Wydawca: KtoCzyta.pl

Am Jenseits

Karl May

Kara ben Nemsi ist mit Hadschi Halef Omar und dessen Familie unterwegs nach Mekka. Unterwegs müssen sie einige Abenteuer bestehen. Auf einer Reise durch die arabische Wüste stoßen sie auf einen geheimnisvollen blinden Seher. Sie helfen dabei, den heiligen Schatz der Glieder zurückzuerobern, was wiederum zur Folge hat, dass sie bald darauf von Beduinen angegriffen werden und Kara gefangengenommen wird. Ein wirklich lesenswertes Buch, auch abgesehen von seinem Abenteuercharakter.


LAgence Barnett et Cie

Maurice Leblanc

Un détective privé de Lagence Barnett et Cie apparaît quand linspecteur Béchoux a besoin de laide. Il révéle le criminel, sauve les victimes... et tout cela gratuitement! Il sait toutes les subtilités du monde daventures. Un voleur aux multiples facettes, connaissant les faiblesses de chacun, manipulant la population sa guise, ombre parmi les ombres... Arsene Lupin nous séduit encore dans ces huit histoires passionnantes o le criminel est toujours puni et Barnett toujours enrichi


Madame Chrysantheme

Pierre Loti

Madame Chrysantheme Pierre Loti est une combinaison inhabituelle dun travail superbement écrit et dune dureté morale indescriptible. Cest lhistoire dun marin français en vacances Nagasaki, au Japon, qui arrange une épouse temporaire avec laquelle il peut passer du temps jusqu ce que son navire reparte.


Maradick at Forty. A Transition

Hugh Walpole

This is a novel with catchy locations and characters. A man in a midlife crisis travels to a remote Kornish village with his wife. The strange happy village, where drunkenness is widespread and people are very open, begins to influence the actions of visitors up to a change in their character. The very strangeness of history guarantees that it will remain in memory for a long time.


Poppy Ott and the Tittering Totem

Leo Edwards

A number of boys are ambitious to form a career for themselves in journalism and its various industries, and trusting friendship and willingness to give advice as the protagonist began this work. In other words, the main characters must have a great desire to do this. If they have a desire, naturally, they will continue to try. Boys travel to Wisconsin very often with their elders. These adventures are remembered by many readers.


The Table

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

Here is Edgar Wallaces famous stage-play as told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense that thrilled theatre-goers. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of copying out Wallaces dictations, this task he accomplished at such a speed that he was known as the fastest secretary in England. After Wallaces death, he completed some of Wallaces unfinished manuscripts and turned several plays and film scripts into novels in the style of Wallace as well as writing several original novels.


Pontifex, Son and Thorndyke

R. Austin Freeman

Dr.Thornedykes methods of detection are characterised by investigations of apparently irrelevant facts and lengthy explanations of his train of hypothetical reasoning. In this novel, Dr. Thorndykes ability to identify fish scales and rope material sets his investigation in motion. The crime is the murder of an aristocrat staged to look like a suicide. There are really two stories alternating, which eventually become one. We watch Dr. Thorndyke follow a thin and improbable trail of forensic evidence. And we observe the seemingly unrelated adventures of a stationers delivery boy, who innocently gets in the way of a cutthroat gang. Dr. Thorndyke calls Jasper after hearing his amazing story. The complex, gripping and rather romantic plot once again demonstrates the greatness of A. Austin Freeman as a writer of totally engaging and original crime fiction.


Crucial Instances

Edith Wharton

Originally published in 1901, Crucial Instances is the second collection of six short stories connected, as the title suggests, by a hinging moment in the narrative through which the plot alters dramatically. The contents included the following: The Duchess at Prayer, The Angel at the Grave, The Recovery, Copy: A Dialogue, The Rembrandt, The Moving Finger and The Confessional.This is a great collection of stories, where Edith Wharton shows her wide range of talents, from those with a bit of a horror feel, to ones which just make the reader feel good. There is one Dialogue or play, several written in third person, several in first person, written from a mans point of view and some from a womans. All of them are carefully crafted to show a particular attitude or character or scene in great detail. Highly recommended!