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To the Minute. Scarlet and Black. Two Tales of Lifes Perplexities

Anna Katharine Green

Looking for a satisfying, meticulously plotted mystery with which to while away an afternoon? Look no further than To The Minute: Scarlet And Black: Two Tales Of Lifes Perplexities, a short story from one of the most influential early writers in the genre, Anna Katherine Green. Her remarkable skill in leading readers to the unexpected but fascinating solution to this puzzle mystery makes this story an eminently worthwhile read. Written in the 1916s, this story is chock full of twists and turns, lies, love and honor, and compelling characters acting for good or ill. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


Chip of the Flying U

B.M. Bower

Chip of the Flying U, published in 1906, was B.M. Bowers first and best-known novel. The story is about a cattle ranch, run by a group of happy and hilarious young men, and owned by a crusty older man. Chip is a colorful young man who works as a cow puncher in Montana. He is the typical woman-shy cowboy, but he is also a gifted artist. Well, one day, his boss announces that his (the bosss) sister is done with her doctor training and coming out to the ranch. And guess who gets to pick her up? Thereafter the Little Doctor begins to make the ranch feel like a different place entirely, especially in Chips own heart. The result as a quality ranch romance.


Mike Flannery On Duty and Off

Ellis Parker Butler

Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937) was a contemporary of many big names in American fiction straddling the 19th and 20th centuries, but today hes almost completely forgotten. The selections in Mike Flannery On Duty and Off book include three humorous stories, Just Like a Cat, The Three Hundred and Fleas Will Be Fleas, by this American humorist, whose first success, Pigs is Pigs (1906), remained his greatest. Nevertheless, the Mike Flannery stories are among his best. Just Like a Cat is a story of Mikes problems when a dead cat arrives at the express office where he works. Mike tries to think of a word to replace dead in his report and that sets off a series of problems for him. The further stories of Mike Flannery, a character made famous as the agent of the Interurban Express Company in Butlers short story, Pigs is Pigs.


Steve Costigan. Fighting Sailor

Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard best known for his contributions to the extremely popular sword and sorcery genre of fiction. Howards writings became more successful posthumously and he created legendary characters such as Conan the Barbarian and Solomon Kane. Though much better known for his fantasies, Howard wrote more about the humorous escapades of Sailor Steve Costigan and his bulldog Mike than any of his other characters. In a unique Texas voice, the unreliable narrator Costigan recounts his adventures with the crew of the tramp steamer Sea Girl. He roamed the 1930s Asiatic sea, looking for boxing contests and other trouble. Like Howards other turbulent heroes, from Conan to Black Turlogh, Sailor Steve is always ready to wade into a fight, whether to uphold the honor of the fleet or to win a kiss from a beautiful woman. This collection includes the following: The Pit of the Serpent, Breed of Battle, Sailors Grudge, and many more.


Little Women

Louisa May Alcott

Generations of readers young and old, male and female, have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcotts most popular and enduring novel, Little Women. Four sisters are raised in genteel poverty by their loving mother in a quiet Massachusetts town while their father serves as an army chaplain during the American Civil War. Here are independent, tomboyish Jo; delicate, loving Beth; pretty, kind Meg; or precocious and artistic Amy, the baby of the family. The charming story of these four little women and their wise and patient mother Marmee enduring hardships and enjoying adventures in Civil War New England was an instant success when first published in 1868 and has been adored for generations. Following the lives of the March sisters, the novel details their passage from childhood to womanhood and is loosely based on the author and her three sisters. The novel has two sequels: Little Men: Life at Plumfield with Jos Boys (1871) and Jos Boys and How They Turned Out (1886).


Komedia omyłek

William Shakespeare

Farsa Szekspirowska oparta na motywie bliźniąt, które ciągle ze sobą mylono. Bliźnięta rozdzielone w dzieciństwie, dwaj identyczni chłopcy, którzy nie wiedzą o sobie nawzajem, a w dodatku nagle pojawiają się w jednym mieście z tego musi zrodzić się prawdziwa komedia omyłek. Utwór pełen humoru sytuacyjnego, który rozbawi do łez największych maruderów.


A Clue in Wax

Fred M. White

Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.


Black Colossus

Robert E. Howard

A powerful wizard named Thugra Khotan is awoken from his three-thousand year sleep by an audacious yet unlucky Zamoran thief named Shevatas. Thugra wakes with dreams of world domination. He assumes the name Natohk, the Veiled One, gathers an army of desert tribes and sets out to conquer the Hyborian nations.


The Under Dogs

Hulbert Footner

The Under Dogs", published in 1925, is the first novel about Rosika Storey, told by her trusty secretary, Bella Brickley. Beautiful, intelligent Madame Rosika Storey, a respected investigator, becomes interested in the case of a young girl accused of jewel robbery. Although Melanie is desperate, she rejects Mme. Storeys help, because the gang that is after her is ruthless and, she thinks, unstoppable. When Melanie is kidnapped, Mme. Storey goes undercover herself, and walks into the clutches of the gang, where she works to find its mysterious leader and to free the imprisoned Melanie.


The Valley of the Moon

Jack London

The novel of the famous American writer Jack Londons Moon Valley is the story of a young worker defeated by the iron fifth of an industrial octopus city and finding peace and joy in a life close to nature on a California ranch. This book describes historical events in America in the early twentieth century on the example of one family. The Great Depression has not yet begun, but tension is felt in the cities, clashes are taking place between the striking workers and strike breakers, which are supported by the police.


Within the Tides. Tales

Joseph Conrad

This is a collection of small stories. The events of all four stories develop in the sea. Although these stories and inherent supernatural phenomena, but there are no ghosts. Three stories of four show us a rude hero who does not want to be revealed deeply. The other, Partner, shows what happens to you if you are NOT a rude individualist.


The Drift Fence

Zane Grey

Zane Grey evokes the atmosphere, hardships and possibilities of the Old West like nobody else. Leaving Missouri with no knowledge of cattle ranching, Jim Traft of Missouri is put in charge of building one hundred miles of fence on his uncles western ranch to prevent cattle from drifting. The job puts him in conflict with the local community and he must find a balance. Theres also the lovely Molly Dunn to distract him; but how can he hope to woo the sister of his chief enemy? The Drift Fence shows how this tender young man struggles to overcome the odds he faces and ultimately wins over the heart of the beautiful young lass.


The Mystery of 31 New Inn

R. Austin Freeman

Second in the Dr. Thorndyke mystery series set in London around 1900. Thorndyke is a lawyer and medical doctor who reasons out mysteries. This involves a young doctor friend who Thorndyke hires as his assistant whose strange case involving a mysteries man and couple who are caring for him and an inheritance case brought to Thorndyke. A classic English mystery with the detective, Dr. Thorndyke, solving what appears to be two disparate mysteries. One is an apparent suicide with a disputed will; the other is one of his sidekicks (Dr. Jervis) odd case of an apparent poisoning. Despite the twists and turns, the mysteries are solved.


Durch die Wüste

Karl May

Durch die Wüste ist der erste Teil des sechsbändigen Orientzyklus von Karl May. Kara Ben Nemsi und Halef finden in der Wüste die Leiche eines Mannes, der offenbar ermordet wurde. Der Fund einer Leiche bei den Salzseen Nordafrikas löst ein faszinierendes Abenteuer aus, dessen Folgen den Leser sechs Bände lang in Atem halten. Auf der Spur des Mörders geraten sie auf dem Schott el Dscherid in einen Hinterhalt, bei dem ihr Führer erschossen wird. Mit knapper Not entkommen sie dem Tod. Sie kämpfen gegen räuberische Beduinen, befreien ein Mädchen aus einem Harem, besuchen Mekka, kämpfen zusammen mit den Haddedihn und gelangen endlich zu den Jesidi, die ein grosses Fest feiern. Dabei sollen sie allerdings von der türkischen Armee überfallen werden. Durch die Wüste der Beginn eines großen Abenteuers, der die beiden Weggefährten bald tief in die Welten des Orients führt.



H. Rider Haggard

Belshazzar is the latest novel by Henry Rider Haggard. He wrote it shortly before his death. All events revolve around Ramose, a descendant of the Egyptian pharaoh and the Greek. He decides to radically change his life and go on adventures. As a result, this decision leads to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus.


Purple Pirate

Talbot Mundy

Without exaggeration, a very good, rich, interesting event, an adventure and a historical novel in an epic style about the noble personality of the Tros of Samothrace. The page by page describes the incredible courage and dedication of the protagonist in the struggle for Greek freedom and independence while helping the British and Druids fight Julius Caesar.


Lefty Locke Pitcher-Manager

Burt L. Standish

Burt L. Standish wrote another excellent sports history. Lefty is a pitcher in the baseball team. The dream of every coach. His dedication in the game hit every fan in the stands. However, things are not so simple, baseball is not just a sports game. Each opponent wants to knock out the best player from game.


Consuelo. Tome 13

George Sand

George Sand le pseudonyme de lécrivain français Aurora Dupin-Dyudevan. Dans ses nombreuses uvres, les idées de libération de la personnalité se combinent une recréation psychologique de talent de personnages idéalement sublimes, de conflits damour complexes. Le roman Consuelo est une histoire fascinante de la vie dun jeune chanteur qui doit surmonter des épreuves difficiles en donnant son art aux gens. Il sagit dun livre sur le destin dun véritable artiste, sur le lourd fardeau du talent accordé par le destin, sur le choix difficile et parfois mme tragique entre la gloire et le bonheur personnel.


The Gold King Turns His Back

Max Brand

No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brands talent more evident than in this classic short novel. In The Gold King turns his back, young Miriam Standard returns to her fathers ranch determined to learn the business, but she discovers she has a lot to learn when she makes the statement that she will marry any man who can bring in Gold King, the wild mustang. The Gold King Turns His Back presents a ripsnorter of a father-daughter feud that concludes with a proper twist. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


Le Mariage de Loti

Pierre Loti

Loti, lauteur sappelle Julien Viaud. Il est passionné par lIndonésie depuis que son grand frere, marin y est allé. Lui mme, est devenu marin dans le but de revivre lexpérience de son défunt frere. Cest dailleurs l bas quil se fait nommé Loti.


The Tower of the Elephant

Robert E. Howard

Torches flared murkily on the revels in the Maul, where the thieves of the east held carnival by night. In the Maul they could carouse and roar as they liked, for honest people shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained coins, did not interfere with their sport. Along the crooked, unpaved streets with their heaps of refuse and sloppy puddles, drunken roisterers staggered, roaring. Steel glinted in the shadows where wolf preyed on wolf, and from the darkness rose the shrill laughter of women, and the sounds of scufflings and strugglings.


The Camford Visitation

Herbert George Wells

Wellss treatise on education is set in the region of Camford (Cambridge/Oxford), and tells of a visitor who proves that education can save the world from destruction. The story centres around a Utopian ventriloquist who subjects human life and in particular its treatment by the University of Camford to sympathetic but quite unsparing scrutiny. At its core, it was a warning to the educational world of imminent war and of its lack of action, as well as an exploration of the place of education in society. Contents include: Mr Trumbers Experience, In the Cramb Meadows, Mr Preeders Pigeon-holes, The Communist Party is Annoyed in its Turn, Congregation Day, and The Healing Touch in History. In this short tale of 75 pages Wells summarises many of his current preoccupations in the form of a parable which is noteworthy for its careful building up of atmosphere and its lively and biting characterisations.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 1). Leśna Różyczka. Zamek Rodriganda

Karol May

Zamek Rodriganda to pierwszy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Grupa ciekawych świata bohaterów podróżuje po różnych krajach i kontynentach. Mierzą się przy tym z nowymi wyzwaniami, stawiają czoła niebezpieczeństwom, odkrywają tajemnice i podejmują walkę z różnej maści opryszkami, stając w obronie dobra i sprawiedliwości.


Król zamczyska. Powieść

Seweryn Goszczyński

Powieść gotycka, która opisuje dzieje historyczne. Nawiązuje do walk wrześniowych z 1831 roku, jakie toczyły się pod Warszawą. Główny bohater odkrywa ruiny zamku i poznaje intrygującą postać, niejakiego Machnickiego, który opowiada historię zamczyska. Ukryty sens, otwarte zakończenie, szczegółowe opisy to wielkie atrybuty tej powieści. Przebija z niej typowa dla epoki romantyzmu miłość do ojczyzny, pełna nostalgii i wzruszeń.