery has only just begun. It leads to a mysterious and sinister chain of events, which Cleek and Superintendent Maverick Narkom of Scotland Yard attempt to unravel, with, of course, the help of the irrepressible and ever-hungry Dollops, Cleeks cockney sidekick. As excitingly improbable a detective story as ever baffled and allured the breathless reader, The Riddle of the Purple Emperor has all the thrills of adventure and murder and hate and love embroidered on the groundwork of a plot as precisely worked out as a problem in mathematics.


Baśnie i opowieści

Hans Christian Andersen

Zbiór ponad 40 baśni i opowieści Hansa Christiana Andersena, stanowiących klasykę światowej literatury dziecięcej. W zbiorze zamieszczono najpopularniejsze baśnie, jak np. Brzydkie Kaczątko, Dzikie łabędzie, Calineczka, Królowa Śniegu i Mała Syrena, a także wiele innych nieco mniej popularnych utworów. Każdy przekaże najmłodszym czytelnikom ważne prawdy moralne, wzruszy, zadziwi, a czasem również rozbawi.


Victory. An Island Tale

Joseph Conrad

This is an exciting, atmospheric work that works on several levels: partly a story of tropical adventures, partly a melodramatic novel, partly a psychological thriller, partly a criticism of the empire. Axel Heist lives on an island in present-day Indonesia with a Chinese aide Wang. Heist visits a nearby island when a womens group plays in a hotel owned by Mr. Schomberg. Schomberg tries to impose himself sexually on one of the band members, Alma, later named Lena. She runs with Heist back to his island and they become lovers


Błękitno-purpurowy Matuzalem. Powieść chińska

Karol May

Karol May rzadko zabiera czytelników do Chin, więc tym bardziej warto skorzystać z nadarzającej się okazji i odwiedzić z grupą podróżników ten niezwykły kraj. Emocji i ekscytujących przygód jak zwykle nie zabraknie, a dodatkową atrakcją będzie specyficzna sceneria Państwa Środka. Wraz z podróżnikami zanurzymy się w chińskiej kulturze i religii oraz zachwycimy chińskimi krajobrazami.


The Counts Chauffeur. Being the Confessions of George Ewart, Chauffeur to Count Bindo Di Ferraris

William Le Queux

When I was fourteen, we moved to London with my father. He became an agent on Wood Street, City, representing a large silk maker in Lyon. At the age of twenty, I worked in an office with dusty books and a large armchair that I did not really like. I was always interested in mechanics, but my father did not perceive her as a profession and wanted me to walk in his footsteps.


Riders of the Silences

Max Brand

Riders of the Silences was written under the pseudonym of John Frederick. The story is a Western saga based in part on Arthurian legends. Pierre le Rouge, the bastard child of Martin Ryder and his red-haired mistress, was sent off as an infant to be raised by Canadian friars. When his father sends for him after being wounded by the legendary gunman McGurk, Pierre races eight hundred miles to Martins side, determined to avenge his fathers attack. This Western from prolific author Max Brand is a classic revenge story that is sure to please readers who are hankering for a solid dose of action-packed adventure.


The Faith of Men and Other Stories

Jack London

This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. This story is not about mans courage, but about his weakness for money, his passion for profit. And such a passion destroys man in man. And then there is nothing left but money. Money money money... there is nothing in the head but them.


Inselwelt. Band III

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Friedrich Gerstäcker führte von der Wiege bis zur Bahre ein bewegtes Leben. Als Sohn eines gefeierten Tenors wurde ihm die Reiselust quasi in die Wiege gelegt. Er war ein Erzähler von außerordentlich spannenden und farbenprächtigen Abenteuerromanen, die jedoch stets belehrende Momente in der Landschafts- und Kulturschilderung beinhalten. Inselwelt bestehen aus zwei Bänden. Der erste Band Inselwelt. Indische Skizzen und der zweite Band Inselwelt. Australische Skizzen.


The Second Deluge

Garrett P. Serviss

The protagonist is a rich scientist who predicts the onset of a new flood due to the passage of the Earth through a nebula. Instead of panic, people had laughter, because no one believed in his words. They thought he was crazy. While everyone was laughing, the mad scientist built the ark. The rains did not stop. The world is sinking, but will the main character survive?


LInvasion de la mer

Jules Verne

En Afrique du Nord, selon le plan des autorités françaises, un projet visant créer une mer artificielle au Sahara est en préparation. Ils sont déj en train de creuser un canal et denvoyer des expéditions dans le désert pour étudier le relief, mais une bande dindigenes sauvages mécontents de ce projet font tout pour que cela ne se matérialise pas. Le livre entier est un voyage en train de Tiflis Pékin en train et une breve description des villes.


Czeki bez pokrycia

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Hrabia Jan Nawrecki to dandys i karierowicz. Piastuje urząd posła na sejm, stara się o stanowisko ambasadora. Romansuje jednocześnie z dwiema pięknymi kobietami. Rosjanka, Ewelina Nikolska jest w nim prawdziwie zakochana. Księżna Nelly Ozierowska wykorzystuje tylko jego pozycję i koneksje do ratowania rodzinnego majątku przed bankructwem. Jak zachowa się główny bohater? Czy doceni to co szlachetne i wartościowe, czy też okaże się bezdusznym, zainteresowanym jedynie własną karierą i materialnymi korzyściami, cynikiem wystawiającym i przyjmującym czeki bez pokrycia? Gigantyczne malwersacje finansowe, pozorowana śmierć, afera szpiegowska wszystkie te elementy składają się na dynamiczną i zaskakującą fabułę książki Czeki bez pokrycia.


Paula Monti ou lHôtel Lambert

Eugene Sue

Chapitres tres courts. Pourquoi courber ton front plus bas que de coutume? Quel mal avons-nous fait, pour ne plus nous cherir? Vois, la lampe palit, latre scintille et fume; Si tu ne parles pas, le feu qui se consume, Et la lampe, et nous deux, nous allons tous mourir


The Mesmerists Victim

Alexandre Dumas

Set in Paris during the French Revolution, The Mesmerists Victim tells the story of two star-crossed lovers whose romance blooms at an extremely inopportune moment in European history. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will they be swallowed up in the tumult of radical political and social change? The Mesmerists Victim is the second in Dumas fictional series on the French Revolution. The story continues the tale where Memoirs of a Physician left off. This is the second in Dumas series on the retelling of the French Revolution. Alexandre Dumas was a French writer whose works have been translated into nearly 100 languages. His historical novels include The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, The Corsican Brothers, and The Man in the Iron Mask.


Le Collier de la reine

Alexandre Dumas pere

Le Collier de la Reine est un roman fascinant écrit par Alexandre Dumas. De nombreuses actions se déroulent ici: la reine tombe amoureuse, tricheur cardinal, la comtesse assigne des diamants et Cagliostro prédit lavenir. Le roman daventure contient de vrais événements historiques, ce qui le rend plus intéressant. Un vrai pazzle pour le lecteur.



Georg Ebers, Mary J. Safford

Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.


Sodome et Gomorrhe

Marcel Proust

La partie principale du roman est consacrée au deuxieme et éventuellement au dernier voyage du héros Balbec. Encore Verdureny, Cambrera, mais au lieu de Charles et Odette maintenant Marseille et Albertina. Tout rappelle au héros et sa mere la grand-mere décédée. Plus ils sont douloureux dans cet endroit. Et, bien sr, le dreyfusarstvo-anti-drifusarisme, le sémitisme / antisémitisme / le nationalisme sont touchés.


The Phantom Car

Fred M. White

Sebastian Wilde really was a great man. He seemed to be paralysed from his hips downwards, which, indeed, was the case, though his arms were vigorous enough and his affliction had not robbed him of the brightness of his eyes or blunted the edge of his amazing intellect. He had no friends and visitors; he was pleased, in his words, to work quietly on the task of his life and, perhaps, when this is completed, he can go out of his obscurity and again take his place in the great world. However, what could such a noble person hide?


Der beiden Quitzows letzte Fahrten

Karl May

Der beiden Quitzows letzte Fahrten. Historischer Roman aus der Jugendzeit des Hauses Hohenzollern von Karl May erschien von November 1876 bis Juni 1877 in der Zeitschrift Feierstunden am häuslichen Heerde und war die Fortsetzung des von Friedrich Axmann geschriebenen Romans Fürst und Junker. Der Roman spielt in den Jahren 1411 bis 1414, einer Zeit, in der der Burggraf Friedrich von Zollern im Auftrag des Kaisers die politischen Wirren und die damit verbundene Unsicherheit in der Mark Brandenburg zu beenden suchte. Die alteingesessenen Familien (hauptsächlich Quitzow, Holtzendorff und Gans von Putlitz) waren jedoch nicht bereit, sich ihm unterzuordnen...



Тарас Григорович Шевченко

«Кобзар» 2013 збірка поетичних творів великого українського поета Т.Г. Шевченка, книга, яку український народ вважає своєю «святинею». Дивовижна історія цієї книги. Поезії, що входять до неї, складались на протязі нелегкого життєвого шляху автора, створювались то в мандрівках, то в казематах, при світлі білих ночей Півночі і під самотнім сонцем вигнання в пісках закаспійських пустель. Збірка формувалася поступово, крок за кроком, рік за роком, формувало її саме поетове життя, життя великого українського кріпака Тараса Шевченка 2013 від його юності і до останнього подиху.


Lord of Samarcand

Robert E. Howard

The Turks, cruelly lead by the scurrilous Bayazid, crushingly defeat a bunch of European Christians who were invading so as to steal land from the Turks, or something. But one of the Europeans, a Scott, Donald MacDeesa escapes with his life and hooks up with Ak Boga, who who had secretly been spying on the carnage. Ak Boga works for the Amir of Samarcand, one Timour the Lame.