
Przygody Tomka Sawyera

Mark Twain

St. Petersburg małe miasteczko nad rzeką Missisipi. To właśnie tam toczy się akcja książki opisującej wymyślne przygody i pomysły Tomka Sawyera. Tomaszem opiekuje się ciotka, z którą chodzi do szkółki niedzielnej. Tomasz mieszka razem z ciotką, młodszym przyrodnim bratem Sidem i kuzynką Mary. Tomek uwielbia chodzić na wagary. Jest łobuzem. Chłopiec zajmuje się robieniem kawałów, różnych psot itp. Przebywa w różnych miejscach z przyjaciółmi, poszukując nowych przygód. Przyjaciołom raczej nie robi dowcipów. Najczęściej oszukuje ciocię Polly. W powieści Mark Twain w Przygody Tomka Sawyera ukazuje ówczesne życie i obyczajowość.


Terror Keep

Edgar Wallace

Terror Keep is a 1927 Edgar Wallace thriller featuring perhaps the most memorable of all Wallaces heroes, Mr. J. G. Reeder. Reeder is at pains to point out that he is not a detective, which is technically true. He is not a policeman, and has no power to arrest suspects. He works as an investigator of banking crime, particularly forgery. He is nonetheless the terror of the criminal classes. This time detective and his attractive secretary, Margaret Belman, almost suffered the wrath of John Flack, an unusual villain who pairs maniacal insanity with genius. Detective and criminal are well matched and the reader is kept in the dark about the outcome of this deadly duel for a long time. Terror Keep is an exceptionally effective and thoroughly entertaining thriller.


Frank Merriwells Backers

Burt L. Standish

The story of Frank Merriwell continues. Frank is an energetic young guy. He was the best in everything: in sports, in school, he helped his friends. But now he needs help. After all, he falls into the trap and his enemies take away securities from him. Who will help him?


Collected Short Stories

A. Merritt

The Collected Short Stories is a collection of Abraham Merritts shorter works, and contains eight stories and two fragments. Included are: The People of the Pit, Through the Dragon Glass, The Drone, The Last Poet and the Robots and others. These short stories span the entire career of the man who has been called Americas foremost adventure fantasist of the 1920s and 30s. The collection kicks off with one of its strongest tales, The Fox Woman, a tale of revenge in a remote part of 20th century China. This is a mix of complete short stories and beginnings of novels that Abraham Merritt left unfinished before he died, the title story in the latter camp.


Pan Tadeusz. Czyli Ostatni zajazd na Litwie

Adam Mickiewicz

Epopeja narodowa z elementami gawędy szlacheckiej, powstała w latach 18321834 w Paryżu. Składa się z dwunastu ksiąg pisanych wierszem. Jest 1811 r. Do rodzinnego dworku w Soplicowie wraca po zakończeniu nauk dwudziestoletni Tadeusz Soplica. Gospodarzem Soplicowa jest stryj i opiekun młodzieńca, Sędzia Soplica. Wydaje się, że dwór jest pusty. Jego mieszkańcy wybrali się do pobliskiego lasu. Zwiedzając stare zakamarki, Tadeusz trafia do swego pokoju dziecinnego. Zastaje w nim Zosię, córkę Ewy Horeszkówny. Piękna dziewczyna porusza wyobraźnię młodzieńca. Wieczorem, podczas kolacji wydanej na Zamku, o który się toczy spór pomiędzy ziemiańską rodziną Sopliców a Hrabią, ostatnim potomkiem Horeszków, Tadeusz spotyka uwodzicielską Telimenę. Nawiązuje z nią romans... Adam Mickiewicz nigdy nie nazwał Pana Tadeusza eposem lub epopeją. Nie określili go też w ten sposób pierwsi czytelnicy utworu. Wyrażali nawet swoje niezadowolenie z powodu niewielkiej ilości podniosłego tonu w utworze. Uważano, że zawiera za dużo treści rubasznych. Zauważono także, że nie pojawia się w utworze żadna wielka postać historyczna (pojawienie się takiej osoby miało być zgodne z kanonami eposu). Status arcydzieła literatury polskiej oraz eposu narodowego Pan Tadeusz uzyskał po 1863 r.


The Power-House

John Buchan

Edward Leithen is a young British lawyer who learns that one of his Oxford contemporaries, Charles Pitt-Heron, has just disappeared. Leithen learns from Pitt-Herons wife that he has been forced to flee. But a series of strange events that follow Pitt-Herons disappearance convinces Leithen that he is dealing with a sinister secret society. His suspicions begin to center on a wealthy, well-known, and intelligent businessman, who reveals himself to Leithen as an ardent anarchist. The barrister finds himself the target of many watchers, and then, as his understanding of the conspiracy involving the Power House grows, he is trapped and chased unrelentingly. The Author, despite being very busy in Public Service, wrote over fifty books during his life but his particular talent was for writing fast-moving adventure stories. The Power-House, a good example of this genre, was published in 1916.


The Fighting-Slogan

H.A. Cody

This is a rare genre, namely historical fiction. You will learn what role the Fenians played in New Brunswicks determination to become part of the Confederation of Canada. This book has become a revelation for many people. And she revealed the secrets of historical events.


The Argonauts of North Liberty

Bret Harte

What starts out as a tale of peaceful domesticity takes a sudden turn when the protagonists are lured from Connecticut to California by the promise of striking it rich. This fascinating novella from American author Bret Harte is an engaging, easy read that will please fans of historical fiction or tales of the Old West. First published in 1888, it keeps the reader engrossed with its fast-paced narrative and surprising twists and turns in the plot. Francis Bret Harte was a prolific American author and poet, best remembered for his accounts of pioneering life in California. The spirit of Dickens breathes through the poems and stories of Bret Harte just as the spirit of Bret Harte breathes through the poems and stories of Kipling.


The Mayors Wife

Anna Katharine Green

Miss Saunders is out for an adventure. One, which is full of secrets, hints, and half-lies. One, which will require all of her wits. Miss Saunders, a discreet domestic spy of some kind, is hired by Mayor Packard to look after his unaccountably abstracted wife whilst he goes out of town for a fortnight. The lady is unhappy, and the reason for her grave unhappiness is more serious than you think. A detective novel involving theft, bigamy, a haunted house, lost money, ciphers and code breaking. An American detective-story writer, Greens thrillers are characterized by logical construction and a sound knowledge of criminal law. She was one of a handful of women writing detective stories at the time.


Life in the Days of Cicero

Alfred J. Church

Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. Life in the Days of Cicero is a fascinating look at the life of one of the most influential men in the ancient world: Marcus Tullius Cicero. It portraits of various characters provide a description of life and manners in first century B.C. Rome. Philosopher, politician, lawyer, Cicero made his name with his famous orations and written prose. A good overview of Roman Life and the intrigue, murder, and plunder associated with political life. A world where accountability was relative. A good over view of Ciceros life and his accomplishments, recommended highly.


The Yellow Danger

M.P. Shiel

Not all invasion threats were purported to come from the Germans, the French or from Anarchists: in M.P. Shiels Yellow Danger it is an army of Chinese who invade Europe. In The Yellow Danger Mr. Shiel described in lurid colors the possibilities of the overwhelming of the white world by the yellow man, a possibility for the imagining of, which he claimed no originality. The Yellow Danger has been the bugbear of the Russians ever since the days of Tamerlane. But it must be admitted that in his new story. This made Shiels popular reputation and was almost certainly the most commercially successful of the twenty books published during his first creative period, 1889-1913.



Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. In this work, the spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing preparedness fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Highly recommended!


LÎle hélice

Jules Verne

LÎle hélice est un roman de fiction de Jules Verne. Le roman raconte lhistoire dun quatuor musical, en raison de la supercherie astucieuse, qui sest avérée tre sur une immense île flottante qui est devenue la maison des millionnaires américains et qui nage constamment dans locéan Pacifique. Standard Island est constamment en danger: linvasion danimaux sauvages, lattaque de pirates malais, la lutte de deux familles riches pour le pouvoir


The Veiled Man. Being an Account of the Risks and Adventures of Sidi Ahamadou, Sheikh of the Azjar Marauders of the Great Sahara

William Le Queux

I am a Veiled Man. Openly, I confess myself a vagabond and a brigand. Living here, in the heart of the Great Desert, six moons march from Algiers, and a thousand miles beyond the French outposts, theft is, with my nomadic tribe, their natural industrya branch of education, in fact. We augment the meagreness of our herds by extorting ransoms from some of our neighbours, and completely despoiling others. Mention of the name of Ahamadou causes the face of the traveller on any of the caravan routes between the Atlas mountains and Lake Tsâd to pale beneath its bronze, for as sheikh of the most powerful piratical tribe in the Sahara, I have earned an unenviable notoriety as leader of The Breath of the Wind, while the Arabs themselves have bestowed upon my people three epithets which epitomise their psychology: Thieves, Hyenas, and Abandoned of Allah.


Trylogia nadmorska

Stefan Żeromski

Na cykl nazywany Trylogia nadmorska składają się następujące utwory: Wisła, Wiatr od morza i Międzymorze. Utwory te powstałych w wyniku zainteresowania pisarza historią i krajobrazem Pomorza. Najobszerniejszy z utworów Wiatr od morza ukazuje w wybranych epizodach dzieje Pomorza polskiego od czasów zamierzchłych po współczesność. Elementem wiążącym jest mitologiczna postać Smętka. Kompozycję całości oparł autor na dramatycznej opozycji dwóch ścierających się przez wieki porządków moralnych nienawiści i agresji, które przynoszą na te ziemie najeźdźcy (wikingowie, Krzyżacy, Niemcy), oraz spokojnej pracy, prawa i sprawiedliwości, które stara się tu utrwalić ludność słowiańska.



Jules Verne

In the story, the heroes of one of his most famous books about a trip to the moon, enterprising Americans, gather again to use their huge guns. But for what? In order for the recoil from the cannon to make the Earth bend a little, so that some lands are in other latitudes, warmer. The world community is concerned about this venture and is sluggishly opposing.


The First Men in the Moon

Herbert George Wells

Another H.G. Wells classic sci fi. The novel tells the story of a journey to the moon by the impecunious businessman Mr. Bedford and the brilliant but eccentric scientist Dr. Cavor. Bedford bankrupt businessman who is making a comeback by writing a play, through a series of circumstances, teams up with Professor Cavor a recluse scientist who does not realize his own potential. Together they build a contraption, sphere, that can cut off gravity waves. Once on the moon Bedford and Cavor find that they are not alone. After a few adventures they are detained by the Moonies referred to mostly in this story as Selenites. Will they be able to make it back to Earth and warn the people of the strange creatures? Or will they be caught and who knows what may happen to them in the long run. The novel can also be read as a critique of prevailing political opinions from the turn of the century, particularly of imperialism.


The Books of Bart

Edgar Wallace

Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film King Kong, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, joining the army at 21, he was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and The Daily Mail. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1923. The Books of Bart is a novel of relationships and double-crossing. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Highly recommended!


Das geheimnisvolle Haus. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Der Kleinkriminelle Poltavo tritt in die Dienste eines geheimnisvollen Manns, welcher sich hinter einem schwarzen Schleier verbirgt und sich schlicht Mr. Brown nennt. Der zwielichtige Poltavo hat ehrgeizige Pläne: er will in der Londoner Gesellschaft aufsteigen. Hier lernt er die junge Doris Grey kennen, so wie ihren Vormund Mr. Farrington. Eine Erpressung in gehobenen Kreisen, ein Mord, dessen einziger Zeuge der undurchsichtige Millionär Gregory Farrington ist: Mr. T. B. Smith hat einen äußerst schwierigen Fall zu lösen...


The Man of the Forest

Zane Grey

Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. This is one of his stories. Loner Milt Dale seeks solitude in the wild mountains of Arizona, and instead finds himself rescuing two young women from a kidnapping plot. He must lead the timid Helen and her wild hearted sister Bo away from danger, and try not to fall in love along the way. Leading them away from manmade danger, exposing them to unaccustomed rigor on mountain trails, Dale imparts his rugged philosophy. Beyond the forest, Beasley and Snake Anson are still waiting to carry out their evil plot.



Ethel Lina White

The events of the story "Wax" take place in the town of Riverpool, where the wax museum is located. In this museum, several people died under mysterious circumstances. Sonia Thompson is an abmicious journalist who wants to understand these riddles. Therefore, she decides to spend the night there alone. And this was not the best idea, it seems...


The Carter Girls of Carter House

Emma Speed Sampson

Written for young girls, this is book 4 in The Carter Girls Series by Emma Speed Sampson. Sampson, using the name of her sister Nell Speed, wrote 4 titles in the Molly Brown series after her sisters death in 1913. She also wrote several volumes including the Carter Girls series and the Tucker Twins before she began publishing works under her own name. The Carter Girls of Carter House is a good, clean book full of the antics of a family working together to solve their financial woes in a very creative way. The girls are creative, daring, dramatic, and pure fun! As usual with Sampsons writing, the story is characterized with a contagious work ethic, ambition, cheerfulness, and entrepreneurial endeavors. She shines in the realm of attitudes toward hardship.


Nord contre Sud

Jules Verne

Cest un roman daventures de lécrivain français Jules Verne. Guerre civile aux États-Unis, entre les États du Sud esclaves et les pays du Nord industrialisés. Laction se déroule dans la splendide Floride exotique. Parallelement aux actions militaires du roman, de nombreux incidents mystérieux sont décrits...


Drag Harlan

Charles Alden Seltzer

Drag Harlan is a gunfighter with a fearsome reputation. He is known for his quickness with his guns. A mean, hard country man, he comes quite accidently by a dying man, Morgan. Morgan is cattleman and has left his ranch to his only daughter, Barbara. Seeing honesty in Harlans eyes, Morgan asks him to go to his daughter and protect her from fortune hunters. Thereafter Harlan establishes himself as the protector of Barbara Morgan and deals out punishment to the girls enemies through the lightning flash of drawn guns. A story filled with hard action, toughened cowboys, and sweeping romance from an American author of Westerns Charles Alden Seltzer who also wrote under the pseudonym Hiram Hopkins.