Publisher: Ventigo Media

The Hole in the Wall

Arthur Morrison

Madame and Her Twelve Virgins

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Guns of the Gods. A Story of Yasminis Youth

Talbot Mundy

The Heritage of the Sioux

B.M. Bower

The Human Touch

H.C. McNeile

A Thorny Path

Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

The Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra

William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare

Zamek kaniowski

Seweryn Goszczyński

Crucial Instances

Edith Wharton

The Boss of the Lazy Y

Charles Alden Seltzer

Pogrobek. Powieść z czasów przemysławowskich

Józef Ignacy Kraszewski

Riders of the Silences

Max Brand

Behind the Throne

William Le Queux

Der Brand der Cheopspyramide

Hans Dominik

The Mark of Cain

Carolyn Wells

As a Thief in the Night

R. Austin Freeman

The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock

Anna Katharine Green

The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus

William Shakespeare

Das Verrätertor. Roman

Edgar Wallace

The Hour of the Dragon

Robert E. Howard

LAiguille creuse

Maurice Leblanc

Sodome et Gomorrhe

Marcel Proust

Two Gentlemen of Verona

William Shakespeare