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Frank Merriwells Nobility

Burt L. Standish

Burt L. Standish is the author of Frank Merriwelles stories, which has become popular around the world. The protagonist, Frank Merriwell never loses his enthusiasm and jumps headlong into new adventures. However, this time he has more serious problems on his way. The main mystery of this part: can Frank cope with the difficulties again?

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Księżna De Cleves

Maria De La Fayette

Królewski dwór francuski i piękna nastoletnia panna Chartes. Autorka przenosi czytelnika do świata młodej, urokliwej dziewczyny, która wikła się w zakazane dla niej uczucie. Już jako księżna de Cleves przeżywa rozmaite dylematy moralne. Nie wie, czy pozostać wierną niekochanemu mężowi, czy związać się z mężczyzną, którego darzy szczerym uczuciem. Powieść zawiera elementy historyczne, a bohaterowie wzorowani są na autentycznych postaciach.

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Ania z Wyspy

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Ania z Wyspy (Anne of the Island) to trzecia część z serii o Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza. W tym tomie Ania Shirley zaczyna naukę w Redmond College w Kingsport. Ciężko pracuje, by zdobyć upragniony tytuł magistra. W czasie wolnym od nauki spotyka się z nową przyjaciółką Filipą Gordon, ma też nowego adoratora, niejakiego Roya Gardnera. Nie zaniedbuje też starych znajomości. Kiedy dowiaduje się o chorobie Gilberta, uświadamia sobie, że go kocha

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Les Dents du tigre

Maurice Leblanc

Cest une autre histoire saturé des énigmes et des aventures. Un riche américain, qui sappele Cosmo Mornington, est décédé dans détranges circonstances. Il reste un grand héritage, que provoque une séquence des crimes en France. Si les descendants de la famille Roussel ne se retrouvent pas, largent sera remis Don Luis Perenna, qui est...bien sr! Arsene Lupin! Ce nest pas difficile pour lui dtre un distingué espagnol et chef de la Sreté Paris, dtre vivant et en mme temps dtre considérer comme un homme mort. Un personnage atypique et tres intrigant, qui risque sa vie pour lamour, il fait ce jeu passionnant.

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John Dough and the Cherub

L. Frank Baum

Originally published in 1906, John Dough and the Cherub remains a whimsical fantasy tale for all ages, by the author of the classic Oz books. John Dough is a gingerbread man who has come alive because the baker who made him poured quite unwittingly a great quantity of the precious Essence of Vitality into the dough from which he was formed. John escapes from several people who want to eat him, and arrives on the Isle of Phreex. His new friend and constant companion is Chick, the Cherub, a very beautiful child of indeterminate sex. After a good deal of travel and many adventures, John becomes ruler of the Twin Kingdoms of Hiland and Loland, where a prophecy stated that the next king would not be made of flesh and blood. So come journey with John Dough the gingerbread man, his good friends Chick the Cherub and Para Bruin the Rubber Bear, and as Baker par excellence Jules Grogrande would say, Bon appetite!

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Black Vulmeas Vengeance

Robert E. Howard

Pulp adventure, seemingly a bit crude and dashed off quickly, but good storytelling none the less. Pirates and lost cities a bit of Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones rolled into one, but also with echoes of one of Howards best known tales of piracy, the Conan story Queen of the Black Coast a superior story. The writing here is okay, entertaining enough, and even manages a little character exposition, but Howard could do and did do better work.

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The Green Bungalow

Fred M. White

In short stories, Fred M. White often has a love theme. So in the story The Green Bungalow. The main character, Hilton Blythe, has a generous character and is always happy to give useful advice. He was proud that nobody and nothing had ever shocked him. However, one meeting, one look changed everything...

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Henry James

It only seems in the book that people can always deceive themselves, and life cannot be regulated on the scientific principles that fall on Gordons shoulders as the main character. Crazy scientist Gordon Wright calls Longville in Baden-Baden to judge whether he should marry Angela. After a couple of years, Longville meets Angela again at a French beach resort and realizes that he loves her.

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Last Train Out

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Though dated stylistically, this novel has the makings of a decent movie thriller. The story takes place between the Anschluss, the Nazi takeover of Austria, March 1938, and the invasion of Poland in September 1939. A wealthy Jewish banker, philanthropist, and art collector is forced to flee Vienna to avoid imprisonment by the Nazis. He disappears on the night the Germans march into Austria, and his fortune and collection vanishes with him, leaving behind his personal secretary, Pamela Grey, and his agent, the mysterious Marius Blute.

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Partners of the Out-Trail

Harold Bindloss

Life in British Columbia is primitive, and Jim sometimes felt that he had to fight against the insidious influence of wildlife. He studied at McGill to begin his professional career. However, poverty did not prevent him from traveling, what he liked most to do. Jim was thin with confidence in his eyes. He had to go a lot more to make a new dream come true.

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Claws of the Tigress

Max Brand

Claws Of The Tigress is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as Firebrand because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes. Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer.

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Benita. An African Romance

H. Rider Haggard

The main task of the heroes is to find the treasure. The trader heard the legend of the great treasure buried by the Portuguese party for hundreds of years before the last source tried to find it with the help of a mesmericist. The child was put into a trance and told his mesmerists details about the adventures and death of the unfortunate Portuguese men and women. With many other details, the boy so accurately described the burial of the great treasure and its exact position that the white man and the mesmerist could find the place where he was.

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Césarine Dietrich

George Sand

Événements se déroulant dans la ville de Berry. Les livres examinent la vulnérabilité des femmes de haut rang aux commérages et le concept selon lequel certaines femmes sont si inhabituelles que lamour et le mariage traditionnels ne peuvent tout simplement pas sintégrer leur vie. André est un jeune noble éduqué, mais sans métier ni ambition, lorsquil tombe amoureux de la belle et sensible Genevieve, créatrice de fleurs artificielles. Sa vie change completement apres une relation amoureuse.

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Księga XIII Pana Tadeusza i inne erotyki

Praca zbiorowa

Erotyki opisujące m.in. noc poślubną Zosi i Tadeusza bohaterów Pana Tadeusza Adama Mickiewicza. Utwór pełen opisów intymnych przeżyć pary bohaterów. Język, jakim posługuje się autor, jest barwny, nacechowany emocjami. Występują liczne wulgaryzmy. Autorstwo utworu przypisuje się Aleksandrowi Fredrze, choć są to raczej spekulacje, gdyż sam pisarz nie potwierdził tej pogłoski.

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Dodo Wonders

E.F. Benson

The book is interesting because it has a much darker and more thoughtful implication than it might seem. On the one hand, the novel reveals the history of the war, and on the other, a pretty love story. Most of the novel is built on dialogues, through which we learn about the feelings that the characters are going through. The plot of the novel is dynamic, readers can read it in one breath.

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Hans Dominik

Zwei Großkonzerne wollen nachdem sie die Atomkraft bereits nutzbar gemacht haben die atmosphärische Elektrizität für sich gewinnen. Parallel steht die Entdeckung eines neuen Energiestoffes mit noch nie dagewesenen Eigenschaften ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der Konzerne. Das Atmosphärische Elektrizitätswerk des deutschen Bergmann-Konzerns arbeitet dank der genialen Erfindungen eines gewissen Dr. Frank famos, während das amerikanische AE-Werk der United Electric nur enorme Kosten verursacht und der Entwicklung um Jahre hinterherhinkt. James Headstone, Chef der amerikanischen Versuchsstation, schickt daraufhin seinen besten Agenten, Henry Turner in die norddeutsche Heide. Wegen deren Nutzbarkeit sie sich einen erbitterten Kampf liefern.

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Emilys Quest

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Emily Starr and Teddy Kent have been friends since childhood, and as Teddy is about to leave to further his education as an artist, Emily believes that their friendship is blossoming into something more. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal in Montreal, Emilys world collapses. With Teddy gone, Emily agrees to marry a man she doesnt love... as she tries to banish all thoughts of Teddy. In her heart, Emily must search for what being a writer really means... This third and final volume of Lucy Maud Montgomerys celebrated Emily trilogy is a finally drawn study of a young woman coming to terms with love and her own ambition. In every detail, this mature novel by one of the worlds best-loved authors captures the drama and confusion of a young life on the brink.

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Soldier Stories

Rudyard Kipling

Three Soldiers is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Three soldiers of this title - Leroid, Mulvani and Orteris, who also previously appeared in the collection "Simple Tales from the Hills." Books reveal the side of British Tommy in Afghanistan, rarely seen in the Twilight of the British Empire. The soldiers comment on their improvements, act fools, but right against the backdrop of the wars in the Middle East, when the British began to weaken their imperial possessions, they begin to act directly.

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Młodzi i starzy

Michał Bałucki

Młodzi i starzy to jedna z pierwszych powieści Bałuckiego, inspirowana wypadkami powstańczymi 1863 r. Pisana jest z pozycji radykalnych działaczy demokratycznych, którzy zmierzali do szybkiego wywołania powstania i przeprowadzenia radykalnych reform społecznych. Opowiadali się za wciągnięciem do walki z zaborcą chłopów.

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Герой нашего времени (Bohater naszych czasów)

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов, Michaił Jurjewicz Lermontow

Роман Михаила Лермонтова 201eГерой нашего времени201d 2013 это история одинокого, умного и талантливого человека, уставшего от светских ритуалов, не знающего, куда приложить свои душевные силы, и буквально губящего себя. Книга о человеке с уставшей душой, который многое уже перепробовал и теперь не видит смысла жизни. Ну, или не хочет видеть его. Его ничто не радует 2013 ни развлечения, ни знания, ни любовь светских красавиц. Главный герой -Печорин, глубоко несчастный человек. Он находит удовлетворение в одном 2013 в играх с судьбами людей. «Моя любовь никому не принесла счастья, потому что я ничем не жертвовал для того, кого любил: я любил для себя...».

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Aspira. Der Roman einer Wolke

Kurd Lasswitz

Die Wolke Aspira betrachtet die Menschen und wundert sich. Aspira, die Tochter des Königs Migro, will nicht bei den Träumen und Spielen der Wolken bleiben. Die Sehnsucht hat sie gepackt, nach Erkenntnis. Die vermeintlichen Wirkungsmächte der Menschen haben es ihr angetan, denn sie könnten ja auch in ihr Leben greifen. Aspira philosophiert und entscheidet sich, in den Körper eines Menschen zu schlüpfen. Fast schon erkenntnisphilosophisch ist der Roman die Betrachtung des Menschen aus der Sicht einer Wolke.

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Pearl Zane Grey (1872 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. Zane Grey is the author of 86 books, he is today considered the father of the Western genre, with its heady romances and mysterious outlaws. Raised together in the wild country of the Tonto basin, Jake and Verde grew up closer than brothers. But when they both fell in love with the same fickle woman, their friendship turned to raging hate. The only force that could mend that shattered trust was the raging fury of nature itself. Grey, a word-painter of the western landscape, gives readers his best in describing the mountain winter, but not until he has frolicked with the hearts of two jealous brothers.

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The Portrait of a Lady

Henry James

Isabel, the main character of the story, knows the charm of marriage with a worthless person. Her fate the confluence of fatal circumstances. Being a dowry and finding herself in Europe, she refuses to quite worthy applicants for a hand, and having received a fortune, she links life with the rogue Osmond, who married her only to provide a bastard daughter, Pansy, born of a courtesan, a decent existence. Illusions are crumbling, there is no hope for happiness, but Isabelle, with stoic courage, endures all the misfortunes that have fallen to her lot.

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Dutch Courage and Other Stories

Jack London

The young man dreams of the sea, runs away from home, hides in the hold of the ship, with the help of a friend is supplied with food. Then the terrible happens the robinsonade of a man locked in a hold! The food spoils, the young man cannot leave his shelter for many reasons, he suffocates, suffers from hunger... The agony of body and soul begins, only at the very end comes salvation.