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The Mayors Wife

Anna Katharine Green

Miss Saunders is out for an adventure. One, which is full of secrets, hints, and half-lies. One, which will require all of her wits. Miss Saunders, a discreet domestic spy of some kind, is hired by Mayor Packard to look after his unaccountably abstracted wife whilst he goes out of town for a fortnight. The lady is unhappy, and the reason for her grave unhappiness is more serious than you think. A detective novel involving theft, bigamy, a haunted house, lost money, ciphers and code breaking. An American detective-story writer, Greens thrillers are characterized by logical construction and a sound knowledge of criminal law. She was one of a handful of women writing detective stories at the time.


Life in the Days of Cicero

Alfred J. Church

Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. Life in the Days of Cicero is a fascinating look at the life of one of the most influential men in the ancient world: Marcus Tullius Cicero. It portraits of various characters provide a description of life and manners in first century B.C. Rome. Philosopher, politician, lawyer, Cicero made his name with his famous orations and written prose. A good overview of Roman Life and the intrigue, murder, and plunder associated with political life. A world where accountability was relative. A good over view of Ciceros life and his accomplishments, recommended highly.


The Yellow Danger

M.P. Shiel

Not all invasion threats were purported to come from the Germans, the French or from Anarchists: in M.P. Shiels Yellow Danger it is an army of Chinese who invade Europe. In The Yellow Danger Mr. Shiel described in lurid colors the possibilities of the overwhelming of the white world by the yellow man, a possibility for the imagining of, which he claimed no originality. The Yellow Danger has been the bugbear of the Russians ever since the days of Tamerlane. But it must be admitted that in his new story. This made Shiels popular reputation and was almost certainly the most commercially successful of the twenty books published during his first creative period, 1889-1913.



Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. In this work, the spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing preparedness fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Highly recommended!


LÎle hélice

Jules Verne

LÎle hélice est un roman de fiction de Jules Verne. Le roman raconte lhistoire dun quatuor musical, en raison de la supercherie astucieuse, qui sest avérée tre sur une immense île flottante qui est devenue la maison des millionnaires américains et qui nage constamment dans locéan Pacifique. Standard Island est constamment en danger: linvasion danimaux sauvages, lattaque de pirates malais, la lutte de deux familles riches pour le pouvoir


The Veiled Man. Being an Account of the Risks and Adventures of Sidi Ahamadou, Sheikh of the Azjar Marauders of the Great Sahara

William Le Queux

I am a Veiled Man. Openly, I confess myself a vagabond and a brigand. Living here, in the heart of the Great Desert, six moons march from Algiers, and a thousand miles beyond the French outposts, theft is, with my nomadic tribe, their natural industrya branch of education, in fact. We augment the meagreness of our herds by extorting ransoms from some of our neighbours, and completely despoiling others. Mention of the name of Ahamadou causes the face of the traveller on any of the caravan routes between the Atlas mountains and Lake Tsâd to pale beneath its bronze, for as sheikh of the most powerful piratical tribe in the Sahara, I have earned an unenviable notoriety as leader of The Breath of the Wind, while the Arabs themselves have bestowed upon my people three epithets which epitomise their psychology: Thieves, Hyenas, and Abandoned of Allah.


Trylogia nadmorska

Stefan Żeromski

Na cykl nazywany Trylogia nadmorska składają się następujące utwory: Wisła, Wiatr od morza i Międzymorze. Utwory te powstałych w wyniku zainteresowania pisarza historią i krajobrazem Pomorza. Najobszerniejszy z utworów Wiatr od morza ukazuje w wybranych epizodach dzieje Pomorza polskiego od czasów zamierzchłych po współczesność. Elementem wiążącym jest mitologiczna postać Smętka. Kompozycję całości oparł autor na dramatycznej opozycji dwóch ścierających się przez wieki porządków moralnych nienawiści i agresji, które przynoszą na te ziemie najeźdźcy (wikingowie, Krzyżacy, Niemcy), oraz spokojnej pracy, prawa i sprawiedliwości, które stara się tu utrwalić ludność słowiańska.



Jules Verne

In the story, the heroes of one of his most famous books about a trip to the moon, enterprising Americans, gather again to use their huge guns. But for what? In order for the recoil from the cannon to make the Earth bend a little, so that some lands are in other latitudes, warmer. The world community is concerned about this venture and is sluggishly opposing.